376 research outputs found

    Converging Underwater and FSO Ground Communication Links

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    We propose a new combined underwater-atmospheric optical communication link for providing a high speed optical connectivity between onshore and sumerge systems. New average BER expressions are derived when assuming amplify-and-forward (AF) relay.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rescate de niños, niñas y adolescentes en condición de riesgo que viven al interior del Centro de Rehabilitación Social Femenino de la ciudad de Quito

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    La siguiente investigación trata de establecer una propuesta que sirva como referente en la ayuda a los menores hijos de personas privadas de la libertad que viven al interior del Centro de Rehabilitación Social Femenino de la ciudad de Quito. Se trata de enfocar la importancia de los niños, niñas y adolescentes como un grupo social prioritario que debe ser atendido y guiado, de acuerdo a sus necesidades y enfocando los paradigmas de la Gestión Social, pero sobre todo haciendo énfasis en el valor del Desarrollo Humano como eje principal en el desarrollo de la sociedad y como este se encuentra vinculado estrechamente con los derechos humanos para su mejor interpretación y aplicación

    Dietary Inflammatory Index and S-Klotho Plasma Levels in Middle-Aged Adults

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    Background: Soluble Klotho (S-Klotho) is an aging suppressor with a close link with inflammation. However, it is still unknown whether the dietary inflammatory potential is associated with S-Klotho plasma level. We aimed to investigate the association of the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) with S-Klotho plasma levels in middle-aged sedentary adults. Methods: 73 middle-aged sedentary adults (40–65 years old) participated in the present study. DII was determined from 28 dietary items obtained by 24 h recalls and food frequency questionnaires. The S-Klotho plasma levels were measured using a solid-phase sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: a weak positive association was observed between DII and S-Klotho plasma levels ( B = 52.223, R2 = 0.057, p = 0.043), which disappeared after controlling for body mass index (p = 0.057). Conclusions: A pro-inflammatory dietary pattern measured with the DII was slightly and positively associated with S-Klotho plasma levels in middle-aged sedentary adults.The study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU14/04172 and FPU15/03960), by the University of Granada UGR Research and Knowledge Transfer Fund (PPIT) 2016 (Excellence Actions Programme. Units of Scientific Excellence: Scientific Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health [UCEES]), by the Regional Government of Andalusia, Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprises and University, by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR and by Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa RETIC grant Red SAMID RD16/0022

    Auditory Skills in English Language Learning and the Use of Technological Devices as Strategies

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    This quasi-experimental study aimed to evaluate the impact of a discovery strategy on the English listening skills of 56 tenth grade students of the Glenn Doman Educational Unit. The participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group, with 28 students in each. The standardized PET B1 level English test was used as the evaluation instrument, which assesses four language skills: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing and speaking. The results indicated that, after two months of implementation of the discovery strategy in the experimental group, there was a significant improvement in listening skills, with an increase from 3% to 29% in the percentage of students with a very good level. While in the control group an improvement was also observed, although less pronounced. These findings suggest that the discovery strategy is effective in improving students' English listening skills. For future studies, it would be relevant to explore the long-term impact of this strategy on students' language skills, as well as its effectiveness in different educational and cultural contexts

    El proceso de selección de personal de NATRANSCOM Cía. Ltda.

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    La presente investigación pretende analizar la situación actual del proceso de selección de personal de la empresa NATRANSCOM CIA. LTDA. para plantear una opción de mejora e implementación. Es de gran importancia para la organización, el proceso de reclutamiento y selección, pues su eficiencia, efectividad y eficacia está vinculada directamente al establecimiento, cumplimiento y desarrollo de las actividades dentro de la misma. El objeto fundamental de esta investigación es reestructurar el proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal aplicado en la empresa NATRANSCOM CIA. LTDA., ésto debido a que el sistema implementado actualmente no es eficiente ya que no aplica herramientas básicas al momento de seleccionar el personal, además de no contar con perfiles de cargo definidos. Este problema ocasiona demoras al momento de crear nuevos puestos, retrasos al llenar las vacantes y pérdida de tiempo importante en la capacitación del nuevo personal, todo esto se ve reflejado en pérdidas económicas para la empresa. La investigación que se plantea tendrá una importancia de primer orden, ya que dotará a la empresa de una herramienta técnica y moderna, de fácil manejo para la persona responsable de reclutar y seleccionar el personal necesario, logrando así optimizar el proceso en referencia..

    Changes in Cognitive Function and in the Levels of Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) in Older Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Subjected to a Cardiorespiratory Exercise Programme

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    The authors wish to thank the participants in the study.Ageing and diabetes are recognised as important risk factors for the development of cognitive deterioration. The aim was to analyse the effects of a walking-based training programme on cognitive deterioration and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in older women with type 2 diabetes. This was a six-month experimental and longitudinal study with an experimental group (EG) (n = 57) and a control group (CG) (n = 52). All participants were diabetic with hypoglycaemic treatment. EG carried out a walking-based training program. After the training, we evaluated the diabetic state (HbA1c), cognitive functioning with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max) and body mass index (BMI). Results: EG obtained better results than CG in all the analysed variables. EG showed a significant improvement in the levels of HbA1c (−4.5%; p < 0.001), VO2max (+5.9%; p < 0.001) and BMI (−5.4%; p < 0.001); it also obtained increases in the scores of cognitive functioning, which were statistically significant in all dimensions, except for calculation (p = 0.384) and language (p = 0.168). Conclusion: The aerobic treatment produced significant improvements in the diabetic state and cognitive functioning in older women with type 2 diabetes

    Effect of soilless growing systems on the spread of Verticillium dahliae and the severity of the Verticillium wilt in strawberry

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    The dispersion of soilborne plant pathogens could be greater in closed soilless growing systems than in open ones. The effect of three soilless growing systems (open, closed and closed with slow sand filtration) on the dispersion of Verticillium dahliae propagules and the severity of the disease in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) has been analysed. V. dahliae dispersion in a closed system with slow sand filtration was studied by measuring propagules in the recirculating nutrient solution and in the growth medium. The growth medium used was coconut fiber. V. dahliae propagules were not removed by slow sand filtration. In the first crop cycle, an increase in the severity of Verticillium wilt was detected in the closed soilless growing system with slow sand filtration in comparison with the other two systems. This increase may be due to the non-elimination of V. dahliae propagules by filtration and to the lower microbial biomass in the filtered solution storage tank than in the drained solution storage tank. The decline in microbial biomass by filtration may improve the viability of the dispersed conidia, thus increasing the severity of the disease. This decline in microbial biomass by filtration may be compensated in the second crop cycle by the root debris from the first crop cycle. This debris may have provided nutrient sources to the microbes and increased the associated microbial biomass.La dispersión de los patógenos de suelo podría ser mayor en los sistemas de cultivo sin suelo cerrados que en los sistemas abiertos. Se estudió el efecto de tres sistemas de cultivo (abierto, cerrado y cerrado con filtración lenta en lecho de arena) sobre la dispersión de los propágulos de Verticillium dahliae y sobre la severidad de la enfermedad en fresa (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Se analizó la dispersión de V. dahliae en el sistema cerrado con filtración lenta mediante la medida de los propágulos en la solución nutritiva recirculante y en el sustrato empleado, que fue fibra de coco. Los propágulos de V. dahliae no fueron eliminados por la filtración lenta. En el primer ciclo de cultivo, se detectó un incremento en la severidad de verticilosis en el sistema cerrado con filtración lenta en comparación con los otros dos sistemas. Este incremento puede ser debido a que el filtro no elimina los propágulos de V. dahliae y a que la biomasa microbiana en la solución filtrada es más baja que en la solución drenada. Este descenso que se produce en la biomasa microbiana debido a la filtración podría mejorar la viabilidad de las conidias dispersadas y por lo tanto incrementar la severidad de la enfermedad. El descenso de la biomasa microbiana por la filtración parece estar compensado en el segundo ciclo de cultivo por la activación de la misma debido a los nutrientes proveídos por los restos de raíces procedentes del primer ciclo de cultivo