1,296 research outputs found

    Europa provinzialisieren? Ja, bitte! Aber wie?

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    Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts regierte Europa ĂŒber ca. 85% des globalen Territoriums in Form von Kolonien, Protektoraten und Dependancen. Die koloniale Expansion war ein exorbitanter und gewalttĂ€tiger Prozess, der durch Ausbeutung, Versklavung und Diebstahl charakterisiert war. Es stellt sich deswegen die Frage, warum sich innerhalb der westlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen lange Zeit nur eine kleine Minderheit diesem Ereignis analytisch angenommen hat. Keine große intellektuelle Anstrengung ist vonnöten, um zu verstehen, dass eine solch massive territoriale Expansion, die zum Teil ĂŒber Jahrhunderte gewaltvoll erhalten wurde, erstens nicht nur durch militĂ€rische PrĂ€senz möglich war, zweitens nicht mit der bloßen formalen UnabhĂ€ngigkeit der kolonisierten Staaten zu einem Ende kommen konnte und schließlich kaum nur Spuren in den kolonisierten LĂ€ndern hinterlassen haben kann, sondern auch den globalen Norden prĂ€gten. Postkoloniale Studien nĂ€hern sich dieser KomplexitĂ€t und irritieren dabei die Vorstellung einer zwangslĂ€ufigen, geradezu naturwĂŒchsigen, kolonialen Beherrschung durch Europa. Sie werfen einen Blick auf die Mannigfaltigkeit kolonialer Interventionen und deren WirkmĂ€chtigkeit bis in die heutigen Tage (etwa Randeria/Eckert 2009)

    UnzeitgemĂ€ĂŸe Utopien: Migrantinnen zwischen Selbsterfindung und Gelehrter Hoffnung

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    In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden Migrantinnen nach ihren Utopien befragt, ihren "kleinen TrĂ€umen" und "großen SehnsĂŒchten" nachgespĂŒrt. Dabei gelingt es, die enge Verflochtenheit zwischen utopischem Denken und migrantischen Praxen herauszuarbeiten und Migrantinnen als kritisch-politische Mitglieder einer demokratischen Gesellschaft darzustellen. Die utopischen BeitrĂ€ge erscheinen ungetrĂŒbt als paradox, naiv und gleichzeitig politisch radikal, strategisch durchdacht. Einseitige Forschungsperspektiven, die Migrantinnen entweder zu "Heldinnen" verklĂ€ren oder sie in der Rolle als "Opfer" festzurren, werden hier gleichzeitig problematisiert und irritiert

    Migrantinnen und Utopische Visionen: eine interdisziplinÀre AnnÀherung

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    'Die VerknĂŒpfung der ForschungsstrĂ€nge von Migration, Geschlecht und Utopien ermöglicht es einen neuen, anderen Blick auf Migrantinnen zu werfen. Migrantinnen sind darin nicht bloße Opfer der VerhĂ€ltnisse, sondern aktiv an gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen beteiligt. Die Betrachtung von Utopiediskursen derselben macht Widerstands-Momente und Sozialkritik transparent. Gleichzeitig eröffnet sich ein Blick auf Heterotopien, alternative RĂ€ume, Widerlager, in denen die freimĂŒtige Rede einstudiert wird. Hier finden utopische Visionen einen Raum, in dem sie ausgesprochen und diskutiert werden können, ohne reglementiert zu werden.' (Autorenreferat

    UnzeitgemĂ€ĂŸe Utopien

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    In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden Migrantinnen nach ihren Utopien befragt, ihren »kleinen TrĂ€umen« und »großen SehnsĂŒchten« nachgespĂŒrt. Dabei gelingt es, die enge Verflochtenheit zwischen utopischem Denken und migrantischen Praxen herauszuarbeiten und Migrantinnen als kritisch-politische Mitglieder einer demokratischen Gesellschaft darzustellen. Die utopischen BeitrĂ€ge erscheinen ungetrĂŒbt als paradox, naiv und gleichzeitig politisch radikal, strategisch durchdacht. Einseitige Forschungsperspektiven, die Migrantinnen entweder zu »Heldinnen« verklĂ€ren oder sie in der Rolle als »Opfer« festzurren, werden hier gleichzeitig problematisiert und irritiert

    (Neo-)Koloniale Diskurse – postkoloniale Gegendiskurse

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    Nicht nur um die koloniale Herrschaft zu verstehen, sondern vor allem um ihr zu widerstehen, wurden die kolonialen Rechtfertigungsnarrative immer wieder untersucht, ihre Gewaltförmigkeit offengelegt und mit Gegendiskursen in diese interveniert. Anhand ausgewÀhlter Felder wird nachgezeichnet, wie diskursanalytische Perspektiven postkoloniale Untersuchungen durchziehen. Es werden sowohl (post-)koloniale Raumdiskurse skizziert, als auch Gegendiskurse vorgestellt. Erstere ermöglichen es, einen Blick in die imaginative Geographie der (post-)kolonialen Welt zu werfen, wÀhrend letztere die KomplexitÀt und Kompliziertheit postkolonialer KÀmpfe um Gerechtigkeit prÀsentieren

    Geochemical vs. microbial approach to the new production of the coastal upwelling system of the RĂ­a de Vigo (NW Spain)

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    Symposium GLOBEC–IMBER España, Valencia, 28-30 marzo 2007The fate of the inorganic and organic N trapped in the coastal upwelling system of RĂ­a de Vigo (NW Spain), accumulation/export versus production/ consumption, was studied at the short time–scale (2–4 d) during July 2002. A transient geochemical box model was applied to the measured residual currents and concentrations of inorganic (NT), dissolved (DON) and particulate (PON) organic N to obtain the i) net balance of inputs minus outputs (i – o); ii) the net accumulation (V·dN/dt); and iii) the net ecosystem production (NEP) of NT, DON and PON. The average NEP during July (107 mg N m-2 d-1) indicates an autotrophic metabolism of the rĂ­a. About 25% of this material was exported to the shelf and the remaining 75% was transferred to the sediments or promoted to higher trophic levels. Measurements of oxygen production (Pg) and respiration (R) were performed in a single site twice a week at five depths. In addition, microzooplankton grazing and sedimentation rates were measured for first time in the RĂ­a de Vigo. The high grazing rates observed reduces the efficiency of the rĂ­a to transfer organic matter directly from phytoplankton to the metazoans Comparison of the metabolic state of the RĂ­a de Vigo derived from these in vitro measurements (Pg, R, grazing and sedimentation) and the in situ geochemical budget shows that they agree in 2 of the 3 study cases. Both methods are complementary and their simultaneous application allows obtaining a better knowledge of coastal upwelling ecosystems functioningN

    Angioedema Due to Acquired Deficiency of C1-Inhibitor: A Cohort Study in Spain and a Comparison With Other Series

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    [Background] Data on acquired angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-AAE) from 4 European countries (France, Italy, Germany, and Hungary) were recently published.[Objective] To report data from a group of 50 patients with acquired C1-INH deficiency from Spain, of whom 46 had angioedema, and compare them with other European series.[Methods] We performed a retrospective observational study of 46 patients with C1-INH-AAE and 4 asymptomatic patients. Clinical and biological characteristics and associated diseases were assessed and compared with other European series.[Results] Women accounted for 73.9% of cases. The prevalence of C1-INH-AAE related to hereditary forms was 1/10.1. Overall, 8.7% patients were aged <40 years. Diagnostic delay was 1.1 years. Angioedema mainly affected the face (91.3%), followed by the oropharynx (63%), extremities (50%), and abdomen (37%). Only 1 patient underwent orotracheal intubation. Erythema marginatum was present in 1 patient. A hematologic disorder was recorded in 50% of patients. Angioedema preceded all benign conditions, mostly monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, but appeared very close to or after malignant hematologic diseases (median, 2.2 and 0.29 years). Autoimmune diseases were associated in 50% (autoimmune thyroiditis, 21.5%; systemic lupus erythematosus, 10.9%). Half of them coexisted with hematologic disorders. Anti-C1-INH antibodies were found in 67% of tested patients and were not related to the associated disease. Long-term prophylaxis was necessary in 52.2%, most of whom responded to tranexamic acid.[Conclusions] This study emphasizes the possibility of C1-INH-AAE in patients younger than 40 and in autoimmune diseases other than systemic lupus erythematosus such as autoimmune thyroiditis.Peer reviewe

    Epigenetic prediction of response to anti-PD-1 treatment in non-small-cell lung cancer: a multicenter, retrospective analysis

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    Background: Anti-programmed death-1 (PD-1) treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has improved the survival of patients. However, a substantial percentage of patients do not respond to this treatment. We examined the use of DNA methylation profiles to determine the efficacy of anti-PD-1 treatment in patients recruited with current stage IV NSCLC. Methods: In this multicentre study, we recruited adult patients from 15 hospitals in France, Spain, and Italy who had histologically proven stage IV NSCLC and had been exposed to PD-1 blockade during the course of the disease. The study structure comprised a discovery cohort to assess the correlation between epigenetic features and clinical benefit with PD-1 blockade and two validation cohorts to assess the validity of our assumptions. We first established an epigenomic profile based on a microarray DNA methylation signature (EPIMMUNE) in a discovery set of tumour samples from patients treated with nivolumab or pembrolizumab. The EPIMMUNE signature was validated in an independent set of patients. A derived DNA methylation marker was validated by a single-methylation assay in a validation cohort of patients. The main study outcomes were progression-free survival and overall survival. We used the Kaplan-Meier method to estimate progression-free and overall survival, and calculated the differences between the groups with the log-rank test. We constructed a multivariate Cox model to identify the variables independently associated with progression-free and overall survival. Findings: Between June 23, 2014, and May 18, 2017, we obtained samples from 142 patients: 34 in the discovery cohort, 47 in the EPIMMUNE validation cohort, and 61 in the derived methylation marker cohort (the T-cell differentiation factor forkhead box P1 [FOXP1]). The EPIMMUNE signature in patients with stage IV NSCLC treated with anti-PD-1 agents was associated with improved progression-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0·010, 95% CI 3·29 × 10 −4–0·0282; p=0·0067) and overall survival (0·080, 0·017–0·373; p=0·0012). The EPIMMUNE-positive signature was not associated with PD-L1 expression, the presence of CD8+ cells, or mutational load. EPIMMUNE-negative tumours were enriched in tumour-associated macrophages and neutrophils, cancer-associated fibroblasts, and senescent endothelial cells. The EPIMMUNE-positive signature was associated with improved progression-free survival in the EPIMMUNE validation cohort (0·330, 0·149–0·727; p=0·0064). The unmethylated status of FOXP1 was associated with improved progression-free survival (0·415, 0·209–0·802; p=0·0063) and overall survival (0·409, 0·220–0·780; p=0·0094) in the FOXP1 validation cohort. The EPIMMUNE signature and unmethylated FOXP1 were not associated with clinical benefit in lung tumours that did not receive immunotherapy. Interpretation: Our study shows that the epigenetic milieu of NSCLC tumours indicates which patients are most likely to benefit from nivolumab or pembrolizumab treatments. The methylation status of FOXP1 could be associated with validated predictive biomarkers such as PD-L1 staining and mutational load to better select patients who will experience clinical benefit with PD-1 blockade, and its predictive value should be evaluated in prospective studies

    COVID-19 outbreaks in a transmission control scenario: challenges posed by social and leisure activities, and for workers in vulnerable conditions, Spain, early summer 2020

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 community-wide transmission declined in Spain by early May 2020, being replaced by outbreaks and sporadic cases. From mid-June to 2 August, excluding single household outbreaks, 673 outbreaks were notified nationally, 551 active (>6,200 cases) at the time. More than half of these outbreaks and cases coincided with: (i) social (family/friends’ gatherings or leisure venues) and (ii) occupational (mainly involving workers in vulnerable conditions) settings. Control measures were accordingly applied
