132 research outputs found

    Transformative Physical Education and lifestyles in cancer patients: effective motor learning and promotion of new lifestyles

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    Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the positive effects of movement education and sports activity in cancer patients (Courneya, Friedenreich, 2011). The aims of this study is to document the effectiveness of a motor educational intervention carried out mainly on the transformative corporeity, on the well-being and lifestyles of cancer patients. The hypothesis considered Motor Education as an agent of change on psycho-physical and relational variables, usually inhibited by the disease, and limiting the personal exposure of self-effectiveness and transform- ative empowerment during and at the end of the therapeutic-clinical path. This is why a group of subjects has been subjected to a longitudinal programme of motor education observing its effects on the variables considered: positive emotions, perceived self-effectiveness, perception of fatigue. The results have shown that a structured mobility education programme can make an important contribution to improving not only physical functionality but also emotional variables behavioral, creating the conditions for a positive change in one’s own personal life, perception of oneself and autonomous management of one’s own life

    Effects of a Coordinative Ability Training Program on Adolescents’ Cognitive Functioning

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    The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effects of a week coordinative ability training program on adolescents’ cognitive functioning, using evaluation tests of visuospatial perception, attention, and working memory. We randomly assigned 60 public school students (14–15 years) to either an experimental coordinative abilities training (∼40 min twice/week) group (n = 30) or a control group (n = 30) who received general psycho-physical wellness training (∼40 min., twice a week). At baseline and after training we used two standardized motor tests and a single cognitive measure (Corsi’s Block-tapping test) to assess students’ visuospatial perception, attention, and working memory. We found a significant Time x Group interaction for the Throwing and Catching Test and Corsi’s Block-Tapping test, reflecting a meaningful experimental group improvement (p < 0.001), and there were no significant pre-post changes found in the control group. Thus, a 12-week program of coordinative abilities was able to improve not only coordination skills but aspects of cognitive functioning relevant to academic achievement

    Starting a sport as outdoor education in infancy: orienteering, visual spatial memory for empowering school learning

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    Description of the problem and aims. This study aims at investigating the relationship between an Orienteering training program and the enhancement of short-term visuo-spatial memory in a school setting. The hypothesis is based on the idea that there is a relationship between motor learning stimulated by the practice of Orienteering in an outdoor area and visuo-spatial working memory. Several studies have already highlighted the relationship between active motor play in school-aged children and cognitive development (Truelove et ali. 2017). The ability to map and plan is already present in the first year of life of a child and it will influence the cognitive-motor organization of the adult individual (Halliday et al. 2018). Orienteering stimulates and improves memory skills and motivation (Etnier& Chang, 2009; Prakash et ali., 2015). Orienteering had already been shown to enhance learning processes (Notarnicola et ali., 2012) all the more stimulated by the outdoor environment (Acar and wings., 2015). Methodology :Two groups were examined: an experimental group, that attended orienteering lessons for 16 weeks, and a control group that, instead, performed indoor exercises such as jogging and gymnastics. The Corsi block- tapping tasks, in both the forward and backward response modalities, as well as the Star-Butterfly test were used for both groups, each consisting of 20 children. Results In the experimental group, the scores in the Forward and Backward Corsi block -tapping tasks significantly increased from pre to post-test, compared to the control group; in the Star-Butterfly Test both time and mistakes decreased. Instead, in the control group, the Star-Butterfly scores remained unchanged from pre to post tests. Conclusions The study confirmed that a training period based on orienteering could improve the visuo- spatial working memory in the experimental sample group by enhancing the ability to recall short-term memory spans more accurately than before training. Instead, these skills remained unchanged in the control group

    Effects of an 8-Week Yoga-Based Physical Exercise Intervention on Teachers’ Burnout

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the efficacy of an 8-week yoga-based physical exercise program to improve mental and emotional well-being and consequently reduce burnout among teachers. We considered yoga because it is a discipline that enhances body awareness and encourages the contact with nature and the respect for every form of life, with a view to a more sustainable and greener global system. We recruited 40 professional educators (40–47 years), who reported perceiving signs of stress and emotional discomfort. professional educators to either an experimental yoga practice (~60 min, twice a week) group (n = 20) or a control group (n = 20) that received a nonspecific training program (~60 min, twice a week). After base line and after training we administered the Maslach Burnout Inventory: Educators Survey (MBI-ES) and the State Mindfulness Scale (SMS) to assess teachers' perceived level of awareness and professional burnout. We found a significant Time x Group interaction for the (p < 0.001) MBI-ES and SMS, reflecting a meaningful experimental group improvement. No significant pre–post changes were found in thecontrol group. The results suggest that an 8-week yoga practice could aid teachers to achieve a greater body and emotional awareness and prevent professional burnout

    Physical activities and enjoyment during the lockdown: Effect of home-based supervised training among children and adolescents

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    Enjoyment during physical and sport activities is an essential and well recognized component that has been also related to motor ability in children. During the period of home confinement due to Covid-19 lockdown, the Italian version of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES-It) was used to evaluate the level of enjoyment in physical and sports activities. The beginning stem of the questionnaire was modified by asking subjects “During the lockdown, when I am physically active…”. Data were collected on a sample of 140 among children and adolescents (60 aged 6-11 and 80 aged 12-15, 66% males and 34% females). About 90% of subjects followed online school classes and 83% also received indications from their Sports Associations about physical home-exercises and other forms of guided distance learning. Results from PACES showed that subjects liked the home physical activities with a mean value of 65.2 11.8 with higher values from those who received online support from their regular instructors; moreover, higher values from PACES were obtained by middle school children respect to primary school children and high school adolescents. Despite the mandatory confinement, a positive feedback regarding the enjoyment was reported by children and adolescents for the home distance modality

    Effect of exercise on cancer-related fatigue: A systematic review

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is the most common disease in cancer patients that received radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and biotherapy. Many studies recommended physical activity and exercise to improve fatigue. This systematic review aims to provide a qualitative synthesis of Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects of Aerobic, Resistance, Endurance and combined exercises on CRF versus control or different exercise group in cancer adult patients and survivors that did not receive palliative care. This systematic review is written and presented according to PRISMA protocols. Articles in the English language were collected using the PubMed and WoS databases from 2001 January 1st to 2019 September 1st. Only RCTs lasted 5 weeks or more were analysed of which CRF outcomes were examined. A total of 15 RCTs met our inclusion criteria. Different outcomes in CRF self-reports were found between Aerobic, Resistance, Endurance and Combined exercises. Findings suggest that exercise improves CRF, especially with aerobic or combined programs. The outcomes of trials could help exercise professionals to properly plan the sessions by dosing the volume and intensity. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to better understand the benefits of physical exercise on cancer patients

    Forma fisica degli studenti italiani: efficacia di una formazione extracurriculare supervisionata della durata di 12 settimane

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    The overweight threatens the adolescents’health. This study investigated the effects ofextracurricular multilateral training (MT) lastingfor 12 weeks compared to a standardtraining (ST) program performed at schoolas required by the ministerial program, onhealth- and skill-related components of physicalfitness. Eleven boys and nine girls (age13.6 ± 0.5 years) were randomly assigned toan experimental group (EG, n = 10) or controlgroup (CG, n = 10). At weeks 1 and 12,body mass index (BMI), waist circumference(WC), a 505 change of direction speed(CODS) and 300 m run test, were assessed.The EG underwent MT (90 min, 2 times a week)plus ST, while the CG underwent onlyST. Significant Time x Group interactionswere detected in favor of the EG for all measurements(from –8,37 to –3.50%). The extracurricularMT protocol was effective inimproving physical efficiency and reducingweight in adolescents after a period of 12weeks.Il sovrappeso minaccia la salute degli adolescenti.Questo studio ha esaminato gli effettidi un allenamento multilaterale extracurriculare(MT) della durata di 12 settimane rispettoa un programma di allenamentostandard (ST) effettuato a scuola come daprogramma ministeriale sulle componentidel fitness fisico. 11 ragazzi e 9 ragazze (età13,6 ± 0,5 anni) sono stati assegnati in modocasuale a un gruppo sperimentale (EG, n=10) o di controllo (CG, n = 10). Sono stati valutati:indice di massa corporea (BMI), circonferenzavita (WC), test 505 di cambio didirezione rapido (CODS) e corsa 300 m. EGha svolto MT (90 min, 2 volte a settimana) piùST, mentre CG ha svolto solo ST. Significativeinterazioni Tempo x Gruppo sono state rilevatea favore di EG per tutte le misurazioni(da –8,37 a –3,50%). Il protocollo MT è statoefficace nel migliorare l’efficienza fisica e ridurreil peso negli adolescenti dopo un periododi 12 settimane

    Efficacia di una formazione multilaterale extracurricolare di 12 settimane sull’insoddisfazione dell'immagine corporea e sull’autopercezione delle dimensioni corporee tra gli adolescenti

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate how multilateral, extra-curricular training, supplementary to the curricular Physical Education hours, can improve the self-perception of body image and reduce any dissatisfaction. Methods: 100 students (14-15 years) were assigned to the experimental group (MG; n=50; 25M, 25F) that has never been involved in extracurricular physical activity, or Active group (AG; n=50; 25M, 25F) practicing sports for at least 3 years. At baseline and after 12-week, anthropometric measurements and two standardized tests to assess the degree of personal satisfaction to-wards their body were administered (i.e., Body uneasiness test (BUT) and contour drawing rating scale (CDRS)). Results: After the intervention, signif-icant differences in the total MG for body weight (-1.36 ± 2.03 kg, p < 0.0001), BUT (-0.54 ± 1.49, p = 0.0320) and CDRS (-1.26±3.92, p=0.0366) scores were de-tected. Females of the MG showed significant improvement in body weight (-1.49 ± 2.22 kg, p = 0.0027) and BUT (-0.76 ± 1.56, p = 0.0398), whereas males showed improvement in body weight (-1.24 ± 1.85 kg, p = 0.0027) alone. AG showed no significant changes (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Findings suggest that multilateral training could increase body image satisfaction. However, girls always showed higher scores than boys and this indicates greater dissatis-faction and uneasiness with their bodies.Scopi: Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di verificare come un allenamento multilaterale, extracurricolare, integrativo delle ore di Educazione Fisica curriculari, può migliorare l'autopercezione dell'immagine corporea e ridurne l'eventuale insoddisfazione. Metodi: 100 studenti (14-15 anni) sono stati assegnati ad un gruppo sperimentale (MG; n=50; 25M, 25F) che non ha mai svolto attività fisica extracurricolare, o ad un gruppo attivo (AG; n=50; 25M, 25F) praticante sport da almeno 3 anni. Al basale e dopo 12 settimane, sono stati eseguiti sia misurazioni antropometriche sia due test standardizzati per valutare il grado di soddisfazione del proprio corpo (Body uneasiness test (BUT) e Contour drawing rating scale (CDRS)). Risultati: Dopo l'intervento, sono state rilevate differenze significative nel MG totale per peso corporeo (-1.36±2.03 kg, p<0.0001), punteggi BUT (-0.54±1.49, p=0.0320) e CDRS (-1.26±3.92, p=0.0366). Le ragazze del MG hanno mostrato miglioramenti significativi nel peso corporeo (-1.49±2.22 kg, p=0.0027) e BUT (-0.76±1.56, p=0.0398), mentre i ragazzi hanno mostrato miglioramenti soltanto nel peso corporeo (-1.24±1.85 kg, p=0.0027). AG non ha mostrato variazioni significative (p>0.05). Conclusioni: Le scoperte suggeriscono che un allenamento multilaterale potrebbe incrementare la soddisfazione dell'immagine corporea. Tuttavia, le ragazze hanno sempre mostrato punteggi più alti rispetto ai ragazzi e questo indica una maggiore insoddisfazione e disagio nei confronti del proprio corpo.&nbsp

    L’impresa immaginativa delle Sociologie post Covid

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    L'articolo introduce la tematica dell'impresa immaginativa delle sociologie in merito al fenomeno Covid-19 come fatto sociale totale. In particolare vengono introdotte riflessioni sull'impatto che il fenomeno ha avuto sulle partiche della scienza, sulle disuguaglianze di genere, sulla comunicazione e i processi decisionali delle amministrazioni locali, la dimensione spazio-temporale e i movimenti sociali. Nelle conclusioni si propone una riflessione sulla convivenza uman

    Sustainable Intervention for Health Promotion and Postural Control Improvement: Effects of Home-Based Oculomotor Training

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    Abstract: Currently, it is crucial to propose daily sustainable interventions that elicit healthy lifestyles and the promotion of favorable health outcomes beyond the usual medical prescriptions. Home confinement and pandemic limitations reduced physical activity and augmented sedentary behaviors that potentially also reflect on posture. Health-related quality of life includes an effective postural control which is affected by visual performance. Therefore, the aim of the study was to analyze the effects of a single session of eye exercises and also of a home-based oculomotor training on postural control. Thirty active adults (mean age: 42.9 ± 14.4 years) were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: subjects were evaluated on a stabilometric platform before (T0) and immediately after (T1) a training session consisting in clockwise ocular movements (C1), counterclockwise (C2) and mixed condition (C3). All subjects repeated, at home, the same ocular training and were re-evaluated after 5 weeks (T2). All measured variables tended to improve after 5-week home training, but significative differences were found, especially in acute measurement. C1 and C2 conditions showed better results than C3. Thus, a specific oculomotor training, a cost free and self-administered training, can represent a practical tool to improve postural control and health-related quality of life in active adults