98 research outputs found

    Common Law e Civil Law: estudo comparativo entre os sistemas jurídicos com o advento do IRDR

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar sistematicamente e minuciosamente a constituição e a estrutura dos dois maiores sistemas jurídicos do planeta através de um recorte acerca do funcionamento dos precedentes em ambos, mais especificamente, do Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas. Para isso, será feita uma análise comparativa de alguns países especificos que adotam o sistema de Common Law com o sistema vigente no Brasil, que adota o Civil Law. Demonstrando-se suas diferenças e similaridades no mundo contemporâneo, bem como suas modificações através do tempo. Nesse seguimento, visa destacar a interação entre os dois sistemas. Por fim, a internacionalização das formas de entender o direito no mundo globalizado e a influência da globalização na interrelação dos sistemas juridicos

    Prestação de serviços à comunidade da UFRGS: estratégias de formação dos/as bolsistas no trabalho remoto

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    Este artigo trata da experiência do Programa de Prestação de Serviços à Comunidade (PPSC) do Centro Interdisciplinar de Educação Social e Socioeducação (CIESS) a partir de um projeto de extensão que, desde 1997, acompanha adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa na Universidade (FACED/UFRGS). O objetivo é evidenciar como as estratégias metodológicas desse acompanhamento se estendem aos bolsistas, garantindo-lhes o exercício da autonomia e criatividade em um espaço seguro e respeitoso. O texto traz as atividades desenvolvidas remotamente e os depoimentos dos discentes enquanto integrantes da equipe. O resultado é uma ação que, mesmo virtual, possibilitou uma aprendizagem participativa, criativa e integradora

    Infectious Causes of Abortion, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death in Bitches

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    Problems in gestational development in dogs can be determined by infectious and non‐infectious causes. Among the non‐infectious causes, trauma during pregnancy, genetic characteristics of the animal, deficit nutrition, thyroid dysfunction, maternal problems and hormonal disorders are found. The majority of the cases are in relation to infectious diseases, one should consider viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoal, which can interfere directly or indirectly in the foetal development. The progression of foetal development may be affected by the direct action of the microorganisms to overcome the placenta, but they are also able to affect pregnancy and release placental toxins by inflammatory processes and, may still cause maternal pathologies, which entail problems such as hyperthermia, hypoxia and endotoxemia, which can result in abortion. Several diseases can trigger pregnancy loss in dogs. This action can be direct by microorganisms, as well as indirectly triggering other problems that lead to abortion. This chapter discusses the infectious aetiologies of reproductive failures (abortion, stillbirth and neonatal death) in bitches


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    Equinoculture is an important activity of Brazilian agribusiness, moving billions a year and generating direct and indirect jobs. Considered the most numerous equine breed in the country, Mangalarg Marchador breeding is concentrated, especially, in the Minas Gerais state. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the clinical and reproductive scenario of the Mangalarga Marchador breed in the Northern Minas Gerais region to understand the breeding profile in this mesoregion. For this purpose, an online questionnaire was applied, which was completed upon prior acceptance of the Free and Informed Consent Form. The sample consisted of 52 breeders and the results obtained were subjected to frequency analysis by chi-square test. Among the data obtained, 38% of breeders reported leisure as the breeding purpose (p=0.53). Regarding the mating method, 40% reported the use of controlled cover. However, the majority (58%; p<0,01) performs artificial insemination, of which 62% use semen fresh (p<0.01). In addition, 51.92% reported the practice of embryo transfer (p=0,78). Regarding reproductive diseases, abortion, in females, and inguinal hernia, in males, were more prevalent with, 39.13% (p<0.01) and 83.33% (p<0.01), respectively. There was also remarkable technical assistance by veterinarians (86.53%; p<0.01) with monthly periodicity (16.55%; p<0.01). Therefore, it is possible to infer that the northern region of Minas Gerais requires improvements in sanitary-reproductive management applied to the Mangalarga Marchador breed to achieve the desired reproductive efficiency.A equinocultura consiste numa importante atividade do agronegócio brasileiro, movimentando bilhões ao ano e gerando empregos diretos e indiretos. Considerada a raça equina mais numerosa do país, a criação de Mangalarga Marchador se concentra, em especial, no estado de Minas Gerais. Deste modo, este estudo teve como objetivo explorar o cenário clínico-reprodutivo da raça Mangalarga Marchador no Norte de Minas Gerais a fim de compreender o perfil da criação nesta mesorregião. Para isso, foi realizada a aplicação de questionário online, o qual foi preenchido mediante aceite prévio do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. A amostra foi composta por 52 criadores e os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de frequência pelo teste qui-quadrado. Dentre os dados obtidos, 38% dos criadores relataram o lazer como finalidade de criação (p=0,53). Com relação ao método de acasalamento, 40% informaram a utilização da monta dirigida. Contudo, a maioria (58%; p<0,01) realiza a inseminação artificial, sendo que destes, 62% utilizam o sêmen fresco (p<0,01). Além disso, 51,92% relataram a realização da transferência de embriões (p=0,78). Com relação às enfermidades reprodutivas, o aborto, em fêmeas, e a hérnia inguinal, em machos, foram mais prevalentes com 39,13% (p<0,01) e 83,33% (p<0,01), respectivamente. Foi constatada ainda prevalência da assistência técnica por médico veterinário (86,53%; p<0,01) com periodicidade, em sua maioria, mensal (16,55%; p<0,01). Portanto, é possível inferir que a região do Norte do estado requer melhorias no manejo sanitário-reprodutivo voltado à raça Mangalarga Marchador para que a eficiência reprodutiva desejada seja alcançada

    Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures Fixation Technique Using an Adjustable Nylon Tie in Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and Cat (Felis catus domesticus)

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    Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days’ duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessionswere prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb.Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 h’s duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region. Radiographic examination revealed a closed, complete and simple fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and a surgical stabilization through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation with three polyamide nylon ties was performed.Seven days after the surgery were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Three months after the surgery, the owner was contacted and he reported that the cat was supported the limb.Discussion: Adult dogs are more susceptible to diaphyseal fractures and so does the dog in the present report. On the other hand, young cats present high metaphyseal fracture rates due to the metaphyseal growth plate. However, the cat in the present report was different since it was 4-month-old and presented diaphyseal fracture. Different from steel cerclagewires, polyamide nylon ties were used as secondary fixation in diaphyseal fractures for the reason that of their stability in this kind of fracture, no tissue reaction and minimal tissue trauma. The adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 were already used in different surgical procedures in human patients and animals. Complications reported in the literature due to theiruse were associated with erroneous surgical techniques. Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 proved to be efficient as bone cerclage device in diaphyseal multiple and simple fracture, as well as gave stability to the herein assessed adult dog and young cat, besides not inducing foreign body reactions.Keywords: small animals, polyamide, bones, cerclage, surgery

    Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures Fixation Technique Using an Adjustable Nylon Tie in Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and Cat (Felis catus domesticus)

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    Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days’ duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessionswere prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb.Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 h’s duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region. Radiographic examination revealed a closed, complete and simple fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and a surgical stabilization through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation with three polyamide nylon ties was performed.Seven days after the surgery were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Three months after the surgery, the owner was contacted and he reported that the cat was supported the limb.Discussion: Adult dogs are more susceptible to diaphyseal fractures and so does the dog in the present report. On the other hand, young cats present high metaphyseal fracture rates due to the metaphyseal growth plate. However, the cat in the present report was different since it was 4-month-old and presented diaphyseal fracture. Different from steel cerclagewires, polyamide nylon ties were used as secondary fixation in diaphyseal fractures for the reason that of their stability in this kind of fracture, no tissue reaction and minimal tissue trauma. The adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 were already used in different surgical procedures in human patients and animals. Complications reported in the literature due to theiruse were associated with erroneous surgical techniques. Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 proved to be efficient as bone cerclage device in diaphyseal multiple and simple fracture, as well as gave stability to the herein assessed adult dog and young cat, besides not inducing foreign body reactions.Keywords: small animals, polyamide, bones, cerclage, surgery

    Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures Fixation Technique Using an Adjustable Nylon Tie in Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and Cat (Felis catus domesticus)

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    Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days’ duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessionswere prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb.Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 h’s duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region. Radiographic examination revealed a closed, complete and simple fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and a surgical stabilization through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation with three polyamide nylon ties was performed.Seven days after the surgery were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Three months after the surgery, the owner was contacted and he reported that the cat was supported the limb.Discussion: Adult dogs are more susceptible to diaphyseal fractures and so does the dog in the present report. On the other hand, young cats present high metaphyseal fracture rates due to the metaphyseal growth plate. However, the cat in the present report was different since it was 4-month-old and presented diaphyseal fracture. Different from steel cerclagewires, polyamide nylon ties were used as secondary fixation in diaphyseal fractures for the reason that of their stability in this kind of fracture, no tissue reaction and minimal tissue trauma. The adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 were already used in different surgical procedures in human patients and animals. Complications reported in the literature due to theiruse were associated with erroneous surgical techniques. Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 proved to be efficient as bone cerclage device in diaphyseal multiple and simple fracture, as well as gave stability to the herein assessed adult dog and young cat, besides not inducing foreign body reactions.Keywords: small animals, polyamide, bones, cerclage, surgery

    Transexualidade e demandas de saúde: representações de graduandos de Enfermagem

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    Objetivo: Analisar as representações sociais dos graduandos de enfermagem acerca da transexualidade e as demandas de saúde das pessoas transexuais.Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, com 28 graduandos em enfermagem de uma universidade pública do Rio de Janeiro/Brasil. Realizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada, no período de novembro de 2017 a março de 2018, e análise tipo lexical com auxílio do software Alceste 2012.Resultados: A transexualidade foi representada como uma transgressão, sendo a pessoa transexual objetivada como antinatural por não se identificar com seu sexo biológico. Terapia hormonal e cirurgias de redesignação sexual foram entendidas como as principais demandas, sendo ancoradas numa esfera patologizante e medicalizadora da saúde. A temática não é abordada durante a graduação, gerando despreparo para vida profissional.Considerações finais: Faz-se necessário ampliar as discussões sobre gênero na academia, tendo como propósito a transposição do imperativo da heteronormatividade, para que futuros enfermeiros estejam aparelhados para fornecer um cuidado integral e equânime. Palavras-chave: Pessoas transgênero. Identidade de gênero. Transexualidade. Saúde. Estudantes de enfermagem