1,490 research outputs found

    Cu oxidation mechanism on Cu-Zr(O)N coatings: Role on functional properties

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    Zirconium oxynitride (Zr(O)N) and Copper-Zirconium oxynitrides (Cu-Zr(O)N) were deposited by a DC reactive magnetron sputtering technique on stainless steel substrates. A duty cycle controller was used to obtain different oxygen contents in the developed films and a chemical activation procedure was carried out to obtain copper oxides. The samples were chemical and structurally characterized by SEM, EDS, XRD and XPS. Additional functional features were evaluated according to colour variation and inhibition halo tests. Zr(O)N and Cu-Zr(O)N surfaces showed a wide colour variation from golden to black tones, progressing through intermediate tones such as purple, blue and bluish grey. An antibacterial effect was only obtained after the chemical activation of Cu-ZrON-DC100, which showed a Zr(O)N matrix incapable of catching more oxygen from deposition. After, with the additional availability of O2- ions, the Cu present in the coating reacted with these ions forming CuO. The antibacterial mechanism was associated with the aforementioned characterizations and ICP-OES spectroscopy. The Cu2+ ions release had no influence on the antibacterial effect although the presence of CuO was decisive in obtaining an antibacterial behaviour. The acquired results demonstrated a potential multifunctionality of Cu-Zr(O)N coatings, joining an aesthetical surface with an antibacterial effect.This research is sponsored by FEDER funds through the COMPETE program - Competitive Factors Operational Program - and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology - under the scope of the strategic funding of co-financed via UIDB/00285/2020 and UIDB/04650/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, On-SURF (co-financed via FEDER (PT2020) POCI-01-0247-FEDER 546024521; The authors also thank the financial support in the framework of HEALTHYDENT - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030708) and ATRITO-0 (co-financed via FEDER (PT2020) POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-030446.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribución de las inversiones públicas en fisioterapia y cobertura de la salud suplementaria en Brasil: serie histórica de 2010 a 2015

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    Este estudo tem o objetivo de descrever o perfil dos investimentos públicos em fisioterapia e verificar a correlação desses investimentos com a taxa de cobertura de plano de saúde, nas grandes regiões brasileiras e nas unidades de federação, entre 2010 e 2015. Os dados referentes aos investimentos públicos aprovados por região e unidades de federação do país segundo atendimento em fisioterapia foram obtidos no setor de Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais do Sistema Único de Saúde, no site do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (Datasus). As informações correspondentes à taxa de cobertura por plano de saúde foram obtidas no setor de Informações de Saúde Suplementar, disponível no site da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar. Os dados foram analisados, e, para verificar a correlação entre a distribuição dos investimentos e a taxa de cobertura por plano de saúde, realizou-se o teste de correlação de Spearman, com nível de significância de 5,00%. A média de aplicação per capita em reais no Brasil de recursos financeiros em atendimentos em fisioterapia ao longo dos cinco anos foi de R117,16(±3,52).Dentreasregio~eseparaomesmoperıˊodo,aregia~oSulapresentouamaiormeˊdiapercapita(R 117,16 (±3,52). Dentre as regiões e para o mesmo período, a região Sul apresentou a maior média per capita (R 129,95 ± 5,30), seguida em ordem decrescente pelas regiões Sudeste (R124,22±3,69);Nordeste(R 124,22±3,69); Nordeste (R 118,98±7,53); Norte (R89,43±3,01)eCentroOeste(R 89,43±3,01) e Centro-Oeste (R 77,09 ± 6,54). A média de cobertura de plano privado de saúde variou de 6,20% (Acre) a 43,35% (São Paulo). Parece não haver relação entre a cobertura por plano de saúde privado e o investimento público em atendimento em fisioterapia.Este estudio tiene el objetivo de describir el perfil de las inversiones públicas en fisioterapia y certificar la correlación de esas inversiones con la tasa de cobertura de seguro de salud, en las grandes regiones brasileñas y en las unidades de federación, entre 2010 y 2015. Los datos referentes a las inversiones públicas aprobadas por región y unidades de federación del país según la atención en fisioterapia fueron obtenidos en el sector de Sistema de Informaciones Ambulatorias del Sistema Único de Salud, en el sitio del Departamento de Informática del Sistema Único de Salud (Datasus). Las informaciones correspondientes a la tasa de cobertura por seguro de salud fueron obtenidas en el sector de Informaciones de Salud Suplementaria, disponible en el sitio de la Agencia Nacional de Salud Suplementaria. Los datos fueron analizados, y, para certificar la correlación entre la distribución de las inversiones y la tasa de cobertura por seguro de salud, se realizó la prueba de correlación de Spearman, con nivel de significancia del 5,00%. Y el promedio de aplicación per cápita en reales en Brasil de ingresos financieros en atenciones en fisioterapia a lo largo de los cinco años fue de R117,16(±3,52).Deentrelasregionesyparaelmismoperıˊodo,laregioˊnSurpresentoˊelpromediomaˊsgrandepercaˊpita(R 117,16 (± 3,52). De entre las regiones y para el mismo período, la región Sur presentó el promedio más grande per cápita (R 129,95 ± 5,30), luego en orden decreciente por las regiones Sudeste (R124,22±3,69);Noreste(R 124,22 ± 3,69); Noreste (R 118,98 ± 7,53); Norte (R89,43±3,01)yCentroOeste(R 89,43 ± 3,01) y Centro Oeste (R 77,09 ± 6,54). El promedio de cobertura de seguro privado de salud varió del 6,20% (Acre) al 43,35% (São Paulo). Parece no haber relación entre la cobertura por seguro de salud privado y la inversión pública en atención en fisioterapia.This study aims to describe the profile of public investments in physical therapy and to verify the correlation between these investments and the health insurance coverage rate in major Brazilian regions and Federation units, between 2010 and 2015. Data concerning the approved public investments by region and Federation units according to physical therapy attendance were obtained in the Outpatient Information System of the Unified Health System, in the website of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (Datasus). The information corresponding to the health insurance coverage rate was obtained in the Supplementary Health Information sector, available on the National Supplementary Health Agency website. Data were analyzed and the Spearman correlation test was held with a significance level of 5.00% to show a correlation between investment distribution and health insurance coverage rate. The mean per capita application in Brazil, in Brazilian Reais, of financial resources in physical therapy attendances, over the five years analyzed, was R117.16(±3.52).Amongtheregions,andforthesameperiod,theSouthregionpresentedthehighestmeanpercapita(R 117.16 (±3.52). Among the regions, and for the same period, the South region presented the highest mean per capita (R 129.95±5.30), followed in descending order by the Southeast (R124.22±3.69),Northeast(R 124.22±3.69), Northeast (R 118.98±7.53), North (R89.43±3.01),andMidwest(R 89.43±3.01), and Midwest (R 77.09±6.54) regions. The mean coverage by private health insurance varied from 6.20% (Acre) to 43.35% (São Paulo). Apparently, no correlation exists between private health insurance coverage and public investment in physical therapy services

    The crude skin secretion of the pepper frog Leptodactylus labyrinthicus is rich in metallo and serine peptidases

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    Peptidases are ubiquitous enzymes involved in diverse biological processes. Fragments from bioactive peptides have been found in skin secretions from frogs, and their presence suggests processing by peptidases. Thus, the aim of this work was to characterize the peptidase activity present in the skin secretion of Leptodactylus labyrinthicus. Zymography revealed the presence of three bands of gelatinase activity of approximately 60 kDa, 66 kDa, and 80 kDa, which the first two were calcium-dependent. These three bands were inhibited either by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and phenathroline; thus, they were characterized as metallopeptidases. Furthermore, the proteolytic enzymes identified were active only at pH 6.0–10.0, and their activity increased in the presence of CHAPS or NaCl. Experiments with fluorogenic substrates incubated with skin secretions identified aminopeptidase activity, with cleavage after leucine, proline, and alanine residues. This activity was directly proportional to the protein concentration, and it was inhibited in the presence of metallo and serine peptidase inhibitors. Besides, the optimal pH for substrate cleavage was determined to be 7.0–8.0. The results of the in gel activity assay showed that all substrates were hydrolyzed by a 45 kDa peptidase. Gly-Pro-AMC was also cleaved by a peptidase greater than 97 kDa. The data suggest the presence of dipeptidyl peptidases (DPPs) and metallopeptidases; however, further research is necessary. In conclusion, our work will help to elucidate the implication of these enzymatic activities in the processing of the bioactive peptides present in frog venom, expanding the knowledge of amphibian biology

    Surface functionalization of 3D printed structures: Aesthetic and antibiofouling properties

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a hot topic nowadays, having a first order in importance in research trends, improving existent technologies and carrying them further. AM can be applied to ceramics, which have importance in current technologies. Their capability to maintain functional properties for long time periods, combined with the easiness to process and the abundance of raw materials, make them a fundamental part of mankind development. Within ceramics, stoneware has a wide range of uses but in some conditions, it can be affected by biofouling. Ti(O)N and Ag-Ti(O)N coatings over 3D printed stoneware, were presented as multifunctional solution, linking aesthetical and antimicrobial properties. Films were developed by reactive direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering and characterized physical, chemical and morphologically, as well as regarding their colour variation. Moreover roughness, wettability, antibacterial and antibiofouling were also evaluated. The results revealed that the Ag doped coatings (with or without oxygen addition) had an enhanced multifunctionality compared to control samples (without Ag). Ag nanoparticles addition created a surface with potential antibacterial and antibiofouling activities, in order to resist outdoors and aqueous environments, making these films able to be applied in architectural pieces as sculptures or other decorative parts, maintaining their properties with good aesthetical properties.The authors acknowledge to MIT Portugal-2017 program by thefinancial support through FCT/MCTES for this exploratory researchproject with the reference MIT-EXPL/ISF/0006/2007 and PhysicsCenter of University of Minho and University of Porto (CFUM-UP) by itssupport though the strategical project (UID/FIS/04650/2019). Thisstudy was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science andTechnology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/FIS/04650/2019 and UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit and BioTecNorte opera-tion (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the EuropeanRegional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—ProgramaOperacional Regional do Norte and, in the framework of the ATRITO-0(co-financed via FEDER (PT2020) POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030446 andFCT (PIDDAC)) and the On-SURF (co-financedvia FEDER (PT2020)POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024521) projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of the Neutrophil Proteome in Trauma Patients and Normal Controls

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    Background: Neutrophils have an impressive array of microbicidal weapons, and in the presence of a pathogen, progress from a quiescent state in the bloodstream to a completely activated state. Failure to regulate this activation, for example, when the blood is flooded with cytokines after severe trauma, causes inappropriate neutrophil activation that paradoxically, is associated with tissue and organ damage. Acidic proteomic maps of quiescent human neutrophils were analyzed and compared to those of activated neutrophils from severe trauma patients. The analysis revealed 114 spots whose measured volumes differed between activated and quiescent neutrophils, with 27 upregulated and 87 downregulated in trauma conditions. Among the identified proteins, grancalcin, S100-A9 and CACNB2 reinforce observed correlations between motility and ion flux, ANXA3, SNAP, FGD1 and Zfyve19 are involved in vesicular transport and exocytosis, and GSTP1, HSPA1 HSPA1L, MAOB, UCH-L5, and PPA1 presented evidence that activated neutrophils may have diminished protection against oxidative damage and are prone to apoptosis. These are discussed, along with proteins involved in cytoskeleton reorganization, reactive oxygen species production, and ion flux. Proteins such as Zfyve19, MAOB and albumin- like protein were described for the first time in the neutrophil. In this work we achieved the identification of several proteins potentially involved in inflammatory signaling after trauma, as well as proteins described for the first time in neutrophils

    Frailty in elderly community: socioeconomic and health characteristics – an observational study

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    Modelo do estudo: Transversal, observacional e analítico. Objetivo: Verificar a associação da síndrome de fragilidade com as condições socioeconômicas e de saúde em idosos residentes na comunidade. Metodologia: Amostra composta por 54 idosos adscritos à Equipe Saúde da Família do município de Uberaba/MG. A coleta de dados consistiu na avaliação do estado cognitivo, variáveis socioeconômicas, percepção de saúde, morbidades, número de medicamentos e fenótipo de fragilidade, categorizados em não frágil (GN) (nenhum item do fenótipo), pré-frágil (GP) (dois itens do fenótipo) e frágil (GF) (três ou mais itens do fenótipo). Resultados: Constatou-se que 11,1% dos idosos eram frágeis, 46,3% pré-frá- geis e 42,6% não frágeis. Não houve diferença significativa para as variáveis socioeconômicas e de saúde entre os grupos, exceto para a maior proporção do número de medicamentos no grupo frágil quando comparado ao pré-frágil e não frágil (p<0,0028). O GF apresentou maior percentual de mulheres, sem escolaridade, viúvos e que moravam com filhos; enquanto que no GP observou-se que a maioria pertencia à faixa etária de 75 anos e mais, 1 a 4 anos de escolaridade e renda de até 1 salário mínimo. Conclusões: O consumo de medicamentos foi maior para os idosos frágeis, indicando a necessidade de atenção especial a essa característica, dado o perfil apresentado. Além disso, os achados da pesquisa ressaltam a relevância dos componentes socioeconômicos e de saúde do idoso em condição de fragilidade><0,0028). O GF apresentou maior percentual de mulheres, sem escolaridade, viúvos e que moravam com filhos; enquanto que no GP observou-se que a maioria pertencia à faixa etária de 75 anos e mais, 1 a 4 anos de escolaridade e renda de até 1 salário mínimo. Conclusões: O consumo de medicamentos foi maior para os idosos frágeis, indicando a necessidade de atenção especial a essa característica, dado o perfil apresentado. Além disso, os achados da pesquisa ressaltam a relevância dos componentes socioeconômicos e de saúde do idoso em condição de fragilidade.Study design: Cross-sectional, observational and analytical study. Objective: To investigate the association between frailty syndrome with socioeconomic and health conditions in elderly community residents. Material and Methods: A sample of 54 elderly ascribed to the Family Health Team of Uberaba/MG. Data collection consisted of the evaluation of cognitive status, record of socioeconomic, health perception, morbidities, number of medications and the frailty phenotype, categorized into non-frail (GN) (no items of the phenotype), pre-frail (GP) (two items of the phenotype) and frail (GF) (three or more items of the phenotype). Results: 11.1% of the group was classified as frail, 46.3% as pre-frail and 42.6% as non frail. There was no significant difference for the socioeconomic and health variables between groups. However, the frail group had lower education and income, greater number of morbidities and predominantly female. The use of drugs was statistically higher in the frail group compared to pre-frail and non frail with 100% of the frail group consuming 3 or more medications. Conclusions: Drug consumption was higher for the frail elderly, indicating the need for special attention to this characteristic, given the different consumption profile shown. Furthermore, the findings of the study emphasize the importance of social components in elderly health impact seen in frailty conditio

    Intrasellar Chondroid Chordoma: A Case Report

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    Chordomas are tumors derived from cells that are remnants of the notochord, particularly from its proximal and distal extremes, they are mainly midline and represent approximately 1% of all malignant bone tumors and 0.1 to 0.2% of intracranial neoplasms. Chordomas involving the sellar region are rare. Herein, we describe a 57-year-old male patient presenting with a history of retro-orbital headache, progressive loss of vision, and clinical features of hypopituitarism, for over 2 months. During evaluation, the CT scan revealed a large contrast-enhancing intrasellar tumor with a 3.6-cm largest diameter. The patient underwent transsphenoidal partial resection of the tumor, and histological examination was consistent with the diagnosis of chondroid chordoma. Although chordomas are rare, they may be considered to constitute a differential diagnostic of pituitary adenomas, especially if a calcified intrasellar tumor with bone erosion is diagnosed