18 research outputs found

    Estudo comparativo in vitro da rugosidade radicular após instrumentação com ultrassom e pontas sônicas diamantadas

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the root surface roughness after instrumentation with hand curette and diamond-coated sonic and universal ultrasonic tips. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty root surfaces of human teeth were randomly assigned to four treatment groups: control group (without instrumentation), curette instrumentation, ultrasonic instrumentation with universal tip and sonic instrumentation with diamond-coated tip. Each sample was instrumented with fifteen strokes. Before and after instrumentation, surface roughness was measured. In addition, the root surface topography was examined after treatment under the scanning electron microscope. RESULTS: Significant statistical differences (p ;0.05). CONCLUSION: The diamond-coated tip with sonic scaler instrumentation and ultrasonic instrumentation produce similar root surface roughness, higher than curette instrumentation.OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a rugosidade radicular obtida após instrumentação por aparelho sônico com pontas diamantadas, curetas e ultrassom. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Quarenta superfícies radiculares, devidamente polidas e incluídas em resina acrílica, foram dividas em 4 grupos de tratamento: grupo controle (sem instrumentação) e instrumentação com cureta Gracey 5/6, ultrassom ou aparelho sônico com ponta diamantada. Em cada amostra foram realizados 15 movimentos de raspagem. Antes e após esta instrumentação foi utilizado um rugosímetro para a medição da rugosidade radicular. Além disso, a topografia da superfície radicular foi avaliada após o tratamento com microscopia eletrônica de varredura. RESULTADOS: Diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p;0.05). CONCLUSÃO: A instrumentação sônica com pontas diamantadas promove uma rugosidade radicular equivalente à instrumentação com ultrassom, sendo essa rugosidade superior àquela apresentada pela instrumentação manual

    Células mesenquimais indiferenciadas em periodontia : novas perspectivas

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    A engenharia de tecidos é um campo contemporâneo da ciência, que visa criar condições baseadas em princípios de biologia celular e molecular, bioengenharia e biomateriais para regenerar tecidos. As células tronco mesenquimais apresentam altas taxas de proliferação e são capazes de se diferenciar, sob certas condições, em multi-linhagens, sugerindo que elas têm grande potencial para atuar no campo da regeneração. As células tronco derivadas de tecidos dentais são uma fonte alternativa adequada de células mesenquimais uma vez que são de fácil acesso e têm baixa morbidade para o doador. Estudos demonstraram que elas já foram isoladas e caracterizadas a partir de diversos tecidos tais como polpa dentária, dentes decíduos esfoliados, ligamento periodontal, gengiva, folículo dental e papila apical. Entretanto, os estudos demonstram que há heterogeneidade entre essas populações e não existe um método padrão para selecionar as células-tronco dentais mais apropriadas para procedimentos regenerativos. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar o conhecimento atual dos vários tipos de células-tronco derivadas de dentes e discutir as novas perspectivas para seu uso na engenharia de tecidos periodontais.Tissue engineering is a contemporary field of science, which aims to create conditions based on principles of cell and molecular biology, bioengineering and biomaterials to regenerate tissues. Mesenchymal stem cells present high proliferation rates and are able to differentiate into multilineages under certain conditions, suggesting that they have great potential to act in regeneration field. Tooth derived stem cells are a suitable alternative source of mesenchymal cells once they are easily accessible and have poor morbidity to the donor. Studies showed that they have been isolated and characterized from diverse tissues such as dental pulp, exfoliated deciduous teeth, periodontal ligament, gingiva, dental follicle and apical papilla. However studies show that there is heterogeneity among these populations and there is no standard method to select the most appropriate tooth derived stem cells for regenerative procedures. The aim of this review is to present the current perspective of the multiple types of tooth-derived stem cells and to discuss the basis for their use in periodontal tissue engineering

    Analysis Of Mandibular Test Specimens Used To Assess A Bone Fixation System.

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    The aim of this study was to assess through biomechanical testing if different synthetic materials used to fabricate test specimens have a different biomechanical behavior in comparison with other materials when simulating in vitro load resistance of a fixation method established for sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO). Thirty synthetic and standardized human hemimandible replicas with SSRO were divided into three groups of 10 samples each. Group A-ABS plastic; Group B-polyamide; and Group C-polyurethane. These were fixated with three bicortical position screws (16 mm in length, 2.0-mm system) in an inverted l pattern using perforation guide and 5-mm advancement. Each sample was submitted to linear vertical load, and load strength values were recorded at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 mm of displacement. The means and standard deviation were compared using the analysis of variance (p < 0.05) and the Tukey test. A tendency for lower values was observed in Group B in comparison with Groups A and C. At 3 and 5 mm of displacement, a difference between Groups A and C was found in comparison with Group B (p < 0.05). At 7 and 10 mm of displacement, a difference was found among the three groups, in which Group C showed the highest values and Group B the lowest (p < 0.05). Taking into consideration the results obtained and the behavior of each material used as a substrate, significant differences occurred among the materials when compared among them.8171-17

    Analysis of mandibular test specimens used to assess a bone fixation system

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    The aim of this study was to assess through biomechanical testing if different synthetic materials used to fabricate test specimens have a different biomechanical behavior in comparison with other materials when simulating in vitro load resistance of a fixation method established for sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO). Thirty synthetic and standardized human hemimandible replicas with SSRO were divided into three groups of 10 samples each. Group A—ABS plastic; Group B—polyamide; and Group C—polyurethane. These were fixated with three bicortical position screws (16 mm in length, 2.0-mm system) in an inverted L pattern using perforation guide and 5-mm advancement. Each sample was submitted to linear vertical load, and load strength values were recorded at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 mm of displacement. The means and standard deviation were compared using the analysis of variance (p < 0.05) and the Tukey test. A tendency for lower values was observed in Group B in comparison with Groups A and C. At 3 and 5 mm of displacement, a difference between Groups A and C was found in comparison with Group B (p < 0.05). At 7 and 10 mm of displacement, a difference was found among the three groups, in which Group C showed the highest values and Group B the lowest (p < 0.05). Taking into consideration the results obtained and the behavior of each material used as a substrate, significant differences occurred among the materials when compared among them8317117

    Original research Periodontics, Microbiology Fabiano Ribeiro CIRANO (a) Effect of Resveratrol on periodontal pathogens during experimental periodontitis in rats

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    Abstract: The objective of this study was to investigate the antibacterial effect of resveratrol against putative periodontal pathogens during the progression of experimental periodontitis in rats. Periodontitis was induced in rats in one of the first molars chosen to receive a ligature. Animals were assigned to one of two groups: daily administration of the placebo solution (control group, n = 12) or 10 mg/Kg of resveratrol (RESV group, n = 12). The therapies were administered systemically for 30 days, for 19 days before periodontitis induction and then for another 11 days. Then, the presence and concentrations of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in the cotton ligatures collected from the first molars were evaluated using real-time PCR. Inter-group comparisons of the microbiological outcomes revealed that no differences were detected for P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and A. actinomycetemcomitans levels (p &gt; 0.05). Continuous use of resveratrol did not promote additional benefits in microbiological outcomes during experimental periodontitis in rats

    Comparative In Vitro Study Of Root Roughness After Instrumentation With Ultrasonic And Diamond Tip Sonic Scaler.

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the root surface roughness after instrumentation with hand curette and diamond-coated sonic and universal ultrasonic tips. Forty root surfaces of human teeth were randomly assigned to four treatment groups: control group (without instrumentation), curette instrumentation, ultrasonic instrumentation with universal tip and sonic instrumentation with diamond-coated tip. Each sample was instrumented with fifteen strokes. Before and after instrumentation, surface roughness was measured. In addition, the root surface topography was examined after treatment under the scanning electron microscope. Significant statistical differences (p 0.05). The diamond-coated tip with sonic scaler instrumentation and ultrasonic instrumentation produce similar root surface roughness, higher than curette instrumentation.14124-

    Comparative in vitro study of root roughness after instrumentation with ultrasonic and diamond tip sonic scaler

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the root surface roughness after instrumentation with hand curette and diamond-coated sonic and universal ultrasonic tips. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty root surfaces of human teeth were randomly assigned to four treatment groups: control group (without instrumentation), curette instrumentation, ultrasonic instrumentation with universal tip and sonic instrumentation with diamond-coated tip. Each sample was instrumented with fifteen strokes. Before and after instrumentation, surface roughness was measured. In addition, the root surface topography was examined after treatment under the scanning electron microscope. RESULTS: Significant statistical differences (p <0.05) were observed when comparing the control group (0.48±0.07mm) to the treated groups (hand - 1.246±0.279mm, ultrasonic - 1.468±0.177mm and sonic instrumentation - 1.576±0.20mm). The highest roughness was produced by diamond-coated sonic tip and by ultrasonic universal tip (p >0.05). CONCLUSION: The diamond-coated tip with sonic scaler instrumentation and ultrasonic instrumentation produce similar root surface roughness, higher than curette instrumentation

    A novel modification of semilunar coronally advanced flap for the treatment of gingival recession: case series

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    This article aims to describe a modification of the semilunar coronally advanced flap. A total of 12 systemically and periodontally healthy patients presenting Miller Class I gingival recession were treated with the modified semilunar coronally advanced flap technique described in this article. After 1 year of follow-up, the mean root coverage was 85.4% +/- 24.7%. Significant gingival recession reduction, clinical attachment gain, and reduction in dentin sensitivity was observed 1 year after surgery. This novel semilunar coronally advanced flap technique was demonstrated to be effective for root coverage in Miller Class I gingival recessions372235240sem informaçã