87 research outputs found

    Atom-based 3D-chiral quadratic indices. Part 3: prediction of the binding affinity of the stereoisomers of fenoterolto the β2 adrenergic receptor

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    The non-stochastic and stochastic atom-based three dimensional(3D)-chiral quadratic indices are applied to predictthe binding affinities of 26 stereoisomers of fenoterol with the  β2-adrenoceptor (β2-AR). The prediction of β2-ARbinding affinities of the stereoisomers is carried out by multiple linear regression analysis. Two statistically significant QSAR models are obtained when non-stochastic (R 2= 0.941 and  s = 0.19) and stochastic (R2 = 0.947 and s =0.18) 3D-chiral quadratic indices are used. These models show adequate predictive power (assessed by the leaveone-out cross-validation experiment), yielding values of  q2= 0.909 ( scv = 0.219) and q2 = 0.917 (scv = 0.208), respectively. These models compare favorably with a 3D-QSAR equation obtained with the CoMFA method (R 2 = 0.920, q2= 0.847 and  scv = 0.309). The results of our work demonstrate the usefulness of our topological approach for theprediction of biological activity, even in those studies in which the three-dimensional configuration of the chemicalsplay an important role in the bioactivity

    Prediction of ADME properties, Part 1: Classification models to predict Caco-2 cell permeability using atom-based bilinear indices

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    The prediction of the permeability through cultured Caco-2 cells (an often-used in vitro model for drug absorption) is carried out using theoretical models. Atom-based bilinear indices and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) are used to obtain quantitative models, which discriminate between higher absorption and moderate-poorer absorption compounds, form a database of measured PCaco-2 from a large data set with 157 structurally diverse compounds. We develop two LDA models with more than 90% of accuracy for training and test set; the best model presents accuracy of 91.79% and 91.30%, respectively. The results achieved in this work compare favourably with other approaches previously published in the technical literature. The percentage of good correlation was of 80%, in the virtual screening of 241 drugs with the reported values of the percentage of human intestinal absorption (HIA). Finally, we can say that, the present “in silico” method would be a valuabletool in the drug discovery process in order to select themolecules with the greatest chance before synthesis

    Aislamiento y caracterización de las vesículas extracelulares en Candida albicans

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    Background : The occurrence of systemic infections due to C. albicans has increased especially in critically ill patients. In fungal infections, secretory mechanisms are key events for disease establishment. Recent findings demonstrate that fungal organisms release many molecular components to the extracellular space in extracellular vesicles. Aims: We develop a method to obtain exosomes from yeast cultures of the Candida albicans . Methods : Yeast strains used in this work were C. albicans SC5314, C. parapsilosis (ATCC 22019) and C. krusei (ATCC 6258). Yeasts were grown at 37.º in liquid YPD medium. The cell cultures were centrifuged and the supernatant filtered through sterile nitrocellulose. Filtrates were concentrated and centrifuged using an ultracentrifuge. The sediment was analyzed by electron microscopy of transmission. Results: The transmission of electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis confirmed the presence of extracellular vesicles (exosomes) of sizes between 100 and 200 nm and the absence of cellular contaminants. This was ratified by the characterization of proteins performed through the western blot technique, where the absence of cell contamination in the preparations was assessed. Conclusions: The method proves to be highly effective due to the homogeneity and purity of the obtained microvesicles. The protocol developed in this paper proves to be effective for obtaining exosomes of other Candida species, which will allow future studies to determine its protein composition and the role that these vesicles can play.Contexto: La aparición de infecciones sistémicas por C. albicans ha aumentado sobre todo en pacientes graves. En las infecciones fúngicas, los mecanismos de secreción son eventos clave para que el establecimiento de la enfermedad. Hallazgos recientes demuestran que los organismos fúngicos liberan muchos componentes moleculares al espacio extracelular en vesículas extracelulares. Objetivos: Desarrollamos un método para obtener exosomas de cultivos de levadura de Candida albicans . Métodos: Las cepas de levadura que se usaron en este trabajo son C. albicans SC5314, C. parapsilosis (ATCC 22019) y C. krusei (ATCC 6258). Las levaduras se cultivaron a 37.º C en un medio YPD líquido. Los cultivos de células fueron centrifugados y el sobrenadante, filtrado por medio de nitrocelulosa estéril. Los filtrados se concentraron y centrifugaron usando una ultracentrifugadora. El sedimento fue analizado por un microscopio electrónico de transmisión. Resultados: La microscopía electrónica de transmisión y el análisis de nanopartículas confirman la presencia de vesículas extracelulares (exosomas) de un tamaño entre 100 y 200 nm, así como la ausencia de contaminantes celulares. Esto se ratificó mediante la caracterización de proteínas obtenidas por medio de la técnica de Western blot, donde se evaluó la ausencia de contaminación celular en las preparaciones. Conclusiones: El método es altamente eficaz dada la homogeneidad y la pureza de las microvesículas obtenidas. El protocolo desarrollado en este artículo demuestra ser efectivo para obtener exosomas de otras especies Candida , lo que permitirá que en futuros estudios se determine su composición proteica y el papel que estas vesículas pueden desempeñar.Ciencias Experimentale

    Prediction of the Binding Affinity between Fenoterol Derivatives and the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Using Atom-Based 3D-Chiral Linear Indices

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    The non-stochastic and stochastic atom-based 3D-chiral quadratic indices were applied to the study of the β2-adrenoceptor (β2-AR) agonist effect (binding affinities) between a set of 26 stereoisomers of fenoterol, reported with this activity. Linear multiple regression analysis was carried out to predict the β2-AR binding affinities of the stereoisomers. Two statistically significant QSAR models, able to describe more than the 92% of the variance of the experimental binding affinities, were obtained using non-stochastic (R2 = 0.924 and s = 0.21) and stochastic (R2 = 0.92 and s = 0.22) 3D-chiral linear indices, respectively. The predictability and stability (robustness) of the obtained models (assessed by the leave-one-out cross-validation experiment) yielded values of q2 = 0.893 (scv = 0.237) and q2 = 0.886 (scv = 0.245), respectively. The results obtained with our approach were slightly better than the results of a 3D-QSAR model, obtained with the CoMFA method (R2 = 0.920, q2 = 0.847 and scv = 0.309). The results of our work demonstrate the usefulness of our topological approach for drug discovery of new lead compounds, even in those studies in which the three-dimensional configuration of the chemicals play an important role in the biological activity.Los índices lineales 3D-quirales no-estocásticos y estocásticos basados en relaciones de átomos son aplicados al estudio del efecto agonista (afinidad de unión) sobre el receptor adrenérgico β2 (β2-AR) entre una serie de 26 estereoisómeros del fenoterol, a los cuales se les ha reportado esta actividad. Una regresión lineal múltiple es llevada a cabo para predecir la afinidad de unión β2-AR de los estereoisómeros. Se obtienen dos modelos QSAR estadísticamente significativos, capaces de describir más del 92 % de la varianza experimental de las afinidades de unión, empleando los índices lineales 3D-quirales no-estocásticos (R2 = 0.924 y s = 0.21) y estocásticos (R2 = 0.92 y s = 0.22) respectivamente. El poder predictivo y la robustez de los modelos obtenidos (comprobados mediante una validación cruzada dejando-uno-fuera) alcanzan valores de q2 = 0.893 (scv = 0.237) y q2 = 0.886 (scv = 0.245), correspondientemente. Los resultados obtenidos con nuestro enfoque fueron ligeramente superiores a aquellos resultados obtenidos previamente con un modelo 3D-QSAR, empleando el método CoMFA (R2 = 0.920, q2 = 0.847 y scv = 0.309). Los resultados de nuestro trabajo demuestran la utilidad de nuestro enfoque topológico para el descubrimiento de nuevos compuestos líderes candidatos a fármacos, incluso para estudios en los cuales las conformaciones tridimensionales de los compuestos juegan un rol fundamental en la actividad biológica.Ciencias Experimentale

    Biosynthetic enzymes of the SARS-CoV-2 as potential targets for the discovery of new antiviral drugs

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    La aparición de la pandemia producida por la COVID-19 (enfermedad producida por coronavirus 2019), cuyo agente causal es el SARS-CoV-2, ha provocado una gran preocupación a nivel mundial. Esta emergencia sanitaria ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad urgente que existe de desarrollar o bien una nueva vacuna o bien agentes terapéuticos antivirales que permitan combatir al SARS-CoV-2. El reposicionamiento de fármacos es una de las estrategias más rápidas y prácticas de identificar rápidamente nuevos fármacos que permitirían prevenir, controlar o incluso erradicar el virus. Encontrar agentes terapéuticos que actúen directamente sobre enzimas específicas que tengan un rol esencial en la replicación viral será un gran logro en la búsqueda de antivirales. En este trabajo se analizan las características generales de varias enzimas que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la biosíntesis o replicación del virus y su potencial como dianas terapéuticas para el desarrollo de nuevos compuestos activos contra el SARS-CoV-2. Este trabajo provee las bases y dirección para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones de desarrollo de nuevos fármacos o el reposicionamiento de fármacos conocidos para combatir la COVID-19.The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has raised a major global health concern. This urgent situation is pressing the world to respond with the development of novel vaccine or small molecule therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2. Drug repurposing screening is regarded as one of the most practical and rapid approaches for the discovery of such therapeutics. Direct-acting agents, targeting specific viral enzymes that play an essential role in viral replication, represent a milestone in antiviral therapy. Several biosynthetic enzymes of the SARS-CoV-2 were analyzed as potential targets to develop new therapeutic drugs. This work provides a basis and directions for future drug development and reuse on the protein level of COVID-19.Ciencias Experimentale

    Enzimas de la biosíntesis del virus SARS-CoV-2 como dianas potenciales para el descubrimiento de nuevos antivirales

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    La aparición de la pandemia producida por la COVID-19 (enfermedad producida por coronavirus 2019), cuyo agente causal es el SARS-CoV-2, ha provocado una gran preocupación a nivel mundial. Esta emergencia sanitaria ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad urgente que existe de desarrollar o bien una nueva vacuna o bien agentes terapéuticos antivirales que permitan combatir al SARS-CoV-2. El reposicionamiento de fármacos es una de las estrategias más rápidas y prácticas de identificar rápidamente nuevos fármacos que permitirían prevenir, controlar o incluso erradicar el virus. Encontrar agentes terapéuticos que actúen directamente sobre enzimas específicas que tengan un rol esencial en la replicación viral será un gran logro en la búsqueda de antivirales. En este trabajo se analizan las características generales de varias enzimas que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la biosíntesis o replicación del virus y su potencial como dianas terapéuticas para el desarrollo de nuevos compuestos activos contra el SARS-CoV-2. Este trabajo provee las bases y dirección para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones de desarrollo de nuevos fármacos o el reposicionamiento de fármacos conocidos para combatir la COVID-19

    Atom, atom-type, and total linear indices of the "molecular pseudograph's atom adjacency matrix": Application to QSPR/QSAR studies of organic compounds

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    In this paper we describe the application in QSPR/QSAR studies of a new group of molecular descriptors: atom, atom-type and total linear indices of the molecular pseudograph's atom adjacency matrix. These novel molecular descriptors were used for the prediction of boiling point and partition coefficient (log P), specific rate constant (log k), and antibacterial activity of 28 alkyl-alcohols and 34 derivatives of 2-furylethylenes, respectively. For this purpose two quantitative models were obtained to describe the alkyl-alcohols' boiling points. The first one includes only two total linear indices and showed a good behavior from a statistical point of view (R2 = 0.984, s = 3.78, F = 748.57, q2 = 0.981, and scv = 3.91). The second one includes four variables [3 global and 1 local (heteroatom) linear indices] and it showed an improvement in the description of physical property (R 2 = 0.9934, s = 2.48, F = 871.96, q2 = 0.990, and s cv = 2.79). Later, linear multiple regression analysis was also used to describe log P and log k of the 2-furyl-ethylenes derivatives. These models were statistically significant [(R2 = 0.984, s = 0.143, and F = 113.38) and (R2 = 0.973, s = 0.26 and F = 161.22), respectively] and showed very good stability to data variation in leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation experiment [(q2 = 0.93.8 and scv = 0.178) and (q2 = 0.948 and scv = 0.33), respectively]. Finally, a linear discriminant model for classifying antibacterial activity of these compounds was also achieved with the use of the atom and atom-type linear indices. The global percent of good classification in training and external test set obtained was of 94.12% and 100.0%, respectively. The comparison with other approaches (connectivity indices, total and local spectral moments, quantum chemical descriptors, topographic indices and Estate/biomolecular encounter parameters) reveals a good behavior of our method. The approach described in this paper appears to be a very promising structural invariant, useful for QSPR/QSAR studies and computer-aided "rational" drug design.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA

    Polylactic Acid Microspheres Labeled with 166 Ho. An alternative to 90 Y in the Treatment of Hepatic Carcinoma by Radioembolization

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    Los tumores hepáticos constituyen un importante problema de salud a nivel mundial que en multitud de ocasiones va asociado a patologías previas y factores de riesgo como las hepatitis víricas B y C, el consumo excesivo de alcohol y el aumento de casos de esteatohepatitis no alcohólica, cada vez más relevante en los países industrializados. En hepatocarcinomas no susceptibles de resección quirúrgica, la braquiterapia se está mostrando muy eficaz frente a la quimioterapia sistémica y transarterial, por lo que se desarrollan nuevos tratamientos locorregionales mínimamente invasivos y con menor toxicidad. La radioembolización hepática es una forma de braquiterapia consistente en la administración por vía arterial de microesferas marcadas con radionucleidos emisores beta negativos que en el tejido hepático tienen una escasa penetración, lo que permite la administración de dosis elevadas que provoquen daño celular en el tejido tumoral, de manera que se evita la irradiación de tejido sano contiguo. Entre las microesferas más utilizadas se encuentran las de resina y/o vidrio marcadas con 90 Y, aunque actualmente se está incrementando el uso de las de 166 Ho sobre matriz biodegradable de ácido poli-L-láctico, los motivos principales residen en las características de este radionucleido, como son la emisión beta de menor energía, el periodo de semidesintegración más corto y presentar, además, emisión de fotones gamma, lo que permite su seguimiento gammagráfico. Asimismo, es un elemento paramagnético, por lo que se puede detectar mediante resonancia magnética, lo que facilita la simulación previa al tratamiento y el seguimiento posterior de este.Liver tumors are an important health problem worldwide that on many occasions is associated with previous pathologies and risk factors such as viral hepatitis B and C, excessive alcohol consumption and the increase in cases of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, each increasingly relevant in industrialized countries. In hepatocarcinomas not susceptible to surgical resection, brachytherapy is proving very effective against systemic and transarterial chemotherapy, developing new minimally invasive regional treatments with less toxicity. Hepatic radioembolization is a form of brachytherapy consisting in the arterial administration of microspheres labeled with beta negative emitting radionuclides that have little penetration in liver tissue, allowing the administration of high doses that cause cellular damage in tumor tissue, avoiding the irradiation of the contiguous healthy tissue. Among the most used microspheres are those of resin and/or glass marked with 90 Y, although the use of 166 Ho on a biodegradable matrix of poly-L-lactic acid is currently increasing, the main reasons lie in the special characteristics of this radionuclide, such as, lower energy of emission beta, shorter half-life as well as the emission of gamma photons, which allows its gammagraphic monitoring. It is also a paramagnetic element, so it can be detected by means of magnetic resonance, facilitating simulation prior to treatment and its subsequent monitoringCiencias Experimentale

    Predicción de la toxicidad ambiental usando herramientas computacionales: predicción de efectos tóxicos de químicos en la germinación de semillas de Lactuca sativa

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    The main aim of the study was to develop quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models for the prediction of phytotoxicity effects of chemical compounds on the Lactuca sativa seeds germination. A database of 73 compounds, assayed against L. sativa and Dragon’s molecular descriptors are used to obtain a QSAR model for the prediction of the phytotoxicity. The model is carried out with QSARINS software and validated according to OECD principles. The best model showed good value for the determination coefficient (R2 = 0.917) and others parameters appropriate for fitting (s = 0.256 and RMSEtr = 0.236). The validation results confirmed that the model has good robustness and stability (Q2LOO = 0.874 and Q2LM = 0.875), an excellent predictive power (R2ext = 0.896) and was product of a non-random correlation (R2Y-scr = 0.130 and Q2Y-scr = -0.265). Finally, we can say that this model is a good predictor tool to predict the toxicity over L. sativa of chemical compounds.El objetivo principal del estudio fue desarrollar modelos cuantitativos de relación estructura-actividad (QSAR) para la predicción de los efectos fitotóxicos de compuestos químicos, en la germinación de las semillas de Lactuca sativa. Se utiliza una base de datos de 73 compuestos, ensayados contra L. sativa y los descriptores moleculares del programa Dragon para obtener un modelo QSAR para la predicción de la fitotoxicidad. El modelo se lleva a cabo con el software QSARINS y se valida de acuerdo con los principios de la OCDE. El mejor modelo mostró buen valor para el coeficiente de determinación (R2 = 0.917) y otros parámetros apropiados para el ajuste (s = 0.256 and RMSEtr = 0.236). Los resultados de la validación confirmaron que el modelo tiene una buena robustez y estabilidad (Q2LOO = 0.874 and Q2LMO = 0.875), un excelente poder predictivo (R2cext = 0.896) y que no fue producto de una correlación casual (R2Y-scr = 0.130 and Q2Y-scr = -0.265). Finalmente, podemos decir que el modelo es una buena herramienta de predicción para predecir la toxicidad de compuestos químicos sobre L. sativa.Ciencias Experimentale

    Dry selection and wet evaluation for the rational discovery of new anthelmintics

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    Helminths infections remain a major problem in medical and public health. In this report, atom-based 2D bilinear indices, a TOMOCOMD-CARDD (QuBiLs-MAS module) molecular descriptor family and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used to find models that differentiate among anthelmintic and non-anthelmintic compounds. Two classification models obtained by using non-stochastic and stochastic 2D bilinear indices, classified correctly 86.64% and 84.66%, respectively, in the training set. Equation 1(2) correctly classified 141(135) out of 165 [85.45%(81.82%)] compounds in external validation set. Another LDA models were performed in order to get the most likely mechanism of action of anthelmintics. The model shows an accuracy of 86.84% in the training set and 94.44% in the external prediction set. Finally, we carry out an experiment to predict the biological profile of our ‘in-house’ collections of indole, indazole, quinoxaline and cinnoline derivatives (∼200 compounds). Subsequently, we selected a group of nine of the theoretically most active structures. Then, these chemicals were tested in an invitro assay and one good candidate (VA5-5c) as fasciolicide compound (100% of reduction at concentrations of 50 and 10 mg/L) was discovered.Yovani Marrero-Ponce acknowledges the support from USFQ with partial finance of project ID5455Peer Reviewe