1,922 research outputs found

    Mathematical onsets concerning the determination of the optimum limit of the profitability on enterprises

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    Our paper presents an original method named The Optimum Limit of the Profitability (O.L.P.), for the characterization of the optimum physical output for one enterprise. On our research paper for the definition of this concept we have started with the exploration of the mathematical models which can mark out the correlation between the components of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability. Then we have pursued the maximization of the acquired incomes, in special given conditions, given by the value of the optimum sales, concurrent with the minimization of the expenditures afferent them. After some analysis and simulations we conclude that the mathematical models offered by the linear analysis would answer at all requirements of our research. The determination of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability by the linear programming method suppose the prosecution of the budget of the entire activity for one year divided in less periods of time (trimester divided in months ). Then, we present the steps succeeded for the elicitation of the The Optimum Limit of the Profitability using the mathematical models offered by the linear programming and the usefulness of this for the output of enterprise.output, incomes, costs, profitability, limit of the profitability, The Optimum Limit of the Profitability

    The political economy of decarbonisation: exploring the dynamics of South Africa’s electricity sector

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    South Africa’s coal-dominated electricity sector, a key feature of the country’s minerals-energy complex, is in crisis and subject to change. This offers potential opportunities for decarbonisation. Despite positive examples of decarbonisation in South Africa’s electricity sector, such as a procurement programme for renewable energy, there are structural path dependencies linked to coal-fired generation and security of supply. Decarbonisation goes far beyond what is technologically or even economically feasible, to encompass a complexity of political, social and economic factors. Meanwhile, decision-making in electricity is highly politicised and lack of transparency and power struggles in the policy sphere pose key challenges. Such power struggles are reflected in national debates over which technologies should be prioritised and the institutional arrangements that should facilitate them

    HELLS and PRDM9 Form a Pioneer Complex to Open Chromatin at Meiotic Recombination Hotspots: A Technological Perspective

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    Chromatin functions as a physical barrier regulating access to DNA, however pioneer factors are able to engage partial recognition motifs present within nucleosomal DNA to initiate access to specific DNA sequences. During spermatogenesis, genomic locations that become recombination hotspots are generally in regions of closed chromatin, or heterochromatin, before meiosis. However, in leptotene and zygotene stages of meiosis, PRDM9 marks nucleosomes at recombination hotspots with H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 and recruits other factors that deposit additional histone marks. Here I focus on the technological approaches by which we discovered that hotspots also transition from closed to open chromatin, dependent on the chromatin remodeler HELLS. HELLS and PRDM9 form a pioneer complex that targets hotspot sequences and provides access for the DNA double-strand break (DSB) machinery. Failure to reorganize chromatin at hotspots into an open conformation leads to DSBs at other open regions, such as promotors, causing a breakdown in recombination and cell death

    DNA sensing by electrocatalysis with hemoglobin

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    Electrocatalysis offers a means of electrochemical signal amplification, yet in DNA-based sensors, electrocatalysis has required high-density DNA films and strict assembly and passivation conditions. Here, we describe the use of hemoglobin as a robust and effective electron sink for electrocatalysis in DNA sensing on low-density DNA films. Protein shielding of the heme redox center minimizes direct reduction at the electrode surface and permits assays on low-density DNA films. Electrocatalysis with methylene blue that is covalently tethered to the DNA by a flexible alkyl chain linkage allows for efficient interactions with both the base stack and hemoglobin. Consistent suppression of the redox signal upon incorporation of a single cytosine-adenine (CA) mismatch in the DNA oligomer demonstrates that both the unamplified and the electrocatalytically amplified redox signals are generated through DNA-mediated charge transport. Electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is robust: It is stable to pH and temperature variations. The utility and applicability of electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is demonstrated through restriction enzyme detection, and an enhancement in sensitivity permits femtomole DNA sampling

    HIV/AIDS education and prevention outreach program for women

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    Creating an Outreach Program designed specifically for women and geared towards their needs as it relates to HIV/AIDS, supported by the Monterey County AIDS Project, a non-profit agency dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS


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    The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the relationship between secondary English learner students’ perspectives of effective teacher practices and how these practices contribute to their self-efficacy in the content area of social studies. As reported by the National Association of Education Progress secondary English learners completed high school at a rate sixty-three percent when compared to the national rate of eighty-two percent in 2017. Comparatively, in New York the statewide graduation rate for these two groups was thirty-seven and seventy-eight percent. In New York State social studies is the only content area where high school students are required to complete two history Regents exams and five social studies courses. In consideration of the commencement criteria and the unique challenges of learning content with culturally embedded terminology in a new language, instruction designed and implemented for the secondary English learner in social studies must equip the learner with the supports necessary to withstand the exacting demands placed upon them to graduate. Participants in this study were drawn from two high schools in New York State. Six students and two teachers were interviewed. The two teachers’ classrooms were also observed. The data collected from student and teacher interviews and classroom observations pertained to the use of culturally responsive pedagogy, the cognitive academic language learning approach and specifically designed academic instruction in English. This study’s significance is grounded in the theory that student self-efficacy in social studies is tied to reading ability and the comprehension of subject matter placing proficiency in content-based literacy at the forefront of student motivation and achievement. This study is significant because it offers educators and researchers an account of secondary English learners’ experiences learning content through approaches and frameworks specifically designed to address their needs. This study will supply researchers and practitioners with valuable insight into which practices increase self-efficacy thus increasing student motivation to succeed in this content area. This information can be used by teachers to design instruction that will lead to higher achievement in school so students are willing to endure their academic programs and earn a high school diploma

    Expert Cognition During Proof Construction Using the Principle of Mathematical Induction

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the observable cognitive processes of experts in mathematics while they work on proof-construction activities using the Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI). Graduate student participants in the study worked on ``nonstandard mathematical induction problems that did not involve algebraic identities or finite sums. This study identified some of the problem solving-strategies used by the participants during a Cognitive Task Analysis (Feldon, 2007) as well as epistemological obstacles they encountered while working with PMI. After the Cognitive Task Analysis, the graduate students participated in two semi-structured interviews. These interviews explored graduate students\u27 beliefs about proofs and proof techniques and situates their use of PMI within the contexts of these beliefs. Two primary theoretical frameworks were used to analyze participant cognition and the qualitative data collected. First, the study used Action, Process, Object, Schema (APOS) Theory (Asiala et al., 1996) to to study and analyze the participants\u27 conceptual understanding of the technique of mathematical induction and to test a preliminary genetic decomposition adapted from previous studies on PMI (Dubinsky \& Lewin 1996, 1999; Garcia-Martinez & Parraguez, 2017). Second, an Expert Knowledge Framework (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 1999; Shepherd & Sande, 2014) was used to classify the participants\u27 responses to the semi-structured interview questions according to several characteristics of expertise. The study identified several results which (1) give insight to the mental constructions used by mathematical experts when solving problem involving PMI; (2) offer some implications for improving the instruction of PMI in introductory proofs classrooms; and (3) provide results that allow for future comparison between expert and novice mathematical learners

    Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan & Tingkat Suku Bunga SBI Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan BUMN Dan BUMD Yang Listing Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the effect of Earning Per Share, Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Price to Earnings Ratio, Dividend Payiut Ratio, and Rate Interest Rates on stock prices at state-owned companies and enterprises that are listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sample of this study using 11 state-owned companies and enterprises that have listings on the Stock Exchange in the period 2006-2010. The data used in this study using secondary data and data analysis techniques in the study using SPSS software (Statistical Package For Social Science) version which consists of testing 13:00 Descriptive statistics, the classical assumptions (normality test, multicollinearity test, test and test heterokedastisitas Autocorrelation) Multiple linear regression test, and test R2 (coefficient of determination). The results of hypothesis testing using t test can be concluded that the Earning Per Share significant influence on stock prices, while the Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Price to Earnings Ratio, Dividend Payout Ratio, and Interest Rates SBI had no effect on stock prices