86 research outputs found

    Suspensión de la pena y Orden europea de detención y entrega

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster tiene como objeto analizar y dar solución jurídica a la situación penal del sujeto sobre el que se centra nuestro relato fáctico, y todo ello desde la perspectiva de abogado defensor. Para comenzar, hemos analizado las posibilidades de actuación que se podían haber tenido en cuenta en el delito de violencia de género cometido por el protagonista antes de la reforma del Código Penal por la LO 1/2015 y las cuales no fueron planteadas por el abogado que llevaba el caso (suspensión extraordinaria, sustitución de la pena, doble abono), así como también hemos estudiado las nuevas soluciones jurídicas al caso concreto que nos proporciona el Código Penal tras la entrada en vigor de la LO 1/12015. Además, investigaremos cuál es la problemática que tendría para nuestro sujeto la aparición de una Orden Europea de Detención y Entrega y las posibilidades de avance y éxito de la misma. Para terminar, presentaremos las conclusiones finales de nuestro estudio.Máster en Abogací

    Work-nonwork conflict: an urgent situation for Brazilian women

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    Purpose Going further on a broad understanding of nonwork besides family, this study aims to analyze differences between women and men considering work-nonwork conflict (WNWC) in the Brazilian context, investigating time spent in eight nonwork dimensions and the dimensions more affected. Design/methodology/approach The study was quantitative and descriptive. A survey was conducted, based on a validated WNWC scale. The sample consisted of 338 professionals working in Brazil. Data analysis was conducted through descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. Findings Compared to men, women declare higher levels of WNWC considering the eight nonwork dimensions, present greater differences in stress-based conflicts and in more collective dimensions and have marriage or no children associated with more WNWC. Research limitations/implications The study highlights the need to include more nonwork aspects into career and management studies to influence organizational practices and individual choices. The main limitation is the non-probabilistic sample (results not generalizable). Practical implications Know more about WNWC will help organizations to improve lives by creating practices and a cultural environment to preserve women’s and men’s nonwork times. It may also help people to choose places to work for, matching their nonwork needs. Social implications The study reinforces demands from new family arrangements, more couples in dual-career and an aging society: organizations must prepare to have workers that want or need to dedicate time to other interests besides family or children. Originality/value It goes further on a broad understanding of nonwork besides family to understand WNWC and how it may affect differently men and women

    Psychological contract as a tool for human resource management

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    Este trabalho concentra-se no estudo de um dos instrumentos específicos utilizados pelas organizações para administrar as relações com seus empregados - o contrato psicológico. Por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, buscou-se responder se e como a violação dos contratos psicológicos exerce influência sobre os níveis de rotatividade voluntária em empresas de consultoria em atividade no Brasil. A amostra para esse estudo qualitativo e quantitativo foi composta por cinco consultores seniores, demissionários de uma empresa multinacional do ramo de consultoria. A partir das análises realizadas, pôde-se concluir que houve a violação dos contratos psicológicos e que a rotatividade voluntária está associada à demissão voluntária nos casos estudados. Além desse resultado, foram identificadas novas categorias de reações à ruptura do contrato psicológico ainda não citadas na literatura.Este trabajo se dedica al estudio de uno de los instrumentos específicos utilizados por las organizaciones para administrar las relaciones con sus empleados - el contrato psicológico. Por medio de una investigación exploratoria y descriptiva, se procuró responder si y cómo la violación de los contratos psicológicos ejerce influencia sobre los niveles de rotación voluntaria en empresas de consultoría en actividad en Brasil. La muestra para el estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo fue compuesta por cinco consultores seniores, empleados de una empresa multinacional de consultoría, que renunciaron a sus puestos. De acuerdo con los análisis realizados, se pudo concluir que hubo violación de los contratos psicológicos, y que la rotación voluntaria está asociada a la dimisión voluntaria en los casos estudiados. Además de ese resultado, se identificaron nuevas categorías de reacciones a la ruptura del contrato psicológico, aún no mencionadas en la literatura.This research concentrates in a study about one of the specific instruments used by organizations to manage relationships with its employees - the psychological contracts. Through an exploratory and descriptive research, the study addresses the question if and how psychological violation influences the level of voluntary turnover in a consultant firm in operation in Brazil. By means of a qualitative and quantitative method, the research was carried out in one multinational consulting firm in the referred country. The sample, represented by five senior consultants who left the organization voluntarily, tells that the psychological violation occurs in this firm, and the voluntary turnover is associated to it. Besides these results, it has been identified new categories of psychological contract violation's reactions that have not been mentioned by literature yet

    Contratos psicológicos: uma revisão da literatura

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    This paper discusses, through a review of the literature, the concept of psychological contracts and its importance for the understanding of labor relations, presenting their contents, categorization, key research studies and results in domestic and in international terms, to then present the challenges to be explored by future researchers of the subject.Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar, por medio de una revisión de la literatura, el concepto de contratos psicológicos y su importancia para la comprensión de las relaciones laborales. Se examinan su contenido, categorización, principales corrientes y resultados de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales. Se presentan, además, los retos a las futuras investigaciones sobre el tema.No presente trabalho tem-se por objetivo discutir, por meio de uma revisão da literatura, o conceito de contratos psicológicos e sua importância para o entendimento das relações de trabalho, apresentando seu conteúdo, categorização, principais correntes e resultados encontrados nas pesquisas nacionais e internacionais, para, em seguida, apresentar os desafios a serem explorados por futuros pesquisadores sobre o tema

    Career stages in management studies: a systematic review of scientific production from 2011 to 2020

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    Purpose - The purpose of this article is to present a systematic review of scientific production on career stages in the last decade (2011-2020). More specifically, it seeks to understand the methodological approaches, how career stages have been operationalized in research in the Management field and main results of these researches.   Design / methodology / approach - We searched articles about career stages on the Web of Science database in the period between 2011 and 2020. The final portfolio for the systematic review included 20 articles based on pre-established criteria for the selection of articles.   Findings - The results present an overview of these articles, as well as the methodological approaches used. It was confirmed that there is no consensus on the operationalization of the career stage. Five topics associated with career stages were discussed: workers’ attitudes and behaviors, training and mentoring, intentions, perception of success and work-life balance and work values.   Originality/value - No other studies that showed a review of scientific production on career stages and divergences in the operationalization of the theme were found. Considering the large number of researches that deal with careers and their stages, it is relevant to discuss the ways in which the career stage can be operationalized and whether their operationalization is being valid.Purpose - The purpose of this article is to present a systematic review of scientific production on career stages in the last decade (2011-2020). More specifically, it seeks to understand the methodological approaches, how career stages have been operationalized in research in the Management field and main results of these researches.   Design / methodology / approach - We searched articles about career stages on the Web of Science database in the period between 2011 and 2020. The final portfolio for the systematic review included 20 articles based on pre-established criteria for the selection of articles.   Findings - The results present an overview of these articles, as well as the methodological approaches used. It was confirmed that there is no consensus on the operationalization of the career stage. Five topics associated with career stages were discussed: workers’ attitudes and behaviors, training and mentoring, intentions, perception of success and work-life balance and work values.   Originality/value - No other studies that showed a review of scientific production on career stages and divergences in the operationalization of the theme were found. Considering the large number of researches that deal with careers and their stages, it is relevant to discuss the ways in which the career stage can be operationalized and whether their operationalization is being valid


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar se há diferenc¸as entre a percepc¸ão de homens e mulheres sobre antecedentes organizacionais relacionados ao conflito trabalho-família (CTF). A metodologia é quantitativa descritiva, tendo sido usados dados secundários da pesquisa das “Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar de 2015”, e as técnicas de estatística descritiva (frequência das práticas formais), análise fatorial (percepc¸ões dos trabalhadores sobre quatro antecedentes) e teste t e Anova two-way (para avaliac¸ão de significância estatística das diferentes médias resultantes nos grupos de interesse). Dos resultados encontrados, destacam-se dois: as mulheres percebem mais apoio do gestor e menos envolvimento no trabalho, o que sugere menor CTF para elas, mas menos apoio social dos colegas e equilíbrio entre vida profissional e pessoal, o que indica maior CTF para elas; há um descolamento entre as práticas formais para gestão do CTF e a percepc¸ão dos trabalhadores nas organizac¸ões investigadas, pois naquelas em que há essas práticas não foi encontrada menor percepc¸ão dos antecedentes que aumentam o CTF

    The influence of family management on the internationalization process and its impact on financial performance

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    Actualmente, no existe una amplia investigación acerca de la relación entre la internacionalización de la empresa familiar y su rendimiento financiero. Este estudio realizado sobre una muestra de 203 empresas familiares y no familiares pretende cubrir esta brecha en investigación. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que el hecho de que una empresa tenga su propiedad en manos de una familia afecta positivamente al rendimiento financiero y al proceso de internacionalización. Sin embargo, el hecho de que una empresa tenga su propiedad en manos de una familia no resulta significativo para el desempeño originado a causa de la internacionalización

    Histological and ultrastructural comparison of cauterization and thrombosis stroke models in immune-deficient mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stroke models are essential tools in experimental stroke. Although several models of stroke have been developed in a variety of animals, with the development of transgenic mice there is the need to develop a reliable and reproducible stroke model in mice, which mimics as close as possible human stroke.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>BALB/Ca-RAG2<sup>-/-</sup>γc<sup>-/- </sup>mice were subjected to cauterization or thrombosis stroke model and sacrificed at different time points (48hr, 1wk, 2wk and 4wk) after stroke. Mice received BrdU to estimate activation of cell proliferation in the SVZ. Brains were processed for immunohistochemical and EM.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both stroke models, after inflammation the same glial scar formation process and damage evolution takes place. After stroke, necrotic tissue is progressively removed, and healthy tissue is preserved from injury through the glial scar formation. Cauterization stroke model produced unspecific damage, was less efficient and the infarct was less homogeneous compared to thrombosis infarct. Finally, thrombosis stroke model produces activation of SVZ proliferation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results provide an exhaustive analysis of the histopathological changes (inflammation, necrosis, tissue remodeling, scarring...) that occur after stroke in the ischemic boundary zone, which are of key importance for the final stroke outcome. This analysis would allow evaluating how different therapies would affect wound and regeneration. Moreover, this stroke model in RAG 2<sup>-/- </sup>γC <sup>-/- </sup>allows cell transplant from different species, even human, to be analyzed.</p

    Expectativas e satisfação dos alunos de graduação em administração da FEA-USP/SP em relação aos estágios

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    Muitas empresas começaram a pensar os seus programas de estágio como meio de adquirir competências estratégicas fundamentais para sustentar e criar vantagens competitivas. Porém, poucas companhias estão se preocupando com o outro lado da mesa, com as necessidades e expectativas dos clientes desses programas. Assim, este estudo objetivou levantar a opinião dos estagiários sobre as oportunidades de desenvolvimento oferecidas pelas empresas e, por meio disso, identificar as expectativas e necessidades que os motivam a buscar esses programas e como esses aspectos estão sendo satisfeitos. Para isso, utilizaram-se questionários semi-estruturados, respondidos pelos alunos de Administração na disciplina Estágio Supervisionado. Após a mensuração quantitativa dos dados, optou-se pela análise de conteúdo, que deu suporte à investigação qualitativa dos comentários pessoais dos discentes. Os resultados apontaram que os alunos esperam, entre outros aspectos, que o estágio seja uma oportunidade de aplicar, na realidade empresarial, os conhecimentos adquiridos na faculdade e, dessa forma, que ele possibilite o crescimento profissional do estagiário e, conseqüentemente, a obtenção de reconhecimento interno e externo à empresa. Ademais, descobriu-se que os respondentes estão motivados a alcançar a auto-realização, tendo já satisfeito os níveis precedentes da hierarquia de Maslow, e que as empresas estão oferecendo as oportunidades para que isso se concretize.Many companies began to consider their training programs as a means to acquire fundamental strategic qualifications to obtain and support competitive advantages. However, few companies were concerned about trainee needs and expectations related to these programs. The opinion of these trainees was surveyed about development opportunities so as to identify the expectations and needs that motivated those seeking these programs and how these aspects were satisfied. Semi-structured questionnaires were completed by FEA business students in the Supervised Training course. After scoring, content analysis was conducted to support qualitative investigation of individual comments. Results disclosed that students expected to apply their acquired education in the real company world so as to grow professionally and achieve recognition inside and outside the company. Further trainees showed motivation to achieve self-accomplishment once the preceding levels of the Maslow hierarchy had been satisfied and indicated that companies offered such opportunities