6,554 research outputs found

    Salmonella enterica: a review or the trilogy agent, host and environment and its importance in Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.Salmonella enterica es uno de los principales patógenos transmitidos por los alimentos en el mundo, siendo la primera causa de brotes de intoxicación alimentaria en Chile. A pesar de todos los esfuerzos de control y prevención desplegados, la incidencia en las personas se ha mantenido alta, por lo que diversos factores podrían estar influenciando el comportamiento epidemiológico de esta infección. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir factores referidos tanto al agente biológico, al hospedero humano y al medio ambiente, que podrían tener mayor trascendencia en Chile. De esta forma, se infieren ámbitos prioritarios para la investigación de S. enterica, que permitan entender su dispersión en la naturaleza y su éxito como patógeno de un amplio rango de hospederos. A futuro, el mayor conocimiento de estos determinantes facilitará la implementación de estrategias de bioseguridad y vigilancia para la prevención de la enfermedad en las personas y en los animales.Salmonella enterica is a major foodborne pathogen worldwide, being the main cause of outbreaks by food consumption in Chile. Despite all efforts deployed for control and prevention, the high incidence in people still persists, with several factors that could be influencing the epidemiological behavior of this infection. The objective of this review is to identify these factors belonging to the biological agent, the human host and the environment, which probably have a greater importance in Chile. Thus, priority areas for research of S. enterica are inferred, which hopefully will help to understand its spread in nature and its success as a wide host range pathogen. In the future, increased understanding of these determinants will facilitate the implementation of biosecurity and surveillance strategies for the prevention of disease in people and animals.http://ref.scielo.org/kz75k

    Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray, Neutrino, and Photon Propagation and the Multi-Messenger Approach

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    The propagation of UHECR nuclei for A=1 (protons) to A=56 (iron) from cosmological sources through extragalactic space is discussed in the first lecture. This is followed in the second and third lectures by a consideration of the generation and propagation of secondary particles produced via the UHECR loss interactions. In the second lecture we focus on the generation of the diffuse cosmogenic UHE-neutrino flux. In the third lecture we investigate the arriving flux of UHE-photon flux at Earth. In the final lecture the results of the previous lectures are put together in order to provide new insights into UHECR sources. The first of these providing a means with which to investigate the local population of UHECR sources through the measurement of the UHECR spectrum and their photon fraction at Earth. The second of these providing contraints on the UHECR source radiation fields through the possible observation at Earth of UHECR nuclei.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, to appear in A.I.P. Conf. Proceedings, 3rd Latin American School on Cosmic Rays, Arequipa, Peru, September, 200

    Co-detección de Patógenos Periodontales en Pacientes Chilenos con Periodontitis Crónica

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    Indexación: ScieloLas enfermedades periodontales asociadas a la placa dental son un importante problema de salud pública. La etiología de estas patologías es de origen multifactorial e involucra factores del hospedero, medio ambiente y de carácter infeccioso asociados a bacterias embebidas en la placa dental. Las principales bacterias asociadas a la periodontitis crónica son Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola y Tannerella forsythia, mientras que Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans se ha asociado principalmente a la periodontitis agresiva. Otro microorganismo clave en el desarrollo de la enfermedad es Fusobacterium nucleatum, el cual tiene la capacidad de co-agregarse con los patógenos periodontales y así facilitar su colonización. Para demostrar la prevalencia de estas bacterias, la co-detección y la asociación entre pacientes chilenos fumadores y no fumadores, se analizaron 67 muestras mediante PCR convencional. Los resultados mostraron que un 90% de las muestras fueron positivas para F. nucleatum, siendo la bacteria más detectada. Al analizar la co-detección entre las distintas bacterias se observa que F nucleatum está presente en más de un 80% de los casos cuando se detecta cualquiera de las cuatro bacterias restantes, mientas que A. actinomycetemcomitans se detecta en no más de un 20% al amplificar cualquiera de las bacterias restantes. Por otra parte, los resultados por género indican que existen diferencias significativas en la detección de T. forsythia, F. nucleatum y A. actinomycetemcomitans. Al considerar el factor de tabaquismo se observó que ninguna de las muestras de pacientes fumadores resultó ser positiva para A. actinomycetemcomitans.Periodontal disease associated with dental plaque is a major public health problem. The etiology of these disorders is multifactorial involved seeing host factors, environmental factors and infectious nature associated with the presence of bacteria belonging to the plaque. The main bacteria associated with chronic periodontitis are Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia, while Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is mainly associated with aggressive periodontitis. Another key organism in the development of the disease is Fusobacterium nucleatum, which has the ability to co-aggregate with other periodontal pathogen. To demonstrate the prevalence of these bacteria and the association between Chilean smokers and nonsmokers patients, 67 samples were analyzed by conventional PCR. The results showed that 90% of the samples were positive for F nucleatum being the most commonly detected bacteria. By analyzing the co-detection between different bacteria shows that F nucleatum is present in more than 80% of cases when it detects any of the four remaining bacteria, which lie A. actinomycetemcomitans was detected in no more than 20% by amplifying any remaining bacteria. Moreover the results by gender indicate that significant differences exist in the detection of T forsythia, F. nucleatum and A. actinomycetemcomitans. In considering the factor of smoking was observed that none of the samples from smokers was found to be positive for A. actinomycetemcomitans.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0719-01072010000300003&nrm=is

    Primary pleural myxoid liposarcoma: case report and literature review

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    Myxoid liposarcoma is a histological subtype of malignant tumors within the group of sarcomas. It is more common in men between the ages of 40 and 50 years. Diagnosis is difficult because they are usually asymptomatic lesions, computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance are the studies of choice. The gold of treatment is surgical resection with free margins. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy have shown a good response. A 46-year-old male was detected incidental mediastinal lesion by radiography, CT scan showed a hypodense lesion in the right hemithorax that extended to the left hemithorax, infiltrating the diaphragm and large vessels. The patient underwent an exploratory thoracotomy, finding a multilobulated tumor and mucous content approximately 600 ml, adjacent structures were infiltrated, so complete resection was not possible. Subsequently, adjuvant chemotherapy given. The histopathological diagnosis was myxoid liposarcoma. Myxoid liposarcoma is a malignant lesion. The primary pleural origin is rare. Surgical resection with free margins has a good prognosis. Due to advanced disease, a complete resection in this case was not possible, that compromised the patient prognosis