1,001 research outputs found

    On inverse subsemigroups of the semigroup of orientation-preserving or orientation-reversing transformations

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    It is well-known [16] that the semigroup Tn of all total transformations of a given n-element set Xn is covered by its inverse subsemigroups. This note provides a short and direct proof, based on properties of digraphs of transformations, that every inverse subsemigroup of order-preserving transformations on a finite chain Xn is a semilattice of idempotents, and so the semigroup of all order-preserving transformations of Xn is not covered by its inverse subsemigroups. This result is used to show that the semigroup of all orientation-preserving transformations and the semigroup of all orientation-preserving or orientation-reversing transformations of the chain Xn are covered by their inverse subsemigroups precisely when n≤3

    Comparison of compression stockings in the laboratory and by wear trial

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    This work is about compression stockings and their influence on the human body together with the sportive performance. In this paper the basics of compression in the medical area as well as in the sportive field will be presented. Five compression stockings were tested. In order to choose the right socks, a detailed inquiry about the currently available compression stockings on the market was conducted. The stockings were tested with the dynamometer and pressure sensor in the laboratory and furthermore all the socks were tested by running trials in the gym on the treadmill. The most important details and facts as well as the results of the laboratory investigations and the running tests will be presented in this paper.This work was financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Program - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136

    Property evaluation of diabetic socks used to prevent diabetic foot syndrome

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    Diabetes is a chronic disease which is increasing during the past years. Studies state that in 2025 the number of patients around the world will approximately be the double. Due to the complications promoted by diabetes, the patient looses sensitivity, but at the same time injuries are more complicated to be healed. Special care must take place with diabetic feet, namely by using proper shoes and socks, in order to avoid exceeding friction, sudation, high temperature, among other relevant factors. One of the most serious problems for diabetic patients is called diabetic foot syndrome, that when neglected, can become dramatic, because in extreme cases, amputation of the foot may occur. In this research we studied several socks, made with new and advanced materials and diversified knitted structures, focusing on socks commercially available and specially designed for diabetic patients, in order to understand what would be the most adequate combination of structure and fibres that would give the adequate results in terms of l properties using different equipment and to foreseen the possibility of indicating the most appropriate material/sock for the different existing diabetic foot syndromes.(undefined

    Comparison and testing of compression stockings for sport activities in the laboratory

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    This work is about comparing and testing compression stockings and their influence on the human body. In this paper the basics of compression in the medical area as well as in the sportive field will be presented. The sportive compression works the same way like the compression therapy of the medicine area and has the same conditions for a healthy and correctly using. The sportswear with compression effect has an anatomically adjusted pressure profile, which based on a pair of pants, is most powerful at the ankle and decreases continuously up to the thigh. The closer one gets to the heart, the less pressure is required. There are many different types of socks for specific sport fields and it does not matter if it is an outdoor or indoor sport or for summer or winter. Five compression stockings were tested. In order to choose the right socks, a detailed inquiry about the currently available compression stockings on the market was conducted. The stockings were tested with several testing equipment existing in our facilities of the Center of Textile Sciences and Technology. The lab tests show that the stockings B and D has the best performance. The weakest in all test is stocking E. We can conclude that the compression effect of the stockings stabilizes the muscles and because of this the musculature isn´t so much stressed, increasing the recovery of the muscles.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Program - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136

    Development of a new outdoor sport shirt using a thermal manikin under different climatic conditions

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    [Excerpt] Introduction: Humans are endothermic organisms and have much higher basal energy consumption, which is mainly necessary to keep their body temperature constant within a wide range of different environmental temperatures. The human body temperature is around 37 °C in the body core such as cranial, thoracic, abdominal cavities and in the extremities, the temperature is lower (28-36°C) [1]. Especially in active sports, the muscles produce heat from metabolic activity and this causes greatest thermal stress during exercise. [...]This work was supported by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Program (COMPETE) and by national funds through FCT–Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136. We would like to thank Nadine Häußermann and Silke Küblbeck for their kind support

    Tecnologia seamless: perspetivas futuras

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    Cada vez mais, a velocidade e a flexibilidade se tornam fatores essenciais para a satisfação dos desejos e das necessidades dos consumidores. Para vencer a corrida contra o tempo e a necessidade de diferenciação, o design de moda busca cada vez mais alicerces nas tecnologias, sendo a Seamless uma das disponíveis e ainda com vasto potencial de expansão. A partir da compreensão do fenômeno da tecnologia seamless, este trabalho contempla a investigação com foco em vestuário exterior, através da apresentação e análise de dados primários.Every time more, the speed and flexibility become key factors for the desires satisfaction and needs of consumers. To win the race against time and the need for differentiation, fashion design aims more foundations in technology, being the Seamless one of the available technologies, yet with a vast potential of expansion. From the understanding of the seamless technology phenomenon, this communication includes the results o a research work with a focus on outwear, through the presentation and analysis of primary data

    Evaluating the effect of air temperature change on thermal insulation of outdoor sports shirt via thermal manikin in constant heat flux simulating exercise

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    [Excerpt] In the present experimental research, the thermal insulation of an outdoor sports’ shirt was evaluated considering constant heat flux simulating exercise. The shirt was produced using a seamless weft knitting machine by combining different yarns and knitting structures in different parts of the shirt (Figure 1). The tests were conducted by a thermal manikin and the manikin regulation mode was chosen as constant heat flux (CHF) mode. The thermal manikin is divided in 20 thermally independent body sections. The tests were set according to “ISO 15831: Clothing - Physiological effects - Measurement of thermal insulation by means of a thermal manikin”. The manikin was slightly above the floor (0,10 m) in a standing position during the measurements. The dry heat flow from the manikin´s skin surface area through the clothing into the ambient air was measured. [...]This work was supported by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Program - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136. We would like to thank Nadine Häußermann and Silke Küblbeck for their kind support

    Tecnologia seamless: inovação em malhas

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    Nos últimos anos a moda transformou-se num importante fenômeno, no contexto sociocultural e econômico. No entanto, a idéia da roupa de malha ser um agente da moda tem recebido menos atenção. A conjugação entre o design de moda e o design de superfície, aliados à tecnologia seamless, constitui um caminho a ser explorado para a inovação no vestuário em malha.n recent years fashion has become an important phenomenon in the economic and social-cultural context. However, the idea of knitwear to be a fashion agent has received less attention. The conjugation between fashion design and surface design, allied to seamless technology, may constitute an approach to be explored for the purpose of innovation in knitted garments

    Process control for total quality in circular knitting

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    This paper deals with a problem of major concern to the knitting industry, which is fabric defects. When a defect occurs, the knitting machine has to be stopped and the fault corrected, thus resulting in time loss which is uneconomic. Eventually, the knitted fabric may be rejected if quality requirements are not met. An effective monitoring of the knitting process is required in order to avoid or detect and locate a defect and its cause as soon as possible, avoiding productivity and quality losses. In circular knitting machines the yarn input tension (Ti) can be used as a means of process control, so that defects may be prevented or quickly detected. This was found to be a valuable approach to accomplish this task, since it reflects the general behaviour of the knitting machine. A measuring system is presented, along with the results obtained. Considerations are made around the problem of automatic detection and some approaches are suggested. Finally, some conclusions are drawn from the work developed.(undefined

    Noise: sound reactive fashion

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    Sound and noise have an important influence in our daily lives. They can positively or negatively change our quality of life. Given the idea that it is harder to ignore what we see, rather than what we hear, the team developed a garment that senses environmental noise and shows it through lighting, to make people aware of the noise around them. The garment chosen was a jacket, with a deliberately provocative design. It is the authors’ intention to study the integration of lighting in garments for more subtle ways of expression, in other context, such as health monitoring, sports or social interaction.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, project UID/CTM/00264/2013