58 research outputs found

    Technological strategies of transnational corporations affiliates in Brazil

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    This paper presents an analysis of the technological efforts made by Transnational Corporations(1) (TNCs) affiliates in Brazil. Many studies have indicated that most TNCs concentrate their main technological activities in their home, developed countries. However, empirical investigation has shown TNC affiliates in Brazil have presented a higher profile than local firms in terms of both innovative performance and R&D efforts. This study is an attempt to examine the technological efforts of TNC affiliates in Brazil and their main determinants, considering the recent changes in TNC strategies for global organization of production and technological activities. The study is based on data analysis from 450 firms controlled by foreign capital operating in São Paulo State in 1996. The database was taken from the first PAEP - Pesquisa da Atividade Econômica Paulista -, which comprises not only economic indicators, but also includes an innovation survey based on OECD guidelines. Using multivariate techniques, we have identified distinct strategies of TNCs subsidiaries in regard to technological activities, which reflect different technological effort patterns. In addition, the article reveals that such diversity of technological strategies has been influenced by the size of firms, the industrial sector to which the firm belongs and the nationality of foreign capital, in this order.163

    Impacts of New Technologies on Free-To-Air Tv Industry: Lessons from Selected Country Cases

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    This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector.This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector.This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector

    Projeto de primeiro mundo com conhecimento e trabalho do terceiro?

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss die links between technological backwardness and the advanced industrialised countries. In the current acceleration of technical change, the content of work tends to be enlarged, to incorporate an innovative componet. Such re-valuation of the intelligence of work is an important source for firm's innovative capability. However, in Brazil, industrialisation has been characterised by a low degree of development of technological fragility reinforces (and is reinforced by) the dominance of taylorism principles in the organisation of work, and the use of a workforce which is, generally, little skilled, badly paid and subject to high turnover.No artigo procura-se documentar e discutir a relação existente entre atraso tecnológico e uso predatório do trabalho, traçando um paralelo entre o Brasil e os países de industrialização avançada. Na atual fase de aceleração tecnológica, a ampliação do conteúdo inovativo do trabalho é o eixo comum da mudança dos processos de trabalho e constitui importante colaboração à capacidade das firmas de acumularem conhecimento e inovarem. No entanto, no Brasil, uma industrialização marcada pelo baixo grau de capacitação tecnológica contínua associada à predominância de processos de trabalho ainda inspirados em princípios tayloristas, baseados primordialmente no uso de força de trabalho pouco qualificada, mal remunerada e com vínculo de emprego instável. Argumenta-se que esses dois aspectos do atraso brasileiro reforçam-se mutuamente.357


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    The author sunthesizes the main results of recent studies on the implications of technological innovations in micro-electronics (TIM) for the volume and the dynamism of employment and for the composition of the work force in electronics and automobile industries. He detects a positive correlation between TIM incorporation and generation of employment, which does not exclude resulting unemployment among less qualified workers. It is necessary to assure, within each industrial company, that technological transition be associated with a negotiated social program.II s’agit ici d’une sistématisation des résultats d’études récentes sur les implications d’innovations technologiques de base micro-électronique (ITM) pour le volume et le dynamisme de I’emploi et pour la composition de la main-d’oevre dans I’industrie automobile et I’industrie électronique. L’auteur identifie une cor- rélation positive entre I’incorporation d’ITM et la création d’emplois, ce qui n’em- pêche pas le licenciement des moins qualifiés. II faudrait assurer, au niveau de chaque entreprise, que la transition technologique soit associée à un programme social négocié.Trata-se aqui de uma sistematização dos principais achados de estudosrecentes sobre as implicações das inovações tecnológicas de base micro-eletrônica(ITM) para o volume e o dinamismo do emprego e para a composição damão-de-obra da indústria automobilística e na indústria eletrônica. Parece haveruma correlação positiva entre incorporação das ITM e geração de empregos emalguns setores, o que não impede a demissão dos não qualificados. É necessáriogarantir, ao nível de cada empresa, que a transição tecnológica seja associadaa um programa social negociado

    Projeto de primeiro mundo com conhecimento e trabalho do terceiro?

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss die links between technological backwardness and the advanced industrialised countries. In the current acceleration of technical change, the content of work tends to be enlarged, to incorporate an innovative componet. Such re-valuation of the intelligence of work is an important source for firm's innovative capability. However, in Brazil, industrialisation has been characterised by a low degree of development of technological fragility reinforces (and is reinforced by) the dominance of taylorism principles in the organisation of work, and the use of a workforce which is, generally, little skilled, badly paid and subject to high turnover.No artigo procura-se documentar e discutir a relação existente entre atraso tecnológico e uso predatório do trabalho, traçando um paralelo entre o Brasil e os países de industrialização avançada. Na atual fase de aceleração tecnológica, a ampliação do conteúdo inovativo do trabalho é o eixo comum da mudança dos processos de trabalho e constitui importante colaboração à capacidade das firmas de acumularem conhecimento e inovarem. No entanto, no Brasil, uma industrialização marcada pelo baixo grau de capacitação tecnológica contínua associada à predominância de processos de trabalho ainda inspirados em princípios tayloristas, baseados primordialmente no uso de força de trabalho pouco qualificada, mal remunerada e com vínculo de emprego instável. Argumenta-se que esses dois aspectos do atraso brasileiro reforçam-se mutuamente

    Desenvolvimento de produtos na indústria automobilística brasileira: perspectivas e obstáculos para a capacitação local

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    This paper is concerned with opportunities for activities of product development carried out by subsidiaries of the four biggest car makers based in Brazil: General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen and Fiat. The point made here is that the global strategies pursued by the car makers may not weaken the product development capability of their Brazilian subsidiaries. Empirical findings we have made up to now support this point. Based on interviews with the Brazilian subsidiaries, two distinct trajectories and product strategies are observed. Both General Motors and Fiat, adopting local product policies associated with partly decentralized global strategies, have increased their product activities and engineering staff in Brazil, strengthening their local capabilities in product development. In another direction, Ford, and to some extend Volkswagen, pursuing more centralized strategies of product development, have downsized the R&D area and engineering staff in their Brazilian subsidiaries.O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar os limites e as oportunidades para o avanço das atividades de desenvolvimento de produtos entre as subsidiárias de montadoras instaladas no Brasil. Nosso pressuposto é que as estratégias mundiais das montadoras não necessariamente implicam enfraquecimento das capacitações de desenvolvimento de produtos nas subsidiárias brasileiras. Este argumento, parcialmente verdadeiro, encontra sustentação a partir de um trabalho de campo, com entrevistas direcionadas, que revelou a vigência de distintas trajetórias e estratégias de produto orientando a atuação das montadoras no Brasil. Entre as evidências empíricas, nota-se que as oportunidades para a criação de capacitações e de ampliação das atividades de desenvolvimento de produtos são maiores entre as subsidiárias brasileiras que têm seguido políticas de produto locais, as quais favorecem estágios mais adiantados de mudança nos veículos para atender aos mercados emergentes, como foi o caso da General Motors e da Fiat. Em contrapartida, no caso das políticas de produtos globais, prevalece baixa percepção acerca das especificidades regionais, restando poucas oportunidades para uma participação mais ativa da subsidiária brasileira nas atividades de desenvolvimento de produtos, que fica limitada às atividades menos complexas de tropicalização dos veículos. Inclui-se aí o caso da Ford e, em menor medida, da Volkswagen.396

    Desenvolvimento de novas competências e práticas de gestão da inovação voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável: estudo exploratório da Natura

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    Environment issues have induced firms to search and develop cleaner technologies and production practices. This process has created new business opportunities that are related to sustainable production and to the conservation of the environment. This paper aims at understanding the implications of innovation trajectories based on the development of sustainable products and technologies for innovation management practices and the related managerial competencies. The study explores the case of a Brazilian leading cosmetic manufacturer -Natura through secondary data of the company and its industry; and primary data by means of interviews with professionals of the research and development, strategy and marketing areas of Natura. The results show that the company presents a capability of perception of the technological and market opportunities when developing products for market niches not explored, besides the effort for implementating routines entirely new for the company and the mobilization of resources and competencies in its technological innovation management.A preocupação com a questão ambiental tem levado o setor produtivo a desenvolver tecnologias e práticas produtivas menos poluentes e orientadas para a conservação do meio ambiente, gerando crescentes oportunidades de negócios a partir de inovações voltadas para a produção sustentável. Este artigo pretende analisar as implicações que a busca de uma trajetória baseada em tecnologias e produtos sustentáveis traz para o processo de gestão da inovação e para o acúmulo de competências a ele associadas. Para isso, o texto explora o caso da Natura, uma empresa brasileira do setor de cosméticos. Os autores valeram-se da coleta de dados secundários, sobre a empresa e seu setor de atuação, e de dados primários, sobre temas de ordem estratégica e marketing, conseguidos durante entrevistas com profissionais dessa empresa e que atuam na área de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). Os resultados mostram que a Natura tem sido capaz de perceber as oportunidades tecnológicas e de mercado, ao desenvolver produtos voltados para nichos de mercado ainda não explorados. Revelam também que está apta para o esforço de implementação, nada trivial, de rotinas inteiramente novas, como também de mobilizar recursos e competências no seu processo de gestão da inovação tecnológica.011

    R&D+ i Strategic Management in a Public Company in the Brazilian Electric Sector

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    The purpose of this paper is - by reporting an experience of structuring processes and tools related to the strategic management of R&D in the electricity sector – to show the conditions and potential for improved efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness in the R&D program set by ANEEL. The methodology is action research. This is because the proposed and tested model is the result of reflection and resolution of critical organizational issues, applied in a public company in the electric power sector. Act No. 9,991 of July 24, 2000 provides for the obligation on the part of concessionaires, permittees, and licensees in the electric power sector to invest part of their operating revenue in research and development (R&D). For the effective implementation of these legal obligations, companies prepare their annual R&D programs, comprising projects that aim at developing innovative solutions for their processes and increasing business efficiency. However, the urgency to comply with the contractual provisions, coupled with the small amount of experience most companies have when it comes to carrying out R&D activities and projects, has led to the gradual formation of a mode of R&D implementation and management that does not favor its optimization and alignment with the goals the utility companies and the sector’s own technological development . The approach proposed in this paper consists of structuring the processes and tools related to the management of R&D driven by innovation (R&D+i) and aligned with with the business strategy. These processes include the adoption of procedures and tools to manage structured, integrated decision-making flows involved in the innovation process, aiming at full alignment with business goals and objectives

    Identifying necessary conditions to deep-tech entrepreneurship

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    Purpose – Our research aimed to address which resources provided by an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) are necessary for deep technology entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach – We employ a novel approach known as necessary condition analysis (NCA) to data on EEs and deep-tech startups from 132 countries, collected in a global innovation index and Crunchbase datasets. The NCA makes it possible to identify whether an EEs resource is a necessary condition that enables entrepreneurship. Findings – Necessary conditions are related to political and business environment; education, research and development; general infrastructure; credit; trade; diversification and market size; and knowledge absorption capacity. Research implications – Our results show that business and political environments are the most necessary conditions to drive deep-tech entrepreneurship. Practical implications – Policymakers could prioritize conditions that maximize entrepreneurial output levels rather than focusing on less necessary elements. Social implications – Some resources require less performance than others. So, policymakers should consider allocating policy efforts to strengthen resources that maximize output levels. Originality/value – Studies on deep-tech entrepreneurship are scarce. This study provides a bottleneck analysis that can guide the formulation of policies to support deep-tech entrepreneurship, since it allows to identify priority areas for resource allocation

    Relacionamento interorganizacional e hold-up no setor automotivo: uma análise sob o enfoque da Economia dos Custos de Transação

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    Institutional changes since the decade of 1990 have forced parts suppliers for the Brazilian automotive industry to adjust to demands of a globalized market resulting in a more complex inter organizational relationship between suppliers and automotive assemblers. An analysis was made of this relationship from the perspective of the Transaction Costs Economics (TCE) theory. Based upon the relationship of an automotive assembly company with 12 suppliers, propositions were formulated about the perception of the risk of contract break-up (hold-up). Results demonstrate that the duration of this relationship, amount of detail specified in the contract preparation and only a modest monitoring of the supplier by the assembly company lessened the perception of hold-up risk. The structure of governance prevalent in this relationship was a hybrid model which allows for reduced transaction costs. Other more profound studies of this inter organizational relationship from the TCE point of view with a larger and more heterogeneous sample may contribute to the development and application of this theory.As mudanças institucionais ocorridas a partir da década de noventa forçaram os fornecedores de peças da indústria automotiva brasileira a ajustar seus processos para atender às exigências de um mercado globalizado. Surge, então, uma complexa relação interorganizacional entre os fornecedores e as montadoras. Este estudo analisa essa relação pela ótica da teoria da Economia dos Custos de Transação (ECT). Analisando-se uma montadora e doze de seus fornecedores, foram levantadas proposições sobre a percepção do risco de quebra contratual (hold-up). Os resultados demonstraram que o tempo de relação fornecedor/montadora, o detalhamento na elaboração do contrato e um menor monitoramento da montadora sobre o fornecedor implicam menor percepção de risco de hold-up, assim como ficou demonstrado que a estrutura de governança dominante nessa relação é o modelo híbrido, que permite redução de custos de transação. Outros estudos que aprofundem a relação interorganizacional sob a ótica da ECT com um campo amostral mais amplo e heterogêneo podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento e aplicação desta teoria
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