294 research outputs found

    Gli studi spallanzaniani sulla digestione nei giornali e nelle dissertazioni

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    Il risultato, per molti versi inatteso e spesso sorprendente ottenuto attraverso lo studio diretto delle fonti di alcune opere di Spallanzani, ci ha spinti ad intraprendere una ricognizione, il piu possibile sistematica, dei manoscritti del naturalista di Scandiano, attualmente conservati presso la Biblioteca «A. Panizzi)) di Reggio Emilia. Ci siamo infatti resi conto che solo una analisi approfondita dei «giornali» consente di sorprendere, nel momento stesso in cui comincia a prendere forma, il pensiero piu autentico di Spallanzani, nella sua integrita ed originalita, e il primo coagularsi delle sue piu genuine concezioni scientifiche. Alle opere a stampa tutti questi elementi giungono infatti filtrati, qualche volta addirittura rifratti, comunque modificati in misura maggiore o minore dalla pausa di riflessione intercorsa tra la fase sperimentale e quella che altrove abbiamo definito la «fase della comunicazionen. L'esame dei manoscritti riguardanti il problema della digestione, d< cui esponiamo qui i primi risultati, offre una esemplificazione paradigmatica della divaricazione tra l'impostazione della ricerca sperimentale, la registrazione delle prove annotata momento per momento nei giornali, e l'immagine che di questo complesso di accadimenti o momenti scientifici Spallanziani proiettava nelle opere che ne ricavava

    Gli studi spallanzaniani sulla digestione nei giornali e nelle dissertazioni

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    Il risultato, per molti versi inatteso e spesso sorprendente ottenuto attraverso lo studio diretto delle fonti di alcune opere di Spallanzani, ci ha spinti ad intraprendere una ricognizione, il piu possibile sistematica, dei manoscritti del naturalista di Scandiano, attualmente conservati presso la Biblioteca «A. Panizzi)) di Reggio Emilia. Ci siamo infatti resi conto che solo una analisi approfondita dei «giornali» consente di sorprendere, nel momento stesso in cui comincia a prendere forma, il pensiero piu autentico di Spallanzani, nella sua integrita ed originalita, e il primo coagularsi delle sue piu genuine concezioni scientifiche. Alle opere a stampa tutti questi elementi giungono infatti filtrati, qualche volta addirittura rifratti, comunque modificati in misura maggiore o minore dalla pausa di riflessione intercorsa tra la fase sperimentale e quella che altrove abbiamo definito la «fase della comunicazionen. L'esame dei manoscritti riguardanti il problema della digestione, d< cui esponiamo qui i primi risultati, offre una esemplificazione paradigmatica della divaricazione tra l'impostazione della ricerca sperimentale, la registrazione delle prove annotata momento per momento nei giornali, e l'immagine che di questo complesso di accadimenti o momenti scientifici Spallanziani proiettava nelle opere che ne ricavava

    Gastric mucosal tears and wall micro perforations after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a drowning case

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    A fifty year-old woman died after drowning in a swimming-pool. Rescue and ambulance paramedic teams started resuscitation attempts followed by a medical care helicopter team. Acute haematemesis, mucosal tears and gastric micro perforations occurred, due to the cardiorespiratory resuscitation manoeuvres. Death occurred seven days later due to the cerebral anoxia and multiorgan failure. Forensic investigations excluded possible malpractice during external cardiac massage as responsible for the woman's death, while Judicial Authority considered the death as the consequence of the delayed intervention of the swimming-pool rescue team

    The luminosity function of the Large Magellanic Cloud globular cluster NGC 1866

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    We present {\it Hubble Space Telescope} {\it V,I} photometry of the central region of the LMC cluster NGC 1866, reaching magnitudes as faint as V=27 mag. We find evidence that the cluster luminosity function shows a strong dependence on the distance from the cluster center, with a clear deficiency of low luminosity stars in the inner region. We discuss a {\it global} cluster luminosity function as obtained from stars in all the investigated region, which appears in impressive agreement with the prediction from a Salpeter mass distribution. We also revisit the use of NGC 1866 as a probe for determining the efficiency of core overshooting, and conclude that a definitive answer to this question is not possible from this cluster.Comment: AJ accepted, 16 pages, 19 figures, uses aastex.cl

    La parola agli studenti! Un’esperienza di Focus Group a scuola sul tema della lettura nell’ambito della politica educativa «Leggere: Forte! Ad alta voce fa crescere l’intelligenza»

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    The Floor To The Students! A Focus Group Experience At Schoool On The Subject Of Reading As Part Of The Educational Policy «Leggere: Forte! Ad Alta Voce Fa Crescere L’Intelligenza» This descriptive survey, conducted as part of «Leggere: Forte! Ad alta voce fa crescere l’intelligenza» an educational policy promoted by Region of Tuscany to introduce intensive and systematic reading aloud by teachers in schools of all levels, aims to explore how exposure to reading aloud influences students’ perceptions toward reading itself. 16 Focus Groups were conducted in Primary and Secondary Schools both with adhering (LF) and not-adhering (NLF) classes to the «Leggere: Forte!» policy. Data analysis included a triangular categorization of the transcribed corpus among three independent researchers and an in-epth investigation of emotional-affective evidence, using Mood Meter (Brackett, Caruso, & Stern, 2006; Nathanson et al., 2016) as a reference model. The study showed differences in category occurrences between LF and NLF groups. Emotional mapping analysis, in particular, found a significantly larger expressed emotional repertoire in LF classes. The evidence suggests that exposure to narrative training promotes the acquisition of greater emotional competence, a relevant variable for academic success

    Association between carrier screening and incidence of cystic fibrosis

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    Context A downward trend in cystic fibrosis (CF) birth incidence has been reported in some areas. Objective To evaluate the association between carrier screening and CF birth incidence. Design, Setting, and Participants In northeastern Italy, CF birth incidence is monitored by means of a long-standing neonatal screening program. In the same area, 2 sections using different carrier detection approaches were identified—the western region, in which CF carrier tests are offered only to relatives of patients or to couples planning in vitro fertilization; and the eastern region, in which carrier testing is offered to relatives and carrier screening to infertile couples and to couples of reproductive age. A total of 779 631 newborns underwent CF neonatal screening between January 1993 and December 2007, of whom 195 had CF detected. Main Outcome Measure Cystic fibrosis birth incidence in the 2 regions. Results A time-related decrease in birth incidence was found, with a mean annual percentage decrease of 0.16 per 10 000 neonates (P &lt; .001). In the western region, 2559 carrier tests were performed, 314 carriers were identified, and 9 carrier couples were detected. In the eastern region, 87 025 carrier tests were performed, 3650 carriers were identified, and 82 carrier couples were detected. The birth rate decrease was greater in the eastern region (decrease rate, 0.24; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.12-0.36) than in the western region (decrease rate, 0.04; 95% CI, –0.16 to 0.08; P = .01). The increase in the number of screened carriers over time was significantly correlated with the decrease in CF birth incidence (correlation coefficient = −0.53; 95% CI, –0.20 to –0.74; P = .003). Conclusion In northeastern Italy, carrier screening was associated with a decrease in the incidence of CF

    Standards of care for CFTR variant-specific therapy (including modulators) for people with cystic fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis; Guidelines; Variant-specific therapyFibrosis quĂ­stica; Pautas; Terapia variante especĂ­ficaFibrosi quĂ­stica; Pautes; TerĂ pia variant especĂ­ficaCystic fibrosis (CF) has entered the era of variant-specific therapy, tailored to the genetic variants in the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene. CFTR modulators, the first variant-specific therapy available, have transformed the management of CF. The latest standards of care from the European CF Society (2018) did not include guidance on variant-specific therapy, as CFTR modulators were becoming established as a novel therapy. We have produced interim standards to guide healthcare professionals in the provision of variant-specific therapy for people with CF. Here we provide evidence-based guidance covering the spectrum of care, established using evidence from systematic reviews and expert opinion. Statements were reviewed by key stakeholders using Delphi methodology, with agreement (≄80%) achieved for all statements after one round of consultation. Issues around accessibility are discussed and there is clear consensus that all eligible people with CF should have access to variant-specific therapy.The authors thank Fiona Dunlevy, who provided editorial support and coordinated the Delphi consultation. We also thank the ECFS board who supported the project. We thank the team at the CF Cochrane Review Group for support throughout this project. We also thank the ECFS board and CF Europe for their contribution
