24 research outputs found

    Nano-mechanical characterization of the wood cell wall by AFM studies: comparison between AC- and QIℱ mode

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    Abstract Background Understanding the arrangement and mechanical properties of wood polymers within the plant cell wall is the basis for unravelling its underlying structure–property relationships. As state of the art Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has been used to visualize cell wall layers in contact resonance- and amplitude controlled mode (AC) on embedded samples. Most of the studies have focused on the structural arrangement of the S2 layer and its lamellar structure. Results In this work, a protocol for AFM is proposed to characterize the entire cell wall mechanically by quantitative imaging (QIℱ) at the nanometer level, without embedding the samples. It is shown that the applied protocol allows for distinguishing between the cell wall layers of the compound middle lamella, S1, and S2 of spruce wood based on their Young’s Moduli. In the transition zone, S12, a stiffness gradient is measured. Conclusions The QIℱ mode pushes the limit of resolution for mechanical characterization of the plant cell wall to the nanometer range. Comparing QIℱ- against AC images reveals that the mode of operation strongly influences the visualization of the cell wall

    A close-up view of the wood cell wall ultrastructure and its mechanics at different cutting angles by atomic force microscopy

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    Main conclusion AFM measurements on spruce sample cross-sections reveal that the structural appearance of the S₂ layer changes from a network structure to a concentric lamellar texture depending on the cutting angle. The structural assembly of wood constituents within the secondary cell wall has been subject of numerous studies over the last decades, which has resulted in contradicting models on the spatial arrangement and orientation of the wood macromolecules. Here, we use multichannel atomic force microscopy by means of quantitative imaging, to gain new insights into the macromolecular assembly. Cross-sections of spruce wood, which had been cut at different angles ranging from 0° to 30° were investigated. Strikingly, depending on the cutting angle, the structural appearance of the S₂ layer changed from a network-like structure to a distinct concentric lamellar texture. This makes us conclude that the often visualized lamellar organization of the secondary cell wall is not the consequence of a continuous inherent ring pattern, but rather a result of the specific surface cross-section appearance of cellulose aggregates at larger cutting angles. By analyzing the recorded force distance curves in every pixel, a nano-mechanical characterization of the secondary cell wall was conducted. Substantially lower indentation modulus values were obtained compared to nanoindentation values reported in the literature. This is potentially due to a smaller interaction volume of the probe with a by far less deep indentation.ISSN:0032-0935ISSN:1432-204

    Stadtentwicklungsplanung Osnabrueck 6. mittelfristiges Stadtentwicklungsprogramm 1983-1988

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    SIGLETIB: L rau 905/AC 1695 (6) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Delignified and Densified Cellulose Bulk Materials with Excellent Tensile Properties for Sustainable Engineering

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    Today’s materials research aims at excellent mechanical performance in combination with advanced functionality. In this regard, great progress has been made in tailoring the materials by assembly processes in bottom-up approaches. In the field of wood-derived materials, nanocellulose research has gained increasing attention, and materials with advanced properties were developed. However, there are still unresolved issues concerning upscaling for large-scale applications. Alternatively, the sophisticated hierarchical scaffold of wood can be utilized in a top-down approach to upscale functionalization, and one can profit at the same time from its renewable nature, CO<sub>2</sub> storing capacity, light weight, and good mechanical performance. Nevertheless, for bulk wood materials, a wider multipurpose industrial use is so far impeded by concerns regarding durability, natural heterogeneity as well as limitations in terms of functionalization, processing, and shaping. Here, we present a novel cellulose bulk material concept based on delignification and densification of wood resulting in a high-performance material. A delignification process using hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid was optimized to delignify the entire bulk wooden blocks and to retain the highly beneficial structural directionality of wood. In a subsequent step, these cellulosic blocks were densified in a process combining compression and lateral shear to gain a very compact cellulosic material with entangled fibers while retaining unidirectional fiber orientation. The cellulose bulk materials obtained by different densification protocols were structurally, chemically, and mechanically characterized revealing superior tensile properties compared to native wood. Furthermore, after delignification, the cellulose bulk material can be easily formed into different shapes, and the delignification facilitates functionalization of the bioscaffold