122 research outputs found

    Solitonization of a dispersive wave

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    International audienceWe report the observation of a nonlinear propagation scenario in which a dispersive wave is transformed into a fundamental soliton in an axially-varying optical fiber. The dispersive wave is initially emitted in normal dispersion region and the fiber properties change longitudinally so that the dispersion becomes anomalous at the dispersive wave wavelength, which allows it to be transformed into a soliton. The solitonic nature of the field is demonstrated by solving the direct Zakharov-Shabat scattering problem. Experimental characterization performed in spectral and temporal domains show evidence of the solitonizatin process in an axially-varying photonic crystal fiber

    Widening the Schedulability Hierarchical Scheduling Systems

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    Lazy Abstraction-Based Controller Synthesis

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    We present lazy abstraction-based controller synthesis (ABCS) for continuous-time nonlinear dynamical systems against reach-avoid and safety specifications. State-of-the-art multi-layered ABCS pre-computes multiple finite-state abstractions of varying granularity and applies reactive synthesis to the coarsest abstraction whenever feasible, but adaptively considers finer abstractions when necessary. Lazy ABCS improves this technique by constructing abstractions on demand. Our insight is that the abstract transition relation only needs to be locally computed for a small set of frontier states at the precision currently required by the synthesis algorithm. We show that lazy ABCS can significantly outperform previous multi-layered ABCS algorithms: on standard benchmarks, lazy ABCS is more than 4 times faster

    Efficient and Generalized Decentralized Monitoring of Regular Languages

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    Part 2: Monitoring and TestingInternational audienceThis paper proposes an efficient and generalized decentralized monitoring algorithm allowing to detect satisfaction or violation of any regular specification by local monitors alone in a system without central observation point. Our algorithm does not assume any form of synchronization between system events and communication of monitors, uses state machines as underlying mechanism for efficiency, and tries to keep the number and size of messages exchanged between monitors to a minimum. We provide a full implementation of the algorithm with an open-source benchmark to evaluate its efficiency in terms of number, size of exchanged messages, and delay induced by communication between monitors. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm which outperforms the previous most general one along several (new) monitoring metrics

    A Map-Reduce Parallel Approach to Automatic Synthesis of Control Software

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    Many Control Systems are indeed Software Based Control Systems, i.e. control systems whose controller consists of control software running on a microcontroller device. This motivates investigation on Formal Model Based Design approaches for automatic synthesis of control software. Available algorithms and tools (e.g., QKS) may require weeks or even months of computation to synthesize control software for large-size systems. This motivates search for parallel algorithms for control software synthesis. In this paper, we present a Map-Reduce style parallel algorithm for control software synthesis when the controlled system (plant) is modeled as discrete time linear hybrid system. Furthermore we present an MPI-based implementation PQKS of our algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first parallel approach for control software synthesis. We experimentally show effectiveness of PQKS on two classical control synthesis problems: the inverted pendulum and the multi-input buck DC/DC converter. Experiments show that PQKS efficiency is above 65%. As an example, PQKS requires about 16 hours to complete the synthesis of control software for the pendulum on a cluster with 60 processors, instead of the 25 days needed by the sequential algorithm in QKS.Comment: To be submitted to TACAS 2013. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1207.4474, arXiv:1207.409

    Interrupt Timed Automata: verification and expressiveness

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    We introduce the class of Interrupt Timed Automata (ITA), a subclass of hybrid automata well suited to the description of timed multi-task systems with interruptions in a single processor environment. While the reachability problem is undecidable for hybrid automata we show that it is decidable for ITA. More precisely we prove that the untimed language of an ITA is regular, by building a finite automaton as a generalized class graph. We then establish that the reachability problem for ITA is in NEXPTIME and in PTIME when the number of clocks is fixed. To prove the first result, we define a subclass ITA- of ITA, and show that (1) any ITA can be reduced to a language-equivalent automaton in ITA- and (2) the reachability problem in this subclass is in NEXPTIME (without any class graph). In the next step, we investigate the verification of real time properties over ITA. We prove that model checking SCL, a fragment of a timed linear time logic, is undecidable. On the other hand, we give model checking procedures for two fragments of timed branching time logic. We also compare the expressive power of classical timed automata and ITA and prove that the corresponding families of accepted languages are incomparable. The result also holds for languages accepted by controlled real-time automata (CRTA), that extend timed automata. We finally combine ITA with CRTA, in a model which encompasses both classes and show that the reachability problem is still decidable. Additionally we show that the languages of ITA are neither closed under complementation nor under intersection

    Computing Nash Equilibrium in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Simulation-Based Approach

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    This paper studies the problem of computing Nash equilibrium in wireless networks modeled by Weighted Timed Automata. Such formalism comes together with a logic that can be used to describe complex features such as timed energy constraints. Our contribution is a method for solving this problem using Statistical Model Checking. The method has been implemented in UPPAAL model checker and has been applied to the analysis of Aloha CSMA/CD and IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA/CA protocols.Comment: In Proceedings IWIGP 2012, arXiv:1202.422

    Robust Model-Checking of Linear-Time Properties in Timed Automata

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    International audienceFormal verification of timed systems is well understood, but their \emphimplementation is still challenging. Recent works by Raskin \emphet al. have brought out a model of parameterized timed automata that can be used to prove \emphimplementability of timed systems for safety properties. We define here a more general notion of robust model-checking for linear-time properties, which consists in verifying whether a property still holds even if the transitions are slightly delayed or expedited. We provide PSPACE algorithms for the robust model-checking of Büchi-like and LTL properties. We also verify bounded-response-time properties

    Parametric timed model checking for guaranteeing timed opacity

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    Information leakage can have dramatic consequences on systems security. Among harmful information leaks, the timing information leakage is the ability for an attacker to deduce internal information depending on the system execution time. We address the following problem: given a timed system, synthesize the execution times for which one cannot deduce whether the system performed some secret behavior. We solve this problem in the setting of timed automata (TAs). We first provide a general solution, and then extend the problem to parametric TAs, by synthesizing internal timings making the TA secure. We study decidability, devise algorithms, and show that our method can also apply to program analysis.Comment: This is the author (and extended) version of the manuscript of the same name published in the proceedings of ATVA 2019. This work is partially supported by the ANR national research program PACS (ANR-14-CE28-0002), the ANR-NRF research program (ProMiS) and by ERATO HASUO Metamathematics for Systems Design Project (No. JPMJER1603), JS