29 research outputs found

    Viabilidad de los microorganismos probióticos mediante la elaboración de un producto cárnico fermentado tipo salami

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    La utilización de probióticos en la industria de cárnicos es un tema de relevancia alrededor del mundo con especial enfoque en Centroamérica. Actualmente es una técnica poco utilizada en la elaboración de embutidos; es por ello por lo que este proyecto se propuso el determinar la viabilidad del uso de lactobacilos para la fermentación de un embutido tipo salami, así como los beneficios que causan estos probióticos. El proyecto se basó en varios módulos como el desarrollo e investigación de producto, evaluación sensorial, rendimiento de producción, proceso de producción, análisis microbiológicos y fisicoquímicos y formulación de proyecto. La interacción e integración de cada módulo se verifico por medio del logro de siete resultados esperados. Los principales logros obtenidos en torno a los resultados fueron: (1) inocuidad y vida útil del salami mediante análisis microbiológico utilizando los medios de cultivo (Florocult, Agar Papa Dextrosa y Chromocult), la cual tiene aproximadamente 4 semanas. (2) viabilidad de los probióticos mediante el medio MRS el desarrollo del microorganismo probióticos en el salami. (3) las características fisicoquímicas de pH al tomarlas durante el desarrollo de fermento y secado del producto. (4) la aceptabilidad del salami elaborado con un salami comercial por medio de la realización de una evaluación sensorial. (5) el efecto en el sabor que provoca la adición de probióticos en la elaboración de salami mediante la comparación con uno comercial para garantizar la aceptabilidad del producto, la cual se tuvo una incidencia sobre el producto. (6) el rendimiento porcentual el cual fue de 76% y el porcentaje de error 24% de la elaboración de salami. (7) un costo de Q.753.82 para elaborar 2418 gramos de salami

    Experiencias exitosas de producción y seguridad alimentaria

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    Este documento sistematiza tres casos exitosos en relación al desarrollo agropecuario y la seguridad alimentaria en diferentes regiones de Bolivia. De manera conjunta, los casos demuestran que es posible establecer sinergias productivas que desencadenen no solo desarrollo económico a nivel local sino además mejorar la situación alimentaria. En otras palabras, la agricultura campesina tiene, bajo ciertas condiciones adecuadas, un importante potencial productivo. De cada caso se desprende algunas lecciones aprendidas sobre los factores que inciden positivamente en estas dinámicas, desde la importancia del apoyo estatal hasta la conformación de organizaciones comunitarias. En este sentido, esperamos que este trabajo forme parte de los documentos de referencia para los tomadores de decisiones y todos quienes estamos dedicados al desarrollo rural en general. Los casos seleccionados además dan cuenta de diferentes potencialidades en cada uno de los principales pisos ecológicos del país: altiplano, valles y llanos. El primer caso sobre la producción lechera en el altiplano norte devela la necesidad de establecer alianzas estratégicas entre las instituciones estatales y las organizaciones comunitarias. Cuando dicha alianza trasciende la participación reducida a las labores de planificación y se consolida durante el proceso mismo de implementación, los resultados obtenidos pueden ser significativamente mejores. El segundo caso enfatiza la importancia del acceso amplio y efectivo a la tecnología productiva para incrementar la productividad local. Aquí destacan las inversiones de alta envergadura y el trabajo coordinado entre los distintos actores. El tercer y último caso demuestra que los encadenamientos productivos entre distintos sectores -como son el agrícola y el turístico- puede contener la clave para fortalecer la economía local y garantizar una dieta nutritiva y diversificada para la población..

    Dietary Glycemic Index, Dietary Glycemic Load, Blood Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease

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    Objective. To examine the associations of dietary glycemic index (GI) and dietary glycemic load (GL) with blood lipid concentrations and coronary heart disease (CHD) in nondiabetic participants in the Health Worker Cohort Study (HWCS). Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional analysis was performed, using data from adults who participated in the HWCS baseline assessment. We collected information on participants' socio-demographic conditions, dietary patterns and physical activity via self-administered questionnaires. Dietary GI and dietary GL were measured using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Anthropometric and clinical measurements were assessed with standardized procedures. CHD risk was estimated according to the sex-specific Framingham prediction algorithms. Results. IIn the 5,830 individuals aged 20 to 70 who were evaluated, dietary GI and GL were significantly associated with HDL-C, LDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, and triglycerides serum levels. Subjects with high dietary GI have a relative risk of 1.56 (CI 95%; 1.13–2.14), and those with high dietary GL have a relative risk of 2.64 (CI 95%; 1.15–6.58) of having an elevated CHD risk than those who had low dietary GI and GL. Conclusions. Our results suggest that high dietary GI and dietary GL could have an unfavorable effect on serum lipid levels, which are in turn associated with a higher CHD risk

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Genotype Diversity and Drug Resistance Profiles in a Pediatric Population in Mexico

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    The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of drug resistance and the clonality of genotype patterns in M. tuberculosis clinical isolates from pediatric patients in Mexico (n = 90 patients from 19 states; time period—January 2002 to December 2003). Pulmonary disease was the most frequent clinical manifestation (71%). Children with systemic tuberculosis (TB) were significantly younger compared to patients with localized TB infections (mean 7.7 ± 6.2 years versus 15 ± 3.4 years P = 0.001). Resistance to any anti-TB drug was detected in 24/90 (26.7%) of the isolates; 21/90 (23.3%) and 10/90 (11.1%) were resistant to Isoniazid and Rifampicin, respectively, and 10/90 (11.1%) strains were multidrug-resistant (MDR). Spoligotyping produced a total of 55 different patterns; 12/55 corresponded to clustered isolates (n = 47, clustering rate of 52.2%), and 43/55 to unclustered isolates (19 patterns were designated as orphan by the SITVIT2 database). Database comparison led to designation of 36 shared types (SITs); 32 SITs (n = 65 isolates) matched a preexisting shared type in SITVIT2, whereas 4 SITs (n = 6 isolates) were newly created. Lineage classification based on principal genetic groups (PGG) revealed that 10% of the strains belonged to PGG1 (Bovis and Manu lineages). Among PGG2/3 group, the most predominant clade was the Latin-American and Mediterranean (LAM) in 27.8% of isolates, followed by Haarlem and T lineages. The number of single drug-resistant (DR) and multidrug-resistant (MDR-TB) isolates in this study was similar to previously reported in studies from adult population with risk factors. No association between the spoligotype, age, region, or resistance pattern was observed. However, contrary to a study on M. tuberculosis spoligotyping in Acapulco city that characterized a single cluster of SIT19 corresponding to the EAI2-Manila lineage in 70 (26%) of patients, not a single SIT19 isolate was found in our pediatric patient population. Neither did we find any shared type belonging to the EAI family which represents ancestral PGG1 strains within the M. tuberculosis complex. We conclude that the population structure of pediatric TB in our setting is different from the one prevailing in adult TB patient population of Guerrero

    Nanomotor-based biocatalytic patterning of helical metal microstructures

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    A new nanomotor-based surface-patterning technique based on the movement of a magnetically powered enzyme-functionalized flexible nanowire swimmer offers the ability to create complex helical metal microstructures

    Dietary Glycemic Index, Dietary Glycemic Load, Blood Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease

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    Objective. To examine the associations of dietary glycemic index (GI) and dietary glycemic load (GL) with blood lipid concentrations and coronary heart disease (CHD) in nondiabetic participants in the Health Worker Cohort Study (HWCS). Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional analysis was performed, using data from adults who participated in the HWCS baseline assessment. We collected information on participants' socio-demographic conditions, dietary patterns and physical activity via self-administered questionnaires. Dietary GI and dietary GL were measured using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Anthropometric and clinical measurements were assessed with standardized procedures. CHD risk was estimated according to the sex-specific Framingham prediction algorithms. Results. IIn the 5,830 individuals aged 20 to 70 who were evaluated, dietary GI and GL were significantly associated with HDL-C, LDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, and triglycerides serum levels. Subjects with high dietary GI have a relative risk of 1.56 (CI 95%; 1.13-2.14), and those with high dietary GL have a relative risk of 2.64 (CI 95%; 1.15-6.58) of having an elevated CHD risk than those who had low dietary GI and GL. Conclusions. Our results suggest that high dietary GI and dietary GL could have an unfavorable effect on serum lipid levels, which are in turn associated with a higher CHD risk

    First bioelectronic immunoplatform for quantitative secretomic analysis of total and metastasis-driven glycosylated haptoglobin

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    The glycosylation status of proteins is increasingly used as biomarker to improve the reliability in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases as relevant as cancer. This feeds the need for tools that allow its simple and reliable analysis and are compatible with applicability in the clinic. With this objective in mind, this work reports the first bioelectronic immunoplatforms described to date for the determination of glycosylated haptoglobin (Hp) and the simultaneous determination of total and glycosylated Hp. The bioelectronic immunoplatform is based on the implementation of non-competitive bioassays using two different antibodies or an antibody and a lectin on the surface of commercial magnetic microcarriers. The resulting bioconjugates are labeled with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme, and after their magnetic capture on disposable electroplatforms, the amperometric transduction using the H2O2/hydroquinone (HQ) system allows the single or multiple detection. The developed immunoplatform achieves limits of detection (LODs) of 0.07 and 0.46 ng mL-1 for total and glycosylated Hp in buffer solution, respectively. The immunoplatform allows accurate determination using simple and relatively short protocols (approx. 75 min) of total and glycosylated Hp in the secretomes of in vitro-cultured colorectal cancer (CRC) cells with different metastatic potentials, which is not feasible, due to lack of sensitivity, by means of some commercial ELISA kits and Western blot methodology.Funding Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-103899RB-I00 and RTI2018-095756-B-I00), AES-ISCIII Program co-founded by FEDER funds (PI17CIII/00045 and PI20CIII/00019 grants), TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant S2018/NMT-4349).S

    Revealing prevalent cancers by interrogating glycoproteins with sustainable immunoelectrochemical tools

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    Trabajo presentado en el 4th European Biosensor Symposium, celebrado en Aquisgrán (Alemania), del 27 al 30 de agosto de 2023Introduction. The worldwide incidence and death toll of colorectal and pancreatic cancers (CRC and PDAC) have increased considerably since 1990. For this reason, both early detection and regular follow-up are considered key factors in improving patient prognosis. In this sense, the determination of the total content of specific proteins and their aberrantly glycosylated fraction in oncologic processes could help to achieve the proposed goals. Results and Discussion. In this work, two simple but highly competitive electrochemical immunoplatforms for the determination of total and glycosylated post-translational modified haptoglobin (Hp) [1], and CA19-9 [2] (candidate biomarkers associated with colorectal and pancreatic cancer, respectively) are presented. As seen in Figure 1, these biotools are uplifted in the use of magnetic immunocaptors and another antibody or a lectin as detector elements lastly labeled with HRP, which enables subsequent amperometric detection. The presented bioplatforms exhibit attractive characteristics in terms of simplicity, affordability, and point-of-care application compared to the conventional available methodologies, highlighting low detection limits (0.07 and 0.46 ng mL¿1 for total and glycosylated Hp, respectively, and 1.5 U mL¿1 for CA19-9), and short assay times (< 2 h). The workability of these quantitative bioplatforms for the analysis of secretomes from cultured CRC cells with the distinct potential to metastasize (Hp) or serum samples from healthy and PDAC-diagnosed subjects (CA19-9) was assessed to definitely confirm full exploitation of all the above exposed enticing attributes. Conclusions. Our findings clearly revealed the unquestionable ability of these modern electrochemical immunoplatforms to discriminate between healthy and cancer-diagnosed subjects, as well as to assess disease progression, positioning these simple but effective methodologies as advanced electroanalytical tools with proven real biomedical applications, and the hope of aiding in the accurate diagnosis of prevalent and high mortality cancers

    First bioelectronic immunoplatform for quantitative secretomic analysis of total and metastasis-driven glycosylated haptoglobin

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    The glycosylation status of proteins is increasingly used as biomarker to improve the reliability in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases as relevant as cancer. This feeds the need for tools that allow its simple and reliable analysis and are compatible with applicability in the clinic. With this objective in mind, this work reports the frst bioelectronic immunoplatforms described to date for the determination of glycosylated haptoglobin (Hp) and the simultaneous determination of total and glycosylated Hp. The bioelectronic immunoplatform is based on the implementation of non-competitive bioassays using two diferent antibodies or an antibody and a lectin on the surface of commercial magnetic microcarriers. The resulting bioconjugates are labeled with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme, and after their magnetic capture on disposable electroplatforms, the amperometric transduction using the H2O2/hydroquinone (HQ) system allows the single or multiple detection. The developed immunoplatform achieves limits of detection (LODs) of 0.07 and 0.46 ng mL−1 for total and glycosylated Hp in bufer solution, respectively. The immunoplatform allows accurate determination using simple and relatively short protocols (approx. 75 min) of total and glycosylated Hp in the secretomes of in vitro–cultured colorectal cancer (CRC) cells with diferent metastatic potentials, which is not feasible, due to lack of sensitivity, by means of some commercial ELISA kits and Western blot methodology