2,656 research outputs found

    Effect of temperature on Brettanomyces bruxellensis: metabolic and kinetic aspects

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    The effect of temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 °C on a culture of Brettanomyces bruxellensis was investigated in regards to thermodynamics, metabolism, and kinetics. In this temperature range, we observed an increase in growth and production rates. The growth behavior was well represented using the Arrhenius model, and an apparent activation energy of 16.61 kcal/mol was estimated. A stuck fermentation was observed at 35 °C as represented by high cell death. The carbon balance established that temperature had no effect on repartition of the glucose consumption between biomass and products. Hence, the same biomass concentration was obtained for all temperatures, except at 35 °C. Moreover, using logistic and Luedeking–Piret models, we demonstrated that production rates of ethanol and acetic acid were partially growth associated. Parameters associated with growth (αeth and αaa) remained constant with changing temperature, whereas, parameters associated with the population (βeth and βaa) varied. Optimal values were obtained at 32 °C for ethanol and at 25 °C for acetic acid

    Brettanomyces bruxellensis : Etude Métabolique, Cinétique et Modélisation. Influence des facteurs environnementaux

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    Ce travail a porté sur l'analyse métabolique et cinétique de deux souches de Brettanomyces, levure de contamination des industries de fermentation alcoolique. Une des souches a été isolée d'une distillerie d'alcool de betterave, l'autre d'une unité de vinification. En s'appuyant sur la méthodologie des plans d'expérience, l'influence de facteurs de l'environnement de ces contextes industriels a été étudiée: pH, température, éthanol, dioxyde de soufre. Les cinétiques et stoechiométries observées ont pu être correctement représentées par un modèle associant loi logistique et formalisme de Luedeking et Piret. Les valeurs des paramètres du modèle de croissance sont fixées à partir des résultats du plan d'expérience. Enfin, par la méthode de l'analyse factorielle, nous avons pu proposer un schéma réactionnel valable pour les souches et les conditions opératoires testées

    Explainable Hopfield Neural Networks Using an Automatic Video-Generation System

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    Hopfield Neural Networks (HNNs) are recurrent neural networks used to implement associative memory. They can be applied to pattern recognition, optimization, or image segmentation. However, sometimes it is not easy to provide the users with good explanations about the results obtained with them due to mainly the large number of changes in the state of neurons (and their weights) produced during a problem of machine learning. There are currently limited techniques to visualize, verbalize, or abstract HNNs. This paper outlines how we can construct automatic video-generation systems to explain its execution. This work constitutes a novel approach to obtain explainable artificial intelligence systems in general and HNNs in particular building on the theory of data-to-text systems and software visualization approaches. We present a complete methodology to build these kinds of systems. Software architecture is also designed, implemented, and tested. Technical details about the implementation are also detailed and explained. We apply our approach to creating a complete explainer video about the execution of HNNs on a small recognition problem. Finally, several aspects of the videos generated are evaluated (quality, content, motivation and design/presentation).University of the Bio-Bio. Vicerrectoria de Investigacion. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. Departamento de Sistemas de Informacion

    Detecting Aggressiveness in Tweets: A Hybrid Model for Detecting Cyberbullying in the Spanish Language

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    In recent years, the use of social networks has increased exponentially, which has led to a significant increase in cyberbullying. Currently, in the field of Computer Science, research has been made on how to detect aggressiveness in texts, which is a prelude to detecting cyberbullying. In this field, the main work has been done for English language texts, mainly using Machine Learning (ML) approaches, Lexicon approaches to a lesser extent, and very few works using hybrid approaches. In these, Lexicons and Machine Learning algorithms are used, such as counting the number of bad words in a sentence using a Lexicon of bad words, which serves as an input feature for classification algorithms. This research aims at contributing towards detecting aggressiveness in Spanish language texts by creating different models that combine the Lexicons and ML approach. Twenty-two models that combine techniques and algorithms from both approaches are proposed, and for their application, certain hyperparameters are adjusted in the training datasets of the corpora, to obtain the best results in the test datasets. Three Spanish language corpora are used in the evaluation: Chilean, Mexican, and Chilean-Mexican corpora. The results indicate that hybrid models obtain the best results in the 3 corpora, over implemented models that do not use Lexicons. This shows that by mixing approaches, aggressiveness detection improves. Finally, a web application is developed that gives applicability to each model by classifying tweets, allowing evaluating the performance of models with external corpus and receiving feedback on the prediction of each one for future research. In addition, an API is available that can be integrated into technological tools for parental control, online plugins for writing analysis in social networks, and educational tools, among others

    Cognitive Analysis of Meaning and Acquired Mental Representations as an Alternative Measurement Method Technique to Innovate E-Assessment

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    Empirical directions to innovate e-assessments and to support the theoretical development of e-learning are discussed by presenting a new learning assessment system based on cognitive technology. Specifically, this system encompassing trained neural nets that can discriminate between students who successfully integrated new knowledge course content from students who did not successfully integrate this new knowledge (either because they tried short-term retention or did not acquire new knowledge). This neural network discrimination capacity is based on the idea that once a student has integrated new knowledge into long-term memory, this knowledge will be detected by computer-implemented semantic priming studies (before and after a course) containing schemata-related words from course content (which are obtained using a natural semantic network technique). The research results demonstrate the possibility of innovating e-assessments by implementing mutually constrained responsive and constructive cognitive techniques to evaluate online knowledge acquisition

    Mini Subcritical Nuclear Reactor

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    A mini subcritical nuclear reactor was designed using Monte Carlo methods. The reactor has light water as moderator, natural uranium as fuel, and a 239PuBe neutron source. In the design uranium fuel was modeled in an arrangement of concentric rings: 8.5, 14.5, 20.5 26.5, 32.5 cm-inner radius, 3 cm-thick, and 36 cm-high. Different models were made from a single ring of natural uranium to five rings. For each case, the neutron spectra, the neutron fluence distribution, the effective multiplication factor, the amplification factor, and the reactor power were estimated. The ambient dose equivalent rate outside the mini reactor was also estimated. The maximum value for the keff (0.78) was obtained when five rings of fuel were used; this value is close to 0.86 which belongs to a Nuclear Chicago subcritical reactor which requires almost twice the amount of uranium than the mini subcritical reactor

    Method for the Integration of Applications Based on Enterprise Service Bus Technologies

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    Companies have developed and acquired multiple business software applications to respond to new organizational requirements. In many cases, the applications have logical dependencies or are used in isolation. This practice increases the possibility of errors, produces inconsistencies and duplications of data, and hinders management of the organization's processes. To take into account the complexities of an integration initiative in terms of integration technologies, staff capabilities and the business applications themselves, organizations that are new to Enterprise Application Integration should follow guidelines and best practices to implement their integration solutions in an integrated manner. The present work conceptualizes a method for developing an integration solution based on Enterprise Service Bus technologies. To achieve this objective, a case study methodology is used for the conception and evaluation of the proposal in terms of systematizing the lessons learned in the development of projects to integrate applications in multiple Cuban organizational sectors in the 2013-2016 period. The proposed method is independent of technology and is modelled as a process in terms of stages, activities and artefacts. The results obtained offer a mechanism that guides and favours the development of a service-based flexible integration solution using integration technologies such as the Enterprise Service Bus

    Imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos Meta y Guaviare.

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    Imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos Meta y Guaviare.Es necesario hacer un análisis reflexivo sobre cada uno de los relatos observar y comprender los impactos psicosociales causados por la Violencia, y como esta ha destruido comunidades, familias e identidades en la sociedad. Asimismo, es necesario concretar la definición de violencia. Deas y Gaitán (1995) indican: La violencia humana se distingue de la agresión entre animales de la misma especie, puesto que los seres humanos se caracterizan por usar instrumentos, es decir, emplean armas. Violencia es hacer daño físico mediante el uso de instrumentos o en evidente superioridad física, cuando ese acto no es necesario para la estricta supervivencia. (Pág. 184) Los relatos de cada una de las víctimas son solo un fragmento de las vivencias dolorosas impuestas por un conflicto que afecta al ser como individuo y como actor indispensable en la construcción social; también es indispensable resaltar que en muchos de estos relatos están incluidos testimonios de vida, cuyo objetivo es el trascender de un futuro y la paz interior; el ejercicio del profesional en psicología social comunitaria se denota con gran importancia al llevar a la practicas diferentes metodologías y acciones epistemológicas, que posibilitan la comprensión, construcción, e identificación desde una dimensión psicosocial y subjetividad colectiva, la problematización de los fenómenos de violencia que están impidiendo una transformación clara de una sociedad en proceso de reparación, restitución y reconciliación. La identificación de los diferentes perfiles de los actores del conflicto armado se origina con la capacidad para obtener relatos e historias que permiten crear y evidenciar la reflexionar acerca de los diferentes escenarios críticos en los que el conflicto armado ha sido el principal precursor, de situaciones dolorosas que en muchas veces se hace difícil de olvidar o reparar; las diferentes estrategias que se puedan implementar como agentes facilitadores en la resolución de conflictos deben ir encaminadas de una participación activa y conjunta con la comunidad y trabajo en equipo.It is necessary to make a reflexive analysis about each one of the stories in order to observe and understand the psychosocial impacts caused by Violence, how it has destroyed communities, families and identities in society. It is also necessary to specify the definition of violence. Deas and Gaitán (1995) indicate: Human violence is distinguished from aggression between animals of the same species, since human beings are characterized by using instruments, that is, they use weapons. Violence is physical harm through the use of instruments or in obvious physical superiority, when that act is not necessary for strict survival. (Pág. 184) The stories of each one of the victims are only a fragment of the painful experiences imposed by a conflict that affects from being as an individual and as an indispensable actor in the construction of a society that can improve and offer day to day the quality of life; It is also essential to point out that in many of these stories testimonies of life are included, of struggle to have a better future and to be able to obtain and offer forgiveness; the exercise of the professional in community social psychology is denoted with great importance when carrying out different epistemological methodologies and actions, which make possible the understanding, construction, and identification from a psychosocial dimension and collective subjectivity, the problematization of the phenomena of violence that are preventing a clear transformation of a society that is in the process of reparation, restitution and reconciliation. The identification of the different profiles of the actors of the armed conflict originates with the ability to obtain those stories and stories that allow creating the possibility of highlighting and reflecting on the different traumatic scenarios for which the armed conflict has made it possible for many people have to go through painful situations that often becomes difficult to forget or repair; the different strategies that can be implemented as facilitators in the resolution of conflicts should be aimed at an active and joint participation with the community and teamwork

    Tuberculosis por Mycobacterium bovis en trabajadores de fincas en saneamiento para tuberculosis bovina, de Antioquia, Boyacá y Cundinamarca

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    Objetivo Realizar la vigilancia epidemiológica clásica y molecular de la tuberculosis (TB) humana causada por Mycobacterium bovis en manipuladores de la cadena de producción bovina en fincas con bovinos PPD positivos de los Departamentos de Antioquia, Boyacá y Cundinamarca en un periodo de un año.Métodos Se visitaron las fincas ganaderas, con bovinos o bufalinos PPD positivos de los departamentos de estudio según información del Programa Nacional de Tuberculosis bovina del ICA. Se recolectó la información socio-demográfica y a los factores de riesgo para adquirir TB asociados a la ocupación a través de una encuesta aplicada a todos los trabajadores de las fincas visitadas. Se recolectaron muestras de esputo luego de haber obtenido un consentimiento informado. Los esputos fueron sometidos a pruebas microbiológicas y moleculares para la identificación de los miembros del complejo M. tuberculosis.Resultados Se visitaron 33 fincas ganaderas y se recolectó información para 164 trabajadores de la cadena de producción bovina. Se identificaron como posibles factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de TB la permanencia en la finca PPD positiva por más de un año, desconocimiento de la enfermedad y presencia de posibles reservorios como perros y gatos. No se encontraron casos de TB por M. bovis ni por M. tuberculosis en los trabajadores de las fincas visitadas.Conclusión No se documentaron casos de la enfermedad por este agente zoonótico en los departamentos de Antioquia, Boyacá y Cundinamarca

    Plan piloto estrategico de seleccion de personal a la empresa inversora san rafael en el area de personal

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    La Empresa SAN RAFAEL S.A.S. una empresa especializada en catering, donde se desarrolló un plan piloto estratégico de selección de personal para el recurso humano, está empresa desarrolla sus labores en el Departamento de Casanare, Colombia. Se evidencio que la empresa Inversora SAN RAFAEL S.A.S., presenta falencias organizacionales en el proceso de selección y rotación de personal, por tal motivo desarrollamos la presente investigación para proponer el plan estratégico más adecuado. Por tanto, desarrollar un plan estratégico que permita planificar, organizar, dirigir y evaluar la mejor intervención que pueda corregir exactamente los ejes delos dos ejes demuestra propuesta, que serán la selección de personal en todos sus procesos y, en segundo lugar, la rotación de personal. Lo anterior a través de una investigación cualitativa-descriptiva que nos permite a mediante una encuesta obtener directamente información dela población y obtener los resultados obtenidos en la metodología de investigación.The Company SAN RAFAEL S.A.S. a company specialized in catering, where I develop a strategic personnel selection pilot in the human area, is located in the Department of Casanare, Colombia. Themain objective of the selection is to adapt the area of modern Human Management within the company and achieve the business vision, improve its organizational culture, performance and performance of the people within the company of the company, which adapts to the descriptions and facades of the position. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that when we talk about seeking to hire suitable staff, we mean a key process within macroprocesses, which aims to find the candidate for the best who adapts to the characteristics by the job and according to the profile of the position, through a series of stages that have to choose the applicant. Therefore, develop a strategic plan that allows to plan, organize, direct and evaluate the best intervention that can correct exactly the axes of the two axes of our proposal, which will be the selection of personnel in all its processes and secondly, the rotation of personnel. This is through qualitative comotiva research that allows us to form the extension of the questions or data obtained in the field investigated based on the bases of human resources management and the results obtained in the research methodology. It is evident that the company SAN RAFAEL S.A.S., presents organizational fallaciousness in the process of selection and rotation of personnel, this as a sequel to the research and implemented the plan this as a sequel to the strategic. If you get a clear resultanalysiss and to make decisions, in this way the company will achieve a desired organizational and external internal result within the business climate
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