4,858 research outputs found

    Thorotrast Related Hepatic Malignancies. Two Case Reports

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    Os A.A apresentam dois casos clínicos de tumores hepáticos associados ao torotraste, dois colangiocarcinomas, observados numa enfermaria de Medicina Interna de um hospital de Lisboa. É feito um comentário sobre o efeito nefasto das radiações ionizantes em geral sobre o organismo humano, particularizando os efeitos do torotraste. Comenta-se, ainda, o prolongado tempo de latência que existiu nestes dois casos, bem como o facto de, provavelmente, estarmos perante os últimos casos de tumores induzidos pelo torotraste

    Chiral Analysis of Pesticides and Drugs of Environmental Concern: Biodegradation and Enantiomeric Fraction

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    The importance of stereochemistry for medicinal chemistry and pharmacology is well recognized and the dissimilar behavior of enantiomers is fully documented. Regarding the environment, the significance is equivalent since enantiomers of chiral organic pollutants can also differ in biodegradation processes and fate, as well as in ecotoxicity. This review comprises designed biodegradation studies of several chiral drugs and pesticides followed by enantioselective analytical methodologies to accurately measure the enantiomeric fraction (EF). The enantioselective monitoring of microcosms and laboratory-scale experiments with different environmental matrices is herein reported. Thus, this review focuses on the importance of evaluating the EF variation during biodegradation studies of chiral pharmaceuticals, drugs of abuse, and agrochemicals and has implications for the understanding of the environmental fate of chiral pollutants.The authors wish to thank Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia—FCT for financial support under the project Fluoropharma PTDC/EBB-EBI/111699/2009, the PhD grant attributed to Alexandra S. Maia SFRH/BD/86939/2012, QREN-POPH, European Social Fund, MCTES, PEst FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022718; PEst-OE/EQB/LA0016/2011, PEst-OE/SAU/UI4040/2014. This research was partially supported by the Strategic Funding UID/Multi/04423/2013 through national funds provided by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the framework of the program PT2020 and by CESPU (ChiralDrugs_CESPU_2017

    Comparative analysis between visual and computerized photogrammetry postural assessment

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    OBJETIVOS: Comparar a concordância interobservador da avaliação postural visual e por fotogrametria e verificar se os resultados quantitativos da fotogrametria correspondem à detecção de simetrias e assimetrias pela avaliação postural visual qualitativa. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um voluntários (24±1,9 anos) foram inicialmente avaliados visualmente por três fisioterapeutas experientes que preencheram um protocolo de avaliação postural. Em seguida tiveram fotografados a face e o corpo todo nos planos frontal anterior, posterior e sagital. As fotos foram utilizadas para traçar ângulos a partir de marcadores fixados à pele, em vários pontos anatômicos, que são referências frequentes na avaliação postural tradicional. Essas fotografias foram analisadas por três examinadores diferentes da avaliação postural visual. A concordância de cada método de avaliação postural foi avaliada pelos Coeficientes de Cramer V ou de PHI, considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma concordância entre os examinadores que utilizaram a fotogrametria para todos os segmentos avaliados. Não apresentaram concordância os segmentos comissura labial (p=0,00), acrômio clavicular (p=0,01), esternoclavicular (p=0,00), espinhas ilíacas anterior e posterior (p=0,00 e p=0,01) e ângulo inferior da escápula (p=0,00), que foram analizados por meio da avaliação postural visual. A comparação entre a fotogrametria e a avaliação postural visual demonstrou que o grau de concordância entre os dois métodos de avaliação foi pouco significativo para alguns segmentos do membro inferior e pelve. CONCLUSÕES: Nessas condições experimentais, os dados da fotogrametria não podem ser correlacionados com os dados da avaliação postural visual. A avaliação postural visual apresentou dados menos concordantes do que a fotogrametria, devendo ser questionada sua utilização como gold-standart.OBJECTIVES: To compare the interobserver agreement between visual and photogrammetry postural assessment and to determine whether the quantitative photogrammetry results correspond to the symmetries and asymmetries detected through qualitative visual postural assessment. METHODS: Twenty-one volunteers (mean age 24±1.9 years) were visually evaluated by three experienced physical therapists, who completed a postural assessment form. The participants' face and whole body were then photographed in the anterior and posterior frontal and sagittal planes. The photographs were used to draw angles from markers fixed to the skin at various anatomical points that are frequent references in traditional postural assessment. These photographs were analyzed by three examiners (other than the ones who performed the visual assessment). The agreement in each postural assessment method was determined using Cramer's V or the Phi coefficient, with the significance level set at 5%. RESULTS: There was agreement between the examiners who used photogrammetry, for all segments analyzed. No agreement was found for the labial commissure (p=0.00), acromioclavicular joint (p=0.01), sternoclavicular joint (p=0.00), anterior and posterior iliac spines (p=0.00 and p=0.01) or inferior angle of the scapula (p=0.00) when assessed visually. The comparison between photogrammetry and visual postural assessment showed that the agreement level between the two assessment methods was poor for some segments of the lower limb and pelvis. CONCLUSIONS: Under these experimental conditions, the photogrammetry data were not correlated with the results from the visual postural assessment. The visual postural assessment produced data that were in less agreement than the photogrammetry data, and its use as a gold standard must be questioned

    Determinants of tuberculosis transmission and treatment abandonment in Fortaleza, Brazil

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health problem, despite recent achievements in reducing incidence and mortality rates. In Brazil, these achievements were above the worldwide average, but marked by large regional heterogeneities. In Fortaleza (5th largest city in Brazil), the tuberculosis cure rate has been declining and treatment abandonment has been increasing in the past decade, despite a reduction in incidence and an increase in directly observed therapy (DOT). These trends put efforts to eliminate tuberculosis at risk. We therefore sought to determine social and programmatic determinants of tuberculosis incidence and treatment abandonment in Fortaleza. METHODS: We analyzed sociodemographic and clinical data for all new tuberculosis cases notified in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) from Fortaleza between 2007 and 2014. We calculated incidence rates for 117 neighborhoods in Fortaleza, assessed their spatial clustering, and used spatial regression models to quantify associations between neighborhood-level covariates and incidence rates. We used hierarchical logistic regression models to evaluate how individual- and neighborhood-level covariates predicted tuberculosis treatment abandonment. RESULTS: There were 12,338 new cases reported during the study period. Case rates across neighborhoods were significantly positively clustered in two low-income areas close to the city center. In an adjusted model, tuberculosis rates were significantly higher in neighborhoods with lower literacy, higher sewerage access and homicide rates, and a greater proportion of self-reported black residents. Treatment was abandoned in 1901 cases (15.4%), a rate that rose by 71% between 2007 and 2014. Abandonment was significantly associated with many individual sociodemographic and clinical factors. Notably, being recommended for DOT was protective for those who completed DOT, but associated with abandonment for those who did not. CONCLUSION: Low socioeconomic status areas have higher tuberculosis rates, and low socioeconomic individuals have higher risk of treatment abandonment, in Fortaleza. Treatment abandonment rates are growing despite the advent of universal DOT recommendations in Brazil. Proactive social policies, and active contact tracing to find missed cases, may help reduce the tuberculosis burden in this setting

    Reconocimiento médico legal con diez días de descanso o asistencia en víctimas de agresiones físicas por violencia familiar, distrito fiscal, 2021

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo general determinar la calificación jurídica del reconocimiento médico legal con diez días de descanso o asistencia en víctimas de agresiones físicas por violencia familiar en un distrito fiscal, 2021. Se empleó una metodología con enfoque mixto y diseño no experimental-descriptivo, ya que se describieron las variables en base a las teorías previas. Para ello, se aplicó una guía de análisis documental a una muestra de diez carpetas fiscales de la Fiscalía Especializada en Violencia contra las Mujeres e Integrantes del Grupo Familiar de Lima Sur, y cuyos resultados demostraron que el Reconocimiento Médico-Legal arrojó menos de 10 días de asistencia, por tanto, las denuncias ingresadas a la Fiscalía han sido calificadas como faltas. Los datos obtenidos permitieron concluir que es necesaria la adopción de parámetros que permitan calificar las lesiones en contextos de violencia familiar para evitar la impunida

    Cadherin expression and emt: A focus on gliomas

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    Cadherins are calcium-binding proteins with a pivotal role in cell adhesion and tissue homeostasis. The cadherin-dependent mechanisms of cell adhesion and migration are exploited by cancer cells, contributing to tumor invasiveness and dissemination. In particular, cadherin switch is a hallmark of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, a complex development process vastly described in the progression of most epithelial cancers. This is characterized by drastic changes in cell polarity, adhesion, and motility, which lead from an E-cadherin positive differentiated epithelial state into a dedifferentiated mesenchymal-like state, prone to metastization and defined by N-cadherin expression. Although vastly explored in epithelial cancers, how these mechanisms contribute to the pathogenesis of other non-epithelial tumor types is poorly understood. Herein, the current knowledge on cadherin expression in normal development in parallel to tumor pathogenesis is reviewed, focusing on epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Emphasis is taken in the unascertained cadherin expression in CNS tumors, particularly in gliomas, where the potential contribution of an epithelial-to-mesenchymal-like process to glioma genesis and how this may be associated with changes in cadherin expression is discussed.This work was funded by FEDER—Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020—Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior under the project FCT/02/SAICT/2017/030625

    Silvopastoral systems as a tool for territorial sustainability and biodiversity

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    Rural and livestock population evolution in the inner north of Portugal has demonstrated a great regression with consequences for environment and nature conservation. In this context, and taking into account that pastoral activity has shaped the natural areas of mountain territories since its beginning and that territories are currently part of Natura 2000 network, rethinking the importance of such activity has become vital. The constraints affecting daily tasks performed by shepherds and livestock breeders as well as the installed social segregation are a strong limitation. However, current research developed in the context of nature conservation has demonstrated the importance of the landscape mosaic promoted by grazing in the preservation of priority habitats. In this way, it is urgent to assess the issue of shepherds and livestock breeders’ image in terms of their roles, relationships and concerns, as well as to assess pastoralism socioeconomics in regard to self-consumption, market and rural self-sufficiency. In this perspective, this work presents an analysis of the adaptation of grazing to current times, perceiving its limitations and success potential.This work is supported by European Structural and Investment Funds, FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project No. 006971 (UID/SOC/04011)], and national funds, through FCT, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project UID/SOC/04011/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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