215 research outputs found

    Lowest-Low Fertility: Signs of a recovery in Italy?

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    This study aims to describe the process of birth postponement and recovery in Italy, a country with persistent very low fertility levels. The case of Italy is particularly significant given that this country carries great demographic weight in "Southern Europe"; an area characterized by cultural and institutional specificities which have important implications for the timing of family formation and the final number of children. We use data recently published by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat), applying a cohort approach to show changes in CTFRs and the timing of births for the 1950-1980 cohorts. In order to further evaluate the evolution of Italian “fertility ageing†across social groups (with a focus on female education) we also use individual level data from the 2003 Istat multipurpose survey “Famiglia e soggetti socialiâ€. We find that a recovery is presently in progress in the northern regions of Italy, even if not all postponed births are recovered. As expected, signs of recovery are above all evident among the youngest generations and more educated women.cohort fertility, education, fertility recovery, Italy, low fertility

    Lowest-Low Fertility: Signs of a recovery in Italy?

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    This study aims to describe the process of birth postponement and recovery in Italy, a country with persistent very low fertility levels. The case of Italy is particularly significant given that this country carries great demographic weight in "Southern Europe"; an area characterized by cultural and institutional specificities which have important implications for the timing of family formation and the final number of children. We use data recently published by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat), applying a cohort approach to show changes in CTFRs and the timing of births for the 1950-1980 cohorts. In order to further evaluate the evolution of Italian "fertility ageing" across social groups (with a focus on female education) we also use individual level data from the 2003 Istat multipurpose survey "Famiglia e soggetti sociali". We find that a recovery is presently in progress in the northern regions of Italy, even if not all postponed births are recovered. As expected, signs of recovery are above all evident among the youngest generations and more educated women

    Self-Other Positioning in Obesity: A Pilot Study Using Repertory Grid Technique

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    Self-other positioning was investigated in a group of obese youths in order to empirically test the clinical hy-pothesis – based on the constructionist theory of Family Semantic Polarities – that obese people are affected by a negative self-perception and low self-esteem. Repertory grid technique was used with 30 participants (15 obese-overweight and 15 control) to elicit and compare their personal constructs and assess, via ad hoc measurement indices, the positions they as- signed to the self and significant others in relation to these constructs. The results confirmed the research hypotheses, with obese subjects displaying a tendency to pos ition both self and others at the negative pole of bipolar constructs and reporting greater self-ideal discrepancy. These findings and their limitations are discussed in relation to their clinical applications and in light of the methodologi cal issues arising from the study

    Osteoporosis and Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Bone

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    The aim of this longitudinal study is to present data from 76 female patients treated with bisphosphonates (BPs) for postmenopausal osteoporosis and referred to the Unit of Oral Diagnosis and Day Surgery of the University of Milano for diagnosis and treatment. All patients received a thorough oral examination. The diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the jaw bone (ONJ) was made from radiographic and clinical findings. 9% of individuals had BRONJ at first visit. Patients with dental or periodontal abscess were significantly more likely to develop BRONJ (OR: 2.9, 95% CI 0.5–15.9). Patients with osteoporosis receiving BPs may develop BRONJ, especially in the presence of an active infectious process in the mouth. Clinicians should carefully follow up on individuals receiving bisphosphonates therapy to avoid the occurrence of osteonecrotic lesions

    A Preliminary Study

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    Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS) allows assessing the composition of body districts noninvasively and quickly, potentially providing important physiological/clinical information. However, neither portable commercial instruments nor more advanced wearable prototypes simultaneously satisfy the demanding needs of unobtrusively tracking body fluid shifts in different segments simultaneously, over a broad frequency range, for long periods and with high measurements rate. These needs are often required to evaluate exercise tests in sports or rehabilitation medicine, or to assess gravitational stresses in aerospace medicine. Therefore, the aim of this work is to present a new wearable prototype for monitoring multi-segment and multi- frequency BIS unobtrusively over long periods. Our prototype guarantees low weight, small size and low power consumption. An analog board with current- injecting and voltage-sensing electrodes across three body segments interfaces a digital board that generates square-wave current stimuli and computes impedance at 10 frequencies from 1 to 796 kHz. To evaluate the information derivable from our device, we monitored the BIS of three body segments in a volunteer before, during and after physical exercise and postural shift. We show that it can describe the dynamics of exercise-induced changes and the effect of a sit-to-stand maneuver in active and inactive muscular districts separately and simultaneously

    Social environment and attitudes toward COVID-19 anti-contagious measures: an explorative study from Italy

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    Social and cultural aspects (i.e., political decision making, discourses in the public sphere, and people’s mindsets) played a crucial role in the ways people responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Framed with the Semiotic-Cultural Psychological Theory (SCPT), the present work aims to explore how individual ways of making sense of their social environment affected individuals’ perception of government measures aimed at managing the pandemic and the adherence to such measures. An online survey was administered from January to April 2021 to the Italian population. Retrieved questionnaires (N = 378) were analyzed through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) to detect the factorial dimensions underpinning (dis)similarities in the respondents’ ways of interpreting their social environment. Extracted factors were interpreted as markers of Latent Dimensions of Sense (LDSs) organizing respondents’ worldviews. Finally, three regression models tested the role of LDSs in supporting the individual satisfaction with the measures adopted to contain the social contagion defined at national level, individual adherence to the containment measures and the perception of the population’s adherence to them. Results highlight that all the three measures are associated with a negative view of the social environment characterized by a lack of confidence in public institutions (health system, government), public roles and other people. Findings are discussed on the one hand to shed light on the role of deep-rooted cultural views in defining personal evaluations of government measures and adherence capacity. On the other hand, we suggest that taking into account people’s meaning-making can guide public health officials and policy makers to comprehend what favors or hinders adaptive responses to emergencies or social crises

    The institutional management of the COVID-19 crisis in Italy: a qualitative study on the socio-cultural context underpinning the citizens’ evaluation

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    Background: Studies on the citizens’ evaluation of the government’s crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic are almost absent. Within the frame of Semiotic Cultural Psycho-social Theory, we argue that better crisis management requires considering the expectations, value systems and questions expressed by the citizens since these criteria organize how they evaluate the actions planned to respond to “their needs”, how legitimate they consider political decisions and their attitude to complying with the measures established by the government. Objectives:  This study aimed to explore, with a qualitative approach, the ways ordinary people think and make sense of how Italian institutions responded to the crisis, selected the problems to tackle, and the needs the crisis brought to the fore. Methods: An anonymous online survey was available from 21st February to 26th April 2021. Participants were asked to write about “The institutional management of the pandemic crisis …”. A total number of 374 texts were collected (respondents’ mean age = 35,87; DS = 14,14; women: 71,7%). The Automated Method for Content Analysis (ACASM) procedure was applied to the collected texts to detect the factorial dimensions underpinning (dis)similarities in the respondents’ narratives. Such factors were interpreted as the markers of latent dimensions of meanings (DS). Results: The two main DS that emerged were characterised by the pertinentization of two different focus of discourse – media communication versus the social system – and two different criteria of evaluation of the crisis management – the institutional responses to the emergency versus the kind of investment for the future. Conclusion: Throughout the narratives, two critical points emerged: the Institutions’ failure to analyse the problems’ complexity and the disparity between what has been said and done by the political system and citizens’ expectations and needs