3,885 research outputs found

    Algunos criterios para determinar polinĂłmios no solubles por radicales

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    En alguna ocasiĂłn tuvimos que enfrentarnos con el siguiente ejercicio: hallar la soluciĂłn general de la ecuaciĂłn diferencial Y(5) + 5y(4) +10y(3) +10y(2) - 4y, - 5y =

    Seedling emergence and establishment of Pinus sylvestris in the Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone

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    Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka och beskriva pedagogers uppfattningar av hur de skapar delaktighet och inflytande, i en kommuns förskoleverksamhet och organisation.Mina frĂ„gestĂ€llningar Ă€r hur pedagogerna beskriver sina möjligheter och hinder för att fĂ„ och skapa delaktighet och inflytande, samt vilka inre och yttre faktorer som finns som pĂ„verkar möjligheten för delaktighet och inflytande.För att undersöka detta har jag valt en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju pedagoger. Det empiriska materialet har bearbetats kvalitativt i en empirinĂ€ra ansats.I resultatet sĂ„g jag att ett större fokus pĂ„ processkvaliteten behöver lĂ€ggas och medvetenheten behöver ökas, kring den pedagogiska dokumentationens betydelse.Sammanfattningsvis behöver den undersökta kommunens förskolor en gemensam samsyn i hela systemet i ett förstĂ„elsebaserat och tolkande perspektiv som gynnar en lĂ„ngsiktig och hĂ„llbar utveckling.Participation and influence in the preschool, a study with teachers in one municipality.The purpose of this study is to explore and describe teacher’s perceptions of how they create participation and influence, in a municipalityÂŽs preschool and organization.My questions are how teachers describe their opportunities and barriers to get and create participation and influence, and what internal and external factors that affecting the ability of participation and influence.To examine this, I have chosen a qualitative research approach. I have conducted semi structured interviews, with seven teachers. The empirical data have been processed in a qualitative empirical closely approach.In the result, I found that a greater focus on process quality needs to be added and awareness needs to be increased, on the pedagogic documentations significances.In conclusion, needs the municipal preschools, which have been examined, get a common consensus of the entire system in a understanding based and interpretive perspective, that support a long term and sustainable development

    Aspectos Fundamentales del Desarrollo de la EducaciĂłn en Colombia 1903-1930

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    La educaciĂłn constituye el aspecto fundamental en la sociedad, si consideramos que puede contribuir al desarrollo o estancamiento de la misma y "MĂĄs profundamente si se piensa en la forma como las orientaciones de un tipo particular de educaciĂłn influyen en la cultura y el sistema de pensamiento y de mentalidad de un pueblo"

    Magnetoresistance Anomalies in Antiferromagnetic YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x}: Fingerprints of Charged Stripes

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    We report novel features in the in-plane magnetoresistance (MR) of heavily underdoped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x}, which unveil a developed ``charged stripe'' structure in this system. One of the striking features is an anisotropy of the MR with a "d-wave" symmetry upon rotating the magnetic field H within the ab plane, which is caused by the rotation of the stripes with the external field. With decreasing temperature, a hysteresis shows up below ~20 K in the MR curve as a function of H and finally below 10 K the magnetic-field application produces a persistent change in the resistivity. This "memory effect" is caused by the freezing of the directionally-ordered stripes.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, final version, to appear in 4 October 1999 issue of PR

    Joint optimization and variable selection of high-dimensional gaussian processes.

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    Abstract Maximizing high-dimensional, non-convex functions through noisy observations is a notoriously hard problem, but one that arises in many applications. In this paper, we tackle this challenge by modeling the unknown function as a sample from a high-dimensional Gaussian process (GP) distribution. Assuming that the unknown function only depends on few relevant variables, we show that it is possible to perform joint variable selection and GP optimization. We provide strong performance guarantees for our algorithm, bounding the sample complexity of variable selection, and as well as providing cumulative regret bounds. We further provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of our algorithm on several benchmark optimization problems

    The quantum Hall effect in graphene samples and the relativistic Dirac effective action

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    We study the Euclidean effective action per unit area and the charge density for a Dirac field in a two--dimensional spatial region, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the 2D--plane, at finite temperature and density. In the limit of zero temperature we reproduce, after performing an adequate Lorentz boost, the Hall conductivity measured for different kinds of graphene samples, depending upon the phase choice in the fermionic determinant.Comment: Conclusions extended. References added. 9 pages. 1 figur

    Superconductivity and Quantum Spin Disorder in Cuprates

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    A fundamental connection between superconductivity and quantum spin fluctuations in underdoped cuprates, is revealed. A variational calculation shows that {\em Cooper pair hopping} strongly reduces the local magnetization m0m_0. This effect pertains to recent neutron scattering and muon spin rotation measurements in which m0m_0 varies weakly with hole doping in the poorly conducting regime, but drops precipitously above the onset of superconductivity

    How To Perform Meaningful Estimates of Genetic Effects

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    Although the genotype-phenotype map plays a central role both in Quantitative and Evolutionary Genetics, the formalization of a completely general and satisfactory model of genetic effects, particularly accounting for epistasis, remains a theoretical challenge. Here, we use a two-locus genetic system in simulated populations with epistasis to show the convenience of using a recently developed model, NOIA, to perform estimates of genetic effects and the decomposition of the genetic variance that are orthogonal even under deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg proportions. We develop the theory for how to use this model in interval mapping of quantitative trait loci using Halley-Knott regressions, and we analyze a real data set to illustrate the advantage of using this approach in practice. In this example, we show that departures from the Hardy-Weinberg proportions that are expected by sampling alone substantially alter the orthogonal estimates of genetic effects when other statistical models, like F2 or G2A, are used instead of NOIA. Finally, for the first time from real data, we provide estimates of functional genetic effects as sets of effects of natural allele substitutions in a particular genotype, which enriches the debate on the interpretation of genetic effects as implemented both in functional and in statistical models. We also discuss further implementations leading to a completely general genotype-phenotype map

    Gate-controlled Guiding of Electrons in Graphene

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    Ballistic semiconductor structures have allowed the realization of optics-like phenomena in electronics, including magnetic focusing and lensing. An extension that appears unique to graphene is to use both n and p carrier types to create electronic analogs of optical devices having both positive and negative indices of refraction. Here, we use gate-controlled density with both p and n carrier types to demonstrate the analog of the fiber-optic guiding in graphene. Two basic effects are investigated: (1) bipolar p-n junction guiding, based on the principle of angle-selective transmission though the graphene p-n interface, and (2) unipolar fiber-optic guiding, using total internal reflection controlled by carrier density. Modulation of guiding efficiency through gating is demonstrated and compared to numerical simulations, which indicates that interface roughness limits guiding performance, with few-nanometer effective roughness extracted. The development of p-n and fiber-optic guiding in graphene may lead to electrically reconfigurable wiring in high-mobility devices.Comment: supplementary materal at http://marcuslab.harvard.edu/papers/OG_SI.pd
