677 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un sistema de control para temperatura y presión en el proceso de hidrolizado de plumas mediante el estudio y análisis de las estrategias de control en la empresa Aprinor S.A.C de la ciudad de Trujillo

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consta de ocho capítulos, los cuales son descritos a continuación: En el primer capítulo, se hace una introducción a la problemática encontrada en el proceso de elaboración de harina de plumas de la empresa APRINOR S.A.C. exponiendo además el objetivo general, objetivos específicos, hipótesis y la justificación del estudio. En el segundo capítulo, se realiza una descripción de los conceptos relacionados al trabajo de investigación. En el tercer capítulo se hace el resumen de los materiales y métodos utilizados en el presente trabajo, también se realiza los procedimientos para desarrollar una propuesta de control de temperatura y presión en el proceso de hidrolizado de plumas. En el cuarto y quinto capítulo se presenta respectivamente los resultados del desarrollo del proyecto y la discusión de los mismos. Finalmente en el sexto, séptimo y octavo capítulo, se expone las conclusiones del trabajo de investigación como recomendaciones a trabajos futuros y las referencias bibliográficas relacionadas al proyecto.This research consists of eight chapters, which are described below: In the first chapter, an introduction to the problems encountered in the process of preparing feather meal company is APRINOR SAC also indicating the general objective, specific objectives, hypotheses and justification of the study. In the second chapter, a description of the concepts related to the research work is done. In the third chapter the summary of the materials and methods used in this work is done, the procedures were also performed to develop a proposal to control temperature and pressure in the process of hydrolyzed feather. In the fourth and fifth chapter the results of project development and discussion of them is presented respectively. Finally in the sixth, seventh and eighth, the conclusions of the research and recommendations for future work and references related to the project exposed

    Económia Solidaria : Educación financiera que reciben las protagonistas del programa usura cero en el barrio Dinamarca,del distrito II de Managua,2013-2016

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    El presente Informe, está enmarcado de manera general en la “Economía Solidaria” la cual se refiere a un conjunto de actividades económicas que, incluyen organizaciones tales como asociaciones, cooperativas, fundaciones, mutuales y empresas sociales que se rigen por principios, valores y prácticas que tienen que ver con la participación, la democracia, la solidaridad y el compromiso con el medio ambiente y que tienen como prioridad una finalidad social. Los gobiernos ven a la economía solidaria como una esfera de trabajo fundamental para abordar desafíos relacionados con el empleo, la provisión de servicios y el nivel de cohesión social, ya que, según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT 2008) en un mundo globalizado las empresas productivas, rentables y sostenibles junto con la economía solidaria y el sector público son fundamentales para lograr un desarrollo económico sostenible donde halla mayores oportunidades. En Nicaragua las políticas públicas han sido diseñadas para apoyar a la economía solidaria puesto que es un mecanismo para reducir la pobreza y para generar empleos de forma inclusiva. Cabe señalar que para lograr expandir y desarrollar la economía solidaria ha desarrollado programas sociales como es el programa Usura Cero con el propósito de empoderar económicamente a mujeres de zonas urbanas y semi-rurales a través del otorgamiento de microcrédito. Considerando el impacto y éxito del programa mencionado se ha realizado esta investigación con las protagonistas del programa Usura Cero en el Barrio Dinamarca, ubicado en el Distrito II de Managua. Esto con el fin de analizar el impacto que ha tenido la Educación Financiera (EF) en estas mujeres la cual es impartida por el Instituto Nacional Tecnológico (INATEC) en coordinación con la dirección del programa. Con los resultados obtenidos, se ha corroborado que este programa de micro financiamiento denominado Usura Cero, impulsado por el Gobierno de Reconciliación y Unidad Nacional (GRUN) desde el año 2007, ha tenido un verdadero impacto en la economía de las familias nicaragüenses, específicamente en sus protagonistas que hoy en día son generadoras de ingresos y de esa manera aportan tanto a la economía de sus familias como a la erradicación de los altos niveles de pobreza extrema. Es importante destacar el papel del gobierno a través de instituciones como INATEC y Ministerio de Economía Familiar, Comunitaria, Cooperativa y Asociativa (MEFCCA) que brindan apoyo a las protagonistas del programa con el fin de empoderarlas de tal forma que no se queden estancadas o se vuelvan conformistas en sus negocios, sino que cada día se impongan metas de prosperidad y que al final ellas puedan tener una empresa o negocio prospero que ya no dependa de un crédito sino que sea auto sostenible y a su vez sea generadora de empleos aportando así a la lucha contra el desempleo. Con la presente investigación se ha identificado que el programa como tal acompañado de la estrategia de educar y empoderar a las beneficiarias del mismo, ha revolucionado la economía de aquellas mujeres que una vez no tenían forma de generar ingresos y que hoy perciben sus propios ingresos, además, que en la actualidad los pequeños negocios aportan un 75% al dinamismo económico en Nicaragua

    Design a Semi-Autonomous Fumigation Robot Using Line Tracking for COVID-19

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    The implementation of robotics has provided various solutions to the problematic caused by Covid-19 to reduce the exposure of people when alternating work, therefore the present project was designed and manufactured a semi-autonomous fumigation robot which is made using a sprinkler and a pump, to give it autonomy was incorporated line tracking that works utilizing infrared and ultrasonic sensors. For the development of the project, the V-based methodology was used, in which the 3 branches of mechatronics are integrated. As a result, the robot can be applied in commercial and industrial areas for disinfection of floors and surfaces to reduce exposure to the virus. A nozzle with an angle of 60° was used having a range of 3.2 m wide and reaches a height of 1.6 m. as a final result, it was obtained that the robot is capable of disinfecting 3.2 m2/s

    A Randomized Trial. Comparing Herniorrafia Modifield Desarda Repair and Hernioplastia Lichtenstein Repair for Inguinal Hernia. (Study of 1242 Patients)

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    Introduction: The objective of this study is to compare the outcomes of Modified Desarda repair no mesh and Lichtenstein repair for inguinal hernia. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective randomized controlled trial study of 1242 patients having 1313 hernias operated from January 2008 to December 2018. 640 patients were operated using Lichtenstein repair and 602 using Desarda repair. The variables like age, sex, location, type of hernia, tolerance to local anesthesia, duration of surgery, pain on the first, third and fifth day, hospital stay, complications, re-explorations, morbidity and time to return to normal activities were analyzed. Follow up period was from 1-10 years (median 6.5 years). Results: There were no significant differences regarding age, sex, location, type of hernia, and pain in both the groups. The operation time was 52 minutes in Modified Desarda group and 42 minutes in the Lichtenstein group that is significant (p<0.05). The recurrence was 0.0 % in Modified Desarda group and 0.3 % in Lichtenstein group. But, there were 8 cases of infection to the polypropylene mesh in the Lichtenstein group, 2 of this required re-exploration. The morbidity was also significantly more in Lichtenstein group (7,0 %) as compared to Modified Desarda group (3.6 %). The mean time to return to work in the Modified Desarda group was 8.26 days while a mean of 12.58 days was in the Lichtenstein group. The mean hospital stay was 29 hrs. in Modified Desarda group while it was 49 hours in the Lichtenstein group in those patients who were hospitalized. Conclusions: Modified Desarda repair scores significantly over the Lichtenstein repair in all respects including re-explorations and morbidity. Modified Desarda repair is a better choice as compared with Lichtenstein repair

    Prevention of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy with PRESIONA, a Therapeutic Exercise and Blood Flow Restriction Program: A Randomized Controlled Study Protocol

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    Objective This trial will analyze the acute and cumulative effects of a tailored program called PRESIONA that combines therapeutic exercise and blood flow restriction to prevent chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in individuals with early breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Methods PRESIONA will be a physical therapist–led multimodal exercise program that uses blood flow restriction during low-load aerobic and strength exercises. For the acute study, only 1 session will be performed 1 day before the first taxane cycle, in which 72 women will be assessed before intervention and 24 hours post intervention. For the cumulative study, PRESIONA will consist of 24 to 36 sessions for 12 weeks following an undulatory prescription. At least 80 women will be randomized to the experimental group or control group. Feasibility will be quantified based on the participant recruitment to acceptance ratio; dropout, retention, and adherence rates; participant satisfaction; tolerance; and program security. In the efficacy study, the main outcomes will be CIPN symptoms assessed with a participant-reported questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-CIPN20). In addition, to determine the impact on other participant-reported health and sensorimotor and physical outcomes, the proportion of completed scheduled chemotherapy sessions will be examined at baseline (t0), after anthracycline completion (t1), after intervention (t2), and at the 2-month (t3) and 1-year follow-ups (t4). Conclusion The proposed innovative approach of this study could have a far-reaching impact on therapeutic options, and the physical therapist role could be essential in the oncology unit to improve quality of life in individuals with cancer and reduce side effects of cancer and its treatments. Impact Physical therapists in the health care system could be essential to achieve the planned doses of chemotherapy to improve survival and decrease the side effects of individuals with breast cancer. The prevention of CIPN would have an impact on the quality of life in these individuals, and this protocol potentially could provide an action guide that could be implemented in any health care system.This study is funded by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FI19/00230), the Spanish Ministry of Education Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/00939 and FPU18/03575), and Ilustre Colegio Profesional de Fisioterapeutas de Andalucía (AI-04/2020)

    Re-thinking the Etiological Framework of Neurodegeneration

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    Neurodegenerative diseases are among the leading causes of disability and death worldwide. The disease-related socioeconomic burden is expected to increase with the steadily increasing life expectancy. In spite of decades of clinical and basic research, most strategies designed to manage degenerative brain diseases are palliative. This is not surprising as neurodegeneration progresses "silently" for decades before symptoms are noticed. Importantly, conceptual models with heuristic value used to study neurodegeneration have been constructed retrospectively, based on signs and symptoms already present in affected patients;a circumstance that may confound causes and consequences. Hence, innovative, paradigm-shifting views of the etiology of these diseases are necessary to enable their timely prevention and treatment. Here, we outline four alternative views, not mutually exclusive, on different etiological paths toward neurodegeneration. First, we propose neurodegeneration as being a secondary outcome of a primary cardiovascular cause with vascular pathology disrupting the vital homeostatic interactions between the vasculature and the brain, resulting in cognitive impairment, dementia, and cerebrovascular events such as stroke. Second, we suggest that the persistence of senescent cells in neuronal circuits may favor, together with systemic metabolic diseases, neurodegeneration to occur. Third, we argue that neurodegeneration may start in response to altered body and brain trophic interactions established via the hardwire that connects peripheral targets with central neuronal structures or by means of extracellular vesicle (E\-mediated communication. Lastly, we elaborate on how lifespan body dysbiosis may be linked to the origin of neurodegeneration. We highlight the existence of bacterial products that modulate the gut-brain axis causing neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction. As a concluding section, we end by recommending research avenues to investigate these etiological paths in the future. We think that this requires an integrated, interdisciplinary conceptual research approach based on the investigation of the multimodal aspects of physiology and pathophysiology. It involves utilizing proper conceptual models, experimental animal units, and identifying currently unused opportunities derived from human data. Overall, the proposed etiological paths and experimental recommendations will be important guidelines for future cross-discipline research to overcome the translational roadblock and to develop causative treatments for neurodegenerative diseases

    Repeated Aspergillusisolation in respiratory samples from non-immunocompromised patients not selected based on clinical diagnoses: colonisation or infection?

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    Background: Isolation of Aspergillus from lower respiratory samples is associated with colonisation in high percentage of cases, making it of unclear significance. This study explored factors associated with diagnosis (infection vs. colonisation), treatment (administration or not of antifungals) and prognosis (mortality) in non-transplant/non-neutropenic patients showing repeated isolation of Aspergillus from lower respiratory samples. Methods: Records of adult patients (29 Spanish hospitals) presenting ≥2 respiratory cultures yielding Aspergillus were retrospectively reviewed and categorised as proven (histopathological confirmation) or probable aspergillosis (new respiratory signs/symptoms with suggestive chest imaging) or colonisation (symptoms not attributable to Aspergillus without dyspnoea exacerbation, bronchospasm or new infiltrates). Logistic regression models (step-wise) were performed using Aspergillosis (probable + proven), antifungal treatment and mortality as dependent variables. Significant (p < 0.001) models showing the highest R2 were considered. Results: A total of 245 patients were identified, 139 (56.7%) with Aspergillosis. Aspergillosis was associated (R2 = 0.291) with ICU admission (OR = 2.82), congestive heart failure (OR = 2.39) and steroids pre-admission (OR = 2.19) as well as with cavitations in X-ray/CT scan (OR = 10.68), radiological worsening (OR = 5.22) and COPD exacerbations/need for O2 interaction (OR = 3.52). Antifungals were administered to 79.1% patients with Aspergillosis (100% proven, 76.8% probable) and 29.2% colonised, with 69.5% patients receiving voriconazole alone or in combination. In colonised patients, administration of antifungals was associated with ICU admission at hospitalisation (OR = 12.38). In Aspergillosis patients its administration was positively associated (R2 = 0.312) with bronchospasm (OR = 9.21) and days in ICU (OR = 1.82) and negatively with Gold III + IV (OR = 0.26), stroke (OR = 0.024) and quinolone treatment (OR = 0.29). Mortality was 78.6% in proven, 41.6% in probable and 12.3% in colonised patients, and was positively associated in Aspergillosis patients (R2 = 0.290) with radiological worsening (OR = 3.04), APACHE-II (OR = 1.09) and number of antibiotics for treatment (OR = 1.51) and negatively with species other than A. fumigatus (OR = 0.14) and aspergillar tracheobronchitis (OR = 0.27). Conclusions: Administration of antifungals was not always closely linked to the diagnostic categorisation (colonisation vs. Aspergillosis), being negatively associated with severe COPD (GOLD III + IV) and concomitant treatment with quinolones in patients with Aspergillosis, probably due to the similarity of signs/symptoms between this entity and pulmonary bacterial infections

    Meningococcal disease in North America: Updates from the Global Meningococcal Initiative

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    This review summarizes the recent Global Meningococcal Initiative (GMI) regional meeting, which explored meningococcal disease in North America. Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) cases are documented through both passive and active surveillance networks. IMD appears to be decreasing in many areas, such as the Dominican Republic (2016: 18 cases; 2021: 2 cases) and Panama (2008: 1 case/100,000; 2021: <0.1 cases/100,000); however, there is notable regional and temporal variation. Outbreaks persist in at-risk subpopulations, such as people experiencing homelessness in the US and migrants in Mexico. The recent emergence of β-lactamase-positive and ciprofloxacin-resistant meningococci in the US is a major concern. While vaccination practices vary across North America, vaccine uptake remains relatively high. Monovalent and multivalent conjugate vaccines (which many countries in North America primarily use) can provide herd protection. However, there is no evidence that group B vaccines reduce meningococcal carriage. The coronavirus pandemic illustrates that following public health crises, enhanced surveillance of disease epidemiology and catch-up vaccine schedules is key. Whole genome sequencing is a key epidemiological tool for identifying IMD strain emergence and the evaluation of vaccine strain coverage. The Global Roadmap on Defeating Meningitis by 2030 remains a focus of the GMI.Medical writing support for the development of this manuscript, under the direction of the authors, was provided Matthew Gunther of Ashfield MedComms, an Inizio company. Medical writing support was funded by Sanofi Pasteur. All authors discussed and agreed to the objectives of this manuscript and con- tributed throughout its production. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.S