741 research outputs found

    Structure-Based Evolutionary Design Applied to Wire Antennas

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    A new design technique for antennas, namely the Structure-based Evolutionary Design (SED), is introduced and described in detail. SED is a new global random search method derived by the “genetic programming”, a strategy proposed by Koza. The proposed technique will be compared with the genetic algorithms (GA), a widely used design technique, showing the numerous advantages of our approach with respect to standard ones. SED assumes no “a priori” structure, but it builds up the structure of the individuals as the procedure evolves. Therefore SED is able to determine both the structure shape and dimensions as an outcome of the procedure (infinite-dimensional solution space), acting on subparts of the whole structure, and allowing to explore effectively the far more vast solution space. We thoroughly discuss both the general features of SED and its application to wire antenna design. The antenna internal representation, which is a key to the successful implementation of SED, and the construction of fitness functions from the antenna specifications will be described in detail. The proposed approach has been assessed with many different cases, using as design requirements both Gain and VSWR in a frequency band as wide as possible, and with the smallest size. The results obtained with SED are finally compared with other popular algorithms like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE), showing that both the computational cost and the complexity are of the same order of magnitude, but the performances obtained by SED are significantly higher

    Comparison of the historic seismicity and strain-rate pattern from a dense GPS-GNSS network solution in the Italian Peninsula

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    Abstract We present a dense crustal velocity field and corresponding strain-rate pattern computed using Global Positioning System (GPS)- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data from several hundred permanent stations in the Italian Peninsula. GPS data analysis is based on the GAMIT/GLOBK 10.6 software, which was developed and maintained mainly by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), using tools based on the distributed-sessions approach implemented in this package. The GPS data span the period from January 2008 to December 2012 and come from several different permanent GPS networks in Italy. The GLOBK package implemented in the last version of the GAMIT package is used to compute the position time-series and velocities registered in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 2008. The resulting high-density intra-plate velocity field provides indications of the tectonics of the Mediterranean region. A computation of the strain-rate pattern from GPS data is performed and compared with the map of the epicentral locations of historical earthquakes that occurred in the last 1000 years in the Italian territory, showing that, in general, higher crustal deformation rates are active in regions affected by seismicity of greater magnitude

    Structure-Based Evolutionary Programming Design of Broadband Wire Antennas

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    A design technique for wire antennas, based on the Structure-Based Evolutionary Programming, is used to design a broadband antenna with an end-fire radiation pattern and a very simple geometry, operating in the 3–16 GHz frequency band, namely, from the S band to the Ku band. The antenna has been analyzed with NEC-2 during the evolutionary process, looking for high gain, good input match, and robustness with respect to realization tolerances. The outcome of our design procedure shows a very good performance

    A Truncated Waveguide Fed by a Microstrip as a Radiating Element for High-Performance Automotive Anticollision Radars

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    A small truncated waveguide fed by a microstrip line through a transverse coupling slot is proposed and assessed as a high-performance antenna and array element in the K band and above. This antenna allows to obtain a high radiated power, with a very low cross-polar component in the radiated field. It is therefore particularly suitable for application in automotive anticollision radars. The proposed radiating element has been analyzed by a numerical code based on an in-house method of moments, and the microstrip feeding line has been modeled by its equivalent magnetic-wall waveguide. A linear array of such elements has been designed and matched with a BPF-inspired matching network allowing an in-band behavior suitable for anti-collision radar use, with an out-of-band rejection large enough to avoid the first receiving BPF

    Design of Shaped-Beam Planar Arrays of Waveguide Longitudinal Slots

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    The Elliott's procedure for the design of a pencil beam waveguide longitudinal slot array has been generalized to encompass the design of shaped beam planar slot arrays. An extended set of design equations, taking into account in an operative way the feeding part of the array, has been devised. From this set of equations, a general and effective design procedure has been set up, shedding light on the constraints posed by a complex aperture distribution. The results of the proposed synthesis procedure have been validated through comparison with a commercial FEM software

    A review on improved design techniques for high performance planar waveguide slot arrays

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    Planar waveguide slot arrays (WSAs) have been used since 1940 and are currently used as performing antennas for high frequencies, especially in applications such as communication and RADAR systems. We present in this work a review of the most typical waveguide slot array configurations proposed in the literature, describing their main limitations and drawbacks along with possible effective countermeasures. Our attention has been focused mainly on the improved available design techniques to obtain high performance WSAs. In particular, the addressed topics have been reported in the following. Partially filled WSAs, or WSAs covered with single or multilayer dielectric slabs, are discussed. The most prominent second-order effects in the planar array feeding network are introduced and accurately modeled. The attention is focused on the T-junction feeding the array, on the effect of interaction between each slot coupler of the feeding network and the radiating slots nearest to this coupler, and on the waveguide bends. All these effects can critically increase the first sidelobes if compared to the ideal case, causing a sensible worsening in the performance of the arra

    Synthesis of Artificial Magnetic Conductors Using Structure-Based Evolutionary Design

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    An evolutionary programming approach, the so-called structure based evolutionary design, is applied to the synthesis of planar periodic electronic band gap in order to obtain an artificial magnetic conductor surface. We show that this strategy, in conjunction with a flexible aperture-oriented approach, allows for obtaining new and effective structures. This almost unique ability is exploited to obtain an artificial magnetic conductor periodic surface with a bandwidth larger than the most popular surfaces known so far

    Non-permanent GPS data for regional-scale kinematics: reliable deformation rate before the 6 April, 2009, earthquake in the L'Aquila area

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    A GPS-based geodetic study at a regional scale requires the availability of a dense network that is characterized by 10 km to 30 km spacing, typically followed in a few continuous GPS stations (CGPSs) and several non-permanent GPS stations (NPSs). As short observation times do not allow adequate noise modeling, NPS data need specific processing where the main differences between NPSs and CGPSs are taken into account: primarily time-series length and antenna repositioning error. The GPS data collected in the 1999-2007 time-span from non-permanent measurement campaigns in the central Apennine area (Italy) that was recently hit by the Mw 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake (April 6, 2009) are here further analyzed to compute a reliable strain-rate field at a regional scale. Moreover, areas characterized by different kinematics are recognized, and a complete characterization of the regional-scale kinematics is attempted. These new data can be interpreted as indicators from the viewpoint of seismic risk assessment

    Topical tacrolimus and vitiligo: our experience in sixty cases

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    Aim. Vitiligo is an acquired hypomelanotic disorder characterized by circumscribed depigmented maculae on the skin. Current treatment procedures include narrow band UVB therapy, topical corticosteroids and imunomodulators. Aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of topical tacrolimus in the treatment of vitiligo. Methods. Sixty patients (44 females, 22 males) with stable vitiligo were enrolled in our study. They did not show any benefits from topical corticosteroids, PUVA and NB-UVB therapy, so they were administered topical tacrolimus 0.1% twice a day and followed-up for 9 months. Results. At least a partial repigmentation was noticed with tacrolimus ointment in 46 patients after 9 months of therapy. Twenty-three of them obtained a good repigmentation, already evaluable at 3 months from the beginning of therapy and remaining the same at 6 and 9 months, respectively. The other 23 patients obtained an excellent repigmentation, evaluable only at 9 months from the beginning of therapy, while a poor repigmentation was observed at 3 and 6 months. Two patients discontinued therapy because of side effects, while the remaining 12 had no repigmentation at all. Conclusion. Topical tacrolimus could be considered an effective and safe therapy for vitiligo, expecially for patients who had no benefits from corticosteroids and/or phototherapy

    3D imaging of CRP and ultrasonic tomography to detect decay in a living adult holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Sardinia (Italy)

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    A field-integrated methodology using 3D ultrasonic tomography supported by close range photogrammetry (CRP) has been developed and evaluated as a tool to detect the presence and patterns of decay forms in a living adult holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in an urban green area of the city of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. Close range photogrammetry was used to compute a high resolution 3D model of the studied tree, texturized with natural colors. Moreover, following the implemented workflow process it was possible to evaluate the deformation pattern of the studied tree over time. In a second step of our integrated approach, and in order to diagnose the state of health of the inner part of the studied tree in a non-invasive way, laboratory and in situ non-invasive ultrasonic techniques were applied. The results of the close range photogrammetry analysis supported the optimal design of the 3D ultrasonic tomography of the living adult holm oak. Ultrasonic tomography is one of the most powerful non-destructive testing techniques for the full-volume inspection of a structure. It produced physical information on the inner structure of the stem of the investigated tree. The results of the study show that the integrated application of close range photogrammetry and 3D ultrasonic tomography is a powerful tool for a highly accurate and objective evaluation of the external and internal decay of trees and for monitoring their conservation states. With the fully integrated approach, the diagnostic process aimed to prevent instability and the failure of trees can be greatly improved
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