216 research outputs found

    The role of collapsed matter in the decay of black holes

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    We try to shed some light on the role of matter in the final stages of black hole evaporation from the fundamental frameworks of classicalization and the black-to-white hole bouncing scenario. Despite being based on very different grounds, these two approaches attempt at going beyond the background field method and treat black holes as fully quantum systems rather than considering quantum field theory on the corresponding classical manifolds. They also lead to the common prediction that the semiclassical description of black hole evaporation should break down and the system be disrupted by internal quantum pressure, but they both arrive at this conclusion neglecting the matter that formed the black hole. We instead estimate this pressure from the bootstrapped description of black holes, which allows us to express the total Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass in terms of the baryonic mass still present inside the black hole. We conclude that, although these two scenarios provide qualitatively similar predictions for the final stages, the corpuscular model does not seem to suggest any sizeable deviation from the semiclassical time scale at which the disruption should occur, unlike the black-to-white hole bouncing scenario. This, in turn, makes the phenomenology of corpuscular black holes more subtle from an astrophysical perspective.Comment: 5 pages, no figur

    Matter and gravitons in the gravitational collapse

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    We consider the effects of gravitons in the collapse of baryonic matter that forms a black hole. We first note that the effective number of (soft off-shell) gravitons that account for the (negative) Newtonian potential energy generated by the baryons is conserved and always in agreement with Bekenstein's area law of black holes. Moreover, their (positive) interaction energy reproduces the expected post-Newtonian correction and becomes of the order of the total ADM mass of the system when the size of the collapsing object approaches its gravitational radius. This result supports a scenario in which the gravitational collapse of regular baryonic matter produces a corpuscular black hole without central singularity, in which both gravitons and baryons are marginally bound and form a Bose-Einstein condensate at the critical point. The Hawking emission of baryons and gravitons is then described by the quantum depletion of the condensate and we show the two energy fluxes are comparable, albeit negligibly small on astrophysical scales.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. Minor changes and typos fixe

    Quantum corpuscular corrections to the Newtonian potential

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    We study an effective quantum description of the static gravitational potential for spherically symmetric systems up to the first post-Newtonian order. We start by obtaining a Lagrangian for the gravitational potential coupled to a static matter source from the weak field expansion of the Einstein-Hilbert action. By analysing a few classical solutions of the resulting field equation, we show that our construction leads to the expected post-Newtonian expressions. Next, we show that one can reproduce the classical Newtonian results very accurately by employing a coherent quantum state and modifications to include the first post-Newtonian corrections are considered. Our findings establish a connection between the corpuscular model of black holes and post-Newtonian gravity, and set the stage for further investigations of these quantum models.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures. Typos corrected, references and clarifications adde

    Horizon Quantum Mechanics of Rotating Black Holes

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    The Horizon Quantum Mechanics is an approach that was previously introduced in order to analyse the gravitational radius of spherically symmetric systems and compute the probability that a given quantum state is a black hole. In this work, we first extend the formalism to general space-times with asymptotic (ADM) mass and angular momentum. We then apply the extended Horizon Quantum Mechanics to a harmonic model of rotating corpuscular black holes. We find that simple configurations of this model naturally suppress the appearance of the inner horizon and seem to disfavour extremal (macroscopic) geometries.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Final version to appear in EPJ

    Horizon Quantum mechanics: spherically symmetric and rotating sources

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    The Horizon Quantum Mechanics is an approach that allows one to analyse the gravitational radius of spherically symmetric systems and compute the probability that a given quantum state is a black hole. We first review the (global) formalism and show how it reproduces a gravitationally inspired GUP relation. This results leads to unacceptably large fluctuations in the horizon size of astrophysical black holes if one insists in describing them as (smeared) central singularities. On the other hand, if they are extended systems, like in the corpuscular models, no such issue arises and one can in fact extend the formalism to include asymptotic mass and angular momentum with the harmonic model of rotating corpuscular black holes. The Horizon Quantum Mechanics then shows that, in simple configurations, the appearance of the inner horizon is suppressed and extremal (macroscopic) geometries seem disfavoured.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, based on a talk given at the International Lemaitre Workshop "Black holes, gravitational waves and spacetime singularities", Specola Vaticana, May 8-12, 201

    Thermal corpuscular black holes

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    We study the corpuscular model of an evaporating black hole consisting of a specific quantum state for a large number NN of self-confined bosons. The single-particle spectrum contains a discrete ground state of energy mm (corresponding to toy gravitons forming the black hole), and a gapless continuous spectrum (to accommodate for the Hawking radiation with energy ω>m\omega>m). Each constituent is in a superposition of the ground state and a Planckian distribution at the expected Hawking temperature in the continuum. We first find that, assuming the Hawking radiation is the leading effect of the internal scatterings, the corresponding NN-particle state can be collectively described by a single-particle wave-function given by a superposition of a total ground state with energy M=N mM=N\,m and a Planckian distribution for E>ME>M at the same Hawking temperature. From this collective state, we compute the partition function and obtain an entropy which reproduces the usual area law with a logarithmic correction precisely related with the Hawking component. By means of the horizon wave-function for the system, we finally show the backreaction of modes with ω>m\omega>m reduces the Hawking flux. Both corrections, to the entropy and to the Hawking flux, suggest the evaporation properly stops for vanishing mass, if the black hole is in this particular quantum state.Comment: PDFLaTeX, 15 pages, 2 figure. Version to appear in PR

    Thermal BEC black holes

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    We review some features of BEC models of black holes obtained by means of the HWF formalism. We consider the KG equation for a toy graviton field coupled to a static matter current in spherical symmetry. The classical field reproduces the Newtonian potential generated by the matter source, while the corresponding quantum state is given by a coherent superposition of scalar modes with continuous occupation number. An attractive self-interaction is needed for bound states to form, so that (approximately) one mode is allowed, and the system of N bosons can be self-confined in a volume of the size of the Schwarzschild radius. The HWF is then used to show that the radius of such a system corresponds to a proper horizon. The uncertainty in the size of the horizon is related to the typical energy of Hawking modes: it decreases with the increasing of the black hole mass (larger number of gravitons), in agreement with semiclassical calculations and different from a single very massive particle. The spectrum contains a discrete ground state of energy mm (the bosons forming the black hole), and a continuous spectrum with energy ω>m\omega > m (representing the Hawking radiation and modelled with a Planckian distribution at the expected Hawking temperature). The NN-particle state can be collectively described by a single-particle wave-function given by a superposition of a total ground state with energy M=NmM = N m and a Planckian distribution for E>ME > M at the same Hawking temperature. The partition function is then found to yield the usual area law for the entropy, with a logarithmic correction related with the Hawking component. The backreaction of modes with ω>m\omega > m is also shown to reduce the Hawking flux and the evaporation properly stops for vanishing mass.Comment: 30 pages, pdflatex with 6 figures. Review paper prepared for Entropy special issue "Entropy in Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology

    Black holes as self-sustained quantum states, and Hawking radiation

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    We employ the recently proposed formalism of the "horizon wave-function" to investigate the emergence of a horizon in models of black holes as Bose-Einstein condensates of gravitons. We start from the Klein-Gordon equation for a massless scalar (toy graviton) field coupled to a static matter current. The (spherically symmetric) classical field reproduces the Newtonian potential generated by the matter source, and the corresponding quantum state is given by a coherent superposition of scalar modes with continuous occupation number. Assuming an attractive self-interaction that allows for bound states, one finds that (approximately) only one mode is allowed, and the system can be confined in a region of the size of the Schwarzschild radius. This radius is then shown to correspond to a proper horizon, by means of the horizon wave-function of the quantum system, with an uncertainty in size naturally related to the expected typical energy of Hawking modes. In particular, this uncertainty decreases for larger black hole mass (with larger number of light scalar quanta), in agreement with semiclassical expectations, a result which does not hold for a single very massive particle. We finally speculate that a phase transition should occur during the gravitational collapse of a star, ideally represented by a static matter current and Newtonian potential, that leads to a black hole, again ideally represented by the condensate of toy gravitons, and suggest an effective order parameter that could be used to investigate this transition.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Improved text and typos fixed. Final version to appear in PR

    Balancing work and family in Italy: New mothersÂ’ employment decisions after childbirth

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    Compared with other European countries, the Italian labour market stands out for the low level of both female participation and fertility. In this paper we focus on the employment patterns of Italian mothers around the time of childbirth. Our hypothesis is that the difficulties involved in reconciling work and family when there are children are among the leading causes of the low female employment rate in Italy. Data from the 2002 Italian Birth Sample Survey show that about 20 per cent of mothers who were working before childbirth, stop working one and a half years after delivery and that about 14 per cent voluntarily decide to resign. The paper analyses the factors that most influence new mothersÂ’ unemployment risk after childbirth.female employment, childbirth, childcare

    Horizon of quantum black holes in various dimensions

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    We adapt the horizon wave-function formalism to describe massive static spherically symmetric sources in a general (1+D)(1+D)-dimensional space-time, for D>3D>3 and including the D=1D=1 case. We find that the probability PBHP_{\rm BH} that such objects are (quantum) black holes behaves similarly to the probability in the (3+1)(3+1) framework for D>3D> 3. In fact, for D≥3D\ge 3, the probability increases towards unity as the mass grows above the relevant DD-dimensional Planck scale mDm_D. At fixed mass, however, PBHP_{\rm BH} decreases with increasing DD, so that a particle with mass m≃mDm\simeq m_D has just about 10%10\% probability to be a black hole in D=5D=5, and smaller for larger DD. This result has a potentially strong impact on estimates of black hole production in colliders. In contrast, for D=1D=1, we find the probability is comparably larger for smaller masses, but PBH<0.5P_{\rm BH} < 0.5, suggesting that such lower dimensional black holes are purely quantum and not classical objects. This result is consistent with recent observations that sub-Planckian black holes are governed by an effective two-dimensional gravitation theory. Lastly, we derive Generalised Uncertainty Principle relations for the black holes under consideration, and find a minimum length corresponding to a characteristic energy scale of the order of the fundamental gravitational mass mDm_D in D>3D>3. For D=1D=1 we instead find the uncertainty due to the horizon fluctuations has the same form as the usual Heisenberg contribution, and therefore no fundamental scale exists.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, 8 figures. Final version to appear in PL
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