259 research outputs found

    Guía para el uso de videojuegos en un aula de Filosofía

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    En este trabajo se trata de construir una guía para el uso didáctico en las asignaturas de Filosofía de distintos aspectos del mundo de los videojuegos. Para este fin se ofrece un glosario de terminología, una clasificación de distintos géneros de videojuegos una guía de actividades didácticas que sigue el modelo de gamificación y el desarrollo y aclaración de cinco aspectos de los videojuegos de interés filosófico que cumplen con un criterio de suficiente generalidad como para abarcar distintos géneros de videojuegos y un criterio de no obsolescencia que permita un interés renovado por los juegos que sean objeto de la actividad. Estos cinco aspectos son : sistemas de karma , árboles tecnológicos, lore, lógica e igualdad

    The Placental Transcriptome in Late Gestational Hypoxia Resulting in Murine Intrauterine Growth Restriction Parallels Increased Risk of Adult Cardiometabolic Disease.

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    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) enhances risk for adult onset cardiovascular disease (CVD). The mechanisms underlying IUGR are poorly understood, though inadequate blood flow and oxygen/nutrient provision are considered common endpoints. Based on evidence in humans linking IUGR to adult CVD, we hypothesized that in murine pregnancy, maternal late gestational hypoxia (LG-H) exposure resulting in IUGR would result in (1) placental transcriptome changes linked to risk for later CVD, and 2) adult phenotypes of CVD in the IUGR offspring. After subjecting pregnant mice to hypoxia (10.5% oxygen) from gestational day (GD) 14.5 to 18.5, we undertook RNA sequencing from GD19 placentas. Functional analysis suggested multiple changes in structural and functional genes important for placental health and function, with maximal dysregulation involving vascular and nutrient transport pathways. Concordantly, a ~10% decrease in birthweights and ~30% decrease in litter size was observed, supportive of placental insufficiency. We also found that the LG-H IUGR offspring exhibit increased risk for CVD at 4 months of age, manifesting as hypertension, increased abdominal fat, elevated leptin and total cholesterol concentrations. In summary, this animal model of IUGR links the placental transcriptional response to the stressor of gestational hypoxia to increased risk of developing cardiometabolic disease

    "The co-sleeping, benefit or hurt the relationship?"

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    Estudio piloto fin de Máster, para valorar la posible problemática sobre la realización del colecho y frente los roces con la pareja y la lactancia materna, en la zona norte de Madrid. Tras valorar los datos no puedo decir, si realizar colecho es bueno o malo, todo depende de la formación, interés y de los responsables que sean los padres. Lo que sí puedo decir es que no es una decisión para tomar a la ligera, sin el consentimiento y acuerdo de ambas partes,debería de tomarse antes de tener los hijos, ya que no se debe obligar a nadie.Final pilot study of Master, in order to evaluate the possible problematic on the realization of the collection and the frictions with the couple and the breastfeeding, in the north zone of Madrid. After evaluating the data I can not say, if collecting is good or bad, it all depends on the training, interest and the responsible parents. What I can say is that it is not a decision to take lightly, without the consent and agreement of both parties, it should be taken before having the children, as it should not be forced on anyone

    Healthy sexuality and gender violence. Educational innovation and update for sanitarians, teachers and students

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    El siguiente trabajo fin de máster en Formacion de Profesorado de Secundaria, presenta el panorama actual dentro del aula sobre el campo de Violencia de Género. Consta de dos partes la primera es una investigación sobre conocimientos y experiencias de los alumnos y la segunda una innovacion educativa de ampliacion de los temarios de Formación Profesional Sanitaria Téc en cuidados auxiliares de enfermería. Está innovación pretende atender está carencia encontrada en los temarios, pretendiendo una mejora asistencial como futuros profesionales y prepararles para su desarrolllo profesional.The following master's thesis in Secondary Teacher Training, presents the current panorama within the classroom on the field of Gender Violence. It consists of two parts, the first is an investigation of knowledge and experiences of the students and the second an educational innovation of expansion of the subjects of Vocational Health Health Training in auxiliary nursing care. This innovation seeks to address this lack found in the programs, seeking an improvement in care as future professionals and prepare them for their professional development

    Modelo de Cuadro de Mando Integral para implantar la estrategia en las universidades públicas españolas

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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de Cuadro de Mando Integral (Balanced Scorecard) adaptado a las universidades públicas españolas para la optimización de su gestión estratégica. El modelo tiene como objetivo fundamental ayudar las universidades a implantar su estrategia de forma efectiva. Para conseguir este objetivo se presenta el mapa estratégico tipo para una universidad con una propuesta de objetivos en cada una de sus perspectivas (Financiera/Valor, Clientes, Procesos y Recursos) así como las relaciones causa-efecto entre ellos. Junto con el mapa estratégico se presentan las etapas que habría que seguir en una universidad para su implantación

    The expansion of thymopoiesis in neonatal mice is dependent on expression of high mobility group a 2 protein (Hmga2).

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    Cell number in the mouse thymus increases steadily during the first two weeks after birth. It then plateaus and begins to decline by seven weeks after birth. The factors governing these dramatic changes in cell production are not well understood. The data herein correlate levels of High mobility group A 2 protein (Hmga2) expression with these temporal changes in thymopoiesis. Hmga2 is expressed at high levels in murine fetal and neonatal early T cell progenitors (ETP), which are the most immature intrathymic precursors, and becomes almost undetectable in these progenitors after 5 weeks of age. Hmga2 expression is critical for the initial, exponential expansion of thymopoiesis, as Hmga2 deficient mice have a deficit of ETPs within days after birth, and total thymocyte number is repressed compared to wild type littermates. Finally, our data raise the possibility that similar events occur in humans, because Hmga2 expression is high in human fetal thymic progenitors and falls in these cells during early infancy

    Feedback modulation of cholesterol metabolism by the lipid-responsive non-coding RNA LeXis.

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    Liver X receptors (LXRs) are transcriptional regulators of cellular and systemic cholesterol homeostasis. Under conditions of excess cholesterol, LXR activation induces the expression of several genes involved in cholesterol efflux, facilitates cholesterol esterification by promoting fatty acid synthesis, and inhibits cholesterol uptake by the low-density lipoprotein receptor. The fact that sterol content is maintained in a narrow range in most cell types and in the organism as a whole suggests that extensive crosstalk between regulatory pathways must exist. However, the molecular mechanisms that integrate LXRs with other lipid metabolic pathways are incompletely understood. Here we show that ligand activation of LXRs in mouse liver not only promotes cholesterol efflux, but also simultaneously inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis. We further identify the long non-coding RNA LeXis as a mediator of this effect. Hepatic LeXis expression is robustly induced in response to a Western diet (high in fat and cholesterol) or to pharmacological LXR activation. Raising or lowering LeXis levels in the liver affects the expression of genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis and alters the cholesterol levels in the liver and plasma. LeXis interacts with and affects the DNA interactions of RALY, a heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein that acts as a transcriptional cofactor for cholesterol biosynthetic genes in the mouse liver. These findings outline a regulatory role for a non-coding RNA in lipid metabolism and advance our understanding of the mechanisms that coordinate sterol homeostasis