596 research outputs found

    Наноалмазы как идеальные наноносители для циансодежащих цитостатиков

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    Цианосодержащие цитостатики - новый класс открытых нами лекарств, которые благодаря цианогруппам хорошо закрепляются на наноалмазах, с увеличением активности

    Relaxation of Vibrational Excitons in Molecular-Ionic Crystal s Measured by Picosecond Time-Resolved CARS

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    The decay times of the internal vibrations in K2S04, KCl04, NaN03 and CaC03 single crystals have been measured at different temperature s by picosecond time-resolved CARS. The low temperature experimental data and their temperature dependence are interpreted on the basis of an energy relaxation mechanism, involving two-phonon and higher order decay processes

    A drug safety evaluation of abiraterone acetate in the treatment of prostate cancer

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    Introduction: To evaluate the safety profile characteristics of abiraterone acetate (AA) in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer (mPCa). Areas covered: In this literature review the authors evaluate safety data from phase III trials investigating the combination of abiraterone acetate plus prednisone (AAP) in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. In particular, the aim was to clarify its toxicity profile, long-term exposure impact, and the correlation with general health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Expert opinion: Based on the studies reviewed, it appears that abiraterone acetate has favourable outcomes, is effective and well tolerated, mostly in asymptomatic or slightly symptomatic patients, and has recognised toxicity profile characteristics. Incidence of adverse events (AEs), such as mineralocorticoid- and corticosteroid-releated AEs, and hepatotoxicity is well known and widely described. Understanding the toxicity profile of AA could assist decision-making in clinical practice

    The role of mechanical stratigraphy on the refraction of strike-slip faults

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    Fault and fracture planes (FFPs) affecting multilayer sequences can be significantly refracted at layer–layer interfaces due to the different mechanical properties of the contiguous layers, such as shear strength, friction coefficient and grain size. Detailed studies of different but coexisting and broadly coeval failure modes (tensile, hybrid and shear) within multilayers deformed in extensional settings have led to infer relatively low confinement and differential stress as the boundary stress conditions at which FFP refraction occurs. Although indeed widely recognized and studied in extensional settings, the details of FFP nucleation, propagation and refraction through multilayers remain not completely understood, partly because of the common lack of geological structures documenting the incipient and intermediate stages of deformation. Here, we present a study on strongly refracted strike-slip FFPs within the mechanically layered turbidites of the Marnoso Arenacea Formation (MAF) of the Italian northern Apennines. The MAF is characterized by the alternation of sandstone (strong) and carbonate mudstone (weak) layers. The studied refracted FFPs formed at the front of the regional-scale NE-verging Palazzuolo anticline and post-date almost any other observed structure except for a set of late extensional faults. The studied faults document coexisting shear and hybrid (tensile–shear) failure modes and, at odds with existing models, we suggest that they initially nucleated as shear fractures (mode III) within the weak layers and, only at a later stage, propagated as dilatant fractures (modes I–II) within the strong layers. The tensile fractures within the strong layers invariably contain blocky calcite infills, which are, on the other hand, almost completely absent along the shear fracture planes deforming the weak layers. Paleostress analysis suggests that the refracted FFPs formed in a NNE–SSW compressional stress field and excludes the possibility that their present geometric attitude results from the rotation through time of faults with an initial different orientation. The relative slip and dilation potential of the observed structures was derived by slip and dilation tendency analysis. Mesoscopic analysis of preserved structures from the incipient and intermediate stages of development and evolution of the refracted FFPs allowed us to propose an evolutionary scheme wherein (a) nucleation of refracted FFPs occurs within weak layers; (b) refraction is primarily controlled by grain size and clay mineral content and variations thereof at layer–layer interfaces but also within individual layers; (c) propagation within strong layers occurs primarily by fluid-assisted development ahead of the FFP tip of a “process zone” defined by a network of hybrid and tensile fractures; (d) the process zone causes the progressive weakening and fragmentation of the affected rock volume to eventually allow the FFPs to propagate through the strong layers; (e) enhanced suitable conditions for the development of tensile and hybrid fractures can be also achieved thanks to the important role played by pressured fluids.</p

    Computed micro-tomographic evaluation of glide pathwith nickel-titanium rotary pathFile in maxillary firstmolars curved canals

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    Introduction: X-ray computed micro-tomography scanning allows high-resolution 3-dimensional imaging of small objects. In this study, micro-CT scanning was used to compare the ability of manual and mechanical glide path to maintain the original root canal anatomy. Methods: Eight extracted upper first permanent molars were scanned at the TOMOLAB station at ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Laboratory in Trieste, Italy, with a microfocus cone-beam geometry system. A total of 2,400 projections on 360 degrees have been acquired at 100 kV and 80 mu A, with a focal spot size of 8 mu m. Buccal root canals of each specimen (n = 16) were randomly assigned to Path File (P) or stainless-steel K-file (K) to perform glide path at the full working length. Specimens were then microscanned at the apical level (A) and at the point of the maximum curvature level (C) for post-treatment analyses. Curvatures of root canals were classified as moderate (= 40 degrees). The ratio of diameter ratios (RDRs) and the ratio of cross-sectional areas (RAs) were assessed. For each level of analysis (A and C), 2 balanced 2-way factorial analyses of variance (P < .05) were performed to evaluate the significance of the instrument factor and of canal curvature factor as well as the interactions of the factors both with RDRs and RAs. Results: Specimens in the K group had a mean curvature of 35.4 degrees +/- 11.5 degrees; those in the P group had a curvature of 38 degrees +/- 9.9 degrees. The instrument factor (P and K) was extremely significant (P < .001) for both the RDR and RA parameters, regardless of the point of analysis. Conclusions: Micro-CT scanning confirmed that NiTi rotary Path File instruments preserve the original canal anatomy and cause less canal aberrations. (J Endod 2012;38:389-393

    Study Projectile Motion With Different Initial Conditions Using Digital Image

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    The aim of this research is building algorithms to study projectile motion in tow dimension  and tracking the object in sequence frames of digital image . Computer program has written in visual basic language (version 6) depend on mathematical models to detect a motion of object in two–dimensions (2-D)with different initial conditions like initial velocity, the height of object from the earth and the angle of motion, to calculate important variables in motion such as distance, displacement, velocity, speed and the energy (kinetic and potential). Color digital images of type (bmp) and (RGB) color model were used in the study for easy handling them, after determining the center of the image on the x-axis, and y-axis and tracking movement on the basis of the center, and the results were expected to conform to the movement of the body. Key words: Projectile, Motion, Digital Image

    Current LISA Spacecraft Design

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission. a space based gravitational wave detector. uses laser metrology to measure distance fluctuations between proof masses aboard three spacecraft. LISA is unique from a mission design perspective in that the three spacecraft and their associated operations form one distributed science instrument. unlike more conventional missions where an instrument is a component of an individual spacecraft. The design of the LISA spacecraft is also tightly coupled to the design and requirements of the scientific payload; for this reason it is often referred to as a "sciencecraft." Here we describe some of the unique features of the LISA spacecraft design that help create the quiet environment necessary for gravitational wave observations

    The miRNA 361-3p, a Regulator of GZMB and TNF Is Associated With Therapeutic Failure and Longer Time Healing of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by L. (viannia) braziliensis

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    L. (viannia) braziliensis infection causes American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis (ATL), with prolonged time to healing lesions. The potent inflammatory response developed by the host is important to control the parasite burden and infection however an unbalanced immunity may cooperate to the tissue damage observed. The range of mechanisms underlying the pathological responses associated with ATL still needs to be better understood. That includes epigenetic regulation by non-coding MicroRNAs (miRNAs), non-coding sequences around 22 nucleotides that act as post-transcriptional regulators of RNAs encoding proteins. The miRNAs have been associated with diverse parasitic diseases, including leishmaniasis. Here we evaluated miRNAs that targeted genes expressed in cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions (CL) by comparing its expression in both CL and normal skin obtained from the same individual. In addition, we evaluated if the miRNAs expression would be correlated with clinical parameters such as therapeutic failure, healing time as well as lesion size. The miR-361-3p and miR-140-3p were significantly more expressed in CL lesions compared to normal skin samples (p = 0.0001 and p &lt; 0.0001, respectively). In addition, the miR-361-3p was correlated with both, therapeutic failure and healing time of disease (r = 0.6, p = 0.003 and r = 0.5, p = 0.007, respectively). In addition, complementary analysis shown that miR-361-3p is able to identify with good sensitivity (81.2%) and specificity (100%) patients who tend to fail initial treatment with pentavalent antimonial (Sbv). Finally, the survival analysis considering “cure” as the endpoint showed that the higher the expression of miR-361-3p, the longer the healing time of CL. Overall, our data suggest the potential of miR-361-3p as a prognostic biomarker in CL caused by L. braziliensis

    Imaging biomarkers in prostate cancer: role of PET/CT and MRI

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    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is currently the most widely used biomarker of prostate cancer (PCa). PSA suggests the presence of primary tumour and disease relapse after treatment, but it is not able to provide a clear distinction between locoregional and distant disease. Molecular and functional imaging, that are able to provide a detailed and comprehensive overview of PCa extension, are more reliable tools for primary tumour detection and disease extension assessment both in staging and restaging. In the present review we evaluate the role of PET/CT and MRI in the diagnosis, staging and restaging of PCa, and the use of these imaging modalities in prognosis, treatment planning and response assessment. Innovative imaging strategies including new radiotracers and hybrid scanners such as PET/MRI are also discussed