1,380 research outputs found

    On the integration of fields and quanta in time dependent backgrounds

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    Field theories with global continuous symmetries may admit configurations in which time translation invariance is broken by the movement of homogeneous background fields evolving along the flat directions implied by the symmetries. In this context, the field fluctuations along the broken symmetry are well parametrized by a Goldstone boson field that may non-trivially interact with other fields present in the theory. These interactions violate Lorentz invariance as a result of the broken time translation invariance of the background, producing a mixing between the field content and the particle spectrum of the theory. In this article we study the effects of such interactions on the low energy dynamics of the Goldstone boson quanta, paying special attention to the role of the particle spectrum of the theory. By studying the particular case of a canonical two-field model with a mexican-hat potential, we analyze the derivation of the low energy effective field theory for the Goldstone boson, and discuss in detail the distinction between integrating fields v/s integrating quanta, to finally conclude that they are equivalent. In addition, we discuss the implications of our analysis for the study of systems where time translation invariance is broken, such as cosmic inflation and time crystals.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Dehumidification Water Quality Analysis of the South Texas Gulf of Mexico

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    This project is to introduce a new methodology for environmental research that analyzes humidity from a water treatment perspective. This is done by using a household dehumidifier, which extracts the excess humidity in a given space, to harvest the samples. The dehumidifier was used outside to act as an Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG), which is the process of extracting water from the atmosphere. When AWG is placed near shoreline, then it\u27s classified as a Desalinated Atmospheric Water Generator (DAWG) since it extracts distilled seawater water-vapors. The methodology for DAWG analyzed turbidity in the humidity on SPI, indicating to meet {\u3c.15} TCEQ turbidity water quality standard. The turbidity also showed to have an adverse relation to weather conditions. There is an open market in research on this topic, where the methodology for DAWG can offer answers. This project identifies DAWG as being a sustainable source of potable water for a municipality

    Violencia sexual y de género y los mecanismos de protección jurídica en la legislación laboral chilena

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    The following article is a review of Chilean labor law that searches for legal answers to sexual and gender violence suffered by people in the workplace context. Firstly, the concepts of sexual and gender violence are analyzed. Then, the mechanisms that the national labor law gives to deal with the violations are analyzed, exposing that they have a repressive rather than a dissuasive dimension. With that in mind, the mandatory contents of the Order, Hygiene and Safety Internal Regulation, dismissal by severe grounds, indirect dismissal, the labor protection procedure and the complaints before the Labor Inspection are reviewed. Finally, the effectiveness of those mechanisms in preventing the occurrence of sexual or gender violence, in sanctioning them and in protecting the rights of the person who suffered such violations will be reviewed.El presente artículo es una revisión de la legislación laboral chilena en búsqueda de las respuestas legislativas que se otorgan a las situaciones de violencia sexual y de género sufridas por las personas en el contexto de la empresa. Para ello, se analizan en primer momento los conceptos de violencia sexual y de género, haciendo un repaso de aquello que implica cada uno de los mismos. Posteriormente, se analizan los mecanismos que la legislación nacional laboral otorga para hacer frente a tales vulneraciones, dando cuenta de que los mismos tienen una dimensión represiva y no disuasiva. Así las cosas, se revisa la aplicación de las obligaciones de contenido del Reglamento interno de orden, higiene y seguridad; el despido por causal grave; el despido indirecto; el procedimiento de tutela laboral; y la denuncia ante la inspección del trabajo. Finalmente, se revisa su utilidad para evitar la ocurrencia de situaciones de violencia sexual o de género, de sancionarlas y, en definitiva, el resguardo de los derechos de la persona que sufra tales vulneraciones

    Synthesis of silicon- and germanium-rich phases at high-pressure conditions

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    The main focus of the present work was the Ge-rich part of the binary Ba – Ge system, in which by inspecting the behavior of the clathrate-I Ba8Ge43 under pressure, several new phases were found. The new phases in this system have the following compositions: BaGe3 (with two modifications), BaGe5, BaGe5.5 and BaGe6, therefore they are quite close in composition range: 75% - ~85% at. Ge. Concerning the conditions required for the synthesis of each phase, several combinations of temperature and pressure were employed in order to find a stability range. It was possible to establish such a formation range for all phases. In some cases two phases were found for a given conditions and in many other cases three or more phases were found to coexist. Thus, the stability range of pressure and temperature for single phase formation turned out to be very narrow. By inspecting of some structural features, for instance the interatomic distances, it is found that the average of the Ge – Ge distances change in line with the composition, i.e. the shorter contacts belong to BaGe6 while the longer distances are present in BaGe3 (both modification). An opposite trend is observed for the calculated density of each phase (neglecting the tI32 form of BaGe3): the lower density is found for BaGe3 and the denser compound is found to be BaGe6. Of course this is not coincidence, since due to the Ge content, BaGe6 has the largest molar mass. Similarly, by examining the density as a function of the interatomic distance. In such case, the denser compound is characterized by shorter Ge – Ge contacts, while the less dense phase holds the longest Ge – Ge contacts. This is in agreement with the building motifs within each crystal structure: columns in BaGe3 (open framework) passing through layers in BaGe5, ending in a three-dimensional network (closed framework) in BaGe6

    Olerdola's cave, Catalonia past and present: a virtual reality reconstruction from terrestrial laser scanner and gis data

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    The goal of the project: • To perform a digital reproduction of the cave and of its surroundings • To use a fast and accurate technology • To create an interactive 3d environment • To support the archaeologist virtual restitution of different hypothesis of the ancient buildings.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Panorama epidemiológico de la Retinopatía del Recién Nacido Prematuro en el Hospital General de Tlalnepantla Valle Ceylán, Estado de México

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    trastorno retinal del prematuro, causa ceguera. Principales factores asociados: oxigenoterapia, sepsis, HIV, transfusiones y DBP. Clasificación: cinco grados de acuerdo a su severidad. Prevenible en 50% con tratamiento oportuno. Problema de gran importancia a nivel mundial; en nuestro hospital se realiza valoración oftalmológica, sin embargo se desconocen la frecuencia de ésta y los factores asociados, no se cue

    Escaner laser: modelo 3D y orto imágenes arquitectónicas de la iglesia de Santa María del Mar en Barcelona

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    El objetivo del Proyecto de escaneo de la iglesia de Santa Maria 2006, fue la generación de planos en CAD 2D como orto-imágenes de la recogida del modelo de nube de puntos en 3D en un periodo de tres meses. Esta nube de puntos trabaja como base de datos para la preservación del monumento investigado. Un volumen de trabajo general para obtener alta calidad, se propone una alta resolución del plano de la orto-imagen basado en la posibilidad dada de la explotación de los datos de nubes de puntos de alta densidad. La generación de superficies trianguladas se evita debido a una significante reducción del tiempo de post procesamiento.The aim of the Scanning of Santa Maria del Mar Project 2006 was the generation of 2D CAD plans as orthoimages from the collected 3D pointcloud model in a three month period. This pointcloud model works as the data base for the preservation of the monument investigated. A general workflow for obtaining high quality, high resolution orthoimage plans is proposed based on the possibility given by data exploitation of high density pointclouds. Triangulated surfaces generation is avoided for significant time reduction in post processing.Peer Reviewe

    Diseño de guía virtual para el seguimiento de adolescentes con trastorno depresivo mayor

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    Curso de Especial InterésEl presente es un diseño de una guía virtual para el seguimiento de adolescentes con trastorno depresivo mayor, con el nombre “Actívate”, cuenta con cuatro módulos, cuidado, psicoeducación emocional, psicoeducación en la problemática y validación y flexibilización del pensamiento, lo anterior se plantea debido al crecimiento de esta problemática y la necesidad de acompañamiento continuo en el proceso de terapia, se realiza un estado del arte donde se define la problemática, en términos de prevalencia y comorbilidad, de igual manera se describen los signos y síntomas asociados, se realiza un recorrido histórico de la concepción de la problemática, se enuncian las teorías conductuales, cognitivas y ambientales, los riesgos existentes y los posibles factores de adquisición, posterior a esto se especifica el trabajo con adolescentes y la diferenciación de síntomas entre sexos, por último se plantean los posibles tratamientos, dentro de los cuales se toma el modelo de terapia breve; se proponen objetivos de identificar la problemática y los factores asociados a ella, como etiología, mantenimiento, factores de riesgo y comorbilidad, determinar la población escogida, la prevalencia y estadísticas a nivel nacional, estimar las posibles dificultades para llevar a cabo el diseño de la guía virtual, tanto para la población escogida como para la problemática seleccionada, se realiza una encuesta de mercado y una discusión en torno a esta, finalmente se concluye que es un producto que puede potenciar la calidad de servicio psicológico y que es potencialmente útil para otras problemáticas psicológicas para grupos etarios adolescentes y juveniles.109 p.Resumen 1. Justificación 2. Conceptualización de la Depresión 3. Teorías Explicativas de la Depresión 4. Prevalencia, Incidencia y Pronóstico 5. Evaluación 6. Riesgos Asociados 7. Trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) en adolescentes 8. Manifestación del TDM de acuerdo al género 9. Detección del TDM en adolescentes 10. Tratamiento del TDM en adolescentes 11. Objetivos 12. Objetivo General 13. Objetivos Específicos 14. Estudio del Mercado Resultados Conclusiones ReferenciasPregradoPsicólog