3,356 research outputs found

    Stripe ordering and two-gap model for underdoped cuprates

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    The evidence of edge-gaps around the M-points in the metallic state of underdoped cuprates has triggered a very active debate on their origin. We first consider the possibility that this spectroscopic feature results from a quasi-static charge ordering taking place in the underdoped regime. It comes out that to explain the coexistence of gaps and arcs on the Fermi surface the charge modulation should be in an eggbox form. In the lack of evidences for that, we then investigate the local pairing induced by charge-stripe fluctuations. A proper description of the strong anisotropy of both the interactions and the Fermi velocities requires a two-gap model for pairing. We find that a gap due to incoherent pairing forms near the M-points, while coherence is established by the stiffness of the pairing near the nodal points. The model allows for a continuos evolution from a pure BCS pairing (over- and optimally doped regime) to a mixed boson-fermion model (heavily underdoped regime).Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings of M2S-HTS

    Quasi-particle dephasing time in disordered d-wave superconductors

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    We evaluate the low-temperature cutoff for quantum interference 1/tf induced in a d-wave superconductor by the diffusion enhanced quasiparticle interactions in the presence of disorder. We carry out our analysis in the framework of the non-linear sigma-model which allows a direct calculation of 1/tf, as the mass of the transverse modes of the theory. Only the triplet amplitude in the particle-hole channel and the Cooper amplitude with is pairing symmetry contribute to 1/tf. We discuss the possible relevance of our results to the present disagreement between thermal transport data in cuprates and the localization theory for d-wave quasiparticles

    Coherence length in superconductors from weak to strong coupling

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    We study the evolution of the superconducting coherence length ξ0\xi_0 from weak to strong coupling, both within a s-wave and a d-wave lattice model. We show that the identification of ξ0\xi_0 with the Cooper-pair size ξpair\xi_{pair} in the weak-coupling regime is meaningful only for a fully-gapped (e.g., s-wave) superconductor. Instead in the d-wave superconductor, where ξpair\xi_{pair} diverges, we show that ξ0\xi_0 is properly defined as the characteristic length scale for the correlation function of the modulus of the superconducting order parameter. The strong-coupling regime is quite intriguing, since the interplay between particle-particle and particle-hole channel is no more negligible. In the case of s-wave pairing, which allows for an analytical treatment, we show that ξ0\xi_0 is of order of the lattice spacing at finite densities. In the diluted regime ξ0\xi_0 diverges, recovering the behavior of the coherence length of a weakly interacting effective bosonic system. Similar results are expected to hold for d-wave superconductors.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Two appendices and new references adde

    Two-gap model for underdoped cuprate superconductors

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    Various properties of underdoped superconducting cuprates, including the momentum-dependent pseudogap opening, indicate a behavior which is neither BCS nor Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) like. To explain this issue we introduce a two-gap model. This model assumes an anisotropic pairing interaction among two kinds of fermions with small and large Fermi velocities representing the quasiparticles near the M and the nodal points of the Fermi surface respectively. We find that a gap forms near the M points resulting into incoherent pairing due to strong fluctuations. Instead the pairing near the nodal points sets in with phase coherence at lower temperature. By tuning the momentum-dependent interaction, the model allows for a continuous evolution from a pure BCS pairing (in the overdoped and optimally doped regime) to a mixed boson-fermion picture (in the strongly underdoped regime).Comment: 5 pages, 1 enclosed figure. For further information see http://htcs.or

    Charge and spin inhomogeneity as a key to the physics of the high Tc cuprates

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    We present a coherent scenario for the physics of cuprate superconductors, which is based on a charge-driven inhomogeneity, i.e. the ``stripe phase''. We show that spin and charge critical fluctuations near the stripe instability of strongly correlated electron systems provide an effective interaction between the quasiparticles, which is strongly momentum, frequency, temperature and doping dependent. This accounts for the various phenomena occurring in the overdoped, optimally and underdoped regimes both for the normal and the superconductive phase.Comment: 6 pages, 1 enclosed figure, proceedings of LT2

    Temperature dependence of the optical spectral weight in the cuprates: Role of electron correlations

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    We compare calculations based on the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of the Hubbard model with the infrared spectral weight W(Ω,T)W(\Omega,T) of La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 and other cuprates. Without using fitting parameters we show that most of the anomalies found in W(Ω,T)W(\Omega,T) with respect to normal metals, including the existence of two different energy scales for the doping- and the TT-dependence of W(Ω,T)W(\Omega,T), can be ascribed to strong correlation effects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Minor corrections, corrected some typos and added reference

    X-Ray Resonant Scattering as a Direct Probe of Orbital Ordering in Transition-Metal Oxides

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    X-ray resonant scattering at the K-edge of transition metal oxides is shown to measure the orbital order parameter, supposed to accompany magnetic ordering in some cases. Virtual transitions to the 3d-orbitals are quadrupolar in general. In cases with no inversion symmetry, such as V2_2O3_3, treated in detail here, a dipole component enhances the resonance. Hence, we argue that the detailed structure of orbital order in V2_2O3_3 is experimentally accessible.Comment: LaTex using RevTex, 4 pages and two included postscript figure

    Marginal Fermi liquid behavior from 2d Coulomb interaction

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    A full, nonperturbative renormalization group analysis of interacting electrons in a graphite layer is performed, in order to investigate the deviations from Fermi liquid theory that have been observed in the experimental measures of a linear quasiparticle decay rate in graphite. The electrons are coupled through Coulomb interactions, which remain unscreened due to the semimetallic character of the layer. We show that the model flows towards the noninteracting fixed-point for the whole range of couplings, with logarithmic corrections which signal the marginal character of the interaction separating Fermi liquid and non-Fermi liquid regimes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Noncommutative geometry and physics: a review of selected recent results

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    This review is based on two lectures given at the 2000 TMR school in Torino. We discuss two main themes: i) Moyal-type deformations of gauge theories, as emerging from M-theory and open string theories, and ii) the noncommutative geometry of finite groups, with the explicit example of Z_2, and its application to Kaluza-Klein gauge theories on discrete internal spaces.Comment: Based on lectures given at the TMR School on contemporary string theory and brane physics, Jan 26- Feb 2, 2000, Torino, Italy. To be published in Class. Quant. Grav. 17 (2000). 3 ref.s added, typos corrected, formula on exterior product of n left-invariant one-forms corrected, small changes in the Sect. on integratio