158 research outputs found


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    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are known for their potential use as biofertilizers, which can help to reduce the need and cost for synthetic fertilizers. The distribution and quantification of three PGPR in association with corn (Zea mays L.) was determined by the detection of chaperoninQO genes through real-time quantitative PCR. Sphingobacterium canadense, Azospirillum zeae, and Gluconacetobacter azotocaptans were detected at concentrations approaching 106 CFU/g in root tissues and rhizosphere soils in corn-growing regions of Ontario and QueĢbec. Three additional bacterial isolates were recovered from corn rhizosphere soil and roots then identified via colony PCR. Greenhouse trials of all six bacteria as seed inoculants yielded no significant promotion of growth in corn. This study indicated that S. canadense, A. zeae, and G. azotocaptans were detected in locations where previously unknown to be, new PGPR can be isolated, and that a variety of potential PGPR inoculants failed to promote corn growth

    The association between church attendance and psychological health in Northern Ireland : a national representative survey among adults allowing for sex differences and denominational difference

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    This study extends previous research concerning the association between religion and psychological health in six ways: (1) by focusing clearly on religious attendance (church attendance); (2) by employing a robust measure of psychological distress (GHQ-12); (3) by studying a highly religious culture (Northern Ireland); (4) by taking sex differences into account (male or female); (5) by taking denominational differences into account (Catholic or Protestant); (6) and by obtaining a national representative sample (N = 4,281 adults aged 16 and above). Results from a 2 (sex) by 2 (denomination) ANCOVA demonstrated that Catholics recorded significantly lower levels of psychological health compared to Protestants, and that females showed significantly lower levels of psychological health compared to males. In addition, females reported higher frequency of religious service attendance than males, and Catholics reported higher attendance rates than Protestants. A significant positive association was found between frequency of religious attendance and GHQ-12 scores, and this association was moderated by sex and denomination. In conclusion, the results suggest that there may be sex and denominational differences in further understanding the relationship between frequency of religious attendance and psychological health

    La coordination parentale auprĆØs des familles sĆ©parĆ©es Ć  haut niveau de conflit : perspective de l'enfant et coparentalitĆ©

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    Cette recherche a vu le jour grĆ¢ce Ć  la contribution financiĆØre du MinistĆØre de la justice du QuĆ©bec, du Centre jeunesse de MontrĆ©al, du Fonds quĆ©bĆ©cois de recherche en sciences sociales (FQRSC) et de l'ARUC, volet sĆ©paration parentale et recomposition familiale.La coordination parentale est une intervention sā€™adressant aux parents seĢpareĢs vivant des conflits seĢveĢ€res et persistants et dont lā€™un des objectifs premiers est de proteĢger lā€™enfant en favorisant une meilleure communication parentale et une reĢduction du niveau de conflit. MalgreĢ lā€™utilisation de plus en plus reĢpandue de cette meĢthode alternative de reĢsolution des conflits, peu de recherches empiriques ont eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢes afin de mesurer ses impacts sur les familles viseĢes. Les quelques eĢtudes empiriques recenseĢes se sont principalement inteĢresseĢes aĢ€ lā€™impact de la coordination parentale sur lā€™utilisation du systeĢ€me judiciaire. Lā€™objectif de cette theĢ€se est dā€™eĢlargir les connaissances sur les retombeĢes de ce mode dā€™intervention sur les enfants, les premiers aĢ€ souffrir des conflits parentaux. La preĢsente theĢ€se est composeĢe de quatre articles, dont trois sont des eĢtudes empiriques. Le premier article consiste en un releveĢ de la litteĢrature sur les meĢthodes alternatives de reĢsolution des conflits (MARC) sā€™adressant aux parents seĢpareĢs, avec une attention particulieĢ€re aux MARCs ciblant les besoins particuliers des parents preĢsentant un haut niveau de conflit (HNC) ou des conflits seĢveĢ€res de seĢparation 1 . La plupart des eĢtudes effectueĢes sur les interventions recenseĢes, dont la coordination parentale, font eĢtat de reĢsultats prometteurs. Toutefois dā€™autres recherches dans le domaine seront neĢcessaires afin de documenter lā€™efficaciteĢ des interventions speĢcialiseĢes dans les situations de haut conflit post-seĢparation, la plupart dā€™entre elles eĢtant des initiatives reĢcentes. Les articles 2, 3 et 4 ont eĢteĢ eĢcrits suite aĢ€ la reĢalisation dā€™un projet pilote de coordination parentale ayant eu lieu aĢ€ la Cour supeĢrieure de MontreĢal entre 2012 et 2014 et incluent aĢ€ la fois des reĢsultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs. Durant ce projet pilote novateur, 10 familles vivant des conflits seĢveĢ€res de seĢparation ont recĢ§u des services gratuits de coordination parentale. Le deuxieĢ€me article sā€™inteĢresse particulieĢ€rement aĢ€ la perspective de lā€™enfant dont la famille a pris part aĢ€ une intervention de coordination parentale. Les reĢsultats aux instruments administreĢs preĢ et post intervention font eĢtat de tendances inteĢressantes, bien que non significatives, quant aĢ€ une reĢduction de lā€™intensiteĢ du conflit parental suite aĢ€ la coordination parentale. Une analyse theĢmatique des propos de lā€™enfant recueillis aĢ€ lā€™aide dā€™une entrevue semi-structureĢe a eĢgalement permis dā€™identifier des facteurs ayant contribueĢ aĢ€ une expeĢrience positive ou neĢgative de lā€™enfant en coordination parentale. Le troisieĢ€me article porte sur la voix de lā€™enfant en coordination parentale en consideĢrant la perspective des parents, des coordinateurs parentaux (CPs) et des enfants. Lā€™analyse theĢmatique du discours des diffeĢrents participants a permis dā€™identifier quā€™une treĢ€s grande majoriteĢ dā€™entre eux souhaitent quā€™une place soit faite aĢ€ lā€™enfant au sein de cette intervention. Les principales raisons eĢvoqueĢes pour justifier cette implication de lā€™enfant sont rapporteĢes. Finalement, le quatrieĢ€me article traite de la question de la coparentaliteĢ post-seĢparation et des impacts potentiels que la coordination parentale pourrait avoir sur celle-ci. Les donneĢes quantitatives obtenues indiquent une absence de changement preĢ-post quant au style de coparentaliteĢ pour la majoriteĢ des parents. Toutefois, les analyses qualitatives indiquent la preĢsence de changements positifs, mais plus subtils, sur le plan de la coparentaliteĢ qui pourraient avoir eu un effet indirect sur le bien-eĢ‚tre de lā€™enfant.Parenting coordination is a specialized intervention designed for separated parents who are experiencing severe and persistent conflict. Its foremost objective is to protect children by promoting effective parental communication and reducing the level of conflict. Although the practice of this alternative dispute resolution method is increasing rapidly, little research has been done in order to document its impacts on the families targeted. The few empirical studies identified mainly focus on the influence of parenting coordination on relitigation and involvement in the justice system. The ambition of this thesis is to increase the knowledge on the impacts of parenting coordination on children. This thesis comprises four articles, three of which are empirical studies. The first article is a literature review of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods for separated parents, with a focus on ADR processes that specifically address high-conflict dynamics. Many of the pioneering interventions identified in the article, including parenting coordination, are starting to be supported by empirical evidence and show promising results. However, more research will be necessary to increase knowledge on the efficacy of these interventions, most of them being recent initiatives. Articles 2, 3, and 4 were written following a parenting coordination pilot project that took place at the Montreal Superior Courthouse between 2012 and 2014 and include both quantitative and qualitative results. As a part of this innovative pilot project, 10 families experiencing high conflict following separation received free parenting coordination services. The second article focuses on the perspective of children whose family took part in parenting coordination. Results to pre and post measures show interesting tendencies (albeit not statistically significant) indicating a decrease in the intensity of parental conflict following parenting coordination. Interviews with the children were also very informative in identifying factors that contributed to a positive or a negative perception of the parenting coordination process. The voice of the child in parenting coordination, i.e. the involvement of the child in the intervention, is addressed in the third article, combining the perspectives of the parents, the parenting coordinators (PCs) and the children themselves on the topic. The thematic analysis reveals a great majority hold the belief that children should have a say in parenting coordination and should be involved to some degree. The reasoning behind the perspectives of parents, children, and PCs is examined. Finally, the fourth article addresses how parenting coordination may have an impact on the post-separation coparenting style adopted by the parents. Quantitative results show no change in coparenting style between the beginning and end of parenting coordination. However, the qualitative analysis shows subtle but positive change in coparenting that may have an indirect effect on child well-being

    Implementation of a Parenting Coordination Pilot Project in Montreal, Canada: What Did We Learn?

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    For parents who experience high conflict following their separation or divorce, the various psychosocial and legal services provided by the government of Quebec or in the private sector have proven to be inadequate, resulting in an over-dependence on the court system and child protective services to provide solutions. In response to this social dilemma, the Quebec Ministry of Justice agreed in 2012 to fund a pilot project to determine if parenting coordination could provide some relief to the families and to the judicial system. A research team also had the mandate to evaluate the extent to which parenting coordination could eventually be integrated with other services being offered in both the public and private sectors. Between 2012 and 2014, ten families were followed by two parenting coordinators for a period ranging from six to 18 months. This article will present the interdisciplinary model put forward in the implementation of a parental coordination project, some highlights of the results of this pilot project and the recommendations that ensued.

    The gut microbiota and the liver. Pathophysiological and clinical implications

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    peer-reviewedThe term microbiota is used to describe the complete population of microorganisms that populate a certain location, such as the gut, and is preferred to the term flora as the former incorporates not just bacteria but also archaea, viruses, and other microorganisms, such as protozoa. Though the potential role of the microbiota (through such concepts as ā€˜ā€˜the putrefactive principle associated with faecesā€™ā€™ and ā€˜ā€˜intestinal toxinsā€™ā€™) in the pathogenesis of systemic disorders has been recognized since antiquity, a firm scientific basis for a role for the gut microbiome in liver disease did not emerge until the middle of the last century with the recognition of the relationship between hepatic coma and the absorption of nitrogenous substances from the intestine [1]. This was followed by the description of abundant coliforms in the small intestine of cirrhotics [2] and the role of bacteria was clinched by trials demonstrating that antibiotics led to clinical improvement in hepatic encephalopathy (HE) [3]. Subsequently, these same gut-derived bacteria were implicated in another complication of chronic liver disease and portal hypertension, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Most recently, more credence has been given to a suggestion that has lingered in the background for decades, namely, that the gut microbiota might play a role in the pathogenesis or progression of certain liver diseases, including alcoholic liver disease [4], non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) [5], total parenteral nutrition (TPN)/intestinal failure-related liver disease (IFALD) [6], and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) [7], either through the direct effects of bacteria or their products, via inflammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor a (TNF), whose release had been triggered by constituents of the microbiota, or, as in the case of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), through cross-reactivity between microbial antigens and human tissue components (e.g., atypical anti-nuclear cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA), in PSC, recognize both tubulin beta isoform 5 in human neutrophils, and the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ) [8]. Indeed, inflammatory mediators have also been implicated in the development and maintenance of the hyperdynamic circulation that is a feature of portal hypertension [9], in impairing liver function and contributing to haemostatic failure [10]. It is in these contexts that modulation of the microbiota has emerged as a potential therapeutic strategy in the management of liver diseas

    A psychosocial model of drinking amongst young people and the effects of brief interventions.

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    The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is an attitude-behaviour model that has received considerable research attention for a plethora of health topics. However, it has received little attention in the alcohol use arena among young people, particularly adolescents. The main aim of the thesis is to test the 'augmented model of the TPB that encapsulates more theory driven conceptualisations of the social norm component. The behaviour of interest is alcohol consumption. The second aim of the thesis is to utilise and test the effectiveness of brief interventions. The population of interest is young people - namely university undergraduates and adolescents. The thesis is divided into two broad sections. First, two studies that provide data to support the usefulness of the TPB as a predictor of alcohol consumption intentions and behaviour are reported. Evidence is submitted supporting the inclusion of wider conceptualisations of the social norm component to aid in the prediction of this behaviour, as well as for the inclusion of past behaviour as an important determinant of future behaviour. The data support the distinction between behavioural intentions and behavioural willingness for younger and older adolescents. Second, the effectiveness of brief intervention studies is reported. The primary aim of the interventions was to reduce alcohol consumption in adolescents and undergraduates. A secondary aim of the research was to utilise the augmented TPB as an evaluation tool to establish how effective interventions work. The first intervention study examined the effect of personalised feedback in reducing the number of weekly units consumed among university undergraduates, whilst exploring the role of social cognition variables as moderators of efficacy. Although the feedback intervention was effective at reducing behaviour, contrary to predictions, social cognition variables did not moderate the intervention; however, past behaviour was shown to moderate the relationship between condition and behaviour scores. The second intervention study examined the effect of resistance skills training in reducing drinking behaviour among adolescents. It was shown that none of the augmented TPB variables were mediators. The conclusions that can be drawn from these studies and their implications for the existing research literature are discussed

    Bifidobacterium breve with Ī±-Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid Alters Fatty Acid Metabolism in the Maternal Separation Model of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    peer-reviewedThe aim of this study was to compare the impact of dietary supplementation with a Bifidobacterium breve strain together with linoleic acid & Ī±-linolenic acid, for 7 weeks, on colonic sensitivity and fatty acid metabolism in rats. Maternally separated and non-maternally separated Sprague Dawley rats (n = 15) were orally gavaged with either B. breve DPC6330 (109 microorganisms/day) alone or in combination with 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid & 0.5% (w/w) Ī±-linolenic acid, daily for 7 weeks and compared with trehalose and bovine serum albumin. Tissue fatty acid composition was assessed by gas-liquid chromatography and visceral hypersensitivity was assessed by colorectal distension. Significant differences in the fatty acid profiles of the non-separated controls and maternally separated controls were observed for Ī±-linolenic acid and arachidonic acid in the liver, oleic acid and eicosenoic acid (c11) in adipose tissue, and for palmitoleic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in serum (p<0.05). Administration of B. breve DPC6330 to MS rats significantly increased palmitoleic acid, arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in the liver, eicosenoic acid (c11) in adipose tissue and palmitoleic acid in the prefrontal cortex (p<0.05), whereas feeding B. breve DPC6330 to non separated rats significantly increased eicosapentaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid in serum (p<0.05) compared with the NS un-supplemented controls. Administration of B. breve DPC6330 in combination with linoleic acid and Ī±-linolenic acid to maternally separated rats significantly increased docosapentaenoic acid in the serum (p<0.01) and Ī±-linolenic acid in adipose tissue (p<0.001), whereas feeding B. breve DPC6330 with fatty acid supplementation to non-separated rats significantly increased liver and serum docosapentaenoic acid (p<0.05), and Ī±-linolenic acid in adipose tissue (p<0.001). B. breve DPC6330 influenced host fatty acid metabolism. Administration of B. breve DPC6330 to maternally separated rats significantly modified the palmitoleic acid, arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid contents in tissues. The effect was not observed in non-separated animals.This work was supported by the Science Foundation of Ireland ā€“ funded Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology, the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre

    Inhibition of Ī±vĪ²5 Integrin Attenuates Vascular Permeability and Protects against Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

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    Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is a leading cause of AKI. This common clinical complication lacks effective therapies and can lead to the development of CKD. The Ī±vĪ²5 integrin may have an important role in acute injury, including septic shock and acute lung injury. To examine its function in AKI, we utilized a specific function-blocking antibody to inhibit Ī±vĪ²5 in a rat model of renal IRI. Pretreatment with this anti-Ī±vĪ²5 antibody significantly reduced serum creatinine levels, diminished renal damage detected by histopathologic evaluation, and decreased levels of injury biomarkers. Notably, therapeutic treatment with the Ī±vĪ²5 antibody 8 hours after IRI also provided protection from injury. Global gene expression profiling of post-ischemic kidneys showed that Ī±vĪ²5 inhibition affected established injury markers and induced pathway alterations previously shown to be protective. Intravital imaging of post-ischemic kidneys revealed reduced vascular leak with Ī±vĪ²5 antibody treatment. Immunostaining for Ī±vĪ²5 in the kidney detected evident expression in perivascular cells, with negligible expression in the endothelium. Studies in a three-dimensional microfluidics system identified a pericyte-dependent role for Ī±vĪ²5 in modulating vascular leak. Additional studies showed Ī±vĪ²5 functions in the adhesion and migration of kidney pericytes in vitro Initial studies monitoring renal blood flow after IRI did not find significant effects with Ī±vĪ²5 inhibition; however, future studies should explore the contribution of vasomotor effects. These studies identify a role for Ī±vĪ²5 in modulating injury-induced renal vascular leak, possibly through effects on pericyte adhesion and migration, and reveal Ī±vĪ²5 inhibition as a promising therapeutic strategy for AKI

    Hybrid selfā€assembling peptide/gelatin methacrylate (gelma) bioink blend for improved bioprintability and primary myoblast response

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    Organ fabrication as the solution to renewable donor demands requires the ability to spatially deposit viable cells into biologically relevant constructs necessitating reliable and effective cell deposition through bioprinting and the subsequent ability to mature. However, effective bioink development demands advances in both printability and control of cellular response. Effective bioinks are designed to retain shape fidelity, influence cellular behavior, having bioactive morphologies stiffness and highly hydrated environment. Hybrid hydrogels are promising candidates as they reduce the need to reā€engineer materials for tissueā€specific properties, with each component offering beneficial properties. Herein, a multicomponent bioink is developed whereby gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) and fluorenylmethoxycarbonyprotected selfā€assembling peptides (Fmocā€SAPs) undergo coassembly to yield a tuneable bioink. This study shows that the reported fibronectinā€inspired fmocā€SAPs present cell attachment epitopes RGD and PHSRN in the form of bioactive nanofibers and that the GelMA enables superior printability, stability in media, and controlled mechanical properties. Importantly, when in the hybrid format, no disruption to either the methacrylate crosslinking of GelMA, or selfā€assembled peptide fibril formation is observed. Finally, studies with primary myoblasts show over 98% viability at 72ā€‰h and differentiation into fused myotubes at one and two weeks demonstrate the utility of the material as a functional bioink for muscle engineering. In this work, muscle tissue is 3Dā€bioprinted with a novel bioink formulation. The bioink presents fibrous bioactive properties of the body's native scaffold, while also improving biofabrication outcomes. Selfā€assembling peptides are combined with GelMA creating a hybrid bioink. This work sets the stage for future hybrid bioinks for muscle biofabrication
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