1,062 research outputs found

    Conditional Task and Motion Planning through an Effort-based Approach

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    This paper proposes a preliminary work on a Conditional Task and Motion Planning algorithm able to find a plan that minimizes robot efforts while solving assigned tasks. Unlike most of the existing approaches that replan a path only when it becomes unfeasible (e.g., no collision-free paths exist), the proposed algorithm takes into consideration a replanning procedure whenever an effort-saving is possible. The effort is here considered as the execution time, but it is extensible to the robot energy consumption. The computed plan is both conditional and dynamically adaptable to the unexpected environmental changes. Based on the theoretical analysis of the algorithm, authors expect their proposal to be complete and scalable. In progress experiments aim to prove this investigation

    A Sampling-Based Tree Planner for Robot Navigation Among Movable Obstacles

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    This thesis proposes a planner that solves Navigation Among Movable Obstacles problems giving robots the ability to reason about the environment and choose when manipulating obstacles. The planner combines the A*-Search and the exploration strategy of the Kinodynamic Motion Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration algorithm. It is locally optimal and independent from the size of the map and from the number, shape, and position of obstacles. It assumes full world knowledgeope

    [Cost-minimization analysis of replacement therapy in the treatment of von Willebrand disease]

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    BACKGROUND: Replacement therapy with von Willebrand factor (VWF)/factor VIII (FVIII) concentrates represents an effective approach for patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD) who are unresponsive to desmopressin. However, various concentrates are available, with heterogeneous VWF content and VWF/FVIII ratio.AIM: To compare the costs associated to the replacement therapy with VWF/FVIII concentrates in Italy.METHODS: A cost-minimization analysis was performed to compare the pharmaceutical costs per patient of alternatives available for replacement therapy of VWD in the prospective of the Italian National Health Service. For each alternative the analysis calculated the number of vials, and relative costs, required to reach the target levels of VWF:RCo in patients who undergone to major surgery, minor surgery, spontaneous bleeding and prophylaxis.RESULTS: Haemate P® is associated with the lowest FVIII dosage, numbers of vials used and costs in all the clinical situations and at all the dosages considered. With Haemate P® the average costs in major surgery, minor surgery, spontaneous bleeding, and prophylaxis was € 710.94, € 592.45, € 473.96, and € 592.45, respectively. While the costs associated to Fanhdi®, Wilate®, and Wilfactin® was: € 1,309.28, € 1,071.23, € 952.20, and € 1,190.25; € 1,512.45, € 1,344.40, € 1,176.35, and € 1,344.40; € 3,814.09, € 3,269.22, € 3,269.22, and € 3,814.09.CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with Haemate P®, which presents a low FVIII content, allows to reach the target level of VWF:RCo with a lower number of vials and lower costs for the NHS.[Article in Italian

    Laboratory aspects of von Willebrand disease: test repertoire and options for activity assays and genetic analysis

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    The deficiency or abnormal function of von Willebrand factor (VWF) causes von Willebrand disease (VWD), the most frequent inherited bleeding disorder. The laboratory diagnosis of VWD can be difficult as the disease is heterogeneous and an array of assays is required to describe the phenotype. Basic classification of quantitative (type 1 and 3) and qualitative (type 2) VWD variants requires determination of VWF antigenic (VWF:Ag) levels and assaying of VWF ristocetin cofactor (VWF:RCo) activity, determining the capacity of VWF to interact with the platelet GPIb-receptor. Knowing the VWF:RCo activity is essential for identifying, subtyping and monitoring VWD, but the assay is poorly standardized and many protocols do not fulfil the clinical need in all situations. This has led to the development of novel activity assays, independent of ristocetin, with enhanced assay characteristics. Results from the first independent clinical evaluations are promising, showing that they are reliable and suitable for VWD diagnosis. The qualitative type 2 VWF deficiency can be further divided into four different subtypes (A, B, M and N) using specific assays that explore other activities or the size distribution of VWF multimers. These methods are discussed herein. However, in a number of patients it may be difficult to correctly classify the VWD phenotype and genetic analysis may provide the best option to clarify the disorder, through mutation identification

    Albutrepenonacog alfa (Idelvion®) for the treatment of Italian patients with hemophilia B: a budget impact model

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    BACKGROUND: Enhanced pharmacokinetic profile of albutrepenonacog alfa allows to prolong the interdose period in prophylaxis, maintaining higher trough level, and to reduce dosage needed for bleeding. This improvement could lead to a better efficiency of the hemophilia B treatment.OBJECTIVES: To estimate the impact of this new drug on the Italian National Health System (NHS).METHODS: A model was developed from the NHS perspective to assess the budget impact of treating severe hemophilia B with reimbursed recombinant factor IX over 3 years in Italy. Target population was based on data from the National Registry of Congenital Coagulopathies, which collects data from 54 Hemophilia Treatment Centers. Treatment options were: albutrepenonacog alfa (Idelvion®), eftrenonacog alfa (Alprolix®) and nonacog alfa (BeneFIX®). Annual bleeding rate, dose and infusions needed to treat an episode based on clinical trials data were considered.RESULTS: Mean costs per patient were calculated for prophylaxis and bleeding treatment by age groups. Applying age-specific costs to the expected new pattern of drugs utilization, the impact on the NHS budget was € 6 million of savings cumulated in 3 years. The model results most sensitive to drug dosages. Lower drug consumption in prophylaxis and reduced bleeding rate than the alternatives reduce expenditures. Main limitations of this analysis were the assumptions that all severe patients receive prophylaxis and the lack of consideration of positive effects of hemorrhagic complications reduction (with consequent lower need of physiotherapy/prosthetic substitution).CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of Idelvion® as therapeutic option for hemophilia B is expected to decrease pharmaceutical costs and improve patient’s quality of life due to less frequent infusions

    Uso della teoria di Marcus e della simulazione digitale per l'ottenimento di proprietà termodinamiche, cinetiche e di elettrochemiluminescenza di ammine alifatiche terziarie

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    Viene determinato il potenziale di ossidoriduzione della TPrA attraverso un metodo sperimentale basato sulla teoria di Marcus. Vengono caratterizzate le proprietà elettrochemiluminescenti della TPrA in assenza di luminofori tradizionaliopenTESI.3599La copia a stampa della tesi e' disponibile presso la biblioteca con la collocazione indicat

    Gene transfer in hemophilia B: a big step forward

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    Este estudo pretende discutir a arte dos atores das companhias profissionais elisabetanas em sua relação com a preparação de seus papeis para a apresentação dos espetáculos. A ideia de ensaio não existia e o que vigorava era o estudo privado, no qual o ator se dedicava a identificar as ‘paixões’ em cada uma das parts – transcrições das falas e “deixas” das personagens. A preparação do ator envolveria técnicas baseadas em um sistema tradicional de transmissão de regras e convenções de elocução e gestos, e na identificação e manifestação das "paixões". A forma como cada ator se preparava dependia exatamente das circunstâncias da temporada teatral. Era um processo bastante exigente para os atores já que se apresentavam seis dias por semana e cada dia uma peça diferente. Até o final da temporada, ou seja, de Abril a Setembro, teriam representado cerca de quarenta personagens. Poetas, donos de companhias, atores e muitos outros homens que trabalhavam com teatro respondiam às prioridades e necessidades da época. Tal prática sugere certa mobilidade e autonomia possível entre os atores a partir do momento que eles receberiam suas parts. Este estudo tem como objetivo valorizar a arte dos atores, além de problematizar a relação hierárquica e mesmo hegemônica do texto e dos poetas em detrimento do ator. Os atores eram os responsáveis pela transposição cênica da história, composta por vários documentos que reunidos teceriam a unidade da peça no palco. As peças eram criadas para serem montadas e não vendidas imediatamente. As pesquisas de críticos e teóricos contribuem para fundamentar e mesmo se opor à proposição. Thomas Wright, Alan Badiou, Tiffany Stern e Matteo Bonfitto são alguns dos autores cujas perspectivas contribuem para problematizar a questão circundante a respeito da interpretação dos atores profissionais do período elisabetano