17,095 research outputs found

    Glassy states and microphase separation in cross-linked homopolymer blends

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    The physical properties of blends of distinct homopolymers, cross-linked beyond the gelation point, are addressed via a Landau approach involving a pair of coupled order-parameter fields: one describing vulcanisation, the other describing local phase separation. Thermal concentration fluctuations, present at the time of cross-linking, are frozen in by cross-linking, and the structure of the resulting glassy fluctuations is analysed at the Gaussian level in various regimes, determined by the relative values of certain physical length-scales. The enhancement, due to gelation, of the stability of the blend with respect to demixing is also analysed. Beyond the corresponding stability limit, gelation prevents complete demixing, replacing it by microphase separation, which occurs up to a length-scale set by the rigidity of the network, as a simple variational scheme reveals.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Cavity Approach to Parallel Dynamics of Ising Spins on a Graph

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    We use the cavity method to study parallel dynamics of disordered Ising models on a graph. In particular, we derive a set of recursive equations in single site probabilities of paths propagating along the edges of the graph. These equations are analogous to the cavity equations for equilibrium models and are exact on a tree. On graphs with exclusively directed edges we find an exact expression for the stationary distribution of the spins. We present the phase diagrams for an Ising model on an asymmetric Bethe lattice and for a neural network with Hebbian interactions on an asymmetric scale-free graph. For graphs with a nonzero fraction of symmetric edges the equations can be solved for a finite number of time steps. Theoretical predictions are confirmed by simulation results. Using a heuristic method, the cavity equations are extended to a set of equations that determine the marginals of the stationary distribution of Ising models on graphs with a nonzero fraction of symmetric edges. The results of this method are discussed and compared with simulations

    Symplectic quantization, inequivalent quantum theories, and Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty

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    We analyze the quantum dynamics of the non-relativistic two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator in Heisenberg's picture. Such a system is taken as toy model to analyze some of the various quantum theories that can be built from the application of Dirac's quantization rule to the various symplectic structures recently reported for this classical system. It is pointed out that that these quantum theories are inequivalent in the sense that the mean values for the operators (observables) associated with the same physical classical observable do not agree with each other. The inequivalence does not arise from ambiguities in the ordering of operators but from the fact of having several symplectic structures defined with respect to the same set of coordinates. It is also shown that the uncertainty relations between the fundamental observables depend on the particular quantum theory chosen. It is important to emphasize that these (somehow paradoxical) results emerge from the combination of two paradigms: Dirac's quantization rule and the usual Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex file, no figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Time reparametrization invariance in arbitrary range p-spin models: symmetric versus non-symmetric dynamics

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    We explore the existence of time reparametrization symmetry in p-spin models. Using the Martin-Siggia-Rose generating functional, we analytically probe the long-time dynamics. We perform a renormalization group analysis where we systematically integrate over short timescale fluctuations. We find three families of stable fixed points and study the symmetry of those fixed points with respect to time reparametrizations. One of those families is composed entirely of symmetric fixed points, which are associated with the low temperature dynamics. The other two families are composed entirely of non-symmetric fixed points. One of these two non-symmetric families corresponds to the high temperature dynamics. Time reparametrization symmetry is a continuous symmetry that is spontaneously broken in the glass state and we argue that this gives rise to the presence of Goldstone modes. We expect the Goldstone modes to determine the properties of fluctuations in the glass state, in particular predicting the presence of dynamical heterogeneity.Comment: v2: Extensively modified to discuss both high temperature (non-symmetric) and low temperature (symmetric) renormalization group fixed points. Now 16 pages with 1 figure. v1: 13 page

    Random solids and random solidification: What can be learned by exploring systems obeying permanent random constraints?

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    In many interesting physical settings, such as the vulcanization of rubber, the introduction of permanent random constraints between the constituents of a homogeneous fluid can cause a phase transition to a random solid state. In this random solid state, particles are permanently but randomly localized in space, and a rigidity to shear deformations emerges. Owing to the permanence of the random constraints, this phase transition is an equilibrium transition, which confers on it a simplicity (at least relative to the conventional glass transition) in the sense that it is amenable to established techniques of equilibrium statistical mechanics. In this Paper I shall review recent developments in the theory of random solidification for systems obeying permanent random constraints, with the aim of bringing to the fore the similarities and differences between such systems and those exhibiting the conventional glass transition. I shall also report new results, obtained in collaboration with Weiqun Peng, on equilibrium correlations and susceptibilities that signal the approach of the random solidification transition, discussing the physical interpretation and values of these quantities both at the Gaussian level of approximation and, via a renormalization-group approach, beyond.Comment: Paper presented at the "Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics" workshop, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (September 15-18, 1999

    Bilateral adrenalectomy for asynchronous metastases of a malignant melanoma

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Clinical case: We report a 70 years old male with a history of an ear lobe melanoma with was excised seven years ago, who had a bronchial relapse and required a right pneumonectomy. During a follow up abdominal CAT scan, a 9 cm tumor in the left adrenal gland was detected. The patient was operated, performing a left adrenalectomy and nephrectomy. The pathologic study confirmed the presence of a fusocellular melanoma. One year later, a right adrenal mass was detected and excised. The pathological study of the piece again confirmed a metastasis of a malignant melanoma. The patient died due to progression of the disease, 10 years after the adrenalectomy. Key words: Adrenal metastases, laparoscopic adrenalectomy, melanoma.Objetivo: Presentar un caso de metástasis suprarrenal bilateral asincrónica de Melanoma cutáneo tratado con adrenalectomía laparoscópica bilateral. Caso clínico: Paciente de 70 años con antecedente de melanoma del pabellón auricular extirpado 7 años antes de su consulta urológica. Posteriormente, presenta una recidiva bronquial tratada con quimioterapia, radioterapia y neumonectomía derecha. En sus exámenes de seguimiento una Tomografía computada muestra el hallazgo incidental de una lesión tumoral de 9 cm en la glándula suprarrenal izquierda. Se realizó nefrectomía y adrenalectomía izquierda laparoscópica en bloque sin incidencias. El análisis histopatológico confirmó el hallazgo de una metástasis de melanoma fuso-celular. Un año después el paciente presenta un nuevo hallazgo incidental de un tumor de 3 cm en la glándula suprarrenal derecha, la cual fue tratada con adrenalectomía laparoscópica, y cuyo análisis histopatológico demostró metástasis de melanoma maligno. El paciente fallece por progresión de su enfermedad 10 años después de su cirugía suprarrenal. Conclusiones: En los pacientes con metástasis suprarrenal de melanoma, la adrenalectomía incrementa la supervivencia cáncer especifica en relación a los pacientes tratados sin cirugía. El abordaje laparoscópico constituye una alternativa terapéutica con menor morbilidad que la cirugía abierta en cirujanos con experiencia laparoscópica. Palabras clave: Metástasis suprarrenal, adrenalectomía laparoscópica, melanoma.http://ref.scielo.org/mymgk

    Quasiparticle transport and localization in high-T_c superconductors

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    We present a theory of the effects of impurity scattering in d_{x^2-y^2} superconductors and their quantum disordered counterparts, based on a non-linear sigma model formulation. We show the existence, in a quasi-two-dimensional system, of a novel spin-metal phase with a non-zero spin diffusion constant at zero temperature. With decreasing inter-layer coupling, the system undergoes a quantum phase transition (in a new universality class) to a localized spin-insulator. Experimental implications for spin and thermal transport in the high-temperature superconductors are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur