38 research outputs found

    A time-varying SIRD model for dynamic vaccination strategies against COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how the optimal allocation of the limited doses of vaccine available represents one of the main useful measures to mitigate the transmission of the infection and reduce the mortality associated with it, especially at an early stage of the pandemic. The use of a compartmental model allows us to understand which population groups to vaccinate and to what extent to act depending on the type of health or social objective to be achieved

    Patients with chronic migraine without history of medication overuse are characterized by a peculiar white matter fiber bundle profile

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    Background: We investigated intracerebral fiber bundles using a tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data to verify microstructural integrity in patients with episodic (MO) and chronic migraine (CM). Methods: We performed DTI in 19 patients with MO within interictal periods, 18 patients with CM without any history of drug abuse, and 18 healthy controls (HCs) using a 3 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner. We calculated diffusion metrics, including fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusion (AD), radial diffusion (RD), and mean diffusion (MD). Results: TBSS revealed no significant differences in the FA, MD, RD, and AD maps between the MO and HC groups. In comparison to the HC group, the CM group exhibited widespread increased RD (bilateral superior [SCR] and posterior corona radiata [PCR], bilateral genu of the corpus callosum [CC], bilateral posterior limb of internal capsule [IC], bilateral superior longitudinal fasciculus [LF]) and MD values (tracts of the right SCR and PCR, right superior LF, and right splenium of the CC). In comparison to the MO group, the CM group showed decreased FA (bilateral SCR and PCR, bilateral body of CC, right superior LF, right forceps minor) and increased MD values (bilateral SCR and right PCR, right body of CC, right superior LF, right splenium of CC, and right posterior limb of IC). Conclusion: Our results suggest that chronic migraine can be associated with the widespread disruption of normal white matter integrity in the brain

    Comparison of reflectance confocal microscopy and line-field optical coherence tomography for the identification of keratinocyte skin tumours

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    Background: Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and line-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT) are non-invasive imaging devices that can help in the clinical diagnosis of actinic keratosis (AK) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). No studies are available on the comparison between these two technologies for the identification of the different features of keratinocyte skin tumours. Objectives: To compare RCM and LC-OCT findings in AK and SCC. Methods: A retrospective multicenter study was conducted. Tumours were imaged with RCM and LC-OCT devices before surgery, and the diagnosis was confirmed by histological examinations. LC-OCT and RCM criteria for AK/SCC were identified, and their presence/absence was evaluated in all study lesions. Gwet AC1 concordance index was calculated to compare RCM and LC-OCT. Results: We included 52 patients with 33 AKs and 19 SCCs. Irregular epidermis was visible in most tumours and with a good degree of agreement between RCM and LC-OCT (Gwet's AC1 0.74). Parakeratosis, dyskeratotic keratinocytes and both linear dilated and glomerular vessels were better visible at LC-OCT than RCM (p < 0.001). Erosion/ulceration was identified with both methods in more than half of the cases with a good degree of agreement (Gwet AC1 0.62). Conclusions: Our results suggest that both LC-OCT and hand-held RCM can help clinicians in the identification of AK and SCC, providing an in vivo and non-invasive identification of an irregular epidermis. LC-OCT proved to be more effective in identifying parakeratosis, dyskeratotic keratinocytes and vessels in this series

    Forefront users\u2019 experience evaluation by employing together virtual reality and electroencephalography: A case study on cognitive effects of scents

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    Scents have the ability to affect peoples\u2019 mental states and task performance with to different extents. It has been widely demonstrated that the lemon scent, included in most all-purpose cleaners, elicits stimulation and activation, while the lavender scent elicits relaxation and sedative effects. The present study aimed at investigating and fostering a novel approach to evaluate users\u2019 experience with respect to scents\u2019 effects through the joint employment of Virtual Reality and users\u2019 neurophysiological monitoring, in particular Electroencephalography. In particular, this study, involving 42 participants, aimed to compare the effects of lemon and lavender scents on the deployment of cognitive resources during a daily life experience consisting in a train journey carried out in virtual reality. Our findings showed a significant higher request of cognitive resources during the processing of an informative message for subjects exposed to the lavender scent with respect to the lemon exposure. No differences were found between lemon and lavender conditions on the self\u2010reported items of pleasantness and involvement; as this study demonstrated, the employment of the lavender scent preserves the quality of the customer experience to the same extent as the more widely used lemon scent

    Unfolding dermatologic spectrum of Behçet’s disease in Italy: real-life data from the International AIDA Network Behçet’s disease Registry

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    Behçet’s disease (BD) is a heterogeneous multifactorial autoinflammatory disease characterized by a plethora of clinical manifestations. Cutaneous lesions are considered hallmarks of the disease. However, their evolution over time and a thorough description are scarcely reported in non-endemic regions. The aim of this study was to detail BD skin manifestations and their evolution over time in Italy, as well as the dermatological prognostic impact of specific cutaneous features in long-standing disease. Data were collected in a double fashion, both retrospectively and prospectively, from the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) international registry dedicated to BD, between January 2022 and December 2022. A total of 458 Italian patients were included. When assessing skin manifestations course, the constant or sporadic presence or absence of cutaneous involvement between onset and follow-up was considered. Oral ulcers (OU) (88.4%) and genital ulcers (GU) (52.6%), followed by skin involvement (53.7%) represented the most common presenting mucocutaneous manifestations at disease onset. Up to the time of enrolment into the AIDA registry, 411 (93.8%) patients had suffered from OU and 252 (57.9%) from GU; pseudofolliculitis (PF) accounted for the most common skin manifestation (170 patients, 37.1%), followed by erythema nodosum (EN) (102 patients, 22.3%), skin ulcers (9 patients, 2%) and pyoderma gangrenosum (4 patients, 0.9%). A prospective follow-up visit was reported in 261/458 patients; 24/148 (16.2%) subjects with skin involvement as early as BD onset maintained cutaneous lesions for the entire period of observation, while 120 (44.1%) patients suffered from sporadic skin involvement. Conversely, 94/113 (83.2%) with no skin involvement at disease onset did not develop skin lesions thereafter. At follow-up visits, cutaneous involvement was observed in 52 (20%) patients, with a statistically significant association between PF and constant skin involvement (p = 0.031). BD in Italy is characterized by a wide spectrum of clinical presentations and skin manifestations in line with what is described in endemic countries. Patients with skin disease at the onset are likely to present persistent cutaneous involvement thereafter; mucocutaneous lesions observed at the onset, especially PF, could represent a warning sign for future persistent skin involvement requiring closer dermatological care

    Clinical and laboratory features associated with macrophage activation syndrome in Still’s disease: data from the international AIDA Network Still’s Disease Registry

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    To characterize clinical and laboratory signs of patients with Still's disease experiencing macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) and identify factors associated with MAS development. Patients with Still's disease classified according to internationally accepted criteria were enrolled in the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) Still's Disease Registry. Clinical and laboratory features observed during the inflammatory attack complicated by MAS were included in univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify factors associated to MAS development. A total of 414 patients with Still's disease were included; 39 (9.4%) of them developed MAS during clinical history. At univariate analyses, the following variables were significantly associated with MAS: classification of arthritis based on the number of joints involved (p = 0.003), liver involvement (p = 0.04), hepatomegaly (p = 0.02), hepatic failure (p = 0.01), axillary lymphadenopathy (p = 0.04), pneumonia (p = 0.03), acute respiratory distress syndrome (p < 0.001), platelet abnormalities (p < 0.001), high serum ferritin levels (p = 0.009), abnormal liver function tests (p = 0.009), hypoalbuminemia (p = 0.002), increased LDH (p = 0.001), and LDH serum levels (p < 0.001). At multivariate analysis, hepatomegaly (OR 8.7, 95% CI 1.9-52.6, p = 0.007) and monoarthritis (OR 15.8, 95% CI 2.9-97.1, p = 0.001), were directly associated with MAS, while the decade of life at Still's disease onset (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4-0.9, p = 0.045), a normal platelet count (OR 0.1, 95% CI 0.01-0.8, p = 0.034) or thrombocytosis (OR 0.01, 95% CI 0.0-0.2, p = 0.008) resulted to be protective. Clinical and laboratory factors associated with MAS development have been identified in a large cohort of patients based on real-life data. © 2023, The Author(s)

    Acqua, rifiuti e capitale sociale in Italia. Una geografia della qualit\ue0 dei servizi pubblici e del senso civico

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    Il volume contiene i risultati di una ricerca condotta sulla qualit\ue0 delle utilities locali nei 103 capoluoghi di provincia. In particolare viene analizzata la qualit\ue0 dei servizi relativi al ciclo dell\u2019acqua (dalla distribuzione dell\u2019acqua potabile all\u2019efficienza dei sistemi di depurazione delle acque reflue) e di quelli relativi allo smaltimento dei rifiuti. L\u2019interesse per tali ambiti dal punto di vista della scienza politica muove da due punti di vista differenti. Da un lato la distribuzione dell\u2019acqua e la raccolta dei rifiuti costituiscono aspetti quotidiani \u2013 ma tutt\u2019altro che secondari \u2013 del processo di penetrazione, mobilitazione e normazione del territorio da parte dello Stato. Dall\u2019altro lato la rilevanza di questi servizi nell\u2019orizzonte quotidiano dei cittadini li rende un canale importante della relazione tra cittadini e istituzioni locali, che storicamente hanno fornito tali servizi nella maggior parte del Paese. Il processo di profonda trasformazione cui \ue8 attualmente soggetto il settore delle utilities segna un ulteriore passo nella differeziazione inter-regionale di questo ambito, che incrocia uno degli esiti della ricerca, vale a dire il forte differenziale di efficienza tra le province del Nord (in particolare i capoluoghi medio-piccoli di Piemonte, Lombardia e Veneto) e quelle dell\u2019estremo Sud continentale e della Sicilia. Il volume si conclude con un\u2019analisi della relazione tra capitale sociale (inteso come civic-ness), reddito medio ed efficienza delle utilities locali, che mette in rilievo la forte correlazione positiva fra queste tre dimensioni. Tale relazione \ue8 da intendere come circolare, in considerazione del carattere irrealistico di modelli che prevedano relazioni causali unidirezionali fra le tre dimensioni considerate. Il caso italiano si caratterizza, dunque, per la compresenza sia di circoli virtuosi \u2013 prevalentemente nelle aree settentrionali - sia di circoli viziosi, concentrati nelle regioni meridionali

    Qualità dei servizi locali e capitale sociale nelle città italiane, in “Management delle utilities”, anno VI, n.1, pp. 10-17.

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    L’articolo mette a confronto la qualità dei servizi di distribuzione dell’acqua potabile e di raccolta dei rifiuti con la dotazione di capitale sociale dei 103 capoluoghi di provincia. L’analisi mette in evidenza una forte sovrapposizione tra qualità dei servizi pubblici e il livello di capitale sociale (civic-ness), rilevato mediante un indice costituito da quattro indicatori: diffusione dei quotidiani, livello i partecipazione elettorale, numero di società sportive e di relativi tesserati, ammontare delle donazioni di sangue. La frattura Nord-Sud, evidente sul piano del reddito pro capite, risulta quindi sovrapposta non solo ad un forte differenziale di efficienza dei servizi pubblici locali, ma anche allo stock di capitale sociale, inteso come senso di responsabilità collettiva. L’articolo si conclude con una discussione sulla relazione esistente tra qualità dei servizi e capitale sociale. Tale relazione è da intendere come circolare. Il caso italiano si caratterizza per la compresenza sia di circoli virtuosi – prevalentemente nelle aree settentrionali - sia di circoli viziosi, concentrati nelle regioni meridionali

    Atlante del capitale sociale

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    Dopo una ricognizione sul concetto di capitale sociale, l'articolo propone la costruzione di un indice di capitale sociale capace di rilevare il grado di capitale sociale diffuso a livello provinciale