7,279 research outputs found

    Compostagem doméstica em educação ambiental : potencial de uma abordagem holística

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    Tomando como objecto de estudo projectos de Compostagem Doméstica (CD) no contexto escolar, este artigo apresenta uma análise do processo de implementação actual de uma prática sustentável milenar. No momento em que a compostagem se expande pelas escolas do país, em especial no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, tornou-se pertinente observar em profundidade experiências pedagógicas que usam esta metodologia de aproveitamento de resíduos orgânicos como um meio didáctico. Através de uma visão da CD baseada nas vertentes técnica; ambiental; de saúde; pedagógica; social e económica, foi realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos em três contextos educativos. Comparou-se o nível de desenvolvimento daquelas vertentes em escolas com diferentes graus de experiência em compostagem. A compostagem foi igualmente assumida como um “elo” que completa o ciclo da matéria orgânica, com as componentes-chave - “resíduos” e “fertilização do solo”. Entre outros aspectos, os resultados deste trabalho reforçaram a percepção de que o cruzamento da compostagem doméstica com outros projectos (e.g. hortas pedagógicas e outras práticas tradicionais) potencializa uma prática mais abrangente da educação ambiental.CIFPEC - Unidade de Investigação 644 da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    O fracasso do empreendedorismo urbano em terras patrimonialistas – o Rio de Janeiro dos megaeventos e os limites da neoliberalização periférica

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    Based on a comparative perspective involving the growth machines that have propelled cities in the US and the recent experiences of urban localism that have spread across Europe, this paper analyzes the specific path that peripheral cities such as Rio de Janeiro have followed in adhering to the model of urban entrepreneurialism. It contends that, on one side, due to a lack of organization by the economic agents and on the other, insufficient state capacities, peripheral cities like Rio have been unable to replicate either the European pathway or that of US cities in implanting the tenets of urban entrepreneurialism. With the support of a case-study on the main urban interventions and economic actors involved during the mega-events in Rio, the study has developed a hypothesis, according to which, to a large extent, the project of the entrepreneurial city was mainly hailed as an ideological construct that reiterated “rent-seeking” strategies on the part of economic actors who, for decades, have occupied a central position in commanding the political economy of the city.Com base em uma perspectiva comparada com as máquinas de crescimento que movem cidades dos Estados Unidos e nas recentes experiências de empreendedorismo urbano que se espalharam pela Europa, analisa-se o caminho específico que cidades como o Rio de Janeiro seguiram ao aderirem ao modelo da cidade neoliberal. O argumento em que se baseia o artigo é o de que, em razão da escassa organização dos atores econômicos, de um lado e de capacidade estatal insuficiente, de outro, cidades como o Rio de Janeiro se viram impossibilitadas de replicar a trajetória estadunidense ou europeia de implantação do empreendedorismo urbano. Apoiados no estudo de caso das principais intervenções urbanas e principais atores econômicos associados aos megaeventos no Rio de Janeiro, desenvolvemos a hipótese segundo qual o projeto da cidade neoliberal aqui se tratou sobretudo de um construto ideológico que reiterou estratégias de extração de renda por parte de atores que vêm comandando a economia política da cidade há décadas

    Experimental Reexamination of Transverse Tensile Strength for IM7/8552 Tape-Laminate Composites

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    Due to the observed dependence of transverse-tensile strength, YT, on test geometry and specimen size, there is no consensus regarding a test method that can uniquely measure YT. This study reexamines characterization of YT by comparing results from established flexure tests with results from a new tensile test that exhibits consistent failure in the gage region. Additionally, the effects of surface preparation and direction of transverse fracture are investigated. Results show that YT is inversely proportional to specimen volume and surface roughness, and is insensitive to direction of transverse fracture. The relationship between specimen volume and YT is adequately captured by Weibull strength-scaling theory, except at the tails of the YT distributions. However, specimens exhibited microcracking prior to failure, which violates the weak-link assumptions of the Weibull theory. These findings highlight the challenges of using deterministic YT values in progressive damage analysis

    Microbiology education: The case of the SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 pandemic in didactic transposition

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    The school constitutes a privileged setting for learning international scientific knowledge and local socio-economic and political context knowledge. Selecting content to be learned in school is a permanent tension matter of great social and political relevance. The didactic transposition looks at how and when scientific contents ("International scientific knowledge") are selected to be taught in school ("Knowledge to be taught") in the External Didactic Transposition (EDT) process and how this knowledge is taught and learned at school ("Learned knowledge") in the Internal Didactic Transposition (IDT). In the EDT process, policymakers select the knowledge to be taught in schools from international scientific knowledge, creating national school programmes that also serve as textbook guidelines to be used as pedagogical resources in the classroom. These decisions are subject to the influences of several sectors of society, such as politicians, agencies, educators and other stakeholders, and so they take a long time to be established. This work shows how critical social issues such as the SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 pandemic could disturb the usual process of didactic transposition. Indeed, usually, there is a considerable period between the emergence of a scientific concept and its appearance in the national curriculum called Didactic Transposition Delay (DTD). Therefore, it was expected that the SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 pandemic topics would be added, in the future, to the national curricula and textbooks of most countries. However, being a matter of great social interest, the SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 pandemic topic, which emerged in late 2019 and had a massive social impact on the whole planet in 2020, started almost immediately to be a matter of classroom discussions between teachers and students ("learned knowledge"), much time before textbooks were available to support the teaching and learning process and national programmes would be published even much later. Therefore, in this process, there was a shortcut where the SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 pandemic topic ("International scientific knowledge") surpassed the curriculum step ("Knowledge to be taught") to be taught in school ("Learned knowledge") at once.This research had partial financial support from Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC project UIDB/00317/2020 and CEB project UIDB/04469/2020. It also had the partial support of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 871129 - IS_MIRRI21 Projectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vitro impact of tenebrio molitor insect flour on human gut microbiota

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    A farinha de inseto de Tenebrio molitor (TMIF) é considerada um ingrediente alimentar nutritivo que ainda carece de avaliação do seu potencial nutricional na dieta humana. Um dos maiores indicadores do efeito da dieta na saúde humana é a composição da microbiota intestinal, principalmente a presença de grupos bacterianos benéficos, como as bactérias probióticas. Desta forma, foram elaborados dois modelos in vitro da microbiota intestinal para avaliar o efeito da TMIF na microbiota intestinal. Um dos modelos usou culturas puras de estirpes de Lactobacillus e Bifidobacterium em monoculturas e co-culturas (pares e consórcio) para avaliar o efeito da TMIF e a atividade metabólica destas bactérias. Adicionalmente, o efeito direto da farinha nas células bacterianas quando estas se encontram em stress nutritivo também foi avaliado. Posteriormente, a interação de todos os grupos presentes da microbiota intestinal bacteriana foi avaliada a partir de fezes de voluntários humanos, utilizando neste caso TMIF sujeitas ou não a uma pré-digestão. A avaliação da viabilidade celular e atividade metabólica foi realizada e comparada em ambos modelos. No primeiro modelo com culturas puras, não foram observados efeitos negativos da TMIF na viabilidade e no crescimento das bactérias probióticas, ocorrendo um aumento do crescimento e da produção de ácidos gordos de cadeia curta (SCFA) e lactato. Durante o tempo de incubação em stress nutritivo, o número de células bacterianas viáveis foi mantido mostrando que a farinha não apresenta qualquer efeito direto tóxico nas células. No segundo modelo, o modelo in vitro fecal, a TMIF digerida e não digerida demonstrou ter efeitos positivos no crescimento dos grupos bacterianos considerados benéficos (ex. Bacteroidaceae e Prevotellaceae) sem promover o crescimento significativo nos grupos com impacto negativo na saúde humana (ex. Clostridium histolyticum, Desulfovibrionales e Desulfuromonales). A TMIF promoveu uma produção mais elevada de ácidos orgânicos como o acetato e o propionato. Na presença de TMIF a produção de amoníaco foi na gama de concentrações consideradas não citotóxicas. Em relação ao conteúdo de aminoácidos das amostras de TMIF, a forma não digerida apresentou ter maior concentração de aminoácidos totais enquanto que a amostra digerida a maior concentração em aminoácidos livres. Como conclusão, a TMIF pode ser um potencial substituto de carne graças ao seu conteúdo nutricional e ao impacto na microbiota intestinal.Tenebrio molitor insect flour (TMIF) is considered a nutritious food ingredient but still needs assessment of its nutritional potential in the human diet. One of the major indicators of the effect of diet on human health is the composition of the gut microbiota, especially the presence of beneficial bacterial groups, such as probiotic bacteria. In this way, two in vitro models of the gut microbiota were elaborated to evaluate the effect of TMIF on the gut microbiota. One of the models used pure cultures of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains in monocultures and co-cultures (pairs and consortium) to evaluate the effect of TMIF and the metabolic activity of these bacteria. Additionally, the direct effect of the flour on bacterial cells when they are in nutritive stress was also evaluated. Subsequently, the interaction of all groups present in the bacterial gut microbiota was evaluated from human volunteer faeces, using in this case TMIF subjects with or without pre-digestion. The evaluation of cell viability and metabolic activity was performed and compared in both models. In the first model with pure cultures, no negative effects of TMIF on the viability and growth of probiotic bacteria were observed, with an increase in the growth and production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and lactate. During incubation time under nutritional stress, the number of viable bacterial cells was maintained showing that the flour does not have any direct toxic effect on the cells. In the second model, the in vitro faecal model, digested and undigested TMIF have been shown to have positive effects on the growth of bacterial groups considered beneficial (e.g. Bacteroidaceae and Prevotellaceae) without promoting significant growth in groups with a negative impact on human health (e.g. Clostridium histolyticum, Desulfovibrionales and Desulfuromonales). TMIF promoted a higher production of organic acids such as acetate and propionate. In the presence of TMIF the production of ammonia was in the range of concentrations considered non-cytotoxic. Regarding the amino acid content of the TMIF samples, the undigested form presented to have higher concentration of total amino acids while the digested sample the highest concentration of free amino acids. As a conclusion, TMIF may be a potential meat substitute because of its nutritional content and the impact on the intestinal microbiota

    A Novel Method for Characterizing Fatigue Delamination Growth Under Mode I Using the Double Cantilever Beam Specimen

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    A novel method is proposed to obtain Mode I delamination growth rate from a Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimen. In the proposed method, Unidirectional (UD) DCB specimens are tested in fatigue at different initial maximum energy release rates levels. The growth rate data obtained in the first increments of crack growth at each maximum energy release rate level are used to generate a Paris Law equation, which characterizes delamination growth rate without fiber-bridging, and can also be used to determine a delamination onset curve. The remaining delamination growth rate data from each test are used to determine a modified Paris law, which characterizes the delamination growth rate in a DCB specimen, explicitly accounting for fiber-bridging. The proposed expression captures well the scatter in experimental data obtained using the DCB specimens, suggesting its adequacy. The Paris Law characterizing delamination growth rate without fiber-bridging predicts higher delamination growth rates for the same maximum energy release rate applied, leading to a conservative estimate for delamination growth. This is particularly relevant, since in generic ply interfaces, fiber-bridging is less predominant than in UD DCB specimens. Failing to account for fiber-bridging in UD DCB specimens may underestimate the delamination growth rate, yielding non-conservative predictions

    O estilo neoclássico e o cotidiano do aluno - uma possibilidade de ensino/aprendizagem

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este artigo tem objetivo apresentar uma prática pedagógica realizada numa das escolas que atendem ao subprojeto do PIBID de Artes Visuais da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Foi desenvolvida uma atividade, fora do espaço da sala de aula, com a finalidade de estabelecer uma relação entre a arquitetura da cidade e a arquitetura Neoclássica. A forma como se trabalhou o conteúdo de Arte, Neoclássico na Escola Estadual Medalha Milagrosa, pautou-se em levar os alunos a uma experiência contemplativa, por meio da observação de edifícios que compõem o entorno da escola. Ao tornar significativo o conteúdo explanado em sala de aula, materializando-o com a pesquisa de campo, a professora não só internalizou um conteúdo e 4 specífico, mas também mostrou a esses alunos que a Arte faz parte de um processo histórico, social e cultural do homem, presente desde o seu surgiment

    Co-design and mass customization in the Portuguese footwear cluster: an exploratory study

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    In the present, consumers tend to be more knowledgeable and interventive, requiring an active role in the way how they relate to brands and products. To meet this need, several sectors of the fashion industry saw this as a market opportunity and adopted approaches of Collaborative Design and Mass Customization. The footwear sector was not indifferent to this new paradigm of creation, production, distribution, and consumption, and several worldwide brands adopted innovative strategies. In Portugal, despite footwear being a mature industry with a strong tradition and worldwide recognition, it is necessary to continuously invest in innovation-based competitiveness, exploring the opportunities of Industry 4.0. Thus, the study seeks to analyse this important sector of the Portuguese economy, in order to perceive the acceptance, vision, and expectations regarding the approaches of Co-design and Mass Customization. In this way, seven companies with national relevance were studied based on a questionnaire survey. Findings show the industry's interest in Co-design and customization, despite the concern about the effort and risk associated to the transition and implementation of the productive approach. Relevant data for the development of collaborative models of footwear customization are gathered in this study.This work is supported by Project UID/CTM/00264/2019 of 2C2T – Centre for Textile Science and Technology, funded by National Founds through FCT/MCTES and by FAMEST Project (projeto de IDT em co-promoção mobilizador n. 24529, 2017-2020)

    From games played by secondary students to a gamification framework

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    Playing video games is attractive for most students. Most of them have mobile devices and play mobile games anywhere and anytime. In this paper we report the most played digital games by Portuguese students from grades 10 to 12. A survey was conducted in Portugal (n=697) in 2013. The diversity of games played is huge, and there are differences in gender preferences and game habits. We analyzed the students' preferred games according to Gee’s (2003) learning principles and to game elements. Based on this data we propose a gamification framework to create gamified activities for Secondary School students

    Éléments de conception de jeux vidéo qui favorisent l’intérêt des joueurs

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    Com base num estudo realizado com alunos do 2º ciclo do ensino básico (CEB) ao ensino superior, apresentamos os principais elementos do design de videojogos que levam os jovens a jogar jogos digitais. A constante procura por nova informação nas pessoas é fundamental no modo como se realiza o design de videojogos, que por sua vez tem também em atenção modelações motivacionais para sustentar as experiências de jogo. No estudo realizado, e por forma a motivar por competências, identificámos nas respostas obtidas os elementos de design «fantasia», «desafio» e «excitação»; já na motivação pela autonomia salientaram-se «tipos de jogo», «mecânica» e jogabilidade. Ao contrário do esperado, não conseguimos destacar elementos para a motivação, pelos relacionamentos a partir da análise do interesse dos sujeitos nos jogos que mais jogamBased on a study carried out with students from 5th grade to university undergraduates, we present the main elements of videogame design that drive young people to play digital games. The constant search for new information is fundamental in the way the design of videogames is realized, which in turn also has in mind motivational modulations to sustain the experiences of game. In the study carried out, and in order to motivate by competences, we identified in the answers obtained the elements of design «fantasy», «challenge» and «excitement» –, in the motivation for autonomy were emphasized – «types of game», «mechanics» and «gameplay». Contrary to expectations, we have not been able to highlight elements for the relatedness motivation from the analysis of the subjects’ interest in the games they play the most.À partir d’une étude menée chez des élèves allant du CM2 à l’enseignement universitaire, nous présentons les principaux éléments de la conception de jeux qui poussent les jeunes à utiliser des jeux vidéo. La recherche constante de nouvelles informations par le public est fondamentale pour comprendre la façon dont la conception de jeux est réalisée. La conception de jeux prend également en compte les modélisations motivationnelles pour appuyer les expériences de jeu. Dans notre étude, et afin de déterminer des compétences, nous avons identifié dans les réponses les éléments suivants de conception: la «fantaisie», le «défi» et l’«excitation»; en ce qui concerne la motivation à travers l’autonomie, nous avons identifié: les «types de jeux», la «mécanique» et la «jouabilité». Contrairement à nos attentes, nous ne sommes pas arrivés à mettre en évidence des éléments de motivation fondés sur les relations, à partir de l’analyse de l’intérêt des sujets pour les jeux auxquels ils s’adonnent le plusFEDER através do Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETEFCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projeto «Dos Jogos às Atividades Interativas para Mobile Learning» (ref. PTDC/CPE-CED/118337/2010