54 research outputs found

    The sources of granitic melt in Deep Hot Zones

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    A Deep Hot Zone develops when numerous mafic sills are repeatedly injected at Moho depth or are scattered in the lower crust. The melt generation is numerically modelled for mafic sill emplacement geometries by overaccretion, underaccretion or random emplacement, and for intrusion rates of 2, 5 and 10 mm/yr. After an incubation period, melts are generated by incomplete crystallisation of the mafic magma and by partial melting of the crust. The first melts generated are residual from the mafic magmas that have low solidi due to concentration of H2O in the residual liquids. Once the solidus of the crust is reached, the ratio of crustal partial melt to residual melt increases to a maximum. If wet mafic magma, typical of arc environments, is injected in an amphibolitic crust, the residual melt is dominant over the partial melt, which implies that the generation of I-type granites is dominated by the crystallisation of mafic magma originated from the mantle and not by the partial melting of earlier underplated material. High ratios of crustal partial melt over residual melt are reached when sills are scattered in a metasedimentary crust, allowing the generation of S-type granites. The partial melting of a refractory granulitic crust intruded by dry, high-T mafic magma is limited and subordinate to the production of larger amount of residual melt in the mafic sills. Thus the generation of A-type granites by partial melting of a refractory crust would require a mechanism of selective extraction of the A-type mel

    Formation and dynamics of magma reservoirs

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    International audienceThe emerging concept of a magma reservoir is one in which regions containing melt extend from the source of magma generation to the surface. The reservoir may contain regions of very low fraction intergranular melt, partially molten rock (mush) and melt lenses (or magma chambers) containing high melt fraction eruptible magma, as well as pockets of exsolved magmatic fluids. The various parts of the system may be separated by a sub-solidus rock or be connected and continuous. Magma reservoirs and their wall rocks span a vast array of rheological properties, covering as much as 25 orders of magnitude from high viscosity, sub-solidus crustal rocks to magmatic fluids. Time scales of processes within magma reservoirs range from very slow melt and fluid segregation within mush and magma chambers and deformation of surrounding host rocks to very rapid development of magma and fluid instability, transport and eruption. Developing a comprehensive model of these systems is a grand challenge that will require close collaboration between modellers, geophysicists, geochemists, geologists, volcanologists and petrologists. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Magma reservoir architecture and dynamics'

    Implications of incremental emplacement of magma bodies for magma differentiation, thermal aureole dimensions and plutonism–volcanism relationships

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    Field observations and geophysical data indicate that many igneous bodies grow by amalgamation of successive magma pulses that commonly take the shape of horizontal sheets (sills). Emplacement styles and emplacement rates of magma bodies have fundamental implications on magma differentiation, country rock metamorphism and assimilation, and for the formation of large magma chambers in the upper crust. When a magma body begins to grow by slow accretion of sills, each successive intrusion solidifies before the injection of the next one. When the system is thermally mature, sill temperatures equilibrate above the solidus, melts accumulate and older sills can re-melt. The time needed for each magma injection to cool down and equilibrate with its surrounding is short relatively to the total emplacement time of the body. The transition from a mafic crystal-poor magma to a partially molten rock that retains a highly differentiated melt is fast, whereas the resulting evolved residual melt can reside in the crust for protracted periods. As long as temperatures in the system are relatively low, highly differentiated melts are generated, which may explain the bi-modal character and the absence of intermediate compositions in some magmatic provinces. The level of emplacement of successive magma pulses controls the shape of the thermal anomaly associated with the magma body growth. Metamorphism, partial melting and assimilation of the country rock are favoured if successive magma sheets are emplaced at or close to the country rock–magma body boundary. If the magma emplacement rate is low, the size of the thermal aureole is controlled by the size of one pulse and not by the size of the entire igneous body. Understanding emplacement of magma bodies is fundamental for our understanding of the plutonism– volcanism relationship. Magma emplacement rates of several centimetres per year are needed for a magma body to evolve into a large magma chamber able to feed large silicic explosive eruptions. The time-averaged emplacement rates of plutons are lower than this critical emplacement rate. Eruptions of 100s to 1000s cubic kilometres of silicic products show that such high volumes of magmas can accumulate in the upper crust. This suggests that the emplacement of magma bodies is a multi-timescale process with the development of large magma chambers corresponding to the highest magma fluxes. Because they control magmatic processes and the impact of magma intrusion on the country rock, future studies should focus on magma emplacement rates and on magma emplacement geometries. These studies should integrate field observation on plutons and geophysical data on active magmatic systems, coupled with laboratory experiments and numerical simulations

    From plutons to magma chambers: Thermal constraints on the accumulation of eruptible silicic magma in the upper crust

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    In order to provide new insights into the relationship between plutonism and volcanism, numerical simulations involving heat transfer computation were used to estimate the conditions required for the formation of large magma chambers within plutons that grow by vertical stacking of sills. Large magma chambers can develop within plutons if sill accretion rates exceed 10−2 m/yr. For 10 km thick plutons, the volumes of eruptible magma are large enough to feed the most voluminous silicic explosive eruptions only if magma fluxes exceed 10−2 km3/yr. Emplacement rates required for the formation of a crystal mush from which a melt layer could be extracted by compaction are only slightly lower than the emplacement rates required to directly forming reservoirs of magma that are hot enough to be eruptible. The long-term average pluton emplacement rates inferred from the geochronological data (10−3 m/yr) are too low to allow for the formation of large magma chambers. However, some shallow laccoliths were emplaced much more rapidly and super-eruptions of 103 km3 of ignimbrites associated with caldera collapse are evidence of the existence of large shallow magma chambers. Taken together, magma fluxes estimated on the basis of geochronological data on plutons and laccoliths, and on the basis of current large-scale deformation in magmatic provinces, the occurrence of super-eruptions, and the results of numerical simulation suggest that the growth of plutons is a multi-timescale process with large magma chambers developing during the episodes of highest magma fluxes

    Factors Affecting the Thickness of Thermal Aureoles

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    Intrusions of magma induce thermal aureoles in the country rock. Analytical solutions predict that the thickness of an aureole is proportional to the thickness of the intrusion. However, in the field, thermal aureoles are often significantly thinner or wider than predicted by simple thermal models. Numerical models show that thermal aureoles are wider if the heat transfer in the magma is faster than in the country rock due to contrasts in thermal diffusivities or the effect of magma convection. Large thermal aureoles can also be caused by repeated injection close to the contact. Aureoles are thin when heat transfer in the country rock is faster than heat transfer within the magma or in case of incrementally, slowly emplaced magma. Absorption of latent heat due to metamorphic reactions or water volatilization also affects thermal aureoles but to a lesser extent. The way these parameters affect the thickness of a thermal aureole depends on the isotherm under consideration, hence on which metamorphic phase is used to draw the limit of the aureole. Thermal aureoles provide insight on the dynamics of intrusions emplacement. Although available examples are limited, asymmetric aureoles point to magma emplacement by over-accretion for mafic cases and by under-accretion for felsic cases, consistent with geochronological data

    Thermal constraints on the emplacement rate of e large intrusive complex : the Manaslu Leucogranite, Nepal Himalaya.

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    International audienceThe emplacement of the Manaslu leucogranite body (Nepal, Himalaya) has been modelled as the accretion of successive sills. The leucogranite is characterized by isotopic heterogeneities suggesting limited magma convection, and by a thin (<100 m) upper thermal aureole. These characteristics were used to constrain the maximum magma emplacement rate. Models were tested with sills injected regularly over the whole duration of emplacement and with two emplacement sequences separated by a repose period. Additionally, the hypothesis of a tectonic top contact, with unroofing limiting heat transfer during magma emplacement, was evaluated. In this latter case, the upper limit for the emplacement rate was estimated at 3·4 mm/year (or 1·5 Myr for 5 km of granite). Geological and thermobarometric data, however, argue against a major role of fault activity in magma cooling during the leucogranite emplacement. The best model in agreement with available geochronological data suggests an emplacement rate of 1 mm/year for a relatively shallow level of emplacement (granite top at 10 km), uninterrupted by a long repose period. The thermal aureole temperature and thickness, and the isotopic heterogeneities within the leucogranite, can be explained by the accretion of 20–60 m thick sills intruded every 20 000–60 000 years over a period of 5 Myr. Under such conditions, the thermal effects of granite intrusion on the underlying rocks appear limited and cannot be invoked as a cause for the formation of migmatites
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