4 research outputs found

    Comer intuitivo em mulheres brasileiras estudantes residentes na Austrália

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o comportamento alimentar de mulheres brasileiras estudantes que residem na Austrália de acordo com os princípios do comer intuitivo. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa observacional, descritiva e transversal, através da aplicação online de questionário sociodemográfico e da Escala do Comer Intuitivo (Intuitive Eating Scale IES-2). A IES-2 é uma escala de autorrelato, composta por 23 itens, likert de 5 pontos que varia entre 1 (discordo fortemente) e 5 (concordo fortemente), onde altos escores indicam melhores níveis de comer intuitivo. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 73 mulheres, com média de idade de 29,6 ±4,6; a maioria solteira (54,8%), residindo com companheiro (52,1%), vivendo em Sydney (95,9%), no estado de New South Wales (98,6%). Não houve correlação estatística significativa entre os escores da IES-2 e os dados sociodemográficos. O escore total da escala do comer intuitivo foi de 3,1 pontos. Conclusão: O comportamento alimentar mais evidente na amostra estudada foi relacionado à dimensão “permissão incondicional para comer”, onde o indivíduo é encorajado a comer quando está com fome e entende que todos os alimentos podem ser consumidos, não havendo uma distinção entre alimentos permitidos e proibidos

    Estado nutricional em pacientes HIV positivos anêmicos atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre

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    Realizou-se um estudo descritivo conduzido no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, no período de outubro de 2001 a outubro de 2002, com pacientes HIV positivos e anêmicos. Objetivo: avaliar a associação entre anemia e o perfil nutricional em uma amostra de pacientes HIV+ . Métodos: Foram incluídos 34 pacientes maiores de 18 anos, sendo todos pacientes diagnosticados com anemia. Foram analisados exames laboratoriais, avaliação da ingestão alimentar (recordatório alimentar de 24h), freqüência alimentar e coleta dos parâmetros antropométricos dos pacientes. Resultados: O recordatório alimentar de 24 horas demonstrou a deficiência na ingestão de folato pela maioria dos pacientes; enquanto que vitamina B12 e ferro estiveram de acordo com as RDA’s. Conclusão: A causa da anemia nestes pacientes talvez não tenha sido em função desta deficiente ingestão de folato, ainda mais por se tratar de um estudo descritivo. Ressalta-se a importância do profissional para o acompanhamento nutricional destes pacientes, para a promoção de um adequado estado nutricional e qualidade de vida.Was develop a descritive study conducted in the Porto Alegre Clinics’ Hospital, from october 2001 to October 2002, with positive HIV and anemics patients. Objectives: Evaluate the association between anemia and nutritional status in positive HIV patients. Methodology: Were included 34 patients under 18 years old, all diagnosed with anemia. Laboratorial exams, evaluation of food intake (24h register), questionary of food intake frequence and anthropometrics data were collected. Results: The 24h register food intake showed the deficiency in folate intake by most of patients ,while vitamine B12 and iron intake were accorded RDA’s. Conclusions: The etiology of anemia in these patients maybe wasn´t cause by this folate deficiency, also because this was a describe study. The presence of a professional appears to be important for the nutritional treatment of these patients, to develop a health nutrional status and quality of life

    Dietary fiber and saturated fat: relation between biochemical markers of metabolic syndrome

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    Aims: To relate the consumption of dietary fiber and saturated fat to biochemical markers in individuals with metabolic syndrome. Methods: The database of this cross-sectional study consisted of both male and female adults diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, according to the National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III, who participated in a study at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Data on all individuals registered at baseline who had complete information about their food intake were used. Consumption of dietary fiber and saturated fat was calculated based on the information provided by a 24-hour recall survey and a two-day food record. We evaluated the subjects in general and stratified by gender. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Student’s t test. The correlation between fiber and saturated fat intake and biochemical markers was measured by Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: There were 79 individuals whose records contained complete information and who were eventually included in the study. A significant positive correlation was observed between saturated fat intake and serum triglyceride levels (r=0.30; p=0.008) and between saturated fat intake and insulin (r=0.26; p=0.021). Also, a significant inverse correlation was observed between fiber intake and serum levels of HDL cholesterol (r=-0.28; p=0.011). When stratified by gender, the positive correlation between consumption of saturated fat and triglycerides remained significant only among men (r=0.44; p=0.034). Conclusions: In this population diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, lower levels of HDL cholesterol were found in individuals who referred higher intake of dietary fiber, while individuals who reported elevated consumption of saturated fat had higher levels of insulin and triglycerides. In the gender-stratified analysis, positive correlation was found only between saturated fat consumption and serum triglyceride levels in men