201 research outputs found

    Relationships between texture, pH, organic matter and exchange capacity in the top horizon of a soil over serpentlnes

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    [Abstract] A statistical analysis of texture, pH, organic matter content and CEC in the rop horizon of a soil over serpentine underneath was undertakan. The studied properties showed a considerable variability. Significant correlations were deteeted between organic matter content, day content and CEe. Likewise these three ahead mentioned properties were correlated with exchangeable Ca and Mg. In the exchange complex Mg prevailed over Ca so that the ration Cal Mg was low and was found ro increase as the pH diminished

    Spatial variatian of Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn mability

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    [Abstract] To investigate the spatial behavior of topsoil Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in a small (1,8 ha) field 53 samples were taken acording to a nested sampling pattern. Metal contents extracted by 0.05 EDTA, both at pH = S and pH = 7 were analyzed and the Fe, Mn, CuandZndegree ofbinding was assessed by a mobility . index, calculated as the difference between the concentrations released at pH = S and at pH = 7. Both the extractable content and the mobility index of these four metals displayed a wide range of variability. As expected, at the pHs range studied, field-averaged solubility was constant for Fe and increased for the other metals following the rank Zn =:: Cu < Mn. Mobility indexdata analyzed bygeostatistical techniques, specificallyvariogram computation, were found to have a spatial structure. Block-kriged contourmaps allowed to identify microregions with significantly increased risk ofMn, Cuand Zn mobilization. Organic matter content, exchangeable cation capacity and silt content appeared to be the main factors responsible for the observed distribution of metals extractability and mobility index within the studied field.

    The acknowledgement of health service of León in the second half of the sixties of the twentieth century. The building of the large and private hospitals

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    [ES] En una época de precariedad sanitaria e inexistencia de camas hospitalarias, la capital de la provincia leonesa, siguiendo la estela de lo que ocurría en el resto del país, asistió, en la segunda mitad de los años sesenta del siglo XX, a la construcción de cinco hospitales, uno de titularidad pública y cuatro de titularidad privada, a los que dedicaremos este artículo. Objetivo principal: Evaluar la importancia de la década de los sesenta del siglo XX en el desarrollo sanitario de la capital de la provincia española de León. Metodología: Se ha realizado un estudio histórico descriptivo de las instalaciones sanitarias al inicio y al final de la década. Resultados principales: Se dotó de más de 900 camas sanitarias de titularidad privada y 280 de titularidad pública, además de un hospital antituberculoso y todo ello en el corto periodo de diez años. En solo cinco años, la oferta de camas privadas prácticamente se triplicó. Conclusión principal: La sanidad leonesa dio un salto cuantitativo y cualitativo para ofrecer a los ciudadanos instalaciones hospitalarias de titularidad privada que complementarían, en su caso, a la Seguridad Social y competirían con ella en la oferta de especialidades médicas y tecnología.[EN] In the second half of the sixties of the twentieth century during the period of health precariousness and lack of hospital beds, the capital of the province of León, which kept up with the other cities of Spain, put up five hospitals, on the one hand, a hospital of public ownership, and the other, four hospitals of private ownership, which will be looked into this article. Main target: Analysing the importance of the sixties of the twentieth century during the health development of the capital of the Spanish province of León. Methodology: We have made a developing a historical-descriptive study of the sanitary facilities at the beginning and end of this decade. Main results: 900 hospital beds of private ownership and 280 of public ownership, besides an antitubercular hospital were put up in so short a period of ten years. In five years, the amount of private beds almost tripled. Main conclusion: The health service of León made a quantitative and qualitative leap, which provides the citizens hospital facilities of private ownership. This will be complementary with social security and will compare with her in the amount of medical specialities and technology.S

    Queratitis epitelial por Virus Herpes Simplex

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    Herpetic keratitis is the leading cause of infectious blindness around the world, the main pathogen is Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1). Exposure to VHS-1 worldwide is extremely common; around 90% of the adult population has been exposed to this virus at some point in their lives. The ocular infection happens mainly because of retrograde transport from the Trigeminal Ganglion to the eye, resulting in mostly epithelial herpetic keratitis. The clinical manifestations of the first episode are usually asymptomatic. Some of these patients will present with recurrences which cause symptoms, epithelial ulcers, stromal keratitis and endotheliitis. These recurrences may cause corneal opacification and blindness. An adequate diagnosis and treatment are needed to prevent the complications. This pathology is usually self limited but the use of treatments such as Acyclovir topical or orally helps diminish the symptoms and recurrences.La queratitis herpética es la principal causa de ceguera infecciosa a nivel mundial, la principal etiología suele ser Virus Herpes Simplex tipo 1 (VHS-1). La exposición a VHS-1 a nivel mundial es sumamente común estimándose que aproximadamente un 90% de la población adulta ha sido expuesta a este virus en algún momento de sus vidas. A nivel ocular principalmente por transporte retrógrado del ganglio trigeminal al ojo cuadro clínico de queratitis herpética principalmente de tipo epitelial. La clínica va a ser variable, principalmente siendo una infección asintomática en el primer cuadro clínico. Algunos de estos pacientes van a tener recurrencias que suelen ser sintomáticas, generando úlceras corneales, queratitis estromal y endotelitis. Las recurrencias generan el riesgo de opacificación corneal y así mismo ceguera. Por esto la importancia de su diagnóstico y manejo adecuado. Esta patología suele ser autolimitada pero el uso de medicamentos como el Aciclovir tanto tópico como oral ayuda a disminuir la sintomatología y la recurrencia de la misma