299 research outputs found

    The ecological dichotomy of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in the hyper-arid soils of the Antarctic Dry Valleys

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    The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica are considered to be one of the most physically and chemically extreme terrestrial environments on the Earth. However, little is known about the organisms involved in nitrogen transformations in these environments. In this study, we investigated the diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) in four McMurdo Dry Valleys with highly variable soil geochemical properties and climatic conditions: Miers Valley, Upper Wright Valley, Beacon Valley and Battleship Promontory. The bacterial communities of these four Dry Valleys have been examined previously, and the results suggested that the extremely localized bacterial diversities are likely driven by the disparate physicochemical conditions associated with these locations. Here we showed that AOB and AOA amoA gene diversity was generally low; only four AOA and three AOB operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified from a total of 420 AOA and AOB amoA clones. Quantitative PCR analysis of amoA genes revealed clear differences in the relative abundances of AOA and AOB amoA genes among samples from the four dry valleys. Although AOB amoA gene dominated the ammonia-oxidizing community in soils from Miers Valley and Battleship Promontory, AOA amoA gene were more abundant in samples from Upper Wright and Beacon Valleys, where the environmental conditions are considerably harsher (e.g., extremely low soil C/N ratios and much higher soil electrical conductivity). Correlations between environmental variables and amoA genes copy numbers, as examined by redundancy analysis (RDA), revealed that higher AOA/AOB ratios were closely related to soils with high salts and Cu contents and low pH. Our findings hint at a dichotomized distribution of AOA and AOB within the Dry Valleys, potentially driven by environmental constraints

    Concepção e Prototipagem de uma Aplicação Colaborativa para Gestão de Equipas Desportivas (estudo de caso Futebol/Futsal)

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    Hoje em dia, praticamente todas as áreas já recebem contribuições tecnológicas diversas (gestão, comunicação, colaboração, produtividade) recorrendo a novos media, que visam a melhoria e o avanço das mesmas. Não sendo exceção e tratando-se de uma componente com enorme influência nos dias que correm, também o mundo do desporto já experienciou estas contribuições. No entanto, apesar de todos os avanços já realizados, existem oportunidades de inovação no que diz respeito às dinâmicas associadas à gestão e comunicação de equipas desportivas. Nesta dissertação será desenvolvido um protótipo de uma plataforma colaborativa para gestão de equipas desportivas, sendo que para efeitos de estudo de caso, apenas será tido em conta a modalidade de Futebol / Futsal. Por forma a obter resultados que vão ao encontro das necessidades dos possíveis utilizadores, todos os intervenientes (treinadores(as), jogadores(as), dirigentes...), serão alvo de estudo e as suas contribuições serão valiosos inputs para uma melhor funcionalidade da plataforma proposta. O objetivo desta plataforma será possibilitar a coordenação de atividades associadas à equipa, facilitar a comunicação e partilhar informações entre todos os seus membros, resultando num aumento do rendimento no âmbito desportivo.Nowadays, almost all areas are receiving technological contributions (management, communication, collaboration, production). Also the world of sport, which is an area with great influence in these days, is experiencing these contributions. However, despite all the advances made, there are opportunities for innovation, to improve the dynamics of management and communication of sports teams. In this project will be developed a prototype of a collaborative platform for the management of sports teams, and, for the purpose of case study, will only be studied in soccer and futsal. In order to obtain more accurate results, all the users (coaches, players, etc.) will be studied and their contributions will add value and inputs for a better functionality of the proposed application. The objective of this platform it is to coordinate all activities and information regarding the team, facilitate communication and share information among all its members, resulting in a better sportive performance

    Inorganic nitrogen dynamics in intertidal rocky biofilms and sediments of the Douro estuary : Processes and communities

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciências do Meio Aquático apresentada ao Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar da Universidade do Port

    Fluxos de oxigénio e nutrientes entre o interface sedimento/coluna de água no banco intertidal do sector inferior do estuário do Rio Douro

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências do Mar - Recursos Marinhos apresentada ao Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar da Universidade do Port

    Trends in de use of botanicals in anti-aging cosmetics

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    Botanical ingredients have been used for thousands of years in skincare for their convenience as well as the diversity and abundance in compounds with biological activity. Among these, polyphenols and especially flavonoids have gained increasing prominence due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, the most used botanical preparations in anti-aging products marketed in 2011 were determined. The analysis was repeated in 2018 for new and reformulated products. The scientific evidence for their application as active ingredients in anti-aging cosmetics and their flavonoid content was also compiled by searching in online scientific databases. Overall, in 2018, there was a noticeable increase in the use of botanical preparations in anti-aging cosmetics. However, the top three botanical species in both years were Vitis vinifera, Butyrospermum parkii, and Glycine soja, which is consistent with the greater amount of scientific evidence supporting their efficacy. Regarding the function of botanical preparations, there is a clear preference for DNAprotecting ingredients. The most prevalent flavonoids were flavan-3-ols, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins. This study provided an updated overview of the market trends regarding the use of botanicals in anti-aging products and documented the state of the art of scientific evidence for the most used plants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desperdício alimentar nas escolas portuguesas : perceção dos alunos

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    Num contexto de grande preocupação no que toca aos excessos e sobreprodução a nível mundial, a dissertação visa analisar, através de um estudo de natureza descritiva e qualitativa, qual o grau de consciencialização dos alunos portugueses face ao Desperdício Alimentar. Para além disso, procura compreender quais as medidas de combate já impostas nas escolas, de forma a avaliar a eficácia e coerência das mesmas. Inicialmente, foram recolhidos dados secundários, permitindo desenvolver uma revisão da literatura coesa, permitindo um enquadramento da temática em estudo. Posteriormente, através de entrevistas realizadas a alunos entre os 10 e os 18 anos, de diferentes escolas em Portugal, recolheram-se dados primários específicos e eficientes. A partir dos dados recolhidos, primários e secundários, foi possível desenvolver medidas mais adequadas para resolver o problema em questão. A investigação realizada, com enfoque nas escolas portuguesas, possibilitou concluir que o problema do desperdício alimentar é grave e com tendência a aumentar ao longo dos anos. Ou seja, perante o cenário atual, as instituições de ensino têm um papel fulcral na educação e formação dos cidadãos portugueses no que diz respeito à consciencialização dos alunos face aos desperdícios alimentares. Verificou-se ainda que nas escolas portuguesas já existem diversas medidas implementadas e ações desenvolvidas de combate ao desperdício alimentar. Contudo, as medidas analisadas apresentam resultados pouco eficazes, demonstrando ser necessário mudanças e adaptações a este nível. Em suma, conclui-se que o tema do Desperdício Alimentar, apesar de atualmente apresentar tendências para aumentar, é uma oportunidade única para incentivar as instituições de ensino a desenvolverem e darem enfoque a aspetos ambientalistas e de caráter humano no que toca à formação e educação dos alunos.In a context of great concern regarding excess and overproduction worldwide, this dissertation aims to analyze, through a descriptive and qualitative study, the level of awareness of Portuguese students regarding Food Waste. In addition, it seeks to understand which combat measures have already been imposed in schools, in order to assess their effectiveness and consistency. Initially, secondary data was collected, allowing the development of a cohesive literature review, enabling a framework for the theme under study. Later, through interviews with students between 10 and 18 years old, from different schools in Portugal, specific and efficient primary data were collected. From the collected primary and secondary data, it was possible to develop more adequate measures to solve the problem in question. The research carried out, focusing on Portuguese schools, made it possible to conclude that the problem of food waste is serious and with a tendency to increase over the years. In other words, given the current scenario, educational institutions have a key role in the education and training of Portuguese citizens in terms of raising students' awareness about food waste. It was also found that in Portuguese schools there are already several measures implemented and actions developed to combat food waste. However, the analyzed measures show little effective results, demonstrating the need for changes and adaptations at this level. In summary, it is concluded that the issue of Food Waste, despite currently showing tendencies to increase, is a unique opportunity to encourage educational institutions to develop and focus on environmental and human aspects in the training and education of students

    Cadmium effects on net N2O production by the deep-sea isolate Shewanella loihica PV-4

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    Deep-sea mining may lead to the release of high concentrations of metals into the surrounding seabed, which can disturb important ecosystem functions provided by microbial communities. Among these, the production of N2O and its reduction to N2 is of great relevance since N2O is an important greenhouse gas. Metal impacts on net N2O production by deep-sea bacteria are, however, currently unexplored. Here, we evaluated the effects of cadmium (Cd) on net N2O production by a deep-sea isolate, Shewanella loihica PV-4. We performed a series of Cd exposure incubations in oxic conditions and determined N2O fluxes during induced anoxic conditions, as well as the relative expression of the nitrite reductase gene (nirK), preceding N2O production, and N2O reductase gene (nosZ), responsible for N2O reduction. Net N2O production by S. loihica PV-4 exposed to Cd was strongly inhibited when compared to the control treatment (no metal). Both nirK and nosZ gene expression were inhibited in reactors with Cd, but nirK inhibition was stronger, supporting the lower net N2O production observed with Cd. The Cd inhibition of net N2O production observed in this study poses the question whether other deep-sea bacteria would undergo the same effects. Future studies should address this question as well as its applicability to complex communities and other physicochemical conditions, which remain to be evaluated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Insights on COVID-19 Vaccination in Portugal: A Qualitative Study among Health Professionals and Teachers

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    Background: Vaccination against COVID-19 has had a major impact over the course of the pandemic, leading to a reduced number of hospitalizations and deaths. However, the mass vaccination process has been accompanied by skepticism and hesitancy since its beginning. As health professionals and teachers are important public health actors who can strongly intervene to reduce vaccination hesitancy among their patients and students, respectively, this study aimed to assess their main perceptions towards COVID-19 vaccination. Methods: Two focus group sessions, one with health professionals and the other with teachers, were conducted according to the COREQ checklist. Qualitative data were analyzed through theoretical thematic analysis. Results: In general, none of the groups showed vaccine hesitancy, although both groups had concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. The main concerns of health professionals were mostly related to the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, while teachers were more worried about the lack of access to reliable information about the COVID-19 vaccination. Conclusions: It is plausible to conclude that it is imperative to provide clear and accurate information for the population in order to avoid vaccination hesitancy