331 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Kernel and Sub-kernels

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    This paper shows the theoretical development of hierarchy by kernels and an algorithm used to obtain an interesting class or partition from a hierarchy. Also shown is the theorem about the Kernels Optimal Criterion and how it is expressed as a function of the masses of the points of the vector space and product scale points, the inertia of the cloud formed by those two points or hierarchical nodes, which are called subcores or sub-kernels. The application is made on the terminal efficiency of postgraduate degrees at ESIA, IPN Mexico, along its first 48 years of academic and scientific life and the development of students´ graduation

    Math Words and Their Dendrograms

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    A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on graph theory is presented, which, from generation of a path from a given vertex, builds a math word and calculates clusterization under an index. This is possible due to modification of Tarry’s algorithm, through exchange of path elements. The unidimensional clustering index applied to σ gives us what I have called Tarry’s hierarchy. From the definition of net word, cycle, tree, tree word, and vertex, a theorem on the relationship between vertices, lines, and letters of a labyrinth is shown, which allows the generation of words and their dendrograms with the application of the Euclidean distance. Practical use of these concepts provides possibilities of connections in arrangements for telephone centrals and robotic arms’ paths

    Evidence for shared genetic risk factors between lymphangioleiomyomatosis and pulmonary function.

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    Introduction Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare low-grade metastasising disease characterised by cystic lung destruction. The genetic basis of LAM remains incompletely determined, and the disease cell-of-origin is uncertain. We analysed the possibility of a shared genetic basis between LAM and cancer, and LAM and pulmonary function. Methods The results of genome-wide association studies of LAM, 17 cancer types and spirometry measures (forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC ratio and peak expiratory flow (PEF)) were analysed for genetic correlations, shared genetic variants and causality. Genomic and transcriptomic data were examined, and immunodetection assays were performed to evaluate pleiotropic genes. Results There were no significant overall genetic correlations between LAM and cancer, but LAM correlated negatively with FVC and PEF, and a trend in the same direction was observed for FEV1. 22 shared genetic variants were uncovered between LAM and pulmonary function, while seven shared variants were identified between LAM and cancer. The LAM-pulmonary function shared genetics identified four pleiotropic genes previously recognised in LAM single-cell transcriptomes: ADAM12, BNC2, NR2F2 and SP5. We had previously associated NR2F2 variants with LAM, and we identified its functional partner NR3C1 as another pleotropic factor. NR3C1 expression was confirmed in LAM lung lesions. Another candidate pleiotropic factor, CNTN2, was found more abundant in plasma of LAM patients than that of healthy women. Conclusions This study suggests the existence of a common genetic aetiology between LAM and pulmonary function.post-print848 K

    Dimensioning of Fractal Fracture on a Concrete Slab

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    What is presented here is a methodology that allows to study fractures in any material, especially in concrete elements. The importance lies in the moment in which the fracture that occurs in a structural element (slab in our case study) causes a negative effect on its structural behavior. Traditionally, its study is developed from the perspective of fracture mechanics, with which the energy at the tip of the crack or fracture is calculated, and it cannot go further. But the combination of the theories of fracture mechanics and fractal geometry allows us to obtain the patterns of its behavior in the future. Thus, the research was based on tests made on structural elements of concrete, from a slab led to structural failure and choosing a fracture. This was vectorized in order to obtain a fractal axis, which was called state 0, taking three parts or sections of that state and repeating them on a smaller scale. Subsequently, the research was based on five of the methods used for the study and calculation of the fractal dimension: box dimension, perimeter-area dimension, information dimension, mass dimension, and ruler dimension. Most of the fractal dimensions obtained under these methods were similar to each other

    Construction of an Artificial Neural Network-Based Method to Detect Structural Damage

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    This chapter shows the framework used to obtain data with which the artificial neural network (ANN) was developed. It describes its geometry, properties of the material, sections of structural elements, and loads used. Then, the numerical model of the framework under study is developed in structural analysis using SAP2000® software in order to obtain its modal parameters. In addition, a program made in MATLAB® is shown, from which data with and without damage to the framework under study were obtained, and with which the ANN was developed. Data from the numerical model were used to corroborate data obtained with MATLAB®. The neural model used in this work to detect structural damage is described. Data on damage were obtained simulating a plastic hinge in various elements of a test framework, varying the position of the hinge. The above resulted in obtaining various damage conditions for the same framework, which data thus obtained were used to develop the network. Damage conditions were hierarchized based on their fundamental periods in order to know where is more damage, depending on location of the hinge within the framework. Upon completion of the research, we have concluded that the methodology implemented to detect structural damage is rather simple. It was carried out in four steps

    The Construction of Early Modernity in Spanish Film

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    The presence of early modern Spanish history in Spanish film has received only limited scholarly attention. The entire group of Spanish films dealing with the Spanish early modern era has never been placed under study by any overarching research. This dissertation reframes the evolution of the cinematographic representation of the Spanish past as it studies the mechanisms employed by Spanish films in representing an essential part of Spanish past: early modernity. Studied are 19 period films that group themselves around some of most representative subjects in early modernity: the Monarchy and Nobility, and the Spanish Inquisition. Studied also is the most expensive Spanish period film, Alatriste (2006). Through the analysis of artistic, industrial, historiographical, and political elements, and the deconstruction of the historical message of each film, as well as the analysis of their reception, it is clear that Spanish period films set in early modernity tell us as much about the time of their making and the shaping of the historical consciousness of Spain as they do about the era that they represent on screen

    Diseño de las instalaciones necesarias para una industria de fabricación de piezas de epoxi

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    El presente proyecto comprende el diseño, cálculo y valoración de las instalaciones que se precisan para la fabricación de aislantes dieléctricos considerando para ello una estructura existente ubicada en la localidad de Gavà. Todas las instalaciones objeto de estudio se han realizado desde un punto de vista medioambientalmente sostenible. Se ha seguido un procedimiento sistemático en el desarrollo de las instalaciones comparando las mejores tecnologías disponibles teniendo en cuenta la inversión añadida y los períodos de retorno obtenidos. Se ha realizado un análisis de ciclo de vida sobre la pieza que se produce en la fábrica estableciendo una comparación entre las diferentes tipologías de instalaciones, de modo que se observa la incidencia real sobre el producto de la aplicación de las mejores tecnologías. Paralelamente se han realizado estudios económicos que garantizan la viabilidad del proyecto. Los estudios realizados estarán formados por un documento de memoria, cálculos justificativos, pliegos de condiciones técnicas, estudio básico de seguridad, análisis económico, esquemas y planos. Se han utilizado los métodos de diseño y de cálculo que establece la normativa para cada una de las diferentes instalaciones que se deberán ejecutar. En algunos casos ha sido el criterio de los proyectistas el que ha determinado la elección de una u otra alternativa. Como resultado de la aplicación de los diferentes criterios de diseño y cálculo se ha obtenido como resultado el diseño de todas las instalaciones básicas y necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento de una nave industrial dedicada a la fabricación de piezas a partir de resina epoxi

    Diseño de las instalaciones necesarias para una industria de fabricación de piezas de epoxi

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    El presente proyecto comprende el diseño, cálculo y valoración de las instalaciones que se precisan para la fabricación de aislantes dieléctricos considerando para ello una estructura existente ubicada en la localidad de Gavà. Todas las instalaciones objeto de estudio se han realizado desde un punto de vista medioambientalmente sostenible. Se ha seguido un procedimiento sistemático en el desarrollo de las instalaciones comparando las mejores tecnologías disponibles teniendo en cuenta la inversión añadida y los períodos de retorno obtenidos. Se ha realizado un análisis de ciclo de vida sobre la pieza que se produce en la fábrica estableciendo una comparación entre las diferentes tipologías de instalaciones, de modo que se observa la incidencia real sobre el producto de la aplicación de las mejores tecnologías. Paralelamente se han realizado estudios económicos que garantizan la viabilidad del proyecto. Los estudios realizados estarán formados por un documento de memoria, cálculos justificativos, pliegos de condiciones técnicas, estudio básico de seguridad, análisis económico, esquemas y planos. Se han utilizado los métodos de diseño y de cálculo que establece la normativa para cada una de las diferentes instalaciones que se deberán ejecutar. En algunos casos ha sido el criterio de los proyectistas el que ha determinado la elección de una u otra alternativa. Como resultado de la aplicación de los diferentes criterios de diseño y cálculo se ha obtenido como resultado el diseño de todas las instalaciones básicas y necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento de una nave industrial dedicada a la fabricación de piezas a partir de resina epoxi