29,251 research outputs found

    Chaotic string-capture by black hole

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    We consider a macroscopic charge-current carrying (cosmic) string in the background of a Schwarzschild black hole. The string is taken to be circular and is allowed to oscillate and to propagate in the direction perpendicular to its plane (that is parallel to the equatorial plane of the black hole). Nurmerical investigations indicate that the system is non-integrable, but the interaction with the gravitational field of the black hole anyway gives rise to various qualitatively simple processes like "adiabatic capture" and "string transmutation".Comment: 13 pages Latex + 3 figures (not included), Nordita 93/55

    Fields in Nonaffine Bundles. I. The general bitensorially covariant differentiation procedure

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    The standard covariant differentiation procedure for fields in vector bundles is generalised so as to be applicable to fields in general nonaffine bundles in which the fibres may have an arbitrary nonlinear structure. In addition to the usual requirement that the base space should be flat or endowed with its own linear connection, and that there should be an ordinary gauge connection on the bundle, it is necessary to require also that there should be an intrinsic, bundle-group invariant connection on the fibre space. The procedure is based on the use of an appropriate primary-field (i.e. section) independent connector that is constructed in terms of the natural fibre-tangent-vector realisation of the gauge connection. The application to gauged harmonic mappings will be described in a following article.Comment: 17 page Latex file with some minor misprint corrections and added color for article originally published in black and whit

    Poly-essential and general Hyperelastic World (brane) models

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    This article provides a unified treatment of an extensive category of non-linear classical field models whereby the universe is represented (perhaps as a brane in a higher dimensional background) in terms of a structure of a mathematically convenient type describable as hyperelastic, for which a complete set of equations of motion is provided just by the energy-momentum conservation law. Particular cases include those of a perfect fluid in quintessential backgrounds of various kinds, as well as models of the elastic solid kind that has been proposed to account for cosmic acceleration. It is shown how an appropriately generalised Hadamard operator can be used to construct a symplectic structure that controles the evolution of small perturbations, and that provides a characteristic equation governing the propagation of weak discontinuities of diverse (extrinsic and extrinsic) kinds. The special case of a poly-essential model - the k-essential analogue of an ordinary polytropic fluid - is examined and shown to be well behaved (like the fluid) only if the pressure to density ratio ww is positive.Comment: 16 pages Latex, Contrib. to 10th Peyresq Pysics Meeting, June 2005: Micro and Macro Structures of Spacetim

    Symplectic structure for elastic and chiral conducting cosmic string models

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    This article is based on the covariant canonical formalism and corresponding symplectic structure on phase space developed by Witten, Zuckerman and others in the context of field theory. After recalling the basic principles of this procedure, we construct the conserved bilinear symplectic current for generic elastic string models. These models describe current carrying cosmic strings evolving in an arbitrary curved background spacetime. Particular attention is paid to the special case of the chiral string for which the worldsheet current is null. Different formulations of the chiral string action are discussed in detail, and as a result the integrability property of the chiral string is clarified.Comment: 18 page

    Apparatus for mixing solutions in low gravity environments

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    An apparatus is disclosed for allowing mixing of solutions in low gravity environments so as to carry out crystallization of proteins and other small molecules or other chemical syntheses, under conditions that maximize crystal growth and minimize disruptive turbulent effects. The apparatus is comprised of a housing, a plurality of chambers, and a cylindrical rotatable valve disposed between at least two of the chambers, said valve having an internal passageway so as to allow fluid movement between the chambers by rotation of the valve. In an alternate embodiment of the invention, a valve is provided having an additional internal passage way so that fluid from a third chamber can be mixed with the fluids of the first two chambers. This alternate embodiment of the invention is particularly desirable when it is necessary to provide a termination step to the crystal growth, or if a second synthetic step is required

    Quantum integrability of quadratic Killing tensors

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    Quantum integrability of classical integrable systems given by quadratic Killing tensors on curved configuration spaces is investigated. It is proven that, using a "minimal" quantization scheme, quantum integrability is insured for a large class of classic examples.Comment: LaTeX 2e, no figure, 35 p., references added, minor modifications. To appear in the J. Math. Phy

    Dynamics of cosmic strings and springs; a covariant formulation

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    A general family of charge-current carrying cosmic string models is investigated. In the special case of circular configurations in arbitrary axially symmetric gravitational and electromagnetic backgrounds the dynamics is determined by simple point particle Hamiltonians. A certain "duality" transformation relates our results to previous ones, obtained by Carter et. al., for an infinitely long open stationary string in an arbitrary stationary background.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, Nordita preprint 93/28

    Resident Impacts of Immigration: Perspectives from America’s Age of Mass Migration

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    Elementary economic models are often used to suggest that immigration depresses the wages of native-born workers. These models assume that when immigrants enter a labour market, all other features of that market remain unchanged. Such an assumption is almost never valid. Here we explore the economic impacts of immigrants during America’s Age of Mass Migration a century ago. This was a period of dynamic structural change that witnessed the appearance of new industries, adoption of new technologies, discovery of new mineral resources, the rise of big business, and the geographic concentration of industries. We show that immigrants – and residents – selected destinations where labour demand and wages were rising. Thus, native workers experienced wage increases in the presence of heavy immigration. Models that abstract from the special characteristics of labour markets that attract immigrants misrepresent their economic impact.Immigration, Internal migration, Economic history of immigration, Counterfactual analysis

    Introductory workshops on remote sensing as related to geological problems in Georgia

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