14 research outputs found

    Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Are Associated with Decreased Serum Selenium Concentrations and Increased Cardiovascular Risk

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    The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and associated oxidative stress is increasing. The antioxidant mineral selenium (Se) was measured in serum samples from 106 IBD patients (53 with ulcerative colitis (UC) and 53 with Crohn’s disease (CD)) and from 30 healthy controls. Serum Se concentrations were significantly lower in UC and CD patients than in healthy controls (p < 0.001) and significantly lower in CD patients than in UC patients (p = 0.006). Se concentrations in patients were significantly influenced by sex, body mass index (BMI), the inflammatory biomarker α-1-antitrypsin, surgery, medical treatment, the severity, extent, and form of the disease and the length of time since onset (p < 0.05). Se concentrations in IBD patients were positively and linearly correlated with nutritional (protein, albumin, prealbumin, cholinesterase and total cholesterol) and iron status-related (hemoglobin, Fe and hematocrit) parameters (p < 0.05). A greater impairment of serum Se and cardiovascular status was observed in CD than in UC patients. An adequate nutritional Se status is important in IBD patients to minimize the cardiovascular risk associated with increased inflammation biomarkers, especially in undernourished CD patients, and is also related to an improved nutritional and body iron status

    Oxytocin prevents the increase of cocaine-related responses produced by social defeat

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    The neuropeptide oxytocin (OXT) plays a critical role in the regulation of social and emotional behaviors. OXT plays a role in stress response and in drug reward, but to date no studies have evaluated its implication in the long-lasting increase of the motivational effects of cocaine induced by repeated social defeat (RSD). During the social defeat procedure, 1 mg/kg of OXT was administered 30 min before each episode of RSD. Three weeks after the last defeat, the effects of cocaine on the conditioned place preference (CPP), locomotor sensitization and the self-administration (SA) paradigms were evaluated. The influence of OXT on the levels of BDNF in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), striatum and hippocampus was also measured. Our results confirm that raising the levels of OXT during social defeat stress can block the long-lasting effects of this type of stress. OXT counteracts the anxiety induced by social defeat and modifies BDNF levels in all the structures we have studied. Moreover, OXT prevents RSD-induced increases in the motivational effects of cocaine. Administration of OXT before each social defeat blocked the social defeat-induced increment in the conditioned rewarding effects of cocaine in the CPP, favored the extinction of cocaine-associated memories in both the CPP and SA, and decreased reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior in the SA. In conclusion, the long-lasting effects of RSD are counteracted by administering OXT prior to stress, and changes in BDNF expression may underlie these protective effects.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Dirección General de Investigación, [grant numbers PSI2014-51847-R and PSI 2017-83023-R]; Spanish Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Competiveness (SAF2016-75347-R). Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Red de Trastornos Adictivos (RTA) [grant numbers RETICS RD06/0001/1006; RD12/0028/0005; and RD/16/0017/0010] and Unión Europea, Fondos FEDER “A way to build Europe”. The Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (UPF) is an “Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu” funded by the MINECO (Ref. MDM2014-0370). A.C-Z received CONACYT grant from the Government of Mexico. M.A.L. and C.F.P received FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Competiveness (15/02492 and 14/02279)

    Planes viales quinquenales de conservación y desarrollo: guía para la formulación y seguimiento

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    La presente Guía para la Formulación y Seguimiento del Plan Vial Quinquenal de Conservación y Desarrollo (PVQCD), es una contribución conceptual y metodológica del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes al sector municipal y al país. Constituye una nueva manera de planificar la gestión vial bajo la metodología de aprender haciendo, de modo que los equipos técnicos municipales adquieran los conocimientos y las herramientas que requieren para darle continuidad y sostenibilidad a este importante proceso, sin depender de agentes externos y promoviendo el empoderamiento y el aprendizaje local. También es una nueva forma de hacer planificación vial porque incorpora la participación comunal como un mecanismo para nutrir el proceso favoreciendo la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas que sólo es real cuando las comunidades tienen acceso a la información de manera ágil y oportuna. Además, pone a disposición un conjunto de procedimientos, herramientas y recomendaciones necesarias para realizar un plan de gestión vial incluyendo los componentes de desarrollo, conservación y Prólogo seguridad, con estrategias e indicadores para el seguimiento y evaluación. Esta Guía es producto de la formulación, validación, experiencia y lecciones aprendidas por parte de 40 municipalidades de todo el país, en el marco de la contratación del Primer Programa Red Vial Cantonal PRVC-I MOPT/BID, con la Escuela de Planificación y Promoción Social (EPPS) de la Universidad Nacional y en alianza con el Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales de la Universidad de Costa Rica (LanammeUCR), ejecutada con muy buena disposición, interés y solidaridad por parte de estas instituciones. En síntesis, esta Guía permite mirar al futuro con una visión de desarrollo del cantón, e involucra estrategias ambientales, participación ciudadana, priorización en las intervenciones, gestión del riesgo ante emergencias, seguimiento y evaluación, lo que favorece la consolidación de un modelo de gestión vial transparente y orientado a satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios en el mediano y largo plazo. Ing. Germán Valverde González Ministro. Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes.This Guide for the Formulation and Monitoring of the Five-Year Conservation and Development Road Plan (PVQCD) is a conceptual and methodological contribution of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation to the municipal sector and the country. It constitutes a new way of planning road management under the methodology of learning by doing, so that municipal technical teams acquire the knowledge and tools they require to give continuity and sustainability to this important process, without depending on external agents and promoting empowerment. and local learning. It is also a new way of doing road planning because it incorporates community participation as a mechanism to nurture the process, favoring transparency and accountability that is only real when communities have access to information in an agile and timely manner. In addition, it makes available a set of procedures, tools and recommendations necessary to carry out a road management plan, including the components of development, conservation and safety, with strategies and indicators for monitoring and evaluation. This Guide is the product of the formulation, validation, experience and lessons learned by 40 municipalities throughout the country, within the framework of the contracting of the First Cantonal Road Network Program PRVC-I MOPT/IDB, with the School of Planning and Promotion Social (EPPS) of the National University and in alliance with the National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Models of the University of Costa Rica (LanammeUCR), executed with great willingness, interest and solidarity on the part of these institutions. In summary, this Guide allows looking to the future with a vision of development of the canton, and involves environmental strategies, citizen participation, prioritization of interventions, risk management in emergencies, monitoring and evaluation, which favors the consolidation of a management model transparent road and oriented to satisfy the needs of the users in the medium and long term. Ing. Germán Valverde González Minister. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.Universidad Nacional de Costa RicaEscuela de Planificación y Promoción Socia

    Flujos de capitales, choques externos y respuestas de política en países emergentes

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    Las crisis financieras recientes han incrementado de manera significativa la complejidad de la política económica. Hoy día es necesario estar preparado para enfrentar huracanes financieros que surgen de lugares inesperados y que se expanden alrededor del mundo como reguero de pólvora. Para peor, estas crisis producen un profundo desconcierto entre inversores y analistas —incluyendo al propio Fondo Monetario Internacional—. La presente obra contiene un conjunto importante de artículos de alto calibre profesional que se enfocan sobre los nuevos desafíos que enfrenta la política económica en estas circunstancias. Los artículos estudian las características de los flujos de capitales, tanto en su totalidad como en su composición (capital de cartera, inversión directa, etc.) y su interrelación con el mercado de commodities (café y petróleo, en particular). Esto se complementa con un estudio cuidadoso de las vulnerabilidades financieras y un detallado análisis del papel de todos estos factores en la economía colombiana. El libro se convierte en un verdadero pionero en esta literatura y debería transformarse en referencia obligada para todos aquellos que quieran entender los nuevos fenómenos y desarrollar herramientas para prevenir sus peores consecuencias o paliar sus costos en economías emergentes, como la colombiana

    Switching TNF antagonists in patients with chronic arthritis: An observational study of 488 patients over a four-year period

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the survival of infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab in patients who have switched among tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists for the treatment of chronic arthritis. BIOBADASER is a national registry of patients with different forms of chronic arthritis who are treated with biologics. Using this registry, we have analyzed patient switching of TNF antagonists. The cumulative discontinuation rate was calculated using the actuarial method. The log-rank test was used to compare survival curves, and Cox regression models were used to assess independent factors associated with discontinuing medication. Between February 2000 and September 2004, 4,706 patients were registered in BIOBADASER, of whom 68% had rheumatoid arthritis, 11% ankylosing spondylitis, 10% psoriatic arthritis, and 11% other forms of chronic arthritis. One- and two-year drug survival rates of the TNF antagonist were 0.83 and 0.75, respectively. There were 488 patients treated with more than one TNF antagonist. In this situation, survival of the second TNF antagonist decreased to 0.68 and 0.60 at 1 and 2 years, respectively. Survival was better in patients replacing the first TNF antagonist because of adverse events (hazard ratio (HR) for discontinuation 0.55 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.34-0.84)), and worse in patients older than 60 years (HR 1.10 (95% CI 0.97-2.49)) or who were treated with infliximab (HR 3.22 (95% CI 2.13-4.87)). In summary, in patients who require continuous therapy and have failed to respond to a TNF antagonist, replacement with a different TNF antagonist may be of use under certain situations. This issue will deserve continuous reassessment with the arrival of new medications. © 2006 Gomez-Reino and Loreto Carmona; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Estudios territoriales en México

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    Biodiversidad en la cuenca del Orinoco. Bases científicas para la identificación de áreas prioritarias para la conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad

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    Es un placer para el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt presentar a la comunidad científica, conservacionista y autoridades ambientales de Colombia y Venezuela la obra Biodiversidad de la cuenca del Orinoco: bases científicas para la identificación de áreas prioritarias para la conservación y el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad. Este libro es fruto de un esfuerzo de una década de trabajo y recoge numerosos proyectos de carácter institucional que han venido desarrollándose en la Orinoquia, incluyendo el Plan de acción en biodiversidad para la cuenca del Orinoco (2005-2015), además de los resultados de reuniones técnicas de carácter binacional