19,462 research outputs found

    Power-law statistics and stellar rotational velocities in the Pleiades

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    In this paper we will show that, the non-gaussian statistics framework based on the Kaniadakis statistics is more appropriate to fit the observed distributions of projected rotational velocity measurements of stars in the Pleiades open cluster. To this end, we compare the results from the κ\kappa and qq-distributions with the Maxwellian.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Statistical assessment of feeding corn with higher oil content to piglets in the starter phase

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    The aim of this study was to assess the digestibility coefficients (DC) of corn [maize] with an oil content above 3.46% and its effects on the performance of piglets when fed as dry grain (DG) and as rehydrated corn grain silage (RCGS). In Experiment I, 15 piglets (22.51 + 2.39 kg) were allocated to a reference diet (RD) and to two test diets in which corn in the RD was replaced with DG or RCGS. There were five replications of each treatment. Experiment II involved 36 piglets (14.76 ± 2.72 kg), which were assigned to a control diet with common corn grain and to diets in which DG or RCGS replaced the common corn. There were six replications of each treatment. Data were analysed with four statistical models. Model 1 included only the effect of treatment. Model 2 was similar to Model 1 but included initial bodyweight as a covariate. Model 3 was similar to model 1 but included the interaction of diet and period. Model 4 was similar to Model 3 but included the covariate. The more complicated models were generally preferred to Model 1 as they controlled more of the nuisance variation. Feeding a diet that contained RCGS reduced feed intake and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR)

    Giant meningioma in paranasal sinuses: an atypical nasal occupation

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    Stability of blood gases when refrigerated

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    Background: Blood gas analysis is a widely used procedure. In clinical practice, the physicians may not always have a blood gas analyzer in their proximity. Not infrequently, blood gas samples are stored in a fridge or on ice and read retrospectively. Continued anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in the blood may alter blood gases in the interval between drawing arterial blood and its analysis, which may cause a fall in the PaO2 and pH and a rise in the PaCO2. Methods: Two sets of arterial blood samples were obtained from hospitalized patients. After the initial analysis, one sample from each patient was put in raw ice within a specimen bag (0 to +1 oC) and the other in the fridge (+4 to +8 oC). These samples were submitted to serial analysis at 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours after the initial analysis. Results: Two hundred arterial blood gas results from 25 patients were analysed. The mean values of PaO2, PaCO2, HCO3-, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and lactate at 0 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours were not signifi cantly different between the two alternatives of storage. However, within each group, signifi cant changes were found over time for PaO2, K+, Na+, Ca2+ and lactate. Conclusions: When using plastic syringes, arterial blood gas analysis should be processed shortly after collecting the sample. Despite the fact that low temperatures can slow down the metabolism, neither the ice nor the fridge preserved all the sample parameters

    Comparison of analyses types in carrot experiment: square lattice versus randomized blocks design.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of lattice design by three different statistical methodologies to verify the efficiency of this design in carrot experiment

    Caracterização dos solos e adobes usados na construção em Camabatela, Angola

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    No âmbito do projecto “Construção com Formação”, no qual se pretende construir uma nova escola na missão de Camabatela, na província do Kwanza Norte, em Angola, fazendo uso dos materiais e técnicas de construção correntes no local, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização dos adobes produzidos localmente, e dos solos utilizados na sua produção e na própria construção, em argamassas e rebocos. Devido aos limitados meios disponíveis, recorreu-se a estratégias simples e expeditas de ensaio. Foram analisados diferentes solos, tendo-se começado por realizar a identificação do tipo de cada solo com base no odor, aparência e toque. Seguidamente, amostras destes solos foram submetidas ao ‘teste da garrafa’, ao ‘teste do charuto’, e ao ‘teste da pastilha’. Com base nestes testes identificou-se, dentre os solos estudados, os mais adequados para o fabrico do adobe. Caracterizou-se também o comportamento dos adobes produzidos localmente quando em contacto com água, e estimou-se, através da realização de ensaios mecânicos, a sua resistência à compressão e à tracção (por flexão). Com base nos ensaios realizados foram tecidas recomendações gerais para o adequado fabrico e protecção dos blocos de adobe. Este artigo descreve, sucintamente, os procedimentos seguidos na realização dos vários ensaios, os resultados obtidos, e a análise dos mesmos