284 research outputs found

    Impacts of Climate Change on Human Development

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    human development, climate change

    Resignificaci?n de la evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes a partir de la construcci?n de algunos referentes te?ricos de la reflexi?n docente

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    97 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n describe e interpreta la evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes en la Instituci?n Educativa Francisco S?enz del Municipio de Icononzo en el Departamento del Tolima desde la reflexi?n de los docentes. Se presentan los conceptos que sobre evaluaci?n educativa y evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes tienen los docentes, las t?cnicas y los instrumentos utilizados por estos, los usos, los momentos, las finalidades y los principios dados a la evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes. As? mismo se realiza un proceso de discusi?n y reflexi?n con los docentes a partir de algunos referentes te?ricos con el fin de resignificar la evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes y mejorar los procesos evaluativos en la instituci?n educativa. Adicionalmente el trabajo es un aporte a la comunidad acad?mica y a la comunidad educativa de la regi?n en torno al tema de la evaluaci?n que es tan importante en el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje y a la vez complejo.ABSTRACT. This research describes and interprets the evaluation of student learning in the Educational Institution Francisco Saenz Icononzo Township in the Department of Tolima from reflection of teachers. Concepts of educational evaluation and assessment of learning are teachers, techniques and tools used by them, the uses, the moments, the purposes and principles given to the evaluation of learning are presented. Also a process of discussion and reflection is done with teachers from some theoretical framework in order to bring new meaning to learning assessment and evaluation processes to improve educational institutions. Further work is a contribution to the academic community and the educational community of the region around the issue of evaluation is so important in the process of teaching and learning and complex time.INTRODUCCI?N 11 1. JUSTIFICACI?N 12 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 13 2.1 PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACI?N 13 2.2 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACI?N 16 2.3 PREGUNTAS DE INVESTIGACI?N 17 3. OBJETIVOS 18 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 18 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 18 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL 19 4.1 EJES CONCEPTUALES 19 4.1.1 Concepto y caracter?sticas de la evaluaci?n educativa 19 4.1.2 Concepto y caracter?sticas de evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes 22 4.1.3 Finalidades de la evaluaci?n 25 4.1.4 T?cnicas e Instrumentos de la evaluaci?n 25 4.1.5 Usos de la evaluaci?n 29 4.1.6 Principios generales de la evaluaci?n 30 4.2 ANTECEDENTES 34 5. M?TODO 41 5.1 DISE?O METODOLOGICO 41 5.2 PARTICIPANTES 41 5.3 RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 41 5.3.1 Dise?o de Instrumentos 42 5.4 T?CNICAS DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 44 5.4.1 An?lisis documental 44 5.4.2 Cuestionario 45 5.4.3 Grupo focal 45 5.5 CATEGOR?AS DE AN?LISIS 46 5.6 SISTEMATIZACI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 46 5.6.1 Sistematizaci?n del an?lisis documental 46 5.6.2 Sistematizaci?n del cuestionario 50 5.6.3 Sistematizaci?n del grupo focal 60 6. INTERPRETACI?N DE LOS RESULTADOS 83 7. CONCLUSIONES 87 RECOMENDACIONES 88 REFERENCIAS 89 ANEXOS 9

    Elaboración de una guía de gestión de riesgos basados en la norma NTC-ISO 31000 para el proceso de gestión de incidentes y peticiones de servicio del área de mesa de ayuda de empresas de servicios de soporte de tecnología en Colombia

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónSe verifico la norma NTC-ISO 31000, y la norma NTC 5254 con la cual se sentaron las bases necesarias para plasmar una guía, que brindara el procedimiento para realizar una adecuada gestión de los riesgos en procesos de gestión de incidentes y peticiones de servicio del área de mesa de ayuda, de empresas de servicios de soporte de tecnología en Colombia.EspecializaciónEspecialista en Auditoría de Sistemas de Informació

    Fortalecimiento de la cultura ambiental en los niños, y las niñas, del grado prejardín del CDI Amanecer infantil de Pelaya Cesar

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    https://unadvirtualedu-y.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/lpcarvajalb_unadvirtual_edu_co/EtXo38g3HcpFtoGEa4MH5mAB1AsyV_SDacxIoMfLsZ18nw?e=7qmkRqLa presente propuesta diseña una planeación pedagógica de fortalecimiento didáctico a través de juegos infantiles, para mejorar el desarrollo de la cultura ambiental en niños y niñas de la primera infancia. Se tiene en cuenta que es necesario mantener un equilibrio entre el hombre y el medio ambiente, y que también es oportuno el desarrollo de una conciencia y cultura ambiental en entorno educativo, el país y en el mundo, que en este momento se requiere con urgencia para cuidar y preservar la naturaleza. El diseño metodológico de acción participativa, con enfoque cualitativo, analiza y describe características fundamentales de conocimientos en el grado prejardín del Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Amanecer Infantil de Pelaya Cesar. La importancia de este ejercicio de investigación, sobre la práctica docente es fortalecer la investigación ambiental en la pedagogía y así se prepara al orientador para aplicarla en el aula educativa, en diferentes vínculos ambientales y educativos donde participa la comunidad escolar. Con la implementación y evaluación de secuencias didácticas innovadoras en el CDI de Pelaya Cesar, se benefician los estudiantes, docentes y las familias, ya que se plasman los intereses comunitarios enfocados al objetivo común de sano desarrollo físico, mental, y cultural comunicativo.The present proposal designs a pedagogical planning of didactic strengthening through children's games, to improve the development of environmental culture in children of early childhood. It is taken into account that it is necessary to maintain a balance between man and the environment, and that it is also opportune to develop an environmental awareness and culture in the educational environment, the country and the world, which is urgently required at this time. to care for and preserve nature. The methodological design of participatory action, with a qualitative approach, analyzes and describes fundamental characteristics of knowledge in the pre-kindergarten grade of the Amanecer Infantile Child Development Center in Pelaya Cesar. The importance of this research exercise on teaching practice is to strengthen environmental research in pedagogy and thus prepares the counselor to apply it in the educational classroom, in different environmental and educational links where the school community participates. With the implementation and evaluation of innovative didactic sequences in the Pelaya Cesar CDI, students, teachers and families benefit, since community interests are reflected focused on the common objective of healthy physical, mental, and cultural communication development

    Functions of the National Public Procurement Agency Colombia Efficient Purchase from the Autonomy of Territorial Entities

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    El problema base de esta disertación consiste en establecer ¿cómo impactan las funciones de la Agencia Nacional de Contratación Pública Colombia Compra Eficiente la autonomía de las entidades territoriales? El tema investigado se justifica en que CCE es de reciente creación, la función de implementación normativa ha tenido amplio desarrollo, se encuentra aún en definición y presenta tendencia a su amplitud y, por último, interfiere sobre las atribuciones de los entes territoriales en el área sensible de la contratación, debido a los fines que persigue para la satisfacción del interés general, el porcentaje de recursos públicos que maneja en términos del PIB y los frecuentes problemas de corrupción. La hipótesis planteada consiste en sostener que las funciones normativas de CCE han impactado en forma negativa la autonomía territorial, pues materializan una disminución de su ámbito de competencia y discrecionalidad, es decir, del grado de libertad en la gestión de sus intereses. Lo anterior, reflejado en la recentralización y la relación interadministrativa de coordinación –incluidos mecanismos informales–. 8 Esta disminución en sí misma no desconoce la autonomía territorial en tanto que el legislador tiene amplio margen de acción, se preserva a los entes locales campo competencial para la gestión de sus intereses, la contratación estatal trasciende al interés general de toda la población y además se logra un resultado satisfactorio a la luz de sus fines, los principios que orientan la materia, así como de la necesaria coordinación y capacidad. En cualquier caso, derivado de su condición de principio deben potencializarse las formas de participación y siempre, garantizarse la legalidad de las fuentes en las restricciones que se impongan. Para lograr el objetivo general de determinar la forma en que las funciones de CCE han impactado la autonomía de los entes territoriales se abordarán los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1. Definir la ubicación dogmática de las entidades territoriales en la organización del Estado, el contenido y alcance de su autonomía y la forma en que se relacionan con el orden central; 2. Analizar la autonomía territorial en el ámbito de la contratación estatal, su margen de amplitud y restricción; 3. Explicar las funciones de CCE con incidencia en la autonomía territorial; y 4. Evaluarlas para determinar si materializan una recentralización de funciones y/o una relación interadministrativa, si disminuyen o transgreden la autonomía territorial y en este caso, cómo podrían adecuarse para su satisfacción. La disertación se estructura en cuatro capítulos, cada uno orientado por un objetivo específico, en forma respectiva, así: 1. De la organización territorial; 2. De la autonomía territorial en contratación; 3. De la Agencia Nacional de Contratación Pública Colombia Compra Eficiente; y 4. De las funciones de CCE desde la autonomía territorial. A este efecto se realizó una revisión de la legislación, la jurisprudencia, la doctrina e información pública de CCE. Su estudio se hizo en el marco de una investigación de dogmática jurídica, descriptivo – prescriptiva, lege data y cualitativaThe basic problem of this dissertation is to establish how do the functions of the National Public Procurement Agency Colombia Efficient Purchase impact the autonomy of territorial entities? The subject investigated is justified in that CCE is of recent creation, the function of normative implementation has had extensive development, is still in definition and presents a tendency to its amplitude and, finally, it interferes on the attributions of the territorial entities in the area The sensitive nature of contracting, due to the purposes it pursues to satisfy the general interest, the percentage of public resources it handles in terms of GDP and the frequent problems of corruption. The hypothesis proposed consists in maintaining that the regulatory functions of CCE have negatively impacted territorial autonomy, since they materialize a decrease in its scope of competence and discretion, that is, in the degree of freedom in the management of its interests. The foregoing, reflected in the recentralization and the inter-administrative coordination relationship –including informal mechanisms–. 8 This decrease in itself does not ignore territorial autonomy as the legislator has a wide margin of action, local authorities are preserved field of competence for the management of their interests, state contracting transcends the general interest of the entire population and also a satisfactory result is achieved in light of its aims, the principles that guide the subject, as well as the necessary coordination and capacity. In any case, derived from its condition of principle, the forms of participation must be strengthened and the legality of the sources must always be guaranteed in the restrictions that are imposed. To achieve the general objective of determining the way in which the CCE functions have impacted the autonomy of territorial entities, the following specific objectives will be addressed: 1. Define the dogmatic location of territorial entities in the organization of the State, the content and scope of their autonomy and the way in which they relate to the central order; 2. Analyze territorial autonomy in the field of state contracting, its scope and restriction; 3. Explain the functions of the CCE with an impact on territorial autonomy; and 4. Evaluate them to determine if they materialize a recentralization of functions and / or an inter-administrative relationship, if they diminish or violate territorial autonomy and in this case, how they could be adapted for their satisfaction. The dissertation is structured in four chapters, each one oriented by a specific objective, respectively, as follows: 1. Territorial organization; 2. Of territorial autonomy in contracting; 3. From the National Agency for Public Procurement Colombia Buy Efficient; and 4. Of the functions of the CCE from territorial autonomy. To this end, a review of the legislation, jurisprudence, doctrine and public information of CCE was carried out. Its study was carried out within the framework of an investigation of legal dogmatics, descriptive - prescriptive, legal and qualitative

    Comprehensive economic evaluation of thermotherapy for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Colombia

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    Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis causes a high disease burden in Colombia, and available treatments present systemic toxicity, low patient compliance, contraindications, and high costs. Objective: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of thermotherapy versus Glucantime in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis in Colombia. Methods: Cost-effectiveness study from an institutional perspective in 8,133 incident cases. Data on therapeutic efficacy and safety were included, calculating standard costs; the outcomes were disability adjusted life years (DALYs) and the number of patients cured. The information sources were the Colombian Public Health Surveillance System, disease burden studies, and one meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Incremental cost-effectiveness was determined, and uncertainty was evaluated with tornado diagrams and Monte Carlo simulations. Results: Thermotherapy would generate costs of US501,621;thehandlingofadverseeffects,US 501,621; the handling of adverse effects, US 29,224; and therapeutic failures, US300,053.ForGlucantime,thesecostswouldbeUS 300,053. For Glucantime, these costs would be US 2,731,276, US58,254,andUS 58,254, and US 406,298, respectively. With thermotherapy, the cost would be US2,062perDALYavertedandUS 2,062 per DALY averted and US 69 per patient cured; with Glucantime, the cost would be US4,241perDALYavertedandUS 4,241 per DALY averted and US 85 per patient cured. In Monte Carlo simulations, thermotherapy was the dominant strategy for DALYs averted in 67.9% of cases and highly cost-effective for patients cured in 72%. Conclusion: In Colombia, thermotherapy can be included as a cost-effective strategy for the management of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Its incorporation into clinical practice guidelines could represent savings of approximately US10,488perDALYavertedandcostsofUS 10,488 per DALY averted and costs of US 116 per additional patient cured, compared to the use of Glucantime. These findings show the relevance of the incorporation of this treatment in our country and others with similar parasitological, clinical, and epidemiological patterns

    Application of the Sips model to the calculation of maximum adsorption capacity and immersion enthalpy of phenol aqueous solutions on activated carbons

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    The Sips model for heterogeneous systems was used to describe the immersion enthalpy, maximum adsorption capacity at three temperatures, namely, 283, 291 and 308 K; and interactions between phenol aqueous solutions and activated carbon modified on its surfaces by impregnation with 6.0 M HNO3 and 3.0 M H3PO4 solutions. Activated carbon properties, such as porosity, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area and volume and size pore distributions, were determined using N2 adsorption at 77 K. Surface area values were calculated to be between 469 and 864 m2/g. Also, the pH at the point of zero charge, acidity and total basicity for the activated carbons were obtained. The result showed that the Sips model in addition to describe the phenol concentration in equilibrium can be used to study immersion enthalpy when 1/ns is equal to 1

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of thermotherapy versus pentavalent antimonials for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    Introduction: The treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis is toxic, has contraindications and a high cost. Objective: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of thermotherapy versus pentavalent antimonials for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Methods: Effectiveness was the proportion of healing, and safety with the adverse effects; these parameters were estimated from a controlled clinical trial and a meta-analysis. A standard costing were conducted. Average and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were estimated. The uncertainty regarding effectiveness, safety and costs was determined through sensitivity analyses. Results: The total costs were 66,807withGlucantimeand66,807 with Glucantime and 14,079 with thermotherapy. The therapeutic effectiveness rates were 64.2% for thermotherapy and 85.1% for Glucantime. The average cost-effectiveness ratios ranged between 721and721 and 1,275 for Glucantime and between 187and187 and 390 for thermotherapy. Based on the meta-analysis thermotherapy may be a dominant strategy. Conclusion: The excellent cost-effectiveness ratio of thermotherapy shows the relevance of its inclusion in guidelines for the treatment

    The importance of skin–to–skin contact for early initiation of breastfeeding in Nigeria and Bangladesh

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    Skin–to–skin contact (SSC) between mother and newborn offers numerous protective effects, however it is an intervention that has been under–utilized. Our objectives are to understand which newborns in Bangladesh and Nigeria receive SSC and whether SSC is associated with the early initiation of breastfeeding