273 research outputs found

    La santificación del trabajo. El trabajo en la historia de la espiritualidad. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de José Luis ILLANES, La santificación del trabajo. El trabajo en la historia de la espiritualidad, 10.ª ed. revisada y actualizada, Palabra, Madrid 2001, 200 pp., 14 x 22, ISBN 84-8239-533-5

    Caracterización de depósitos carbonáticos ligados a paleosurgencias en el sector de Batallones-Malcovadeso (Neógeno de la Cuenca de Madrid)

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    En la zona de canteras de Valdeinfierno, en el sector de Batallones-Malcovadeso, parte centro-meridional de la Cuenca de Madrid, se ha reconocido una serie de depósitos carbonáticos que presentan geometría dómica y estructura interna columnar. Dentro de estos depósitos de carbonato se distinguen dos unidades. La inferior (U2) es mayoritariamente dolomítica y de estructura brechoide, y petrográficamente consiste en dolomicritas con cemento calcítico. La superior (U3) está formada tanto por dolomita como por calcita, y se caracteriza por el desarrollo de morfologías columnares de aspecto travertínico. Petrográficamente, los depósitos de esta unidad consisten en caliza con texturas alveolar y biogénica. Entre las columnas de carbonato se distinguen abundantes masas arcillosas. Hacia la base de estas unidades carbonáticas se sitúa una unidad detrítica (U1), formada por arenas feldespáticas y a su techo se dispone un conjunto lutítico con alguna intercalación carbonática de composición dolomítica (Unidad U4) y, por encima de estas lutitas, un conjunto calizo (Unidad U5). Las arcillas presentes en la unidad U3 tienen una composición (sepiolita > esmectita trioctaédrica ± illita) netamente diferente a las de la unidad U4 (esmectita dioctaédrica > illita ± caolinita). La composición isotópica de los carbonatos de las unidades U2 y U3, así como de los niveles carbonatados de la unidad U4, es bastante similar en el caso de la dolomita, con valores δ13C que oscilan entre –6,21 y –7,78‰ y entre –3,23 y –4,05‰ para el δ18O. Por otro lado, desde un punto de vista de su composición isotópica, se diferencian los carbonatos de la unidad 4 y del techo de la unidad 2, exclusivamente calcíticos, en los que los valores de δ13C oscilan entre –8,07 y –11,75‰, y los de δ18O entre –5,27 y –7,35‰. La calcita existente en los niveles dolomíticos presenta valores intermedios entre los dos grupos anteriores. Los rasgos de la sucesión sedimentaria y los resultados analíticos obtenidos indican una fase de expansión lacustre en la zona estudiada con un cambio en la química de las aguas, todo ello favorecido por la entrada de aguas subterráneas a través de surgencias.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del Proyecto de investigación CGL2005-03900/BTE financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.Peer reviewe

    Mobile phone text messaging to improve medication adherence in secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Worldwide at least 100 million people are thought to have prevalent cardiovascular disease (CVD). This population has a five times greater chance of suffering a recurrent cardiovascular event than people without known CVD. Secondary CVD prevention is defined as action aimed to reduce the probability of recurrence of such events. Drug interventions have been shown to be cost-effective in reducing this risk and are recommended in international guidelines. However, adherence to recommended treatments remains sub-optimal. In order to influence non-adherence, there is a need to develop scalable and cost-effective behaviour-change interventions. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of mobile phone text messaging in patients with established arterial occlusive events on adherence to treatment, fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events, and adverse effects. SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, the Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science on Web of Science on 7 November 2016, and two clinical trial registers on 12 November 2016. We contacted authors of included studies for missing information and searched reference lists of relevant papers. We applied no language or date restrictions. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomised trials with at least 50% of the participants with established arterial occlusive events. We included trials investigating interventions using short message service (SMS) or multimedia messaging service (MMS) with the aim to improve adherence to medication for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular events. Eligible comparators were no intervention or other modes of communication. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. In addition, we attempted to contact all authors on how the SMS were developed. MAIN RESULTS: We included seven trials (reported in 13 reports) with 1310 participants randomised. Follow-up ranged from one month to 12 months. Due to heterogeneity in the methods, population and outcome measures, we were unable to conduct meta-analysis on these studies. All seven studies reported on adherence, but using different methods and scales. Six out of seven trials showed a beneficial effect of mobile phone text messaging for medication adherence. Dale 2015a, reported significantly greater medication adherence score in the intervention group (Mean Difference (MD) 0.58, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.19 to 0.97; 123 participants randomised) at six months. Khonsari 2015 reported less adherence in the control group (Relative Risk (RR) 4.09, 95% CI 1.82 to 9.18; 62 participants randomised) at eight weeks. Pandey 2014 (34 participants randomised) assessed medication adherence through self-reported logs with 90% adherence in the intervention group compared to 70% in the control group at 12 months. Park 2014a (90 participants randomised) reported a greater increase of the medication adherence score in the control group, but also measured adherence with an event monitoring system for a number of medications with adherence levels ranging from 84.1% adherence to 86.2% in the intervention group and 79.7% to 85.7% in the control group at 30 days. Quilici 2013, reported reduced odds of non-adherence in the intervention group (Odds Ratio (OR) 0.43, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.86, 521 participants randomised) at 30 days. Fang 2016, reported that participants given SMS alone had reduced odds of being non-adherent compared to telephone reminders (OR 0.40 95% CI 0.18 to 0.63; 280 patients randomised). Kamal 2015 reported higher levels of adherence in the intervention arm (adjusted MD 0.54, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.85; 200 participants randomised). Khonsari 2015 was the only study to report fatal cardiovascular events and only reported two events, both in the control arm. No study reported on the other primary outcomes. No study reported repetitive thumb injury or road traffic crashes or other adverse events that were related to the intervention.Four authors replied to our questionnaire on SMS development. No study reported examining causes of non-adherence or provided SMS tailored to individual patient characteristics.The included studies were small, heterogeneous and included participants recruited directly after acute events. All studies were assessed as having high risk of bias across at least one domain. Most of the studies came from high-income countries, with two studies conducted in an upper middle-income country (China, Malaysia), and one study from a lower middle-income country (Pakistan). The quality of the evidence was found to be very low. There was no obvious conflicts of interest from authors, although only two declared their funding. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: While the results of this systematic review are promising, there is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on the effectiveness of text message-based interventions for adherence to medications for secondary prevention of CVD. Sufficiently powered, high-quality randomised trials are needed, particularly in low- and middle-income countries

    Hydrographic variability (1994-2020) in the Ría de Vigo and adjacent shelf (NW Iberia)

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) carries out monthly oceanographic samplings at across-shelf sections off the northern Spanish coast under the monitoring program RADIALES (https://www.seriestemporales-ieo.net/). This is a multidisciplinary marine research effort addressing long-term variability issues at the ecosystem level (Bode et al., 2015; Valdés et al., 2002). Currently, the monitoring program includes 5 perpendicular coastal transects in Northern Spain: Santander, Gijón, Cudillero, A Coruña and Vigo. Focusing on the section located in the Ría de Vigo and adjacent shelf, we have analysed a 27-year time series (1994 - 2020) of temperature and salinity obtained through CTD profiles in three stations, two inside the Ría (~30 and ~40 m depth) and one in the mid-shelf (~90 m depth). This study summarizes the hydrographic variability in the region through the construction of a local climatology. In addition, long-term trends and interannual changes in seasonality are examined. The results show a change in the salinity regime in medium depth waters in 2013, although not in temperature. Near the surface, the temperature undergoes a negative shift from 2016, in correspondence with the entry of the AMO into a new negative phase


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    Report of the Scientific Council meeting held by WebEx from 20 to 24 September 2021Versión del editor

    Relation between the Global Burden of Disease and Randomized Clinical Trials Conducted in Latin America Published in the Five Leading Medical Journals

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    Background: Since 1990 non communicable diseases and injuries account for the majority of death and disability-adjusted life years in Latin America. We analyzed the relationship between the global burden of disease and Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) conducted in Latin America that were published in the five leading medical journals.Methodology/Principal Findings: We included all RCTs in humans, exclusively conducted in Latin American countries, and published in any of the following journals: Annals of Internal Medicine, British Medical Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, and New England Journal of Medicine. We described the trials and reported the number of RCTs according to the main categories of the global burden of disease. Sixty-six RCTs were identified. Communicable diseases accounted for 38 (57%) reports. Maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions accounted for 19 (29%) trials. Non-communicable diseases represent 48% of the global burden of disease but only 14% of reported trials. No trial addressed injuries despite its 18% contribution to the burden of disease in 2000.Conclusions/Significance: A poor correlation between the burden of disease and RCTs publications was found. Non communicable diseases and injuries account for up to two thirds of the burden of disease in Latin America but these topics are seldom addressed in published RCTs in the selected sample of journals. Funding bodies of health research and editors should be aware of the increasing burden of non communicable diseases and injuries occurring in Latin America to ensure that this growing epidemic is not neglected in the research agenda and not affected by publication bias