128 research outputs found

    Association of Motivational Climate With Addictive Behaviors Depending on Type of Sport in University Students: Structural Equation Analysis

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    This research study aims at contrasting a structural model of the associations between the alcohol consumption, tobacco dependence, and the problematic use of video games with motivational climate toward sport depending on the category of sports practiced in a sample of Physical Education university students. The sample consisted of 775 university students from the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spain), aged between 21 and 35 (22.22 ± 3.76) years. The instruments used were the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2), the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), and the Questionnaire of Experiences Related to Video Games (QERV) questionnaires. A path model that fitted properly in the multigroup analysis for both categories of sports was used, χ2 = 19.843; gl = 8; p = .011; comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.911; normed fit index (NFI) = 0.903; incremental fit index (IFI) = 0.912; root mean square error approximation (RMSEA) = 0.085. An inverse association was shown between task climate and tobacco consumption in individual sports, being weaker in collective sports. This association is not significant for collective sports, but it is for individual sports for ego climate. However, a positive association was found between ego climate and the use of video games in individual sports, not being significant in the case of collective sports. The importance of promoting motivational climates oriented toward tasks that are based on the practice of collective sports is established, because they could act as protective factors against the development of addictive behavior in university students.This research study has been supported by the Education Innovation Project PID 16-45, named “Implementation of digital resources in the classroom for the development of psychosocial and motivational factors in students of the degree in Primary Education with the speciality in Physical Education,” funded by the University of Granada. Education Innovation Project PIBD Advanced 470, named “Program of teaching intervention in students of the degree in primary education and early childhood education through the use of new technologies for the improvement of the psychosocial factors of the students,” funded by the University of Granada. Project I+D+I “DISPERSA,” with code number TIN2015-67149-C3-R, named “Design of Pervasive Games Based on Learning Experiences Sensitive to Context” funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Precompetitive Research Projects for Young Researchers (PPJI_B-05); Self-plan Research of the University of Granada

    Estudio relacional de la práctica deportiva en escolares según el género

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    Insomuch as physical activity has taken a center stage as a way to prevent sedentary lifestyles, it is essential to know what are the sports which are played by schoolchildren outside schools. Therefore, this descriptive and cross-sectional research, conducted on a sample of 818 schoolchildren, has as a main objective to establish sport habits according to gender, which has acted as a moderating factor throughout history. The results showed that female schoolchildren practiced mainly individual sports and as a leisurely activity while men preferred collective and federated sports. Moreover, the level of sport practice determined that male students practiced more sports than female students, so in a greater number of weekly days and longer sessions. Therefore, this research demonstrates that the sport, which is played by children, depends on gender, as well as the necessity of matching this practice avoiding stereotypes and sedentary lifestyles.Dado que la actividad física ha tomado protagonismo como medio para evitar estilos de vida sedentarios, resulta imprescindible conocer cuáles son los deportes practicados por los escolares fuera del horario escolar. Este estudio de carácter descriptivo y de corte transversal, realizado sobre 818 escolares, tiene como objetivo principal establecer hábitos de práctica deportiva en función del género, el cual ha actuado como factor modulador a lo largo de la historia. Los resultados determinaron que los escolares de género femenino practicaban principalmente deportes individuales y a modo de hobby, mientras que los varones lo hacían de forma colectica y federada. Asimismo, el nivel de práctica deportiva determinó que ellos practicaban más deportes que ellas, haciéndolo más días semanales y en sesiones de mayor duración. Como conclusión, se demuestran diferencias en el deporte practicado según el género, así como la necesidad de igualar esta práctica evitando estereotipos y estilos de vida sedentarios. 

    Mercurio en tiburón Sphyrna lewini y Carcharhinus falciformis del pací­fico guatemalteco

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la presencia de mercurio en muestras de carne de dos especies de tiburón: Sphyrna lewini y Carcharhinus falciformis, acopiados por la pesca artesanal en dos puntos de la costa pací­fica de Guatemala. Con el análisis de la información se verificó el estado de inocuidad de los organismos respecto a las concentraciones de mercurio, utilizando como base la normativa europea. Se recolectaron 66 muestras, durante 10 meses, las cuales fueron analizadas utilizando la técnica de espectrofotometrí­a de absorción atómica. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis descriptivo y se aplicó la ecuación del índice de Peligro Sistémico (IP). El análisis de resultados indicó que 16 (73%) organismos de S. lewini, presentaron concentraciones de mercurio superiores al lí­mite máximo permisible (LMP) de acuerdo a la normativa europea (1 mg/kg de peso fresco), aunque el IP (1.626857143 x 10 -4 ) demostró que no existe riesgo potencial para la salud de los consumidores, además que esta especie no muestra correlación significativa (Ï = 0.292), entre el tamaño del organismos y la concentración de mercurio. íšnicamente 4 (9%) organismos de la especie C. falciformis, presentaron concentraciones de mercurio arriba del lí­mite máximo permisible de acuerdo a la normativa europea, y el cálculo de IP (4.345714286 x 10 -5 ), indicó que el músculo de dicha especie puede consumirse sin ningún riesgo potencial para las personas

    Deep XMM-Newton observation of the Eta Chamaleontis cluster

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    The members of the Eta Chamaleontis cluster are in an evolutionary stage in which disks are rapidly evolving. It also presents some peculiarities, such as the large fraction of binaries and accretion disks, probably related with the cluster formation process. Its proximity makes this stellar group an ideal target for studying the relation between X-ray emission and those stellar parameters. The main objective of this work is to determine general X-ray properties of the cluster members in terms of coronal temperature, column density, emission measure, X-ray luminosity and variability. We also aim to establish the relation between the X-ray luminosity of these stars and other stellar parameters, such as binarity and presence of accretion disks. A study of flare energies for each flare event and their relation with some stellar parameters is also performed. We used proprietary data from a deep XMM-Newton observation pointed at the core of the Eta Chamaleontis cluster. Specific software for the reduction of XMM-Newton data was used for the analysis of our observation. For the detection of sources, we used the wavelet-based code PWDetect. General coronal properties were derived from plasma model fitting. We also determined variability of the Eta Chamaleontis members in the EPIC field-of-view. A total of six flare-like events were clearly detected in five different stars. For them, we derived coronal properties during the flare events and pseudo-quiescent state separately. In our observations, stars that underwent a flare event have higher X-ray luminosities in the pseudo-quiescent state than cluster members with similar spectral type with no indications of flaring, independently whether they have an accretion disk or not. Observed flare energies are typical of both pre-main and main-sequence M stars. We detected no difference between flare energies of stars with and without an accretion disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 12 pages, 30 individual figure

    La conducta violenta y actividad física de los adolescentes en acogimiento residencial

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    The present study aims to analyze the levels of violent behavior, self-esteem and practice of AF in adolescents who are in residential care ruling possible relationships between all variables with three hypotheses. The participation of a total of 203 adolescents allowed the registration and evaluation of violent conduct variables (Violent Behavior Scale in School), Self-esteem (as measured by the General Self-Esteem Scale Rosenberg) and Self Registration Sheet for values ​​AF issues. The results showed that adolescents living in the family home are regular team sports contact, that aggression levels are similar and that one third of them have low self- fulfilling two of the three hypotheses, and denoting mismatch between aggression, self-esteem and sport mode developed.El presente estudio que tiene como objetivo analizar los niveles de conducta violenta, autoestima y práctica de Actividad Física en adolescentes que se encuentran en acogimiento residencial donde se dictaminan posibles relaciones entre todas las variables con tres hipótesis. Participaron 203 adolescentes evaluados mediante la Escala de Conducta Violenta en la Escuela, Test de Autoestima General de Rosenberg y Hoja de Autoregistro para valorar la Actividad Física. Los resultados mostraron que los adolescentes no residentes en el hogar familiar son asiduos practicantes de deportes colectivos de contacto, que los niveles de agresividad son similares y que un tercio de ellos tienen autoestima baja, cumpliendo dos de las tres hipótesis, y denotando falta de correspondencia entre agresividad, autoestima y modalidad deportiva

    Quince (Cydonia oblonga) in vitro plant root formation through an automated temporary inmersion system, and its acclimation

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    Artículo científicoQuince (Cydonia oblonga) is a non-traditional fruit tree found in Costa Rica that has therapeutic and nutritional properties; however its slow growth and root formation prevents the production of a homogeneous population when using conventional farming techniques. Hence, the aim of this research project was to generate uniform plant material in a reduced time span using a temporary immersion bioreactor system (RITAS ®). A semisolid rooting MS culture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg L-1 NAA; 0.3 mg L-1 IBA and 3% sucrose (pH 6.5), developed in the Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología (CIB), Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR), in Cartago, was used as a reference medium. Four different variations in the sucrose concentration (1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%) were performed in liquid medium. Each trial was evaluated with in vitro plants which had been previously exposed to the culture medium of the corresponding treatments, in a stationary mode and for a 15 day long period, and with in vitro plants without any previous treatment (a total of eight treatments). The comparison of the root formation percentages evidenced the clear effect of sucrose concentration used, with the best results obtained when using the 2% sucrose trial with no pre-treatment (73.3%). The in vitro plants were acclimated in cylinders made out of peat, have previously been disinfected with fungicide, and placed in a humidity chamber at a 20.5°C average temperature and a 75,5% relative humidity for the establishment of weekly fertilizing cycles. The acclimation process generated an 80% survival rate, since several seedlings experienced stem strangulation caused by a fungal attack. The conidiophores identified through optical and scanning electron microscopy evidenced the presence of Cladosporium spp., which was controlled with carbendazim and iprodione fungicides

    X-ray variability of sigma Orionis young stars with ROSAT

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    We used the Aladin Virtual Obsrvatory tool and High Resolution Imager ROSAT archival data to search for X-ray variability in scale of days in 23 young stars in the sigma Orionis cluster and a background galaxy. Five stars displayed unambiguous flares and had probabilities p_var >> 99% of being actual variables. Two of the detected flares were violent and long-lasting, with maximum duration of six days and amplitude of eight times above the quiescent level. We classified another four stars as possible X-ray variables, including the binary system formed by the B2Vp star sigma Ori E and its close late-type companion. This makes a minimum frequency of high-amplitude X-ray variability in excess of a day of 39% among sigma Orionis stars. The incidence of this kind of X-ray variability seems to be lower among classical T Tauri stars with mid-infrared flux excesses than among fast-rotating, disk-less young stars.Comment: AJ, in pres