3,345 research outputs found

    Semiochemicals-baited traps for detecting and estimating the population density of Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryopthoridae), in agaves, in Tlaquiltenango, Morelos

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    Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) is an important pest in agaves, and is the main pest of agaves in Morelos, also this is the first time that the population density of this weevil was sampled in agave plantations in Morelos state using pheromone-baited traps.Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) es una plaga importante en agaves y es la plaga más importante en agaves en Morelos. Esta es la primera ocasión que se estudia la densidad poblacional de esta plaga en agaves en Morelos, mediante trampas con feromona

    ¿Tal como éramos? Reconstrucciones, ficciones y diseños en la interpretación de las representaciones figurativas de las sociedades ágrafas

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    Se reflexiona sobre el papel que las Representaciones Figurativas juegan en las prácticas político-ideológicas de las sociedades ágrafas. Se analiza el cómo y el por qué de muchas de las interpretaciones realizadas sobre estos objetos. Se advierte de su importancia en la configuración de norma y estereotipos. Se insiste en la ausencia, en muchas ocasiones, de indicadores materiales donde sustentar las propuestas.

    Arqueología, economía, mujeres y hombres. Producción de sujetos y su mantenimiento en las sociedades ágrafas andinas

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    En este trabajo pretendemos señalar la importancia económica que las actividades de "cuidados y atenciones" hacia los sujetos sociales, las Mujeres y los Hombres, tienen para la reproducción de la vida social. Actividades que desde una propuesta Feminista y Materialista deben entenderse como trabajos que dan cuenta de una actividad productiva fundamental, la Producción de Mantenimiento de Sujetos. Sólo con una formalización como la realizada, estos trabajos adquirirán la dimensión real de la implicación de sujetos y objetos en la reproducción de la vida social. También insistimos aquí en contra del prejuicio de universalización y naturalización de este tipo de actividades en relación al colectivo femenino, puesto que sobre ese error acaban contemplándose como tareas exclusivamente a cargo de las mujeres desde los inicios de la humanidad. Finalmente, también expondremos unos apuntes sobre las investigaciones referidas a la Producción de Sujetos y su Mantenimiento en las sociedades ágrafas andinasWe emphasize the economic importance of the activities of "care and attention" for the production and maintenance of social life. From a Feminist and Materialist perspective this activities are work, and part of the social production: this is Subjects Maintenance Production. This Subjects Maintenance Production, considered work, shall acquire the real dimension in which both, subjects and objects, are committed for reproduction of social life. We also emphasize the lack of universalization and naturalization of such collective activities, just as exclusively female task since the origins of humanity. Finally, also we will expose some lines in research about Production of Subjects and his Maintenance in Andean Aliterate Societie


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    In this work we intend a journey through the places where ideologies have displaced women and men, social realities and relations among social groups. We talk about ferocious ideologies or formalized ideologies, as archaeological Scientific Research Programmes, or weak, relativistic and escapists, promoted in discourses and suggestions. Journey passes through ideal places for those ideologies, but also by the real practices that promote. We will contrast those ideologies that create ideal places, to the need to know the real places. To achieve that objective, social labour is the key to propose a Social, Materialistic, and Feminist Archeology, because offers social life to the objects and produces social reality. Viewing the women in past societies is a exigency of that proposal. These are the bases for the study of concrete social formations in Iberian South-east and in Andean coastal regions, where we develops our archaeological praxis.En este trabajo pretendemos hacer un breve recorrido por los lugares a los que las ideologías han desplazado a las mujeres y a los hombres, por las realidades sociales y por las relaciones entre colectivos. Abordaremos ideologías feroces y formalizadas como programas de investigación arqueológica, o débiles, relativistas y escapistas, promovidas en discursos y sugerencias. El recorrido atraviesa espacios ideales de esas ideologías, pero también las prácticas reales que incentivan. Contrapondremos esas ideologías que crean lugares ideales a la necesidad de conocer los lugares reales. El trabajo social, que otorga vida social a los objetos, y que produce la propia sociedad, es la clave para proponer una Arqueología Social, Materialista y Feminista, que cumpla ese objetivo. La visibilización de las mujeres en las sociedades del pasado es la exigencia derivada de esa propuesta. Éstas son las bases para el estudio de formaciones sociales concretas en el Sudeste ibérico y en las regiones costeras andinas, donde se desarrolla nuestra praxis arqueológica

    Trabajo y sociedad en arqueología. Producciones y relaciones versus orígenes y desigualdades

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    Proponemos una reflexión crítica sobre los conceptos de Origen y Desarrollo (vinculados a ideas de Progreso y Proceso) y de Desigualdad Social (aproximación formal sin contenido real). Igualmente revisamos diversos conceptos derivados de los anteriores y de amplio uso en arqueología, evaluando sus problemas y limitaciones. Finalmente, intentamos aportar argumentos para una sociología histórica desde la arqueología, que contemple las condiciones objetivas de la vida social. Consideramos la producción y el trabajo social como el punto de partida imprescindible para valorar la realidad de las mujeres y los hombres. Porque creemos que el objetivo prioritario de una Arqueología Social es conocer en cada situación histórica, si los colectivos sexuales y sociales mantienen relaciones simétricas o disimétricas, si prima la reciprocidad o si se impone la explotación del trabajo

    Quantifying the available capacity and resource needs for provision of CAR-T therapies in the National Health Service in Spain: a survey-based study

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    Leukaemia; Organisation of health services; TherapeuticsLeucemia; Organización de servicios de salud; TerapéuticaLeucèmia; Organització dels serveis sanitaris; TerapèuticaObjectives To estimate the readiness of Spanish National Health Service (NHS) hospitals to provide chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T), and to identify and quantify the different resources needed to provide CAR-T considering three scenarios defined by 10, 25 and 50 patients per centre per year. Design Targeted literature review and quantitative study using a questionnaire and telephone interviews. An algorithm was created to determine hospitals’ readiness based on their capacity and capability. All the requirements for quantification were assessed and validated by the steering committee, formed by members of the Spanish Group of Haematopoietic Transplantation and Cell Therapy. A weighting system (from 0 to 1) was established for capability quantification. For resources quantification, a scoring system was established, with 0 points representing the minimum and 3 points the maximum of additional resources that a hospital indicated necessary. Setting 40 Spanish hospital centres that perform allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation were invited to complete the questionnaire for capacity quantification, 28 of which provided valid responses. Nine hospitals participated in the interviews for resource quantification, eight of which had previously been designated by the Ministry of Health (MoH) to provide CAR-T. Outcome measure Current capacity of NHS Spanish sites to administer CAR-T under different theoretical scenarios with varying numbers of procedures, and the potential healthcare resources that would be needed to realise the theoretical capacity requirements. Results Four hospitals were optimally ready, 17 were somewhat ready and 7 were not ready. The actual extrapolated capacity of the currently designated MoH CAR-T sites would allow treatment of approximately 250 patients per year. Regarding healthcare resource needs, the numbers of haematologists, nurses and beds were the most important limiting factors, and those requiring further growth as patient numbers increased. Conclusions Increasing the number of CAR-T-qualified centres and/or increasing resources in the current designated sites are two potential strategies that should be considered to treat CAR-T-eligible patients in Spain.This study was conducted with a grant from GETH-TC (grant number: N/A)

    Vegetal synergists for trapping the adult of Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal, in pheromone baited traps, in Agave angustifolia Haw., in Morelos, Mexico

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    The agave weevil Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) is the main insect pest of wild and cultivated agaves in Mexico and in other countries. The management of this pest is complicated because to its cryptic habits. Recently, it has been developed a trapping system based with synthetic pheromone and food bait for monitoring this insect. However, an important part of the any trapping system is to know if any can synergize the response of the insect to the synthetic pheromone. In this study, we evaluated several vegetal tissue and ripped fruits for determining its potential as synergist for the synthetic pheromone for trapping the agave weevil in “agave espadín mezcal”, in Tlaltizapán, Morelos state. The vegetal evaluated were: “maguey espadín criollo” tissue, “maguey espadín oaxaqueño” tissue, “maguey papalote” tissue, sugarcane tissue, ripped pineapple fruit, ripped banana fruit, ripped guava fruit, ripped apple fruit, and tuberose flower. Our results showed that the best synergists were agave tissue, pineapple, banana submerged in soapy water.Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) es el insecto plaga más importante de diversas especies de agave silvestre y cultivadas en México y otros países. El manejo de este insecto se dificulta debido a los hábitos bio-ecológicos del insecto. Recientemente, se ha desarrollado un sistema de trampeo basado en feromona sintética y cebo alimenticio para monitorear a este insecto. Sin embargo, es importante conocer algunos vegetales que pueden sinergizar la respuesta de este picudo a la feromona sintética. En este estudio, se evaluaron diversos vegetales en trampas colocadas en una plantación de agave espadín, en Tlaltizapán, Morelos. Los sinergistas vegetales evaluados fueron: tejido vegetal de maguey mezcalero espadín criollo (Agave angustifolia Haw.), espadín oaxaqueño (Agave angustifolia Haw.) y maguey mezcalero papalote (Agave cupreata Trel.), tejido de caña de azúcar, fruta madura de piña, plátano, guayaba y manzana, y flor de nardo. Se encontró que los mejores sinergistas fueron tejido de agaves, piña y plátano sumergidos en el agua jabonosa de la trampa

    Tracking magmatism and oceanic change through the early Aptian Anoxic Event (OAE 1a) to the late Aptian: Insights from osmium isotopes from the westernmost Tethys (SE Spain) Cau Core

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    Some of the major Carbon cycle perturbations of the Phanerozoic occurred during the Aptian, in relation to magmatism. The highest temperatures reconstructed for the Cretaceous Period correspond to the Oceanic Anoxic Event of the early Aptian (OAE 1a), an episode of accelerated global change. Here we present a chemostratigraphic study based on osmium isotopes integrated with high-resolution Carbon-Oxygen stable isotope data from the Cau Core (Western Tethys, SE Spain), including a 6.4 Ma record from the early to the late Aptian. This high-resolution study of the continuous and expanded Cau section permits a thorough understanding of the duration of the Aptian events, as well as an evaluation of the mechanisms triggering the abrupt changes of the global carbon and osmium cycles and their interdependence. Here we show that the Large Igneous Province (LIP) Aptian magmatism initiated 550–750 kyr prior to the OAE 1a, and persisted for 1.4 Myr after the event, influencing the composition of seawater for 2.8 Myr. We show a continuous Os isotope record encompassing the OAE 1a and the late Aptian for the first time, and demonstrate that the recovery from the exceptionally unradiogenic composition of seawater Os produced by the dominance of the Ontong Java Plateau volcanism, was slow. Our results demonstrate the different time duration of some events, and the asynchronous relationship between the carbon and osmium cycles

    Mixed-method research protocol: Development and evaluation of a nursing intervention in patients discharged from the intensive care unit

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    Alta de la UCI; Diseño de un método mixto; Intervención de enfermeríaAlta de la UCI; Disseny d'un mètode mixt; Intervenció d'infermeriaICU discharge; Mixed-method design; Nursing interventionAim (a) To understand patients’ lived experience at intensive care unit (ICU) discharge and (b) to evaluate the impact of a nursing empowerment intervention (NEI) on patients’ anxiety and depression levels at ICU discharge. Design A mixed-methods approach will be applied. Methods In the qualitative phase, the hermeneutic phenomenological method will be used. Participants will be patients from three university hospitals who will be selected by purposive sampling. Data will be gathered through in-depth interviews and analysed using content analysis. The qualitative data obtained will be employed to develop the nursing intervention. Subsequently, a multicenter, parallel-group, experimental pre-test/post-test design with a control group will be used to measure the effectiveness of the nursing empowerment intervention in the quantitative phase by means of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Simple random probabilistic sampling will include 172 patients in this phase