93 research outputs found

    Prevención y resolución de conflictos en la educación física : propuestas de actuación a partir de la vivencia en el CEIP Blasco Ibáñez

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs: 2014/2015En el presente trabajo se pretende abordar el problema del conflicto escolar que puede surgir en las escuelas de Educación Primaria. Centrándonos en aquello que acontece a la asignatura de Educación Física, sería interesante que la escuela utilizará los conflictos que surjan en su entorno, como una herramienta educativa más, ya que de esta manera el alumno podrá enfrentarse mejor a la vida en sociedad. Las acciones que decide realizar un docente durante su práctica deben ser meditadas, ya que dependiendo de las que elija provocarán unas consecuencias u otras. Por lo tanto, el maestro debe ser consciente que, en cierta manera, actúa de juez, organizando las normas y aplicándolas, mostrando de esta manera su currículum oculto. Mediante este proceder, el docente tiene que ser capaz de provocar aprendizajes en su alumnado, haciendo posible un cambio de actitud y de pensamiento a través de las experiencias que conllevan dichas situaciones. Así pues, a través de un estudio, se lleva a cabo una amplia revisión bibliográfica para crear protocolos capaces de provocar aprendizajes positivos en el alumnado y que ayuden al maestro a ser capaz de prevenir o de intervenir en dichos conflictos. En primer lugar, se presenta una amplia base teórica sobre qué entendemos por conflicto, así como también, sus causas y sus consecuencias en las sesiones de Educación Física. Seguidamente, se realiza un breve estudio sobre la legislación actual desde los diferentes niveles, estatal, autonómica y educativa, analizando las bases sobre las que se sustenta el trabajo del conflicto en las escuelas, ya que las actuaciones que se puedan llevar a cabo tendrán que entrar en el marco que trazan las normativas vigentes. Posteriormente, se amplía la revisión bibliográfica entorno a la prevención y a la resolución de conflictos, pues a partir de ella se elaboran tres propuestas de intervención. En la primera, se hace referencia a un conjunto de estrategias para la prevención de conflictos que pueden ser de utilidad para un docente. En las otras dos, se presentan estrategias para la resolución de conflictos, una será de utilidad para la actuación ante conflictos habituales en las sesiones de Educación Física, y la otra será eficaz para actuar ante conflictos derivados de juegos de competición

    Tourism and rural depopulation

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    Treball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021In this work, the evolution of rural tourism is analyzed through some variables such as the employment or the type of rural accommodation together with the depopulation of the interior areas of the Valencian Community providing opportunities and difficulties in rural areas. The analysis was conducted between the years 2010 and 2020. I also glimpse the emptied Spain and I analyze how the municipalities are distributed depending on the greater or lesser risk of depopulation in the different provinces of the Community. We will see how the northern part of the Community is more affected by the lack of population in its villages while employment and rural tourism in the Valencian territory do not follow the same trend

    Facilitating high resolution mass spectrometry data processing for screening of environmental water samples: An evaluation of two deconvolution tools

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    A screening approach was applied to influent and effluent wastewater samples. After injection in a LC-LTQ-Orbitrap, data analysis was performed using two deconvolution tools, MsXelerator (modules MPeaks and MS Compare) and Sieve 2.1. The outputs were searched incorporating an in-house database of more than 200 pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs or ChemSpider. This hidden target screening approach led to the detection of numerous compounds including the illicit drug cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine and the pharmaceuticals carbamazepine, gemfibrozil and losartan. The compounds found using both approaches were combined, and isotopic pattern and retention time prediction were used to filter out false positives. The remaining potential positives were reanalysed in MS/MS mode and their product ions were compared with literature and/or mass spectral libraries. The inclusion of the chemical database ChemSpider led to the tentative identification of several metabolites, including paraxanthine, theobromine, theophylline and carboxylosartan, as well as the pharmaceutical phenazone. The first three of these compounds are isomers and they were subsequently distinguished based on their product ions and predicted retention times. This work has shown that the use deconvolution tools facilitates non-target screening and enables the identification of a higher number of compoundsRichard Bade and Ana Causanilles acknowledge the European Union for their Early Stage Researcher (ESR) contracts as part of the EU-International Training Network SEWPROF (Marie Curie- PEOPLE Grant #317205) Part of this work was supported by the COST Action ES1307 “SCORE - Sewage biomarker analysis for community health assessment”. The financial support of Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo II 2014/023) and of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project ref CTQ2015-65603) is also acknowledged by the authors of University Jaume I

    Transformation and sorption of illicit drug biomarkers in sewer systems: understanding the role of suspended solids in raw wastewater

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    Sewer pipelines, although primarily designed for sewage transport, can also be considered as bioreactors. In-sewer processes may lead to significant variations of chemical loadings from source release points to the treatment plant influent. In this study, we assessed in-sewer utilization of growth substrates (primary metabolic processes) and transformation of illicit drug biomarkers (secondary metabolic processes) by suspended biomass. Sixteen drug biomarkers were targeted, including mephedrone, methadone, cocaine, heroin, codeine, and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and their major human metabolites. Batch experiments were performed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions using raw wastewater. Abiotic biomarker transformation and partitioning to suspended solids and reactor wall were separately investigated under both redox conditions. A process model was identified by combining and extending the Wastewater Aerobic/anaerobic Transformations in Sewers (WATS) model and Activated Sludge Model for Xenobiotics (ASM-X). Kinetic and stoichiometric model parameters were estimated using experimental data via the Bayesian optimization method DREAM(ZS). Results suggest that biomarker transformation significantly differs from aerobic to anaerobic conditions, and abiotic conversion is the dominant mechanism for many of the selected substances. Notably, an explicit description of biomass growth during batch experiments was crucial to avoid significant overestimation (up to 385%) of aerobic biotransformation rate constants. Predictions of in-sewer transformation provided here can reduce the uncertainty in the estimation of drug consumption as part of wastewater-based epidemiological studies

    Event Organization Agency specialised in the wine sector

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    Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques. Codi: PU0932. Curs acadèmic: 2022/2023We are Lumière, a company specialised in organising events in the wine sector. Formed by three members and founders, our entity is based in Valencia, from where we intend to make ourselves known at a national level. By carrying out this work, what we intend is to propose our business idea and demonstrate its viability. That is why we have followed different guidelines that we have established as necessary so that this whole concept is clear. In the first place, we defined the organisation of events itself and explained why we were interested in it. Apart from being experts in the field and having studied Advertising and RR.PP., this sector caught our attention because we understood that it could go hand in hand with experiences. Therefore, we wanted all our events to have a creative process behind them and in order to differentiate ourselves in some way, we created actions related to art and the five senses for our opening ceremony. In this way, attendees and potential clients could get to see what we are capable of and our level of versatility so they can trust us for future projects. Apart from this, we also have a business plan that shows our creative social responsibility plan, our budget, financing and fees, as well as a highly detailed communication and marketing plan, among other relevant points. To sum up, as Lumière, we fully trust this business creation proposal. Through this work we have been able to verify that it is a most feasible, effective and premeditated plan. We consider that we have covered all possible points to be discussed and that we have taken into account all kinds of variables. It is for this reason that Lumière will be a success