527 research outputs found

    Outcome of Patients With Small Vessel Vasculitis After Renal Transplantation: National Database Analysis

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    Background. Small vessel vasculitis commonly affects the kidney and can progress to end-stage renal disease. The goal of this study is to compare outcomes of patients who received a renal transplant as a result of small vessel vasculitis (group A) with those who received kidney transplants because of other causes (group B). Methods. This is a retrospective analysis of United Network for Organ Sharing registry data for adult primary kidney transplants from January 2000 to December 2014. Group A patients (N = 2196) were compared with a group B (N = 6588); groups were case matched for age, race, sex, donor type, and year of transplant in a 1:3 ratio. Results. Renal and patient survivals were better in the group A (P \u3c 0.001). New-onset diabetes after transplant developed in 8.3% of the group A and 11.3% of group B (P \u3c 0.001). Seventeen (0.8%) patients in group A developed recurrent disease. Of these, 7 patients had graft failure, 3 of which were due to disease recurrence. Group A patients had significantly higher risk of developing posttransplant solid organ malignancies (11.3% vs 9.3%, P = 0.006) and lymphoproliferative disorder (1.3% vs 0.8%, P = 0.026). Independent predictors of graft failure and patient mortality were recipients\u27 morbid obesity, diabetes, age, and dialysis duration (hazard ratio of 1.7, 1.4, 1.1/10 years, and 1.1/year for graft failure, and 1.7, 1.7, 1.6/10 years and 1.1/year for patient mortality, respectively). Conclusions. Renal transplantation in patients with has favorable long-term graft and patient outcomes with a low disease recurrence rate. However, they may have a higher risk of developing posttransplant malignancies

    Atomic scale model and electronic structure of Cu2_2O/CH3_3NH3_3PbI3_3 interfaces in perovskite solar cells

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    Cuprous oxide has been conceived as a potential alternative to traditional organic hole transport layers in hybrid halide perovskite-based solar cells. Device simulations predict record efficiencies using this semiconductor, but experimental results do not yet show this trend. More detailed knowledge about the Cu2_2O/perovskite interface is mandatory to improve the photoconversion efficiency. Using density functional theory calculations, here we study the interfaces of CH3_3NH3_3PbI3_3 with Cu2_2O to assess their influence on device performance. Several atomistic models of these interfaces are provided for the first time, considering different compositions of the interface atomic planes. The interface electronic properties are discussed on the basis of the optimal theoretical situation, but in connection with the experimental realizations and device simulations. It is shown that the formation of vacancies in the Cu2_2O terminating planes is essential to eliminate dangling bonds and trap states. The four interface models that fulfill this condition present a band alignment favorable for photovoltaic conversion. Energy of adhesion, and charge transfer across the interfaces are also studied. The termination of CH3_3NH3_3PbI3_3 in PbI2_2 atomic planes seems optimal to maximize the photoconversion efficiency.Comment: 16 pages; 8 figures. Submitted to ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Published after changes not included her

    Riqueza y abundancia de aves en áreas verdes en la ciudad de San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México

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    Green areas in urban districts are important elements for bird conservation. In this study, we estimated bird abundance within green areas in the urban district of San Cristobal de Las Casas, state of Chiapas, Mexico. We identified a total of 75 bird species in ten green areas of different sizes from February of 2016 through July of 2016. We related bird presence to environmental variables at two geographical scales (local and landscape). Nonparametric analyses were used to compare richness and abundance of birds between green areas and size categories. The percentage of vegetation area was the most important variable that positively correlated with species richness and abundance. However, negative correlations were found between species richness and abundance and the percentage coverage of canopy, buildings, pavement and sampled green areas. The spatial heterogeneity of vertical vegetation structure in green areas was important to increase the diversity of avifauna. The maintenance and increase of green areas in cities is important to protect and increase the diversity of birds in urban areas.Las áreas verdes en las ciudades se han considerado elementos importantes para la conservación de la avifauna. En este estudio se presentan estimaciones de riqueza y abundancia de aves, así como su relación con las áreas verdes en la ciudad de San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México. Identificamos un total de 75 especies de aves en diez áreas verdes de diferente tamaño de febrero a julio de 2016 y relacionamos su presencia con variables ambientales a dos escalas geográficas (local y de paisaje). Se utilizaron análisis no paramétricos para comparar la riqueza y abundancia de las aves entre áreas verdes y categorías de tamaño. El porcentaje de superficie total ocupada por vegetación fue la variable más importante al correlacionarse positivamente con la riqueza y abundancia de las aves. Mientras que el porcentaje de cobertura de dosel, de construcciones, de pavimento y de áreas verdes muestreadas se correlacionaron negativamente con la riqueza y abundancia de aves. La heterogeneidad espacial de la estructura vegetal vertical en las áreas verdes fue importante para incrementar la diversidad de la avifauna. El mantenimiento e incremento de áreas verdes en ciudades es significativo para proteger y aumentar la diversidad de aves en áreas urbanas

    Medios de comunicación y derecho a la información en Jalisco 2013

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    En el primer apartado, dedicado al sistema de medios en general, se presentan tres artículos: “Nuevos medios de comunicación en Jalisco”, “c7 ¿medio público o vocero del gobierno?” y “Réquiem por un ombudsman”. El segundo apartado está dedicado al tema de la libertad de expresión; se presentan aquí dos textos: “La vulnerabilidad en un ambiente de cambio. Los ataques a los medios de comunicación en Jalisco durante el año” y “Violaciones a la libertad de expresión de periodistas y trabajadores de medios en Jalisco, 1995-2013”. En el apartado “Derecho a la información, comunicación y política” se ofrecen cuatro textos de índole muy diversa: “La estrategia de comunicación del Gobierno del Estado”, “Diálogos públicos: la discusión de una nueva ley de transparencia para Jalisco”, “Cuando un niño desaparece, el peor enemigo es el tiempo…”, sobre la alerta Amber, y “2013: un año marcado por despidos en diversos periódicos de Guadalajara”. En la sección “Los que se fueron” se presenta la semblanza de Felipe Vicencio. Y en el apartado de “La investigación del observatorio de medios” se comparten los resultados de un trabajo sobre los columnistas de opinión jaliscienses que escriben en la prensa local.ITESO, A.C

    Resource Competition Triggers the Co-Evolution of Long Tongues and Deep Corolla Tubes

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    Background: It is normally thought that deep corolla tubes evolve when a plant’s successful reproduction is contingent on having a corolla tube longer than the tongue of the flower’s pollinators, and that pollinators evolve ever-longer tongues because individuals with longer tongues can obtain more nectar from flowers. A recent model shows that, in the presence of pollinators with long and short tongues that experience resource competition, coexisting plant species can diverge in corolla-tube depth, because this increases the proportion of pollen grains that lands on co-specific flowers. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have extended the model to study whether resource competition can trigger the coevolution of tongue length and corolla-tube depth. Starting with two plant and two pollinator species, all of them having the same distribution of tongue length or corolla-tube depth, we show that variability in corolla-tube depth leads to divergence in tongue length, provided that increasing tongue length is not equally costly for both species. Once the two pollinator species differ in tongue length, divergence in corolla-tube depth between the two plant species ensues. Conclusions/Significance: Co-evolution between tongue length and corolla-tube depth is a robust outcome of the model, obtained for a wide range of parameter values, but it requires that tongue elongation is substantially easier for one pollinator species than for the other, that pollinators follow a near-optimal foraging strategy, that pollinators experienc

    Mycobacterium caprae Infection in Livestock and Wildlife, Spain

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    Mycobacterium caprae is a pathogen that can infect animals and humans. To better understand the epidemiology of M. caprae, we spoligotyped 791 animal isolates. Results suggest infection is widespread in Spain, affecting 6 domestic and wild animal species. The epidemiology is driven by infections in caprids, although the organism has emerged in cattle