29 research outputs found

    Variable selection in near infrared spectra for the biological characterization of soil and earthworm casts

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    International audienceNear infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict six biological properties of soil and earthworm casts including extracellular soil enzymes, microbial carbon, potential nitrification and denitrification. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) models were developed with a selection of the most important near infrared wavelengths. They reached coefficients of determination ranging from 0.81 to 0.91 and ratios of performance-to-deviation above 2.3. Variable selection with the variable importance in the projection (VIP) method increased dramatically the prediction performance of all models with an important contribution from the 1750–2500 nm region. We discuss whether selected wavelengths can be attributed to macronutrient availability or to microbial biomass. Wavelength selection in NIR spectra is recommended for improving PLSR models in soil research

    Evolution de la flore, des humus et de la pédofaune associée sous l'effet de perturbations sylvicoles

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Sciences (315552104) / SudocBRUNOY-Bib. d'ecologie generale (911145101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le pommier en agroforesterie : Dynamique des ravageurs et de leurs ennemis naturels

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    La culture de pommier (Malus domestica) est l’une des principales productions fruitiĂšres en climat tempĂ©rĂ©. En production fruitiĂšre, la gestion des ravageurs repose sur un usage intensif des pesticides afin d’assurer l’absence de dĂ©faut visuel sur les fruits. Ces systĂšmes conventionnels sont dĂ©sormais remis en question de par leurs impacts nĂ©gatifs sur la biodiversitĂ©, la santĂ© humaine et la qualitĂ© des sols, de l’air et de l’eau. Le dĂ©veloppement de la biodiversitĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des parcelles agricoles est une alternative potentielle pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces enjeux environnementaux, sanitaires et agronomiques. Les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©gulation biologique peuvent permettre un contrĂŽle des populations de ravageurs phytophages grĂące Ă  leurs ennemis-naturels. Ces ennemis-naturels sont des prĂ©dateurs ou des parasitoĂŻdes qui dĂ©truisent les ravageurs. Les ennemis naturels sont nombreux et leur diversitĂ© est importante pour la rĂ©gulation biologique, car ils sont complĂ©mentaires (dans l’espace, le temps et les fonctions). Pour bĂ©nĂ©ficier naturellement de ces ennemis-naturels, les parcelles doivent ĂȘtre amĂ©nagĂ©es afin de leur offrir une continuitĂ© de ressources et d’habitats. Pour ce faire, on peut intĂ©grer des infrastructures agroĂ©cologiques afin de pĂ©renniser les ennemis-naturels : c’est la lutte biologique par conservation. Cependant il existe de nombreuses infrastructures agroĂ©cologiques et leurs effets ne sont pas tous bien renseignĂ©s. Dans le contexte mĂ©diterranĂ©en, on sait que l’agroforesterie apporte des bĂ©nĂ©fices agronomiques aux vergers de pommiers. L’objectif de l’étude est d’évaluer l’effet de l’agroforesterie sur les arthropodes et les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©gulation biologique de trois ravageurs : le puceron cendrĂ© (Dysaphis plantaginea), le puceron vert (Aphis pomi) et le carpocapse (Cydia pomonella). L’expĂ©rimentation a lieu sur une parcelle associant des noyers Ă  bois et des pommes (variĂ©tĂ© Dalinette). Elle est situĂ©e dans un environnement semi-naturel et conduite en agriculture biologique. En fonction de leur distance des noyers, les pommiers sont agencĂ©s selon trois modalitĂ©s d’un gradient agroforestier. Sur les pommiers, on rĂ©alise des suivis dynamiques approfondis des arthropodes et/ou de leurs dĂ©gĂąts. Les rĂ©sultats sont analysĂ©s en fonction du gradient agroforestier et des diffĂ©rents blocs de la parcelle afin d’évaluer la prĂ©sence d’un gradient parcellaire. La proximitĂ© de noyers diminue la prĂ©sence du carpocapse dans les pommiers. Le pourcentage de fruits infestĂ©s par le carpocapse est plus faible Ă  proximitĂ© de noyers. Les hypothĂšses explicatives sont : 1/ La partie aĂ©rienne des noyers forme un effet barriĂšre, qui limite la propagation du carpocapse. 2/ Les rangs de noyers forment des couloirs de chasse pour les chiroptĂšres, qui rĂ©gulent le carpocapse au stade adulte. 3/ La compĂ©tition des noyers (racinaire et aĂ©rienne) diminue le nombre de fruits des pommiers proches, rĂ©duisant leur attractivitĂ© pour la ponte des femelles adultes. En revanche, la proximitĂ© des noyers favorise la prĂ©sence de fourmis, de pucerons verts et de certains arthropodes dĂ©tritivores dans les pommiers. Les hypothĂšses explicatives sont : 1/ Les fourmis, favorisĂ©es par l’agroforesterie, diminuent la rĂ©gulation biologique, en protĂ©geant les pucerons. En effet la survie et la longĂ©vitĂ© des foyers de pucerons verts sont Ă©troitement liĂ©es Ă  la prĂ©sence de fourmis dans ces foyers. 2/ Le microclimat gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par les noyers est favorable au puceron vert pendant la pĂ©riode chaude et sĂšche de la saison. L’effet de l’agroforesterie sur le puceron cendrĂ© n’a pas pu ĂȘtre Ă©valuĂ©. Un effet parcellaire est mis en Ă©vidence. Il est provoquĂ© principalement par une haie de bordure, qui constitue un corridor Ă©cologique pour certains arthropodes, notamment les fourmis. Cette haie favorise la prĂ©sence du puceron vert dans la parcelle

    Predicting soil quality indices with near infrared analysis in a wildfire chronosequence

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    International audienceWe investigated the power of near infrared (NIR) analysis for the quantitative assessment of soil quality in a wildfire chronosequence. The effect of wildfire disturbance and soil engineering activity of earthworms on soil organic matter quality was first assessed with principal component analysis of NIR spectra. Three soil quality indices were further calculated using an adaptation of the method proposed by Velasquez et al. [Velasquez, E., Lavelle, P., Andrade, M. GISQ, a multifunctional indicator of soil quality. Soil Biol Biochem 2007; 39: 3066–3080.], each one addressing an ecosystem service provided by soils: organic matter storage, nutrient supply and biological activity. Partial least squares regression models were developed to test the predicting ability of NIR analysis for these soil quality indices. All models reached coefficients of determination above 0.90 and ratios of performance to deviation above 2.8. This finding provides new opportunities for the monitoring of soil quality, using NIR scanning of soil samples

    Les Collemboles endĂ©miques, des indicateurs privilĂ©giĂ©s dans l'amĂ©nagement durable des forĂȘts

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    International audienceOur study compared the soil collembolan community at three semi-natural sites (a beech forest, a beechfir forest and a fir stand) and three managed sites (Norway spruce, beechfir and fir). Collembola were extracted from a total of 60 samples with a BerleseTullgren funnel, counted and identified to species level. A total of 7187 specimens, representing 51 species and 37 genera, were collected. There were significant differences between managed and natural forests (t-test, P=0.000). The communities and their population densities were significantly lower in the managed site: 51 species with 708,498 ind m−2 in the semi-natural forests to 36 species and 306,042 ind m−2 in the managed stands. The endemic component suffered a particularly severe decrease in species richness and abundance (57% and 71% lower in the managed forests, respectively). These species with narrow distribution and small local populations are doubly vulnerable to alterations of environmental conditions. They are very sensitive to loss of their natural habitat owing to human intervention and thus represent useful indicators of tolerance to environmental stress. We highlight the need to take endemic species into consideration in studies on the conservation of biodiversity because they are most at risk of extinction. Semi-natural forests are refuges for endemic species and should be protected

    Effets directs et combinés des stress liés aux sécheresses et incendies sur les communautés de vers de terre dans un écosystÚme méditerranéen

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    International audienceWe studied the dynamics of earthworm populations in a fire prone forest environment in Mediterranean France from 2005 to 2011. Species diversity, worm number, size and biomass and worm casts size, number and spatial distribution were measured in an experimental design including 33 plots, with various fire regimes combining 2 fire frequencies (few fires vs many fires in 50 years) and 3 dates for the last fire (1, 4 and 15 years ago) and unburnt control plots. The follow up included a period of repeated drought (2003-2007) followed by a period of normal climate (2008-spring 2011). The two last fires (2003 and 2007 occurred respectively at the beginning and at the end of the dry period, which allowed assessing the drought-fire stress interaction. Worm populations, diversity and activity were reduced by fire as well by repeated drought. The reduction was higher in case of repeated fires. Fire and drought mutually increased their respective impact, showing a strong interaction. Worm activity, size and spatial distribution gradually recovered in 4 years after the end of drought but remained lower than normal in recently or frequently burned plots. Population spreading from refugees was studied too and proved to be slow (2-3 m/year)

    The combined effects of faba bean and endogeic earthworms on soil microbial activity in intercrops

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    The rhizosphere is a hotspot of interactions between plants and soil organisms that affect the soil functioning and nutrient cycling. The drilosphere is a hotspot of interactions between earthworms and soil microbial communities affecting plant growth, soil aggregation, and porosity. Central to these interactions are microorganisms, which are affected by both plant species diversity and earthworm activity. Little is known about the effects of earthworms on the microbial community activity under the influence of root-trait diversity in cases of multispecies plant covers. We investigated the impact of plant composition and the presence of endogeic earthworms on the metabolic response of microorganisms to the addition of 10 carbon substrates relevant as rhizodeposition components. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with mesocosms filled with 10 kg of soil, sown with two plants of either the same or different species, chosen based on their contrasting root traits. Five modalities were investigated: 1 faba bean (Vicia faba L. ssp. Minor) intercropped with either 1 rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) or 1 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant, as well as crops of the same species: either 2 rapeseeds, 2 wheats, or 2 faba beans. For each modality, 10 mesocosms were set up, and half of them were inoculated with 5 endogeic earthworms (Aporrectodea caliginosa Savigny). After 91 days, the plants' dry weight, N content, and 15N:14N ratio were measured. The rhizosphere microbial respiration was assessed using the MicroRespTM method. The results showed that the level of metabolic activity depends on the plant species composition. Faba bean had the highest positive effect on microbial growth and metabolic activity. Microbial activity was also significantly increased by earthworms, but with no specific effect between plant treatments. Our findings suggest that plant traits are the main driver of the metabolic activity of soil microorganisms that is stimulated by earthworms