119 research outputs found

    Women Book Business Travel Earlier, Saving Companies Millions

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    The demand for business travel is gender-independent, but men and women demonstrate different travel habits that impact the bottom line. We know from previous research that women react more strongly to unforeseen events and are more stressed than men when traveling for work. But what about when planning travel? Do gender differences show up there, and if so, how? To answer these questions, we examined a database of 6.4 million flight bookings in 2014. We isolated data on how far in advance of flight women and men book their travel

    Validation of Zn–Cu/ZSM-5 catalyst performance, at pilot scale, in the catalytic conversion of butane (nnC4+i_{4}+i-C4_{4}) technical fraction

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    In petroleum refining processes, the conversion of alkanes and alkenes C2–C4 to aromatics and isoparaffins would be promising, as the concentration of olefins in fuel could be reduced and the octane rating of gasoline could be improved. The main objective of this work is to validate the performance at pilot scale of a bifunctional catalyst, Zn–Cu/ZSM-5, prepared in our laboratory and tested in the conversion of butane technical fraction. The catalyst has been obtained by ion-exchange reaction of HZSM-5 zeolite with zinc and copper nitrate aqueous solutions. As the butane fraction (nn-C4+i_{4}+i-C4_{4}) (with variable composition) is considered a by-product in petroleum refineries, the catalytic performance of the prepared bifunctional catalyst in its conversion was investigated. Thus, in the present work, a pilot-scale Twin Reactor System Naky has been considered in order to perform the catalytic reaction tests, where the performance of the prepared Zn–Cu/ZSM-5 bifunctional catalyst has been evaluated. Concerning this, ten catalytic tests have run consecutively, regenerating the catalyst after each cycle. In was noticed that the yield of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene and xylenes—BTX) significantly increased due to Zn2+/Cu2+\mathrm{Zn}^{2+}/\mathrm{Cu}^{2+} cations spreading through ZSM-5 zeolite framework. Accordingly, the prepared Zn–Cu/ZSM-5 catalyst showed a higher aromatization activity and selectivity for product distributions under considered experimental conditions at pilot-scale reactor. Therefore, the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid fraction was found to exceed 80 wt% (middle value per test) even at the end of ten catalytic cycles

    Validation of Zn–Cu/ZSM-5 catalyst performance, at pilot scale, in the catalytic conversion of butane (nnC4+i_{4}+i-C4_{4}) technical fraction

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    In petroleum refining processes, the conversion of alkanes and alkenes C2–C4 to aromatics and isoparaffins would be promising, as the concentration of olefins in fuel could be reduced and the octane rating of gasoline could be improved. The main objective of this work is to validate the performance at pilot scale of a bifunctional catalyst, Zn–Cu/ZSM-5, prepared in our laboratory and tested in the conversion of butane technical fraction. The catalyst has been obtained by ion-exchange reaction of HZSM-5 zeolite with zinc and copper nitrate aqueous solutions. As the butane fraction (nn-C4+i_{4}+i-C4_{4}) (with variable composition) is considered a by-product in petroleum refineries, the catalytic performance of the prepared bifunctional catalyst in its conversion was investigated. Thus, in the present work, a pilot-scale Twin Reactor System Naky has been considered in order to perform the catalytic reaction tests, where the performance of the prepared Zn–Cu/ZSM-5 bifunctional catalyst has been evaluated. Concerning this, ten catalytic tests have run consecutively, regenerating the catalyst after each cycle. In was noticed that the yield of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene and xylenes—BTX) significantly increased due to Zn2+/Cu2+\mathrm{Zn}^{2+}/\mathrm{Cu}^{2+} cations spreading through ZSM-5 zeolite framework. Accordingly, the prepared Zn–Cu/ZSM-5 catalyst showed a higher aromatization activity and selectivity for product distributions under considered experimental conditions at pilot-scale reactor. Therefore, the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid fraction was found to exceed 80 wt% (middle value per test) even at the end of ten catalytic cycles

    New Evidence for the Mesoionic Character of 2-(1,3-dithiol-2-ylium)phenolates

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    New evidence for the mesoionic character of 2- (1,3-dithiol-2-ylium) . Since then, a large variety of mesoionic compounds were disclosed. Between them, sulfur and nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds have maintained the continuous interest of researchers Experimental part Analysis methods Melting points were obtained on a Mel-Temp II apparatus. IR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Tensor 27 instrument. NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker DPX-300 spectrometer. Chemical shifts are reported in ppm downfield from TMS. Elemental analyses (C, H, N, S) were conducted using a CE440 Elemental Analyser; the results were found to be in good agreement (±0.3%) with the calculated values. were brominated with the corresponding amount of molecular bromine in order to provide 5-bromo-1,3-dithiol-2-ylium bromides 4a-e, in good isolated yields ( 5-Bromo-4-(3,5-dibromo-2-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(N,Ndiethylamino)-1,3-dithiol-2-ylium bromide (4b); General Procedure Method A: To a solution of phenolate 1b (1g, 3.7mmol) in glacial acetic acid (50mL) a solution of bromine (0.58mL, 11mmol) in glacial acetic acid (2mL) was added dropwise at rt. A precipitate was formed, that was filtered off, washed with water, and dried. Recrystallization from ethanol (50mL) gave colorless crystals; yield 1.4 g (64%). Analytical and spectral data of 1,3-dithiolium bromides 4 are presented in table 1. Method B: To a solution of phenolate 2b (1g, 2.9mmol) in glacial acetic acid (50mL) a solution of bromine (0.3mL, 5.8mmol) in glacial acetic acid (2mL) was added dropwise at rt. A precipitate was formed, that was filtered off, washed with water, and dried. Recrystallization from ethanol (45mL) gave colorless crystals; yield 1.1 g (65%). Analytical and spectral data of 1,3-dithiolium bromides 4 are presented in table 1. Method C: To a solution of phenolate 3b (1g, 2.3mmol) in glacial acetic acid (50mL) a solution of bromine (0.12mL, 2.3mmol) in glacial acetic acid (2mL) was added dropwise at rt. A precipitate was formed, that was filtered off, washed with water, and dried. Recrystallization from ethanol (40mL) gave colorless crystals; yield 0.88 g (64%). Analytical and spectral data of 1,3-dithiolium bromides 4 are presented in table 1. 4,

    Validation of distinct pathogenic patterns in a cohort of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis patients by cluster analysis

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    Background: A novel data-driven cluster analysis identified distinct pathogenic patterns in C3-glomerulopathies and immune complex-mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Our aim was to replicate these observations in an independent cohort and elucidate disease pathophysiology with detailed analysis of functional complement markers. ----- Methods: A total of 92 patients with clinical, histological, complement and genetic data were involved in the study, and hierarchical cluster analysis was done by Ward method, where four clusters were generated. ----- Results: High levels of sC5b-9 (soluble membrane attack complex), low serum C3 levels and young age at onset (13 years) were characteristic for Cluster 1 with a high prevalence of likely pathogenic variations (LPVs) and C3 nephritic factor, whereas for Cluster 2-which is not reliable because of the small number of cases-strong immunoglobulin G staining, low C3 levels and high prevalence of nephritic syndrome at disease onset were observed. Low plasma sC5b-9 levels, decreased C3 levels and high prevalence of LPV and sclerotic glomeruli were present in Cluster 3, and patients with late onset of the disease (median: 39.5 years) and near-normal C3 levels in Cluster 4. A significant difference was observed in the incidence of end-stage renal disease during follow-up between the different clusters. Patients in Clusters 3-4 had worse renal survival than patients in Clusters 1-2. ----- Conclusions: Our results confirm the main findings of the original cluster analysis and indicate that the observed, distinct pathogenic patterns are replicated in our cohort. Further investigations are necessary to analyse the distinct biological and pathogenic processes in these patient groups

    C4 nephritic factor in patients with immune-complex-mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and C3-glomerulopathy

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    Innovative HVAC System Using an Integrated Greenhouse for a Virtual Low Energy Office Building

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    In this paper the authors describe a HVAC innovative system using an integrated greenhouse for heating and cooling an office building. The ventilation system allows natural (night) or mechanical ventilation and the passive cooling during the summer, including cold storage in the building structure and the PCM plywood and the refrigeration energy use during the day. Natural ventilation occurs when the wind or the Venturi effect, created by the « hat » that supports the photovoltaic panels, is strong enough; otherwise, a variable speed exhaust fan mounted on top of the building is used. The plants inside the greenhouse can produce O2 under certain conditions necessary for refreshing the ventilation air. The environment of the greenhouse allows air humidification naturally, without the use of humidifiers. If the greenhouse is sufficiently insulated in winter, it can be used in the ventilation process: the air intake from offices through the greenhouse, humidified and enriched in O2 (premixed, if necessary, with fresh air) reaches the general air treatment unit, and then sent back. The process is similar in the summer, but without recirculation, due to the humidity of the air extracted from offices. Stale air humidification enhances the thermal transfer process from the desiccant collector

    How could the EU benefit from the COP 21 agreement?

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    International audienceThe EU, one of the 196 Parties of Paris agreement was at the forefront of efforts towards the climate deal. W ill it be able , 1-to update on time the existing directives EU ETS (1), EPBD (2), RES (3), EED(4); 2-to transpose correctly and on time the COP21 agreement into the 28 Member States' national laws and last but not least , 3-to benefit from COP21

    How could the EU benefit from the COP 21 agreement?

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    International audienceThe EU, one of the 196 Parties of Paris agreement was at the forefront of efforts towards the climate deal. W ill it be able , 1-to update on time the existing directives EU ETS (1), EPBD (2), RES (3), EED(4); 2-to transpose correctly and on time the COP21 agreement into the 28 Member States' national laws and last but not least , 3-to benefit from COP21

    Numerical models development for unidirectional air flow diffusers with lobed and circular orifices

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    In order to achieve more realistic boundary conditions on the inlet of a ventilation system it is necessary to study the influences of the air diffuser orifices geometry on the airflow distribution in the enclosure. Integrating these orifices directly in a real scale air diffuser for a numerical study will result in a huge computational grid which will translate in huge computational resources and a much larger calculation time. The solution, in this case, was the numerical simulation of the airflow through small parts of the studied air diffuser. Later, the numerical results will be implemented as boundary conditions in the unidirectional diffuser of a numerical simulation that represents a real scale operating room (OR). In the current study two diffusers with different orifices were studied, one having circular („O”) and the other one lobbed („+”) orifices. The initial numerical model had 25 orifices on the diffuser, but because of the very large numerical grid resulted for the initial meshes (>35 million tetrahedral cells), a solution with only 4 orifices was chosen for this study. A mesh independency study was made for these two types of air diffusers. The numerical studies were made using RANS method, with SST k-ω turbulence model in steady state conditions. The numerical results obtained with the first step models showed very good agreement with the PIV stereoscopic experimental measurements