529 research outputs found

    Dose-response of EBT3 radiochromic films to proton and carbon ion clinical beams

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    We investigated the dose-response of the external beam therapy 3 (EBT3) films for proton and carbon ion clinical beams, in comparison with conventional radiotherapy beams; we also measured the film response along the energy deposition-curve in water. We performed measurements at three hadrontherapy centres by delivering monoenergetic pencil beams (protons: 63-230 MeV; carbon ions: 115-400 MeV/u), at 0.4-20 Gy dose to water, in the plateau of the depth-dose curve. We also irradiated the films to clinical MV-photon and electron beams. We placed the EBT3 films in water along the whole depth-dose curve for 148.8 MeV protons and 398.9 MeV/u carbon ions, in comparison with measurements provided by a plane-parallel ionization chamber. For protons, the response of EBT3 in the plateau of the depth-dose curve is not different from that of photons, within experimental uncertainties. For carbon ions, we observed an energy dependent under-response of EBT3 film, from 16% to 29% with respect to photon beams. Moreover, we observed an under-response in the Bragg peak region of about 10% for 148.8 MeV protons and of about 42% for 398.9 MeV/u carbon ions. For proton and carbon ion clinical beams, an under-response occurs at the Bragg peak. For carbon ions, we also observed an under-response of the EBT3 in the plateau of the depth-dose curve. This effect is the highest at the lowest initial energy of the clinical beams, a phenomenon related to the corresponding higher LET in the film sensitive layer. This behavior should be properly modeled when using EBT3 films for accurate 3D dosimetry

    Small round blue cell tumours: diagnostic and prognostic usefulness of the expression of B7-H3 surface molecule

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    AIMS: To assess whether the expression of B7-H3 surface molecule could improve differential diagnosis of small cell round tumours. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and one well-characterized paraffin-embedded small round cell tumours, stored in the pathology archive of the Gaslini Institute, were immunohistochemically analysed with the 5B14 monoclonal antibody, which recognizes the surface molecule B7-H3. All lymphoblastic lymphomas and the blastematous component of Wilms' tumours were completely negative and a few Ewing's sarcoma and Burkitt's lymphoma specimens showed focal positivity, whereas 74% of neuroblastomas, 67% of rhabdomyosarcomas and 100% of medulloblastomas were positive. The pattern of immunoreactivity of 5B14 mAb observed in rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma specimens was limited to the cytoplasmic membrane, and in neuroblastomas areas of rosette formation or of ganglion differentiation were preferentially stained. Interestingly, in neuroblastoma patients high expression of the antigen recognized by the 5B14 mAb was associated with a worse event-free survival. CONCLUSIONS: The 5B14 mAb represents an additional tool for the differential diagnosis of small round cell tumours and might be useful in identifying neuroblastoma patients at risk of relapse who may take advantage of more careful follow-up

    Overview of the Soluble and Membrane-bound Tumor Factors Limiting NKmediated Immune Surveillance

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    Many evidences suggest that NK cells are effective in patrolling for and eliminating tumors in their onset phase, but hardly limit the progression of large established solid tumors. Beside the transition of tumor cells towards a more aggressive phenotype, the NK cell efficacy might be limited by a complex immunosuppressive milieu present in the tumor microenvironment. Indeed, different mechanisms damping NK cell function have been shown in these last years. These include a plethora of tumor-derived immunomodulatory soluble factors (TGF-\u3b2, MIF, adenosine, LKynurenin, PGE2) as well as soluble ligands (MICA, ULBP-2, PVR, B7-H6) that compete with membrane-bound tumor ligands for binding to activating NK receptors. During NK-tumor cell contact the NK cell function can also be inhibited by the engagement on NK cells of different inhibitory receptors. The specific ligands might be either constitutively expressed at the tumor cell surface (HLA-I, B7-H3, PVR) or de novo induced/up-regulated (PD-Ls) by immunostimulatory factors (IFN-\u3b3, TNF-\u3b1). These are largely released during the active phases of the immune responses and exert an unwanted side effect called \u201ctumor adaptive immune resistance\u201d. This review aims to summarize the best-known molecular mechanisms that, at various times and in different ways, can limit the efficacy of the NK-mediated immune surveillance of tumors

    Molecular Mechanisms Directing Migration and Retention of Natural Killer Cells in Human Tissues

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    A large body of data shows that Natural Killer (NK) cells are immune effectors exerting a potent cytolytic activity against tumors and virus infected cells. The discovery and characterization of several inhibitory and activating receptors unveiled most of the mechanisms allowing NK cells to spare healthy cells while selectively attacking abnormal tissues. Nevertheless, the mechanisms ruling NK cell subset recirculation among the different compartments of human body have only lately started to be investigated. This is particularly true for pathological settings such as tumors or infected tissues but also for para-physiological condition like pregnant human uterine mucosa. It is becoming evident that the microenvironment associated to a particular clinical condition can deeply influence the migratory capabilities of NK cells. In this review we describe the main mechanisms and stimuli known to regulate the expression of chemokine receptors and other molecules involved in NK cell homing to either normal or pathological/inflamed tissues, including tumors or organs such as lung and liver. We will also discuss the role played by the chemokine/chemokine receptor axes in the orchestration of physiological events such as NK cell differentiation, lymphoid organ retention/egress and recruitment to decidua during pregnancy

    Novel Immunoregulatory Functions of IL-18, an Accomplice of TGF-\u3b21

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    TGF-\u3b21 is a pleiotropic factor exerting a strong regulatory role in several cell types, including immune cells. In NK cells it profoundly alters the surface expression of crucial activating and chemokine receptors. To understand which soluble signals might better contrast these effects, we cultured human NK cells in the presence of TGF-\u3b21 and different innate and adaptive cytokines, generally referred as "immunostimulatory". These included IL-2, IL-15, IL-21, IL-27, and IL-18. Unexpectedly, IL-18 strengthened rather than contrasting important TGF-\u3b21-mediated functions. In particular, IL-18 further reduced the expression of CX\u2083CR1 and NKp30, leading to the virtual abrogation of the triggering capability of this activating receptor. Moreover, IL-18 further increased the expression of CXCR4. The IL-18-mediated additive effect on NKp30 and CXCR4 expression involved transcriptional regulation and activation of MEK/ERK and/or p38MAPK. A proteomic approach quantified both surface and intracellular proteins significantly modified in cytokine-treated NK cells, thus giving global information on the biological processes involving TGF-\u3b21 and IL-18. Our data support the concept that IL-18 may have a different behavior depending on the type of soluble factors characterizing the microenvironment. In a TGF-\u3b21 rich milieu such as tumors, it may contribute to the impairment of both NK cells recruitment and killing capability

    A multi-organ-on-chip to recapitulate the infiltration and the cytotoxic activity of circulating NK cells in 3D matrix-based tumor model

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    The success of immunotherapeutic approaches strictly depends on the immune cells interaction with cancer cells. While conventional in vitro cell cultures under-represent the complexity and dynamic crosstalk of the tumor microenvironment, animal models do not allow deciphering the anti-tumor activity of the human immune system. Therefore, the development of reliable and predictive preclinical models has become crucial for the screening of immune-therapeutic approaches. We here present an organ-on-chip organ on chips (OOC)-based approach for recapitulating the immune cell Natural Killer (NK) migration under physiological fluid flow, infiltration within a 3D tumor matrix, and activation against neuroblastoma cancer cells in a humanized, fluid-dynamic environment. Circulating NK cells actively initiate a spontaneous "extravasation " process toward the physically separated tumor niche, retaining their ability to interact with matrix-embedded tumor cells, and to display a cytotoxic effect (tumor cell apoptosis). Since NK cells infiltration and phenotype is correlated with prognosis and response to immunotherapy, their phenotype is also investigated: most importantly, a clear decrease in CD16-positive NK cells within the migrated and infiltrated population is observed. The proposed immune-tumor OOC-based model represents a promising approach for faithfully recapitulating the human pathology and efficiently employing the immunotherapies testing, eventually in a personalized perspective. An immune-organ on chip to recapitulate the tumor-mediated infiltration of circulating immune cells within 3D tumor model

    Cell-laden hydrogel as a clinical-relevant 3D model for analyzing neuroblastoma growth, immunophenotype, and susceptibility to therapies

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    High risk Neuroblastoma (NB) includes aggressive, metastatic solid tumors of childhood. The survival rate improved only modestly, despite the use of combination therapies including novel immunotherapies based on the antibody mediated targeting of tumor-associated surface ligands. Treatment failures may be due to the lack of adequate in vitro models for studying, in a given patient, the efficacy of potential therapeutics, including those aimed to enhance anti-tumor immune responses. We here propose a 3D alginate-based hydrogel as extracellular microenvironment to evaluate the effects of the three-dimensionality on biological and immunological properties of NB cells. NB cell lines grown within the 3D alginate spheres presented spheroid morphology, optimal survival, and proliferation capabilities, and a reduced sensitivity to the cytotoxic effect of imatinib mesylate. 3D cultured NB cells were also evaluated for the constitutive and IFN-y-induced expression of surface molecules capable of tuning the anti-tumor activity of NK cells including immune checkpoint ligands. In particular, IFN-y induced de novo expression of high amounts of HLA-I molecules, which protected NB cells from the attack mediated by KIR/KIR-L matched NK cells. Moreover, in the 3D alginate spheres, the cytokine increased the expression of the immune checkpoint ligands PD-Ls and B7-H3 while virtually abrogating that of PVR, a ligand of DNAM-1 activating receptor, whose expression correlates with high susceptibility to NK-mediated killing. Our 3D model highlighted molecular features that more closely resemble the immunophenotypic variants occurring in vivo and not fully appreciated in classical 2D culture conditions.Thus, based on our results, 3D alginate-based hydrogels might represent a clinical-relevant cell culture platform where to test the efficacy of personalized therapeutic approaches aimed to optimize the current and innovative immune based therapies in a very systematic and reliable way

    Identification of PVR (CD155) and Nectin-2 (CD112) as Cell Surface Ligands for the Human DNAM-1 (CD226) Activating Molecule

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    Human natural killer (NK) cells express a series of activating receptors and coreceptors that are involved in recognition and killing of target cells. In this study, in an attempt to identify the cellular ligands for such triggering surface molecules, mice were immunized with NK-susceptible target cells. On the basis of a functional screening, four mAbs were selected that induced a partial down-regulation of the NK-mediated cytotoxicity against the immunizing target cells. As revealed by biochemical analysis, three of such mAbs recognized molecules of ∌70 kD. The other mAb reacted with two distinct molecules of ∌65 and 60 kD, respectively. Protein purification followed by tryptic digestion and mass spectra analysis, allowed the identification of the 70 kD and the 65/60 kD molecules as PVR (CD155) and Nectin-2 ÎŽ/α (CD112), respectively. PVR-Fc and Nectin-2-Fc soluble hybrid molecules brightly stained COS-7 cells transfected with the DNAM-1 (CD226) construct, thus providing direct evidence that both PVR and Nectin-2 represent specific ligands for the DNAM-1 triggering receptor. Finally, the surface expression of PVR or Nectin-2 in cell transfectants resulted in DNAM-1–dependent enhancement of NK-mediated lysis of these target cells. This lysis was inhibited or even virtually abrogated upon mAb-mediated masking of DNAM-1 (on NK cells) or PVR or Nectin-2 ligands (on cell transfectants)

    PD-L1 expression in metastatic neuroblastoma as an additional mechanism for limiting immune surveillance

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    The prognosis of high-risk neuroblastoma (NB) remains poor, although immunotherapies with anti-GD2 antibodies have been reported to provide some benefit. Immunotherapies can be associated with an IFNÎł storm that induces in tumor cells the “adaptive immune resistance” characterized by the de-novo expression of Programmed Death Ligands (PD-Ls). Tumor cells can also constitutively express PD-Ls in response to oncogenic signaling. Here, we analyze the constitutive and the inducible surface expression of PD-Ls in NB cells. We show that virtually all HLA class Ipos NB cell lines constitutively express PD-L1, whereas PD-L2 is rarely detected. IFNÎł upregulates or induces PD-L1 both in NB cell lines in vitro and in NB engrafted nude/nude mice. Importantly, after IFNÎł stimulation PD-L1 can be acquired by NB cell lines, as well as by metastatic neuroblasts isolated from bone marrow aspirates of high-risk NB patients, characterized by different MYCN amplification status. Interestingly, in one patient NB cells were poorly responsive to IFNÎł stimulation, pointing out that responsiveness to IFNÎł might represent a further element of heterogeneity in metastatic neuroblasts. Finally, we document the presence of lymphocytes expressing the PD-1 receptor in NB-infiltrated bone marrow of patients. PD-1pos cells are mainly represented by αÎČ T cells, but also include small populations of γΎ T cells and NK cells. Moreover, PD-1pos T cells have a higher expression of activation markers. Overall, our data show that a PD-L1-mediated immune resistance mechanism occurs in metastatic neuroblasts and provide a biological rationale for blocking the PD-1/PD-Ls axis in future combined immunotherapeutic approaches
