652 research outputs found
Cambio lingüístico y la gramaticalización: el verbo modal "deber" en portugués en Brasil
O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar os valores deôntico e epistêmico do verbo modal “dever” no Português do Brasil a partir de uma abordagem funcional da modalidade (cf. Bybee, 1995, Neves, 1996 e Dik, 1997) e verificar seu processo de Gramaticalização (cf. Hopper, 1991, Hopper & Traugott, 1993, Traugott & König, 1991). Num trabalho de variação e mudança linguística, foram utilizados como corpuspara esta análise a Carta de Pero Vaz de Caminha, como exemplo do português do século XVI, Sermões do Padre Antônio Vieira, como exemplos do século XVII, e Mostras de Diálogo entre Documentador e Informante (DID) do NURC do Rio de Janeiro, como exemplos do século XX. Observou-se o uso prototípico do verbo “dever” como deôntico, passando a ter valores polissêmicos e, finalmente, valor epistêmico, o que evidencia um clineque parte do sentido deôntico para o epistêmico, num ganho de subjetividade (cf. Traugott & Dasher, 2000) ao logo do tempo.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Gramaticalização; Mudança Linguística; Modalização; Verbo modal “dever”.
El propósito de este artículo es analizar los valores deóntica y epistémicas del verbo modal "deber" en el Brasil portugués desde un enfoque de modalidad funcional (cf. Bybee, 1995 Neves, 1996 y Dik, 1997) y comprobar su proceso de de Gramaticalización (véase Hopper, 1991, Hopper & Traugott, 1993, Traugott & König, 1991). En un estudio de la variación y el cambio lingüístico, fueron utilizados como corpus para este análisis la carta de Pero Vaz de Caminha, como un ejemplo de portugués de los sermones del siglo XVI de Padre Antonio Vieira, como ejemplos del siglo XVII, y muestra el diálogo entre documentador y Informante (DID) del NURC de Río de Janeiro, como ejemplos del siglo XX. Se observó el uso prototípico del verbo "deber" como deónico, pasando a tener valores polisémicos y, finalmente, valor epistémico, lo que evidencia un cline que parte del sentido deónico para el epistémico, en una ganancia de subjetividad (cf. Traugott & Dasher , 2000) al instante del tiempo.PALABRAS CLABE: Gramaticalización; Cambio Lingüístico; modalización; Verbo modal "deber"The aim of this article is to analyze the deontic and epistemic values of the modal verb "dever" in Brazilian Portuguese from a functional approach to the modality (see Bybee, 1995, Neves, 1996 and Dik, 1997), and to verify its process of grammaticalization (see Hopper, 1991, Hopper & Traugott, 1993, Traugott & König, 1991). In this work of variation and linguistic change, we use the Letter of Pero Vaz de Caminha, as an example of sixteenth-century Portuguese, the Sermões of Padre Antônio Vieira, as examples of the 17th century, and Dialogue Samples between Documentary and Informant (DID) of the NURC (Urban Standard Speech) Project of Rio de Janeiro, as examples of the twentieth century. It was observed the prototypical use of the verb "dever" as deontic, to have polysemic values and, finally, epistemic value, which shows a cline that starts from the deontic sense to the epistemic one, gaining subjectivity (Traugott & Dasher, 2000) over time.KEYWORDS: Grammaticalization; Linguistic Change; Modalization; Modal verb “dever”
Neste trabalho, apresenta-se um panorama dos estudos sociolinguísticos, desde os primeiros trabalhos que fundam o campo na década de 1960 até as pesquisas mais recentes na segunda década do século 21. Seguindo o que Eckert (2005, 2012) considera como as “três ondas” da sociolinguística, reveem-se os principais conceitos e metodologias das perspectivas variacionista (ou macrossociológica), etnográfica e estilística. Serão apresentadas também algumas das pesquisas feitas no Brasil para cada uma das diferentes ondas. Por fim, discutem-se alguns desafios teóricos e metodológicos no que diz respeito aos estudos mais recentes que se dedicam ao estudo de estilos e de construção/expressão de identidades
A fala popular urbana paulista apresenta o uso de marcadores discursivos, como “tá ligado?”, como um recurso estratégico que estiliza esse registro linguístico (cf. Bentes e Mariano, 2013; Mariano, 2014). A partir disso, o objetivo deste trabalho é descrever as mudanças históricas do verbo “ligar” até a formação do marcador discursivo “tá ligado”, em textos históricos do português e na fala popular urbana paulista e discutir qual os possíveis processos de mudança linguística desse Marcador Discursivo, a partir da Gramaticalização (cf. Lehman, 1985, 2002; Hopper, 1991; Traugott, 1995) e da Discursivização (cf. Martelotta et al., 1996; Ocampo, 2006; Valle, 2000). Os corpora empregados para a análise dos usos de “ligar” à “tá ligado?” constituem-se de textos históricos e contemporâneos (orais e escritos) encontrados no Corpus Informatizado do Português Medieval (CIPM), no Corpus do Português e no SP2010, além de letras de rap e de funk de diferentes rappers e MCs paulistas.
ABSTRACT: The popular urban speech of São Paulo presents the use of discursive markers, such as “tá ligado?”, as a strategic resource that stylizes this linguistic register (cf. Bentes and Mariano, 2013; Mariano, 2014). From this, the objective of this work is to describe the historical changes of the verb "ligar" until the formation of the discursive marker "tá ligado", in historical texts of Portuguese and in the popular urban speech of São Paulo and to discuss the possible processes of linguistic change of this Discursive Marker, based on Grammaticalization (cf. Lehman, 1985, 2002; Hopper, 1991; Traugott, 1995) and Discursivization (cf. Martelotta et al., 1996; Ocampo, 2006; Valle, 2000). The corpora used for the analysis of the uses of “ligar” to “tá ligado?” are made up of historical and contemporary texts (oral and written) found in the Corpus Informatizado do Português Medieval (CIPM), in the Corpus do Português and in SP2010, in addition to of rap and funk lyrics from different rappers and MCs from São Paulo.
KEYWORDS: Discourse Markers, Gramaticalization, Discursivization, Linguistic Change
Energy Policy Scenarios of CCS Implementation in the Greek Electricity Sector
The energy balance of Greece is strongly dependent on imported oil. The rather late introduction of natural gas has increased the diversity of the energy mix while the share of renewable sources in primary energy supply still needs to increase according to the existing potential. Yet, Greece as one of the most of the EU developed countries encounters a serious task: the need to increase its electricity production of almost 5% per year but at the same time to reduce the CO2 emissions according with the National and International (20-20-20) regulations and allocation plans. Therefore reducing CO2 emissions has become a major priority for national government. In addition, from 2013, there will be the full implementation of the wholesale market in the European Trading Scheme (ETS) which is currently in the last stages of a transition phase.In Greece electricity is mainly generated from lignite, thus making the electricity sector one of the main contributors to GHG emissions with a level above 40% of the total country and higher than the corresponding average of the rest of the EU countries. The possible implementation of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies would then become very decisive due to the large use of the lignite as fuel in the country electricity mix. CCS technology has the potential of increasing the flexibility on the achievement greenhouse gas emissions reduction by allowing to continue to use fossil fuels, which still guarantees feasibility in the energy sector. This work presents a roadmap with the modeling of the main technologies associated to the CCS and its implementation into the Greek energy system considering existing National and International Strategic energy plans under different scenarios. The implementation of CCS technologies would have a large influence on the national electrical power production, having the responsibility for large shares of the emissions reduction that can potentially achieved in this sector. For this purpose, TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL/EFOM System) has been chosen as the principal tool for building a techno-economic model of the Greek energy system and its possible evaluation over time (2040)
Modeling in TRNSYS of a single effect evaporation system powered by a Rankine cycle
The paper presents an analysis of a Single Effect Evaporation (SEE) system as a pre-study to the feasibility of concentrated solar power plants (CSP) powering desalination units for cogeneration of water and electricity. An algorithm to model a SEE system in steady-state operation was made and is described in this work. This algorithm was implemented in TRNSYS environment, and a simple analysis was conducted of a SEE system powered by a Rankine cycle used in CSP plants
Experimental validation of MED forward feed steady-state model
In this work the validation of a physical model to simulate the performance of an MED forward feed system is done by comparing results of the model with real data obtained. The data was obtained using the experimental MED plant at Plataforma Solar de Almeria (PSA) under steady-state operation near design conditions. The results indicate that the model can be used to make a first analysis on these type of systems.
Reverse osmosis powered by concentrating solar power (CSP): a case study for Trapani, Sicily
The objective of this paper is to analyse the physical performance of two technologies in a water and electricity co-generation scheme: Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant coupled to a Reverse
Osmosis (RO) unit for a location in the city of Trapani, in southern Italy. The modelled system is compared with the results of another study [2], in which a Multi-Effect Desalination (MED) is powered by a CSP plant for the same location in Italy, using as reference an existing stand-alone gas powered MED plant located at Trapani [3] (which has operated until very recently). The overall aim is to assess and compare these two cogeneration schemes, using as reference the existing MED plant. This work was conducted using as the main simulation tool: the System Advisor Model (SAM) developed by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL); a recent upgrade to SAM made available to this work through Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P. (LNEG); and the Reverse Osmosis System Analysis (ROSA) developed by the Dow
Chemical Company. A technical visit to a real commercial RO plant in the south of Portugal (Alvor) was conducted, and the data gathered was used in the validation of the ROSA model. The results for the Trapani case study show that the CSP-RO arrangement has the capability to produce ~50% of the total production of the full scale plant at Trapani, if operated at nominal capacity, year round. Also, the CSP-RO system
provides ~20% more electricity and water than the CSP-MED system throughout the studied period of one year. The two co-generation schemes provide promising potential to fight the issues related to fresh water shortages and dependency on fossil fuelled desalination. Thus, they can aid in decreasing the effects associated with CO2 emissions and climate change
MED parallel system powered by concentrating solar power (CSP): model and case study: Trapani, Sicily
This work presents an overlook on a new model that simulates the physical operation in steady state of a multi-effect distillation (MED) plant with parallel-feed (P) configuration. This model includes the
consumption of steam with steam ejectors, and its validation was done using data from a real MED industrial plant using a thermal vapor compressor (TVC) operating in Italy, in the Sicilian city of Trapani. Results show that the MED model returns accurate predictions of the plant behavior, very useful for a first analysis on such type of investments. This MED model was also integrated into the system advisor model developed by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Simulations with this new tool were run using the location of Trapani as case study for a concentrating solar power (CSP) plant working in cogeneration with a
low-temperature MED-P plant vs. other cooling options available for CSP plants (wet cooling, dry cooling, and a once through seawater cooling circuit). These results were compared with the existing TVC-MED plant,
and indicate that CSP+MED has the potential to be economically attractive
Modeling multi effect distillation powered by CSP in TRNSYS
This work presents the results of using a new tool to simulate the cogeneration of water and electricity with Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) and Forward Feed Multi-Effect-Desalination (FF-MED) plants, by adding a new functionality to the System Advisor Model (SAM) developed by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The controlling strategy of the MED model is presented in detail, and a case study application is shown. This study compares the results obtained with a CSP plant operating in San Diego, CA, with four different cooling systems: an MED/Seawater Cooling Circuit (SWCC), dry cooling, wet cooling, and a SWCC standalone. The results show that the usage of an MED/SWCC system in cogeneration with a CSP plant can be feasible and has the potential to be economically interesting
Upper airway dimensions in patients with craniocervical junction malformations with and without sleep apnea. A pilot case-control study
Objective: Patients with craniocervical junction malformations (CCJM) tend to suffer more frequently from sleep respiratory disturbances, which are more frequent and severe in patients with basilar invagination. Here we evaluate if patients with CCJM and sleep respiratory disorders (SRD) present smaller airway dimensions than patients without SRD. Method: Patients with CCCM with and without sleep respiratory disturbances were evaluated clinically by Bindal's score, modified Mallampati classification, full-night polysomnography and upper airway cone beam tomography. Results: Eleven patients had sleep respiratory disorders (SRD), and nine patients performed control group without SRD. CCJM patients with SRD were predominantly female, older, had higher BMI, were more likely to have Mallampati grades 3 and 4 and had statistically significant smaller anteroposterior diameter of the upper airway than patients without SRD. Conclusion: Patients with CCJM and sleep respiratory disturbances have higher BMI, higher Mallampati score and smaller anterior posterior diameter of the upper airway.Inst Assistencia Med Servidor Publ Estadual, Posgrad Ciencias Saude, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psicobiol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Serv Publ Estadual São Paulo, Dept Neurocirurg, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psicobiol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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